Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah

Well, this seems like the best option to me currently. Forcibly manifesting E.G.O. just seems like it can go wrong in so many different ways. If it happens to come about naturally, neat.
Forcefully extracting ego out of a person is a perfect way to get them killed or having an accident then having a new abnormality in your command
I don't think EGO is a real option, at least without addressing her personal problems. You have to have a certain mindset to manifest EGO so trying to go straight for it to address her feelings of uselessness feels like a (false) catch 22. Can't solve her personal problems without getting it, Can't get it without solving her personal problems.

EDIT: Thus why training with Gerburah is the best option as on the surfuce it directly addresses that uselessness she feels but in reality, it's about talking with someone who's been there.
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EGO requires a certain understanding of self and resolution to move forward despite hardships.
A teenage girl mired in self-esteem issues is... not a good candidate for this.

Yeah, I think something more basic is more helpful, something to shore up her fundamentals.
It's gotta be something that can be seen as only Sayaka's, something that belongs to only her and can't be taken away, so just a new weapon is out.

And we do have a legendary fighter right there.

[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah

time to git gud, blueberry girl
Ok, for the vote, I have to admit I am interested in the manifest EGO option, partially to use Sayaka as a guina pig to prepare for giving it to Madoka, I'll admit.
We are trying to help Sayaka. Please do not use her as a guinea pig. Madoka would remember that.
If you still want to give Madoka EGO, a better way would to research how to create our own mass-produced EGO gear. Then we can outfit all of our allies with equipment instead of just one person.
We are trying to help Sayaka. Please do not use her as a guinea pig. Madoka would remember that.

Bah, Madoka wouldn't know. *wave hand dismissively*

More seriously, the EGO option is not necessarily about forcing it out, look at the option:

[] offer to help Sayaka manifest EGO…
-[] Right now
-[] Over time

We can decide to work on it overtime.

And look at how we did with Kyouko, we mostly helped her by talking, going through her reasonings and helping her find one better than the spiral she was falling in.

We can do an accelerated therapy via lobotomy without side effects, I am sure of it, this is the entire Manager's job, this is the point of the meltdowns, X has experience with this.
Just because X has experience with Ayin Family Shock Therapy™️ doesn't mean X should use Ayin Family Shock Therapy™️...Or directly Lobotomy-ify something so Personal as the Manifestation of EGO.

EDIT: Kyouko was an emergency situation and Lob Corp was a Scripted Hellhole, this is neither
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We haven't gotten as much Sayaka in this story. It's a real shame, since she's probably my favorite out of the Holy Quintet and has the most in-depth exploration of her character in the main series as far as I'll say.
Dare I say, based?

[] offer to help Sayaka manifest EGO…
-[] Right now
-[] Over time
[] attempt to give Sayaka an Abnormality's EGO
[] offer to have Sayaka trained…
-[] By you yourself
-[] Alongside you, by Geburah
[] Comfort Sayaka
Won't be voting yet, but I am emphatically against the "manifest E.G.O" options. I feel like a cool power you can get if you have enough resolve is exactly the wrong possibility to bring up to the person who just told us she had problems with her deep-seated subconscious belief that being a good person means having it good.
I feel like people are a little too paranoid about Lobotomy, it never did anything we didn't want it to, the description explicitly points out that it does do what we want perfectly as we want it, and while it can be used for mind control, this isn't what we're using it for.

It is a helpful tool to help with discussing and stabilizing mental health, just like any tool, fearing how it can be misused is worthless when you are the only one with access to it and have no intentions of misusing it.

Plus, helping manifest EGO can help X too, show her that she can actually do more than distort those around her, that the Light can do what it was created for, that her job was not pointless.

Sure training Sayaka can do things for her, but we can still have her do so after she get her own EGO, it's not like she wouldn't benefits from it, and with EGO, we can include Madoka in the training after helping her manifest it too.

We are a representation of the seed of light, of all the blood and tears that were drawn out with the singular goal of giving EGO to the world, and we decide to hide every time we could do so? Refuse to help people get better in a tangible way out of, I don't know, shame? Fear?

We can do better for Sayaka, we can help her be the best Sayaka she can be, we can help her cristallise her dream, reason with her to help her go trough her feelings, show to her that she's not an impostor, she's Sayaka, and she doesn't need to be anyone else.

We can have her show to the world the beauty of her heart and mind, soar like Xiao did when manifesting her own EGO, make her special just like she asked us, and we can offer the same to Madoka, make her feel helpful, make her able to really defend herself, make her independent.

We just need to trust in ourself, stop being controlled by this fear of failing, spread our wings far and wide with pride, instead of confining them to being nothing but basic diagnosis tools, show our own potential and draw out others.


Or, in short:

[X] offer to help Sayaka manifest EGO…
-[x] Over time
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: C'mon guys. Just help the little girl achieve her wish! She deserves it! Wouldn't it be awesome for her to express her true wonderful self more?
[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah
-[X] offer to help Sayaka manifest EGO…
--[x] Over time
[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah
[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah
Say… have we considered looking for Moses and hiring her to get Homura and Kyoko some much needed City-grade therapy?
We haven't even entered the City yet let a lone be aware of Moses existence.
I was looking through the Informational tab earlier and the "Parlay with the Wings" option for healing Kyoko had me thinking if hiring Moses would be a possibility to help Homura and Kyoko, though we'd have to choose the right option to find Moses, probably querying Seven Association as it'd make the most sense when looking for a solution and meta-wise it'd be a quick way to find Moses as her Office is an associate of Seven.
"Parlay with the Wings"
Parlay With The Wings would've meant getting in contact with T Corp, R Corp, K Corp, and M Corp, since they all had close ties to L Corp and have Singularities with restorative applications. In exchange, X could offer them either Enkephalin or information about the remnants of L Corp's Singularity.
[X] Comfort Sayaka
-[X] offer to have Sayaka trained...
--[X] Alongside you, by Geburah

To be honest, I prefer the abnormality E.G.O option, but we sadly don't have much in the way of suitable E.G.O at the moment.