Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
We got that right when we picked up the Crown and with it the power to see what we want.

Choosing not to excercise that powers changes nothing about our path towards having the basic principles of the universe known to us. And God is too big a part of the whole mystery to really exclude him.
That's an ability to look not a right to call for an accounting, especially since we traded being able to force the issue away.

I mean, why the hell does the WG have the effectivly strongest faction in Dresden Files if not for this purpose?

You can't claim the angelic host exists to counter Lucy, since he was part of it ages ago and the Host was presuably even stronger before his faction split off.

The Outer Gates being the primary reason for the angelic host to be as powerful as they are, rather than the mere Messengers they'd need to be in most situations, only makes sense.
They clearly aren't doing the job, so it's possible that there's simply some other reason for it. I'd say looking into the actual details without getting specifically hung up on god is the domain of fascination more than doubt here.
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly

It seems like the Fae Mantles where made by a bunch of Hard Men, sacrificing positive emotions on the altar of "practicality" is actively detrimental if you keep the negative ones.
In this crossover, Fae mantles might well have made with soulsteel harvested from the Maidens.
[X] Write in Choystvo (Čojstvo): Just because you are the one who takes the blow doesn't give you the right to beat others into weapons and walls for your task. Cruelty seems counterproductive to defenders eternal of reality when they could instead seek out those among mortals that are willing to take up such a vigil instead.
[X] Doubt: Why is it the task of winter in its cruelty to guard the gates? Where are the Angels? Surely if there is any task that is meant for the hosts of heaven it is guarding the universe against those who would unmake it

It seems like the Fae Mantles where made by a bunch of Hard Men, sacrificing positive emotions on the altar of "practicality" is actively detrimental if you keep the negative ones.

Hard men making hard choices while hard is a possibility, but they're not wrong to say that the Outsiders love psyops and constantly try to screw with the defenders' heads. Someone fucked up like a redcap is probably better than a more sane individual for stuff like that even if the ideal is something different.

I'm not exactly enthused about it, but life is a series of "good enough" compromises rolling down hill across generations. It wouldn't surprise me if this was just one more of those.

It also seems like what we're seeing is the result of a design flaw based on Bob's commentary.

Winter is harsher because Summer exists, which implies the original version was not as bad. It's possible that whoever set this up tried to make a counterbalancing force for their new guards, but didn't completely account for the potential consequences of ages of continuous operation.

That might even be why the original flavor Mab retired*. Maybe Winter was supposed to be cold without being quite so dark, and when that started to change original Mab could neither stop it or accept it on a personal level. So she peaced out and left it to people who hadn't known anything else.

* Which was basically death as far as I'm aware
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly.
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Doubt: Why is it the task of winter in its cruelty to guard the gates? Where are the Angels? Surely if there is any task that is meant for the hosts of heaven it is guarding the universe against those who would unmake it
Changing from Angels to the Winter Fae makes sense if the fallen Angels are the result of an Outsider plot.

Especially how rigidly bound by their nature the Fae are compared to even Angels.

IIf the current hells are built in the remains of Malfeas it would make a lot of sense to use them as a containment measure.

If it can contain the Yozi it can contain insane Angels.
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly

This is the best choice IMO. The question asked by doubt is pointless because Bob just answered it. Empathy is a weakness against outsiders because they cannot be empathized with. Having empathy would just trick you into seeing things in them that do not exist. That's why angels, a group that champions empathy and free will are a terrible choice.

The winter fae are a necessity but that doesn't mean they should be admired.
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[X] Respect: As little as she likes the Winter Fey and as much as you hate the terror-monsters that are fetches she can respect them a little more for doing a task no one else does
This is the best choice IMO. The question asked by doubt is pointless because Bob just answered it. Empathy is a weakness against outsiders because they cannot be empathized with. Having empathy would just trick you into seeing things in them that do not exist. That's why angels, a group that champions empathy and free will are a terrible choice.
Agreed that Doubt is a bit naive. AFAIK, if a mortal wanted to open the Outer Gates and let the Outsiders in, Angels could not interfere because that would be interfering with free will. It's just not a job very congruent with their responsibilities.
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[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
Huh? I guess my vote is premature then.
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly

As we begin to learn more about the heaven faction the old faction way (since we want to learn everything) we will eventually have all the pieces of the puzzle. If the pieces of the puzzle don't line up at that time time, then we can start doubting both sides of the situation. For now, this is a really cool piece of high concept lore, and Molly can be suitably impressed by it.
[X] Doubt: Why is it the task of winter in its cruelty to guard the gates? Where are the Angels? Surely if there is any task that is meant for the hosts of heaven it is guarding the universe against those who would unmake it
[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly

Even disregarding the Angelic Hosts, there have been other guardians of the Outer Gates. Did they fall to the Outsiders, or did Winter see them too as vulnerabilities? What happened to them?
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[X] Respect: As little as she likes the Winter Fey and as much as you hate the terror-monsters that are fetches she can respect them a little more for doing a task no one else does
So, in regards to XP spending. Assuming we got ~ 20 XP (probably reasonable), I think Empathy 5 (for Mab) and Technology excellency (for dealing with Odin, and Last Station reconstruction) seem like reasonable purchases. Lydia gets the projectile charm for personal defense.