Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

The biggest issue with trying to redeem Emma-O is that he embraced evil fully willingly and he already has a path out that he continuously rejects.

He choose to cultivate a demonic aspect when he shifted his job as keeper of the Ainu afterlife to becoming the lord of Kakuri. He became the corrupt monster that he is entirely voluntarily.

He already has a way out of being a demon, as his rejected benevolent side is still wandering around. Emma-O chose freely and with full knowledge to become what he is, which makes any attempted redemption much harder. Pretty much the only approach I can see really working would be to more or less destroy him and use the remnants to empower Jizo-Bosatsu.
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I'd like to note that any hope of secrecy is still moot:
1) We have discussed the defection in Eiko's own presence. If Emma-O is watching, he would have been watching that
2) Anduriel is guaranteed to be listening to every moment of our life, if they are smart.
I'd like to note that any hope of secrecy is still moot:
1) We have discussed the defection in Eiko's own presence. If Emma-O is watching, he would have been watching that
2) Anduriel is guaranteed to be listening to every moment of our life, if they are smart.
I mean they can't every moment in our families threshold thats for sure. Outside that no idea. I do specifically mean our families mind you since its got literal angels surrounding in it, a knight of the cross, and the actual threshold.
1) We have discussed the defection in Eiko's own presence. If Emma-O is watching, he would have been watching that
We have been talking as indirectly as possible.

And without our shame-watching Charm the conversation would have made no sense whatsoever.

The optimistic take is that Emma-O won't understand the conversation even if he listened in or hears about it later.
I mean they can't every moment in our families threshold thats for sure. Outside that no idea. I do specifically mean our families mind you since its got literal angels surrounding in it, a knight of the cross, and the actual threshold.
It depends on how the ability works. If it's intellectus, then I don't think it would be limited by the threshold. If it's "I extend myself into shadows", then yes. Still, every time we are outside of our family's threshold, it's likely Anduriel is listening.
It depends on how the ability works. If it's intellectus, then I don't think it would be limited by the threshold. If it's "I extend myself into shadows", then yes. Still, every time we are outside of our family's threshold, it's likely Anduriel is listening.
less the threshold so much as that and the angels literally living on the lawn. Also fairly sure its more like intellectus and covers an absurd amount of places. Note that Mab and vaguely defined beings of similar power can block it. But, thats not saying much really I assume angels can unless that counts as breaking a rule for said angels. But, I think there's at least a decent chance they can prevent that in our home.
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Votes tied.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Mar 25, 2023 at 4:41 AM, finished with 92 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] I'll explain later, we still have to deal with her boss first
    [X] So you know how stage magicians draw attention to one thing in order to hide another... (Explain the whole situation with Eiko, the conspiracy etc...)
    [x][Stunt] "Not here, not now. Once we have dealt with the greater foe, and are back under wards, I will explain. Even as dawn comes, the night still has ears."
    [X] So you know how stage magicians draw attention to one thing in order to hide another... (Explain the whole situation with Eiko, the conspiracy etc...)
    -[X]See if you can prompt an occult secret out of one of your teammates.
Catching up on convo:
The thing is I have always rolled Multiple Actions like this since it is (as far as I have seen him playing) the intent of the author of the EXvsWoD book. More to the point there is no rule anywhere in the books about Exalts treating Dodge or Parry differently from mortals. There are rules about the type of damage you can soak, there are even rules about how exalts treat multiple attackers (Exalts unlike everyone else natively do not take penalties just for fighting more than one person at once) but there is no part of the splat book that says 'Exalts treat types of action as one action unlike other people'.

So to keep within the system, something I want to do because this system is still new to me, I have to make a ruling on how parry/dodge works for everyone. Given the narrative and mechanical implications of going with the 'action type' ruling I do not feel it would be reasonable to change how I have always been rolling these things.
I havent seen Holden playing, and cant really spare the time.
And like I said, Im very much not an expert on WoD mechanics, so Im working off my understanding of the books as read thus far and trying to reconcile it with the Dresden Files, where multiple attack rounds are very much a factor.

Still, your table, your rules.

Most of those are minor threats, because we can boost our soak easily high enough that it takes extremly unlikely rolls for a regular Malk, Formor or lesser Rampire to actually damage us.
And we have enough health that a few scratches going through are not the end of the world.

But if we stand still and let these people attack us, then yes, everyone is a potential threat.

I have read the vision in ExWoD.
Every Exalt can do shit like that, kill a few surprised vampires while blinding them with sunlight.
It would take a special build to survive after the first shock has passed though, that part of the scene is not in the snipp
Using the Jade Dogs as a benchmark, where senior gang members have combat Trait 3 or higher, and juniors Trait 2.

5x Dex 2, Firearms 2 vanilla mortals with giggle switches on their Glocks(an auto sear is illegal, but roughly $20 to manufacture iirc) and 30-round high capacity magazines in a driveby. Or, say, backing up someone else.
That is five people throwing 14 dice attacks at DC 6/8. Damage 5.

Even with the shield, a 2 die stunt and full Excellency, by the attack of the fourth guy we're rolling 16 dice to defend at DC8.

Senior-equivalents would be worse, as would be the addition of ARs or AP/SAPHEI ammo.
Worth recalling that we've seen something similar happen to us with Gorfels and his mooks, and they werent even expecting us.
Which is precisely the scenario that worries me now.

The vision presented there was not consistent with a kamikaze style strike.
Else there'd be nothing more remarkable about it any more than a bunch of Hunters doing the same thing while anointed in garlic oil and holy water.
That is the correct theory.
But then Molly starts cheating, because she is an Exalt:

Base difficulty of our Defensive Action?
Much lower because we have our folding shield.

Difficulty of everything when we are wet is lower, difficulty if we are just trying to escape from something is much lower, we get additional dice when it's cold, etc.
Most supernaturals outside of Mages don't really get difficulty adjustments like that.

And often enough we don't even have to defend ourselves.
Hitting either VLE or Steelskin is enough to just ignore mooks with handguns or blades, the chance that they wound us is low enough that we don't have to waste actions on them.

And all this before we have even bought many combat-relevant Charms.
We can get the good stuff and be even harder to overwhelm.
Not even the expensive Eye of the Hurricane, we just get the Darkness
Mooks here range from mortals with firearms, zombies, superzombies and spectres through bakemono, fomor servitors, fae hirelings, uberghouls and all the way up to Outsider cornerhounds.
The current ruling makes us much more vulnerable than was my ongoing understanding.

1)Gonna note that messages are modified by context.
Thats why I wasnt really bothered about the writein; a situation where the Minister of Hell gets away is going to come off differently from one where he gets True Killed with his crew.

We cant really determine what message we're sending until we deal with South Works permanently.

2)The fact that these akuma dont know about the limits of the Rite of Renunciation this makes them all very, very young.
Given that shikome can pull mythological succubi shit on even experienced kueijin, these guys would have been putty.
I wonder if this is a new strategy, or an old one.

3)For kueijin to rise, the Po has to escape Yomi Wan and reunite with the Hun in the material world. This number of young, ignorant akuma suggests that someone has been hunting freshly risen chih-mei and selling them off to Emma-O and possibly other Yama Kings before they can be recovered by legit Jade Court members and given the rudiments of an education.

Which means either an akuma infiltrator sworn to Kakuri, or just some amoral SOB.

There's always been some traffic in kueijin slaves, but its always been the sort of thing that gets you outlawed and ganked.
That too is a pipeline to shut down by using the Crown on one of the akuma at South Works and passing information along via Brother Dev and maybe the shen of Chinatown.

Make it an extra cost to hit Emma-O with for pulling this shit, and reducing his supply of patsies.

5)Didnt realize we had faces in our armor. Eww.
Wonder if there's a prescribed color.

High rolls on everyone here.
Gard is certainly getting an eyeful. Then again, mercs.

I cannot really think of many that would stop as you say 'borderline gods', in fact I can only think of one, the Carpenter Threshold and that one is special because of what family lives there.
Also worth remembering that
1) If your threshold is weak enough, some supernaturals can bruteforce their way past it.
Dresden himself experienced this with Victor Sells' demon in book 1.

2)Some supernaturals are allowed past the threshold by Law to do you harm.
What Law, I have no idea, but some phobophages, like the monster under the bed types, apparently can freely enter and leave homes where their victims inhabit as per the short stories Zoo Day and AAA Wizardry.

3)As Vito Malvora demonstrated in White Night, and the Eebs demonstrated in Changes, no home, no threshold.

Someone making a serious run at you will have few compunctions about tossing an incendiary at the house to burn you out.
Or a gas leak, or something similar.
If you dont have the mojo to shut down that sort of physical vector, you die or come out from behind them.

The ones who can do, but it's worth noting that fooling the threshold effect isn't easy or necessarily worth it for a lot of creatures.
Also involves putting family members in the line of fire, and vastly increases the number of people you have to protect day to day.

And assumes that none of the family members who live in the house cant be talked or deceived into inviting or taking someone or something past the threshold. That kid who makes a new friend and invites them home, for example. Accepts a gift from someone, or receives something in the mail, like when Sells mailed Dresden a magical scorpion.

Then there's all the routine visitors in Western society. The phone/cable guy. The plumber. The exterminator.

As a defensive measure, its not worth the trouble for White Council wizards who can build seriousface wards and other protective measures. Even lesser talents canonically dont rely on the threshold alone if they have any options; its just one layer of several defenses. Anna Ash had wards in Proven Guilty. Hell, so did Butters in Ghost Story.

Even the Carpenters have an angelically warded panic room.

If you are spookyside and already living with family, its a useful bennie to offset some of the other risks.
And if you have no magical skill or resources, its much better than nothing.
But its most definitely not worth building your life or defenses around.

It depends on how the ability works. If it's intellectus, then I don't think it would be limited by the threshold. If it's "I extend myself into shadows", then yes. Still, every time we are outside of our family's threshold, it's likely Anduriel is listening.
Even intellectus requires that you ask the proper question. If you dont, you could easily miss it.
And I am reasonably sure that Yama Kings do not have intellectus.

Its possible that Molly is enough mojo to fuck with Anduriel's surveillance; we know that Mab canonically is.
Even if she isnt, Anduriel cannot afford to spend all his time spying on Molly; we're far from the biggest fish in the pond.
And his time/attention is finite.

Anduriel certainly isnt giving away information for free to a Yama King anyway.
5)Didnt realize we had faces in our armor. Eww.
Wonder if there's a prescribed color.

Viridian Legend Exoskeleton is made up of broken idols that sing your praises, some of the pieces are arms, legs, wings etc... but many of them, particularly the ones that do the praising are indeed heads, mouths, snouts, it is hard to tell what they had been originally and they do not remember. As for color, these are ancient idols of long forgotten gods, while were doubtless painted in all the colors of the rainbow at some point now the only color they have is that of the stone from which they were carved.
Even with the shield, a 2 die stunt and full Excellency, by the attack of the fourth guy we're rolling 16 dice to defend at DC8.
Or we could take a full defense action while jogging towards them and parry everything at DC4, while rolling 16-20 dice against each of those attacks. Then start shredding them the next turn when they have completely empty guns and are now in hand to hand. Tactics do actually matter within the combat system.

If Anduriel is spending all his time spying on Molly that probably counts as a win as he isn't going to be doing all the much worse things he could be doing with all that time and attention.
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5x Dex 2, Firearms 2 vanilla mortals with giggle switches on their Glocks(an auto sear is illegal, but roughly $20 to manufacture iirc) and 30-round high capacity magazines in a driveby. Or, say, backing up someone else.
That is five people throwing 14 dice attacks at DC 6/8. Damage 5.

Even with the shield, a 2 die stunt and full Excellency, by the attack of the fourth guy we're rolling 16 dice to defend at DC8.
If 5 guys are all doing full auto we do the Full defence action and don't take penalties besides dice at all.
And next round we mess them up while they have to reload.

If they don't go full auto they have 4 dice on attack and 4 damage dice as base damage, which is so little that we can afford not to defend at all, just pop VLE and attack.

Of course better mooks are more dangerous, but that is working as intended.
Updated plan

[X] I'll explain later, we still have to deal with her boss first
[X] Southworks Plan: 4x Einherjar squads, 1x rune worker, Gard, Molly + allies.
-[X]Crown of Eyes Question: Swiftest route from South Works surface to location of hostages on map. Crown Focus: Baby's walker : 1m
-[X]Tool Constructs + Clippy: Show faces of hostages, Tuzi and 4x bakemono to merc teams: 1WP
-[X]Rendered Villain Dispersal as possible
-[X]Assault Team: Molly + Lydia+Brother Dev+ Harry+ Murphy+ Michael + Gard + 1x heavy squad + 1 infantry squad
-[X]Rescue Team: 1x rune worker + 2x infantry squad
[X]STUNT: You attempt to smile reassuringly at him. "She wont be joining us. Ask me for details later. Its probably not stuff we talk about outside wards" You look meaningfully at the increasing numbers of pre-dawn foot traffic, then beyond him at Gard. "Ping Tom Park is two minutes from here. You know it?" At her nod you continue "Let's relocate then. I can provide your squad leaders with names and faces of the hostages, and known opposition numbers before we head to South Works." As you walk back towards Lydia's car you call to mind Deborah's baby walker and look.

Chicago rush hour is 6AM to 8AM.
We're going to have to navigate it to get to South Works.
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3)For kueijin to rise, the Po has to escape Yomi Wan and reunite with the Hun in the material world. This number of young, ignorant akuma suggests that someone has been hunting freshly risen chih-mei and selling them off to Emma-O and possibly other Yama Kings before they can be recovered by legit Jade Court members and given the rudiments of an education.

Which means either an akuma infiltrator sworn to Kakuri, or just some amoral SOB.

There's always been some traffic in kueijin slaves, but its always been the sort of thing that gets you outlawed and ganked.
That too is a pipeline to shut down by using the Crown on one of the akuma at South Works and passing information along via Brother Dev and maybe the shen of Chinatown.

Make it an extra cost to hit Emma-O with for pulling this shit, and reducing his supply of patsies.

I'm not sure that it's Wan Kuei doing this, as Chih-Mei are a valuable resource to them.

In ExWoD, the Wan Kuei rise all over the world, now t just in Asia, they just get killed as random wandering monsters elsewhere.

I suspect that Emma-O has cut a deal with some particularly amoral Wildfae on other continents to inform his agents when they find a Chih-Mei that has risen, and he sends his akuma to conscript them.

It's win-win. The wildfae get rid of a very unsubtle supernatural predator that the locals would otherwise need to put down, and Emma-O gets a new recruit.

In fact, Emma-O's akuma don't even need to tell the Wildfae they're dealing with that they work for a Yama King. The fae could easily think that the akuma are legitimate and indeed helpful as they're getting rid of a threat.

If we have a picture of a lesser akuma it would be worth using a Crown question to ask how the came into Emma-O's service.
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Actually they can arise elsewhere for canon WoD, they just show up rather less frequently than in Asia. Chih-mei canonically can arise in other places and some even stabilise into kanbujian. However they lack the support structures of the courts and thus have little access to knowledge or instruction.
Updated plan

[X] I'll explain later, we still have to deal with her boss first
[X] Southworks Plan: 4x Einherjar squads, 1x rune worker, Gard, Molly + allies.
-[X]Crown of Eyes Question: Route from surface to location of hostages on map. Crown Focus: Baby's walker : 1m
-[X]Tool Constructs + Clippy: Show faces of hostages, Tuzi and 4x bakemono to merc teams: 1WP
-[X]Rendered Villain Dispersal as possible
-[X]Assault Team: Molly + Lydia+Brother Dev+ Harry+ Murphy+ Michael + Gard + 1x heavy squad + 1 infantry squad
-[X]Rescue Team: Hit the 1 rune worker + 2x infantry squad
[X]STUNT: You attempt to smile reassuringly at him. "She wont be joining us. Ask me for details later. Its probably not stuff we talk about outside wards" You look meaningfully at the increasing numbers of pre-dawn foot traffic, then beyond him at Gard. "Ping Tom Park is two minutes from here. You know it?" At her nod you continue "Let's relocate then. I can provide your squad leaders with names and faces of the hostages, and known opposition numbers before we head to South Works." As you walk back towards Lydia's car you call to mind Deborah's baby walker and look.

Chicago rush hour is 6AM to 8AM.
We're going to have to navigate it to get to South Works.
The question and drawings seem reasonable, but I'm still concerned about resource management. We just got bit by assuming we'd have the time to maneuver and regenerate, I'd rather not have it happen again.

We have enough craft dice that I think we can handle making the images without willpower at least.

After this I think we should actually take an action to start putting devils everywhere* and stealing Harry's trick with the local little folk. More advanced scouting would be very nice.

I'd also like to take a look at something I at least was skimming over that our current alchemy level is capable of:
•• The materials produced with this rank are more potent versions of those of the first. Though many of the effects are similar, they can now have a degree that exceeds normal physical limits or even grants minor mystical senses through dreams and hallucinations. At this rank, the concoctions can raise any attribute by one dot for one scene, up to a maximum of five.
Bolded for emphasis.
What exactly qualifies as minor is difficult to say, but anything involving dreams is probably remote viewing related. They wouldn't be useful enough to bother with if you can do pass out to get a warning that the guy in front of you was using a glamor or whatever.

Developing some potions at this level and higher and paying minions to play at being store brand Minority Report psychics could be very beneficial.

Not the same as having actual diviners around, but even if all it did was give the user some temporary expanded senses in the immediate area around wherever they stashed their body it would've made a difference for security at the last station.

* Thinking on this more, I'm inclined towards starting with a patrol fleet before going for static deployments. We can't be everywhere, but some carefully set up delivery trucks and random cars could shift around and provide discreet coverage of a wider area.

Yeah that is beyond stupid, and shows a complete misunderstand of the actual lore for WOD.
I can see it fitting if you make a few assumptions about what the PoJ actually did to curse them.

I don't buy the original 10,000 being celestial exalt tier, but they were something like a knock off of exaltations in general.

If you take the jades to be the corrupted empowerment then what he did doesn't make much sense; it just perpetuated the situation he was upset about.

But what if the jades aren't corrupted Wan Xian so much as potential ones? The PoJ couldn't take the power away, so he instead made the trial ridiculous to keep people from succeeding at all.

If you take Wan Kuei as an existing species of independent power, locking the Wan Xian delivery mechanism so that it only works on one after they reach max Dharma would throttle the number of Xian to basically nothing. Better, it locks them to people who've already had to deal with power and temptation successfully.

Bonus points if there's also a ritual mirroring the right of renunciation that you have to go through to make it happen, and that fact is the legal basis that makes Akuma possible in the first place.

Not because it makes the situation better so much as it seems like a classic compromise between good and evil entities where the big good is more interested in not sinning themselves than in reducing the overall level of evil in the world.

It's not exactly the same, but it does square the species vs. empowered agent in a way that makes the PoJ seem like dramatically less of an idiot.
I'm not sure that it's Wan Kuei doing this, as Chih-Mei are a valuable resource to them.

In ExWoD, the Wan Kuei rise all over the world, now t just in Asia, they just get killed as random wandering monsters elsewhere.
I suspect that Emma-O has cut a deal with some particularly amoral Wildfae on other continents to inform his agents when they find a Chih-Mei that has risen, and he sends his akuma to conscript them.
The Wan Kuei do not consider Chih-Mei to be people yet, and semi-regularly destroy candidates that dont make the grade in boot camp. Furthermore, its canon that some older kueijin have been known to maintain illegal stables of chih-mei as basically fighting animals to gamble on.

Additionally, we've seen 17 lesser akuma in this scenario thanks to our cyberdevils, and to date they all look ethnically consistent with Asian descent; if they didnt, Molly or Lydia or Gard or Devsimar would have said something, just like when she was surprised at some Einherjar who were obviously not of Norse origin.

The one whose post-rising name we got was Japanese, even.

And lastly, no wyldfae in the Northern hemisphere or elsewhere is going to risk drawing the hostile attention of the Queens of Faerie or the Erlking by trafficking with Yomi Wan.Especially not with a Yama King that has tried to go to war with Winter. Selling them chih-mei to be turned into akuma is basically selling weapons to a known enemy of Winter.

Consequences are guaranteed.

Not to mention that chih-mei are/were human souls, and there are limits to what fae are allowed to do with mortals in the Dresdenverse. I suspect capturing them for sale to a hell is beyond the pale.
Else your unscrupulous wyldfae would already be selling vanilla mortals to Lucy's Hell.
The question and drawings seem reasonable, but I'm still concerned about resource management. We just got bit by assuming we'd have the time to maneuver and regenerate, I'd rather not have it happen again.
We have enough craft dice that I think we can handle making the images without willpower at least.
We're at 2/12 Essence and either 8/9 or 9/9 Willpower.
With time being an issue, its probably a lot faster to project faces and names with Tool Constructs than to attempt drawing the portraits of 15-16 hostages and 4x mortal bakemono.

We certainly dont want an armed war party of some 30x people to be hanging around in parks after daylight in Chicago.

I assume that plotting the path to the prisoner cells will proc Essence recovery.
The exact site and the protective measures there should count as a secret.
Much the same with Cindy.

Besides, I expect we're assaulting in the next hour or so.

Sunrise: +5 Essence .
Crown use: -1 Essence for use, +2 Essence for secret discovery: +1 Essence net
RVD: 45 minutes in rush hour traffic(30 minutes normal, +15 minutes rush hour surcharge): +3 Essence

Net: +9
After this I think we should actually take an action to start putting devils everywhere* and stealing Harry's trick with the local little folk. More advanced scouting would be very nic
I've mentioned buying a Spies(Ghosts) Background for Lydia before; with all the ghosts in town, its thematically appropriate for her, and will give her citywide coverage.

As for the Wan Kuei, at best they were Dragonblood equivalents. The naming thematics are even similar; the Ten Thousand was used a lot in association with Ex2 DBs. Which is a big deal, dont get me wrong, but if there were fucking Celestial power-levels running around the Wan Xian would not have primarily restricted themselves to keeping the Yama Kings out of reality.
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Current tally:
Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Mar 25, 2023 at 5:13 PM, finished with 106 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] I'll explain later, we still have to deal with her boss first
    [X] So you know how stage magicians draw attention to one thing in order to hide another... (Explain the whole situation with Eiko, the conspiracy etc...)
    [X] Southworks Plan: 4x Einherjar squads, 1x rune worker, Gard, Molly + allies.
    -[X]Crown of Eyes Question: Route from surface to location of hostages on map. Crown Focus: Baby's walker : 1m
    -[X]Tool Constructs + Clippy: Show faces of hostages, Tuzi and 4x bakemono to merc teams: 1WP
    -[X]Rendered Villain Dispersal as possible
    -[X]Assault Team: Molly + Lydia+Brother Dev+ Harry+ Murphy+ Michael + Gard + 1x heavy squad + 1 infantry squad
    -[X]Rescue Team: Hit the 1 rune worker + 2x infantry squad
    [X]STUNT: You attempt to smile reassuringly at him. "She wont be joining us. Ask me for details later. Its probably not stuff we talk about outside wards" You look meaningfully at the increasing numbers of pre-dawn foot traffic, then beyond him at Gard. "Ping Tom Park is two minutes from here. You know it?" At her nod you continue "Let's relocate then. I can provide your squad leaders with names and faces of the hostages, and known opposition numbers before we head to South Works." As you walk back towards Lydia's car you call to mind Deborah's baby walker and look.
    [x][Stunt] "Not here, not now. Once we have dealt with the greater foe, and are back under wards, I will explain. Even as dawn comes, the night still has ears."
    [X] So you know how stage magicians draw attention to one thing in order to hide another... (Explain the whole situation with Eiko, the conspiracy etc...)
    -[X]See if you can prompt an occult secret out of one of your teammates.