Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Mainly because trying to predict the movement of X is a dumb thing or something.

Due to how wacky time shenanigans are once you go for the "deities" abnormalities like ABird and Wnight.

I imagine Oriko just saw DoSaM and decided to "Nope" out of there.

Would be funny if she got an X-flavored White Knight-like message when she tries to future sight. Just peaces the fuck out after that.
I imagine that, wherever Oriko is, she's there along with all the other inexplicably absent people, like Tiphereth B.

Maybe they even get to hang out with straight-up mythological entitites, such as the monster of the Black Forest, or Sayaka's parents.
2.2.9 - Reach Out To The Truth
Chapter 105 - Reach Out To The Truth

"Fair enough," you say gruffly. "You two got a place to stay? If not, I'm fairly certain I can get something arranged."

"Again, it won't be a problem. There are plenty of places to keep yourself safe so long as you're looking in the right ways." Argalia says playfully.

"Such as?"

"If you must know, it's thanks to Leonie. She makes the most beautiful scenes on the way from one place to another, they make for excellent temporary bases. Ah, if only you had time to see one. I don't believe the girl really appreciates her work enough, and a second pair of eyes might be more persuasive, after all? But alas, we are on the verge of discovery." Argalia picks Leonie up off the table, then flips his scythe into the air before leaping to his feat to catch it in its descent. With a dramatic bow, the former Fixer steps back.

"Until next time, dear composer. I can hardly wait to see what fruits our collaboration will bring." And with those words, he backs into the wall. Instead of stopping him, or in all likelihood shattering, the wall folds in like a pair of doors. Through the newly-formed exit, you can see a vast desert of bleached white sands. Bizarre, plantlike buildings sprout from the earth in jagged patterns. Argalia steps into the strange world, and the "doors" swing shut behind him and vanish without a trace.

Several seconds later, once you're absolutely sure that the man is gone, the tension leaves your body. The unseen clouds of particles condensed around your hands disperse, unneeded. Behind you, Kyoko's spear melts away into nothing in her hands. She peeks out the window, then shoots a disgruntled look towards you.

"So, who the hell was that? You seemed weirdly nervous around them."

"I'll explain in a moment." you reply, mentally dragging up the required components for your borrowed teleportation spell. "For now, we have to leave. I don't fully trust Argalia, and you shouldn't either, but he did warn us that we're about to be found, and I'd rather not take that risk."

Seeing the dark blue spell circles light up beneath you, Kyoko edges in closer. You can feel the elevated heat radiating off of her body ever with the distance still between you. Perhaps she was more shaken up by what she's just learned than you had thought. That, or her disguise is starting to wear thin. It was supposed to last much longer than this, but Kyoko's been straining it pretty much since it was applied. You'll have to check once you're out of the danger zone.

The teleportation finishes, and in a flash of light you and Kyoko appear amidst the snow-capped peaks of a nearby mountain range. While the girl is still staring in confusion at the unfamiliar surroundings, a second teleport brings you both to a precarious perch atop a radio tower. Finally, the third takes you to an alleyway near Yuma's school.

"Okay, what was all that about?" Kyoko asks, disgruntled.

"Sorry I didn't give you any advanced warning. I was just bouncing the teleports around a bit to help throw off tracking. It's not guaranteed to work, but better safe than sorry. The last thing I'd want to do is lead a being explicitly known for sadism directly to a school." you explain as you step out from the alley just in time to hear the school bells ring.

"Hold up, you can just teleport wherever? Repeatedly?" Kyoko exclaims.

"Do you want me to explain Argalia, or talk about this? Because there are a lot of questions I can answer, actually, so if you just want to keep asking-" you say with a small smirk.

"Just give me the short answer for the teleportation thing, then we talk about the weird guy."

"Alright, alright. Teleportation is a pretty common ability for Abnormalities, though the exact version I'm using is an imitation of a separate form of Magic from my homelands. I'm not particularly good at it, and it's difficult, so I mostly just go places I'm familiar with. It's just that after my… well, you were there for it. You actually saw me." There is an incredibly uncomfortable pause as you scan the school gates, where children are starting to trickle out. "I have decent knowledge of the area now, enough that I can jump from place to place."

Kyoko shakes her head, as if ridding herself of an unpleasant thought. "Neat. And the weird guy?"

"Later." you say as you catch sight of Yuma passing the gate. "It's best that everyone hears about him anyways."

Kyoko nods silently, if not enthusiastically, and follows behind you as you make your way to your youngest daughter. As you approach, Yuma breaks into a run and leaps towards you, arms outstretched. You catch the small girl and perform a single, quick twirl before setting her down, all with nothing more than a faint smile.

"And how was your day, Yuma?" you ask.

"Yuma's day was good! We got to learn about geography! Can Yuma go traveling some day?" your daughter asks excitedly.

"I'm sure you can. For now, though, I'm going to be visiting your sister and her friends. Do you want to come, or would you prefer to stay home?"

"Yuma's coming!" the girl declares, and that's all there is to that conversation.

"If you insist," you say with a light chuckle. "I'll just find somewhere to leave from, and we'll all be on our way."


A few moments later, you and your children arrive outside of Mami's school. The students have been released and begun milling about the outside. Mami, Sayaka, Madoka, and Homura have already grouped up, along with their friend Hitomi. The four Magical Girls form a sort of shield around the sole non-Magical Girl, with Sayaka occasionally shooting glares at other students whispering to one another. Hitomi, for her part, looks nearly as disheveled as she did when you first met her. And considering she was high on literal poison at the time, that's saying a lot. Her hair is a mess, her school uniform is crumpled, and she's so drawn in on herself you're worried she'll turn into a black hole if she goes any further.

It's Sayaka who spots you first. Instantly, the anger on her face is replaced by excitement. "Oh! Kyoko! X! Yuma! Didn't expect to see you all so early!"

"There are some things I'd like to discuss, actually, so I thought I'd show up right away." you answer.

"Excuse me?" A timid, polite voice chimes in. Hitomi's voice. "Who is this person?"

"Ah, this is my mother." Mami answers, and you can practically feel the joy radiating from her in that last word. Instantly, a bolt of panic works its way through Hitomi's body. She scampers past her friends to stand before you and bows deeply,

"Miss Tomoe, it is an honor to meet you. While I understand you might have heard some unpleasant rumors regarding me, I can assure you they are false." A note of indignity works its way into the girl's voice despite her clear nervousness. "I am no delinquent, and I will not be a negative influence of any sort on your daughter. I-"

"There's really no need for that. I haven't heard anything bad about you. It was actually a different issue I was hoping to address." you say, cutting off the kid's increasingly frantic entreaties. Hitomi looks up to you, face flushed with embarrassment.


"No need to worry about it." you assure her. "Though there is actually something I'd like to talk to you about. You and your parents."


How much to reveal to…
[] Madoka's Parents
-[] Magical Girls (Sanitized)
-[] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
-[] Magical Girls (The Whole Truth)
-[] Madoka's Potential
-[] Your World
-[] Your Identity
-[] The Adult Who Tells Lies
-[] Write-in

[] Hitomi
-[] Magical Girls (Sanitized)
-[] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
-[] Magical Girls (The Whole Truth)
-[] Your World
-[] Your Identity
-[] The Adult Who Tells Lies
-[] Write-in

[] Hitomi's Parents
-[] Magical Girls (Sanitized)
-[] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
-[] Magical Girls (The Whole Truth)
-[] Hitomi's Poisoning
-[] Your World
-[] Your Identity
-[] The Adult Who Tells Lies
-[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

I can only handle writing so much dialogue in one chapter. Actual discussion will have to come next, sorry.

Please structure votes in plans, this is a "select all that apply"-type vote.
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Well, convenient for us then! Everyone is here! A simple enough plan would probably be this.
[X] Plan: Truthful Adult
-[X] Madoka's Parents
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Madoka's Potential
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Supporting their daughter
--[X] Warn them of Abnormalities
-[X] Hitomi
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Your World
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Abnormalities
--[X] Discuss her current situation at school
--[X] Apologize
-[X] Hitomi's Parents
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Hitomi's Poison
--[X] Your World
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Abnormalities
--[X] Discuss her current situation at school
--[X] Apologize

-[X] Sayaka
--[X] Discuss talking about her parents about her status as a magical girl

This is quite a lot of choices. I'm not quite sure if I managed to cover everything...With Madoka's parents, we don't need to drop everything on them, just the relevant parts while also warning them of any more abnormalities.
Same for Hitomi's too. That and also discuss the situation with her school state.
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"I have decent knowledge of the area now, enough that I can jump from place to place."

Just admitted to seeing a good chunk of the planet at once during her little episode, no big deal.

Her hair is a mess, her school uniform is crumpled, and she's so drawn in on herself you're worried she'll turn into a black hole if she goes any further.

: "What's wrong with Black Holes? I think they're cool"
"Miss Tomoe, it is an honor to meet you. While I understand you might have heard some unpleasant rumors regarding me, I can assure you they are false." A note of indignity works its way into the girl's voice despite her clear nervousness. "I am no delinquent, and I will not be a negative influence of any sort on your daughter. I-"

Yeah, we're discussing how to help her with Madoka, no ifs or buts, she and the parents are importants, and she's has higher priority because it's actually hurting her right now.

-[] Your World
-[] Your Identity

These two are necessary in at least a sanitized version, maybe not say we are a Moth doing cosplay, that one may be a little too much.

[X] Plan: Truthful Adult
-[X] Madoka's Parents
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Madoka's Potential
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Supporting their daughter
--[X] Abnormalities
-[X] Hitomi
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Your World
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Abnormalities
--[X] Discuss her current situation at school
--[X] Apologize
-[X] Hitomi's Parents
--[X] Magical Girls (Child Soldier Edition)
--[X] Hitomi's Poison
--[X] Your World
--[X] Your Identity
--[X] Abnormalities
--[X] Discuss her current situation at school
--[X] Apologize

Scan the plan... scanning... still scanning... still scanning... zzz... wake up, resume scanning....

*Use green stamp*


Mostly, wants to ask, did you not have the *Your world* option for Madoparents voluntarily or not? You have it for all the rest so why not there?

[X] Plan: Truthful Adult
Mainly because I feel like Madoka's parents don't need to really know about X's world. All of these are things that will probably change once Lepid get to writing the conversations, but since this is supposed to be a general plan, I see little point to include discussing X being a foreigner with Madoka's parents regarding Madoka's status, which will pull away from the main topic of Madoka's wants and needs.

With Hitomi, it's an important point since we need to go more in-depth with the Abnormalities to discuss their daughter's problem. But with Madoka's parents, the Abnormalities are more of a "warning" type choice (Which I just edited), so going too in-depth about it isn't quite needed.
Mainly because I feel like Madoka's parents don't need to really know about X's world. All of these are things that will probably change once Lepid get to writing the conversations, but since this is supposed to be a general plan, I see little point to include discussing X being a foreigner with Madoka's parents regarding Madoka's status, which will pull away from the main topic of Madoka's wants and needs.

With Hitomi, it's an important point since we need to go more in-depth with the Abnormalities to discuss their daughter's problem. But with Madoka's parents, the Abnormalities are more of a "warning" type choice (Which I just edited), so going too in-depth about it isn't quite needed.

Ok, explanation accepted, just wanted to make sure since missing a part in a plan that long is easy, we'll probably end up talking about it, but it isn't the highest priority is a valid way to see it.
Always interesting how Sayaka's parents are never brought up or mentioned in these quests. Especially considering the blueberry is the most death prone.
While it's not included in the plan, I feel like once we get to the eventual conversation, we should have a discussion with Hitomi and her parents regarding a Lobotomy check-up with X.

Oh and also another thing I'll add to the plan. We'll discuss this with Sayaka regarding talking to her parents about this too. I almost forgot about her before re-reading things.
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Always interesting how Sayaka's parents are never brought up or mentioned in these quests. Especially considering the blueberry is the most death prone.

Only Quests where I remember them being important are Sayaka Quest (Duh) and PMAS, and in the second they almost don't appear, every other ones, they do tends to appear about as much as they do in the anime, which is to say, well... not sure we even see them when Sayaka dies and they find the body.
So, we are going to have a very important discussion with the parents, and I can't help but see that there is a misunderstanding happening in this update that we'll have to correct quickly... we are Mami's mother, but we are not Miss Tomoe, I can understand why Hitomi would make that mistake, but we cannot let that false assumption stand in a plan named *Truthful Adult*! Can you imagine if we did? The Adult who tell lies could call us a hypocrite! We don't want that!
Tbh...having Tomoe in our name wouldn't be too bad...my inner feelings are jittering happily at Mami declaring X her mom and Hitomi calling X Miss Tomoe.

But I will let that be corrected by one of the kids lol.

It's a minor thing so no need to include it in the plan.

My very happy feelings at Hitomi calling X miss Tomoe aside.
What... an absolute monster exposition. I half expect the author to give us a monster battle in the middle of this, just to avoid writing so much dialogue in sequence.