Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Beyond that Ayin is also the foremost expert on the matter of E.G.Os, so you can expect a higher quality method of refining E.G.Os from L-Corp.
the EGOs in LC were mass produced with heavy machine modifiction, the lower a Abnos treat level the heavier those machine modifiction is. because those abnos ego can't stay together for long or those lose shards of a abnormalitys will fall apart.
example: love's staff is different form the extracted EGO, the handle is made of machinery, same with Der furity's gun. low level Abno's armor all looks like mass produced army armor, somehow everything is a suit with only A bird being some what different, a suit and coat with a sweater, without the tie.
they were modified to force them to stay together and don't just starts to eat away the one who is wearing them, so they were weaker but it stays there, stabel
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the EGOs in LC were mass produced with heavy machine modifiction, the lower a Abnos treat level the heavier those machine modifiction is. because those abnos ego can't stay together for long or those lose shards of a abnormalitys will fall apart.
example: love's staff is different form the extracted EGO, the handle is made of machinery, same with Der furity's gun. low level Abno's armor all looks like mass peoduced army armor, somehow everything is a suit with only A bird being some what different, a suit and coat with a sweater, without the tie.
they were modified to force them to stay together and don't just starts to eat away the one who is wearing them, so they were weaker but it stays there, stabel
Woah. I just searched up the EGO weapons and you were right. In the Name of Love and Hate doesnt actually look identical to Queen of Hatred's staff. Cant believe I missed that!
2.2.4 - In The Eyes Of The Beholden
Chapter 100 - In The Eyes Of The Beholden

"You know how to pick a lock?" You whisper to Kyoko. She stares back up at you, taken off-guard.


"Into the house. Quietly."

The former Magical Girl has already begun her descent to street level as you jump down as quickly and silently as you can, barely avoiding the roving gaze of the flying creatures. You land softly on the curb in front of the building you were standing on not a moment earlier just as Kyoko presses her hands to the doorknob. Scarlet lights flash in her hands, radiating only a meter or so before fizzling away. Huh. You had expected her to use a lockpick or something, but upon further thought you don't know if Magical Girls can actually carry items into their transformations. Or Distortions into theirs. Of course, why Kyoko knows how to magically unlock a door isn't anywhere near as much of a mystery. You saw the place she was living in before you took her in. There's only so many ways for a lone child to get food, and it doesn't seem like the people of Mitakihara or Kazamino are the type to start employment young.

The two of you duck into the building and close the door just as the flying creatures have begun their descent to the streets. Their paths are aimless, spreading out through the area and indicating that they have not yet spotted either of you.

The room you've ducked into is clearly one belonging to a wealthy household. It's mostly empty, though a few expensive-looking paintings and avant-garde furniture pieces are scattered about. A glass staircase spirals up further into the house. Kyoko walks across the mostly-empty room and takes a seat on on the first few steps.

"You're not gonna ask why I know how to do that?" the kid asks as you stare blankly at the paintings. They're rather abstract, depicting the kinds of bizarre scenes you're used to seeing in Barriers. Or from an Abnormality.

"It seems rather self-explanatory to me. No need for elaboration unless you particularly feel like it." you answer.

"And you don't care? Thought you were more of an upstanding, heroic type." Kyoko asks. You turn away from the paintings towards the young girl.

"What ever gave you that impression? I know full well how useful those kinds of skills can be. Besides, you do what you have to. Most of the houses in this area could probably afford a few losses." you say casually. Kyoko remains unconvinced.

"Mami wouldn't like it." she mutters.

"You might be surprised. Sure, I doubt she'd be happy you had to do it, but she'd understand. She cares about you, after all." you continue.

Kyoko falls silent. It seems there's nothing more you can say. One of the strange creatures flits past the window, not paying any heed to you. Satisfied with your safety for now, your attention falls to the conditions of the house.

A thin layer of dust has formed on every surface open to air. The paintings are slightly askew. A glass of water, half-drank, sits stagnant on the counter next to an uneaten sandwich. Whoever lived here, they left a while ago. And in a hurry. Moreover, there are signs of a struggle. The flying creatures don't appear to enter houses, which means there are more scouts that patrol the Adult's borders.

"Keep your eyes open." you say to Kyoko. "It looks like there was already something that came through here. Those flying things are definitely the Abnormality's minions, so we should be expecting more things like them to show up." Kyoko nods and stands up, still on full alert. The streets are eerily silent, though, without a sign of life aside from the creatures flitting noiselessly through the air.

The two of you wait in hiding for minutes, not daring to make any noise as the scouters draw closer. They follow bizarre, aimless routes, zigging and zagging as they are seemingly distracted by random things they happen to spot. They don't seem particularly good as patrol agents, all things considered. Not orderly enough for your tastes. It's not as though you have much experience managing patrols, but you'd want whoever did it to be more orderly. Perhaps there's something about these creatures that makes them more useful that you aren't seeing.

Regardless, whatever special traits these beings may or may not have do nothing to allow them to find you or Kyoko. The patrol team passes without ever discovering the two of you. You remain silent for a minute longer, until you are certain that they have passed.

"It's safe now. We can head out."

Kyoko nods silently, and the two of you slowly open the door and sneak back out into the street.

You conjure Lamp once again, scanning the layers of magic and comparing them to the creatures you just saw. With the new context, and several angles of viewing, you think you're starting to get an idea of how to get in undetected.
The question is, would that really be a good idea at this point?


[] Sneak through the Magic Fields
[] Continue scouting the perimeter
[] Just leave
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
CENSORED's Sapling - Observation Level EXPUNGED/REDACTED

And so we reach 100 chapters! Well, actually, that was a while back if counting all the Apocrypha and Sidestories, but 100 main chapters. I cannot thank you all enough for the support, I never expected for this story to actually reach this point but I'm not planning on stopping now.

Well, I don't want to get self-indulgent, so I'll cut this short before I end up rambling like I did at the end of Act 1. Until next time.

Suggestions for something special are still open, and whatever it is it will definitely be out before the next chapter is due.
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I say we wait until we can utilize censoreds ego
At least we'd have a method to screw with adults ability to perceive us once we do
Not including we can switch from stealth mode to dear lord that's ugly enough to burn my retinas for the adult
What's the biggest lie the adult tells itself
That it's superior, untouchable, undefeatable....... and censored takes a format that differs per observer from what I've gathered for lack of a term, meaning the adult would see the truth behind itself...... and assuming the adult wasn't straight up scooped from the unconscious it was likely a person at some point.... a mortal
But who knows this is all conjecture and reasoning
Honestly Censored ego would likely have us keep a secret like the witch bomb and mayhaps a memory wipe for someone's good
But who knows
Who knows like I said
Just my opinion
Though it ain't helped that it's precepts are hidden
Indeed Nmspamtom
I stated the liveliest answer to what's behind the censorship but could be exceedingly wrong
Censored a black box apparition
It's nature can not be defined casually and is multifaceted on a more fundamental level
Like multiple abnormalities rolled into one
"Mami wouldn't like it." she mutters.

"You might be surprised. Sure, I doubt she'd be happy you had to do it, but she'd understand. She cares about you, after all." you continue.

Kyouko, do we have to remove the scale from Judgment bird from you too?

We already told X she couldn't use it to judge herself, that doesn't means it's free for you to use.

It's not as though you have much experience managing patrols, but you'd want whoever did it to be more orderly.

Well, yes, you didn't need much patrols in the facility, after all, there was your all-seeing eyes to take care of that. :V

The question is, would that really be a good idea at this point?

I think too soon, and I would prefer if we had more people when entering.

Best case scenario would be to have a Pumpkin with us, but that relies on finding one in the wild and we can't count on that.

Ah~ Lobotomy truly is an experience. Though I must admit that Day 50 is certainly something else.

Day 50 really makes your head spin with what's going on.

[X] Continue scouting the perimeter
[X] Continue scouting the perimeter

Dunno if it would be a good use of "something special", though I was a bit curious about all those other side perspectives that did not win the act 1 intermission vote...