Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

That Tek-Grimoire action rings my alarm bells.

Also valid, considering it's essentially proto-TekSorcery. Helpful if you want to develop your own sorcerous traditions ala the Space Wolves or Eldar, especially if you want to got the TekAgnostic route, but for obvious reasons there are risks associated with that branch of rites.

yah it make sense this quest follow it with godstar being the big inspiration but @The Bird is potato thinking accurate here?

It isn't top down, no. Obviously there'd be government support for it but that's because the Directorate is a direct democracy in regards to social policy.
Regenerative Nuclear Material: Living metal was metal. Uranium was metal. Was it possible to create a version of uranium with the regenerative properties of the former substance? Enterprising scientists wanted to know. 0/10, Develop Perpetunite technology, increases Nuclear Materials by 5. Costs 1 Living Metal.
OK, why are we ignoring the nuclear explosion perpetual motion machine?
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
Worshipping the ctan doesn't end well for anyone. They can ask us for stuff as established, but aside from that we will not be the second necrontyr
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If there's a turn we should be focusing a lot on resource income it should be this turn. So I don't see the benefit in going for the shipyard now when we could do Autorecycler Plant and gain both EXP income and Nuclear Material. Going for the shipyard now will mean we'll have less resource income to actually do stuff with.
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
-[X] Fleet Action
--[X] Survey Luna
---[X]TKK Endeavor
-[X] EXP Action
--[X] Autorecycler Plants 5/5 EXP
--[X] NukeTek 3/3 EXP
-[X] CUL Action
--[X] Promoted Therapy 5/5 CUL
--[X] HobbyBots 1/3 CUL
-[X] FTH Action
--[X] Rite of Anima 10/10 FTH
-[X] ACD Action
--[X] BlokBots 5/5 ACD
--[X] MagTek Assembly 5/5 ACD
--[X] MagTek Binding 1/5 ACD
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
Worshipping the ctan doesn't end well for anyone. They can ask us for stuff as established, but aside from that we will not be the second necrontyr

Honestly, I have no real issues with it yet. It's the start of the game and I doubt the option is just going to disappear. Maybe taking it later would be nice, but dealing with the C'tan is generally going to be..a very Meta thing. As we know what they're generally all about, with no known exceptions in the lore.

TKK Endeavor: The pinnacle of Tekketi engineering, the Endeavor is the first real space ship constructed in the aftermath of the Destroyer War, incorporating a variety of technologies to enable it to perform its mission. A hypermodular vessel build from grey dyed ferroplastic bloks, its design consists of a wide, flat disc connected via finned spine to two large nacelles. The majority of the crew and work decks are housed in the disc structure, alongside most civilian installations, wheras the Nacelles each contain sub-engineering decks, redundant systems, and storage. Lightly armed with only fusion torpedos and comm-jammers, the Endeavor is not intended to win a stand up fight: it's purpose is purely exploratory.

Trying to imagine this in my head. I can already tell that it is definitely Federation-esc. But it would defiantly be something more unique looking. Just trying to figure out what and what the silhouette of the ship would be.
Trying to imagine this in my head. I can already tell that it is definitely Federation-esc. But it would defiantly be something more unique looking. Just trying to figure out what and what the silhouette of the ship would be.

It's somewhat flatter, the spinal area has some large fin like protrusions, and it looks like its made out of Lego, if any of that helps.
[X] Erichtheo: Named after an old goddess from Classical Myth, Erichtheo, a moon of Mongus, is believed to be the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting life. Icy and oceanic, exploration of Erichtheo has captured the minds of science fiction authors for generations: stepping foot on it would be...well, certainly monumental.
It's somewhat flatter, the spinal area has some large fin like protrusions, and it looks like its made out of Lego, if any of that helps.

Kind of helps. The description makes it sound like the Constituion-Class, but if you say it's flatter than that makes it seem like it have a similar process. With the saucer section, then spine, then nacelles, but it would all be more or less the same relative height to one another, instead of branching off like they do in Star Trek.
I wanted to say I appreciate that we're ferret people and one of the planets is named mongoose.

it was actually intended to reference the word Humongous, tho in hindsight the accidental pun is pretty funny.

Kind of helps. The description makes it sound like the Constituion-Class, but if you say it's flatter than that makes it seem like it have a similar process. With the saucer section, then spine, then nacelles, but it would all be more or less the same relative height to one another, instead of branching off like they do in Star Trek.

Yeah basically.
[X] Plan: Stepping Out of the Cradle
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines

I didn't vote to discover the God Machines to completely ignore them.
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines

I feel like Folk Religions and God Machine cult would provide nice diversity and counterbalance.