Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

I don't think we are on a necron tomb world or anything. I think it just a vault full of ctan it just means greater interaction with them and the ctan here are quite belvont. They will of course take great risk in going beneath but since they are monks who worship them, know a lot about them I think it great risk for them but not great risk for our civlization as a whole.

The previous update outright said Skeletal Guardians. And. I am just going to say this for everyone, not just you.

These are C'tan

The same beings that tricked the entire Necrontyr species into turning themselves into robots and then eating their souls. Yes, they seem to be benevolent. But we seriously do not know this.

For all we know. MOTHER is actually the bloody Deceiver. We can't ignore them. Nor can we get rid of them, not yet anyway, but we can't take them for granted. That's how we end up getting turned into metal soulless Not!Slugcats.
The previous update outright said Skeletal Guardians. And. I am just going to say this for everyone, not just you.

These are C'tan

The same beings that tricked the entire Necrontyr species into turning themselves into robots and then eating their souls. Yes, they seem to be benevolent. But we seriously do not know this.

For all we know. MOTHER is actually the bloody Deceiver. We can't ignore them. Nor can we get rid of them, not yet anyway, but we can't take them for granted. That's how we end up getting turned into metal soulless Not!Slugcats.
they saved our entire civlization until they show any actionable other actions that show otherwise I am gonna go by what they have actully done for us which is massive belvonce. We should not go stir crazy cause of what other ctan did in the far far far distant past and that act radically different to these ones. TLDR let not deterime our course of action by stuff outside the quest but by there actions within the quest

this is the same as @chellewalker plan except I swap out tomb diving for god machine worship for reason outlined here
this is the only option I think we should really really take not only cause I think this would logically take place, it a good aveune for it since they saved our fricking lives, does not stop us from doing the other options, worshiping them would provide us good faith stuff they are still around so they can prevent it from getting out of whack, can provivde advice gueidnace, can hopefully by worshiping them liking us more, the people need faith yestraday too we need to get something our right now for them. We should really take it

we have to choose a something to fill our spirtual hole no matter what we need to fill the spirutally hole left in our people and the god machine our the quickest and one of the best options to do that. It have to be way way way more than one careless moment the imperium did not form from one careless moments it took so much so much much more than that. The imperium from the outset was made with bad intetions. Honestly the god machines are quite benvolnt I think they be good gods for us to worship and remeber we can take the other options too so we have diveristy in faith too. We our not limited from taking any of the other options by taking this one. We can take all the other ones in later turns and I wan too! having a diverse faith enviroment is good
also taking both of these on the same turn is a good idea so we don't get a domiant faith or anything we mantain a good multi diverse faith enviroment.

[] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines
-[] Fleet Actions (1/1)
--[] Survey Erichtheo
---[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Expansion Projects
--[] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[] Culture Projects
--[] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[] Faith Projects
--[] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] God Machine Cults (0/5 --> 5/5)
-[] Academy Actions
--[] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
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Definitely need a consensus here. We shouldn't take this until we are damned ready for the possibility of dealing with a spontaneous Necron Tomb awakening. Like. This is practically a coin flip of death or not.
Uh, we already have a C'tan (or a shard) as our Patron, whom probably intends on using us for its inscrutable goals which may or may not be healthy for us. What do you think the God Machines are?
OK, here's what I've got. Erichtheo could be our first colony to encourage expansion, NukeTek gets us low-hanging fruit while we get the first half of the Orbital Shipyard done, Therapy is seriously important in a society as traumatized as ours and the Nukits sound fun, if we wait too long on Folk Religion Revival it might die out entirely and Delve into the Tomb sounds like it could have good results, BlokBots and ShieldBloks get our basics done and we get the first bit done on the Warp Core.

Fleets: 1/1
Expansions: 8/8
Culture: 6/6
Faith: 10/10
Academy: 11/11

[] Plan: Brave New World(s)
-[] Fleet Actions (1/1)
--[] Survey Erichtheo
---[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Expansion Projects
--[] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[] Culture Projects
--[] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[] Faith Projects
--[] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] Delve into the Tomb (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[] Academy Actions
--[] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)

Delve into the tomb could also awaken the Tomb again and we could all end up dead. I don't want that coin flip.

Uh, we already have a C'tan (or a shard) as our Patron, whom probably intends on using us for its inscrutable goals which may or may not be healthy for us. What do you think the God Machines are?

C'tan. Star Gods that ate the Necrontyr. For all we know our Patron is actually the Deceiver and we are being played like fiddles for a super long game.
It would be bad gming if every option around the machine god was a trap option that could kill us all to be blunt please stop fearmongering
I funddamentally dislike tne idea of secular government promiting a religion they don't necessarily believe in; it strikes me as very cynical.

However, this is Warhammer where daemons are real.


Such as it is.
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s)

insist on playing like the optimistic federation ferrets we are

eta also
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines
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Delve into the tomb could also awaken the Tomb again and we could all end up dead. I don't want that coin flip.
Don't know enough about Warhammer to say one way or another if this is actually likely, so I'll go ahead and make an alternative:

[X] Plan: Brave New World(s)
Fleets: 1/1
Expansions: 8/8
Culture: 6/6
Faith: 10/10
Academy: 11/11

[X] Plan: Brave New World(s)
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Delve into the Tomb (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)

[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
Fleets: 1/1
Expansions: 8/8
Culture: 6/6
Faith: 10/10
Academy: 11/11

[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] TekMausoleums (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
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[X] Plan: Stepping Out of the Cradle
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Luna
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] EXP
--[X] Autorecycler Plants 5/5
--[X] NukeTek. 3/3
-[X] CLU
--[X] Promoted Therapy 5/5
--[X] Hobby Bots 1/3
-[X] FTH
--[X] God-Machine Cults 5/5
--[X] Folk Religion Revival 5/5
-[X] ACD
--[X] Warp Drive 1/10
--[X] MagTek Binding 5/5
--[X] BlokBots 5/5
Don't know enough about Warhammer to say one way or another if this is actually likely, so I'll go ahead and make an alternative:

There's an entire game about this happening. And we have actual in-universe proof to be very hesitant to poke the tomb considering it awoke and killed the Destroyers in less than three days.

Like, I know it's the tutorial. And no GM is just going to kill us like this. But I feel like it would be better to wait and do the necessities before chasing after Necron Archeotech.
I would like to point out to folks that if we go for the low hanging fruits this turn that gives EXP points it'll be a lot easier to get the shipyard done in the following turns while also getting other stuff done along side it.

[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
-[X] Fleet Action
--[X] Survey Luna
---[X]TKK Endeavor
-[X] EXP Action
--[X] Autorecycler Plants 5/5 EXP
--[X] NukeTek 3/3 EXP
-[X] CUL Action
--[X] Promoted Therapy 5/5 CUL
--[X] HobbyBots 1/3 CUL
-[X] FTH Action
--[X] Rite of Anima 10/10 FTH
-[X] ACD Action
--[X] BlokBots 5/5 ACD
--[X] MagTek Assembly 5/5 ACD
--[X] MagTek Binding 1/5 ACD
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[X] Plan: Stepping Out of the Cradle
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines
-[X] Fleet Actions (1/1)
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] God Machine Cults (0/5 --> 5/5)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
I think tek-mausoleum is also an important option that would go well with the concept of promoting therapy. In the first place, therapy should help curb unhealthy religious zealotry. Non-religious, or at least distinctly unaffiliated, mourning practices would also help there. Doing both actions around the same time might even have a synergistic effect.

I'd even say that Tek-mausoleum will end up being amazing for any historians. There are probably so many families still disconnected due to the Destroyers. A collection of digital records and tributes to the deceased could help the living find one another and reconnect.
I funddamentally dislike tne idea of secular government promiting a religion they don't necessarily believe in; it strikes me as very cynical.

However, this is Warhammer where daemons are real.


Such as it is.

Then don't vote for it: nothing says you have to develop any specific religion. You could absolutely if you wanted to go the TekAgnostic path and simply develop traditions and spiritual techs and rites that don't involve promoting any specific religion, like the TekGrimoires or the Bond-Machina.
Personally I want to go the route of pluralism and syncretism where we just got a bunch of religions and spiritual beliefs flying around.
[X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Survey Erichtheo
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
--[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] TekMausoleums (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
--[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
[X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup

Build up and not jumping straight into worship / religion sounds good to me.

Edit: removed no longer relevant text
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Letting the population figure it out for themselves, without government nudges, is arguably a better way for our ferrets to explore religion. On the other hand, not all of the other options are without risk. That Tek-Grimoire action rings my alarm bells. Folk ferret religion sounds interesting to learn about too.

There's ways to combat the less great aspects of the religious faith options though. Compulsory higher education will be great for mundane ones, but I'll admit I don't actually know much about how religion works in 40k. Other than chaos bad and that it's probably similar to Warhammer Fantasy.
Letting the population figure it out for themselves, without government nudges, is arguably a better way for our ferrets to explore religion. On the other hand, not all of the other options are without risk. That Tek-Grimoire action rings my alarm bells. Folk ferret religion sounds interesting to learn about too.

There's ways to combat the less great aspects of the religious faith options though. Compulsory higher education will be great for mundane ones, but I'll admit I don't actually know much about how religion works in 40k. Other than chaos bad and that it's probably similar to Warhammer Fantasy.

It kinda does and it kinds doesn't. More in the sense that, as far as I am aware, it's a scale issue. As in, a singular planet doesn't have the ability to make any deities.
Letting the population figure it out for themselves, without government nudges, is arguably a better way for our ferrets to explore religion.

I'm not sure this is all government nudges. Planquests usually run that way but the other big inspiration here, GODSTAR, the selection of a lot of social techs is more "the sum of society's choices" and not government plans exclusively - it includes bottom up and private action too.