Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
The existence of Dopels means that the three magical girls responsible for them have contracted, so…
Those three were mentioned a chapter or two ago, albeit very briefly. Oriko and Kirika will not be appearing, out of universe because writing precognition is really hard and their presence would make things more complicated than it already is.
It could. But I don't think they will be too problematic. Given that X herself is quite powerful now, alongside the various unrestricted Abnormalities running around, nothing short of Walpur itself will be a problem in terms of witches I feel.

But then again, I have no idea whether there's some absurdly overpowered Witch somewhere hidden in Madoka lore so I can't exactly make a good comment here.
In raw power? Probably not. The problem is if a witch comes along that has conceptual hax. If I remember my PMMM lore correctly, then it's possible for something like a witch with a barrier that forbids weapons or something
Oriko and Kirika will not be appearing, out of universe because writing precognition is really hard and their presence would make things more complicated than it already is.
A technical counter to this would be how WN and Apoc Birb screws around with time. (Maybe even X herself too given how closely related to the TT2 shenanigans she is)

But I can understand the decision to avoid that.

In raw power? Probably not. The problem is if a witch comes along that has conceptual hax. If I remember my PMMM lore correctly, then it's possible for something like a witch with a barrier that forbids weapons or something
Yeah, that's what I meant. Puzzle Box mechanics are a pain in the ass.
I just realized I forgot to talk about Suzune magica!

So, this manga has:

-various megucanus genericus I barely remember

-Suzune, the titular meguca and protagonist, is basically doing a slow motion tetris, killing magical girls to save them from becoming witches

-and, last but definitely not least, the big bad: Kagari Hinata! Not to be confused with her twin and good girl, Matsuri Hinata. She's… oh boy, she's batshit insane is what she is, she made a wish to be able to fuck up Suzune no matter the cost, this resulted in her being dedicated to that and only that, even her twin is less important, as for what she can do, well, what about high scale mind manipulation, do you like it? She used it in herself, to make herself willing to do anything, she used it on Suzune, to make the aforementioned tetris happen, she used it on her twin, to make her forget her existence. She can make illusions with it, change your personality, implant or remove memories.

She's the perfect target for a Lobotomy fueled rehabilitation, because the first step is removing what she did to herself.
I just realized I forgot to talk about Suzune magica!

So, this manga has:

-various megucanus genericus I barely remember

-Suzune, the titular meguca and protagonist, is basically doing a slow motion tetris, killing magical girls to save them from becoming witches

-and, last but definitely not least, the big bad: Kagari Hinata! Not to be confused with her twin and good girl, Matsuri Hinata. She's… oh boy, she's batshit insane is what she is, she made a wish to be able to fuck up Suzune no matter the cost, this resulted in her being dedicated to that and only that, even her twin is less important, as for what she can do, well, what about high scale mind manipulation, do you like it? She used it in herself, to make herself willing to do anything, she used it on Suzune, to make the aforementioned tetris happen, she used it on her twin, to make her forget her existence. She can make illusions with it, change your personality, implant or remove memories.

She's the perfect target for a Lobotomy fueled rehabilitation, because the first step is removing what she did to herself.
...What the fuck. What the actual fuck. At least tell me she had a good reason to hate Suzune that much
...What the fuck. What the actual fuck. At least tell me she had a good reason to hate Suzune that much

She hurt her twin? :V

But in all seriousness: no, she's psychotic.

What happened was that the twins met Tsubaki, Suzune's mentor, bound with her, then, Tsubaki witched out due to her not getting enough grief seeds for herself to help Suzune, the twins don't know that, good twin is sad, bad twin is… angry and sad, Kyubey offer contract, good twin ask to be able to see, they search for Tsubaki, find Suzune wearing her pendant, good twin stays with her and ask to become her friend, bad twin meanwhile has decided to go back home and is absolutely persuaded it's all Suzune's fault, wish at some point, I told the rest already.

I also remembered that one of the megucanus genericus wished her sister out of existence in a fit of anger, in front of Kyubey, yeah, she does regret that one.

Pmmm, a setting where everyone is happy! :V
2.1.12 - Warmup and Cooldown
Chapter 91 - Warmup and Cooldown

Over the past week, you've hunted more Witches than most Magical Girls do over their entire lives. The overwhelming wrongness that bombards you the second you enter is easily batted away, along with whatever meaningless whispers follow with it. Instead, your attention is drawn to the scenery.

The sky is a slate-colored void that shines a dull, uniform light down into the Barrier. Warm rain falls gently from above, barely enough to be noticeable in the faint glow. Ankle-deep water is choked by brightly-colored flowers and plants of various sizes. There's no real logic to the colors, shapes, or textures. A thick green hydrangea towers over a small white lily pad just to your right, while a speckled orange rose has half swallowed what looks like a small blue tree on your left. The titanic fronds and blossoms form a dense jungle around you and Kyoko, guiding you along a wide path where the foliage is less heavy. Far ahead in the distance, something stretches up into the sky. The unknown object splits and branches, forming a huge web that fills the space where the sun should be. The way it spreads through the sky reminds you distantly of constellations. Regardless, your eyes are drawn more towards a different feature.

Off in the distance, lights are faintly visible. They're spread out through the Barrier, shifting about aimlessly. It seems likely that they're the Familiars of this Barrier. While nothing you've seen in a Barrier has been a threat for some time, it's no excuse to let your guard down.

"You see 'em too?" Kyoko growls beside you, voice thick with anticipation. The air around her shimmers and ripples with heat, and thick coils of steam rise up from the place where the watery floor meets her hooves.

"Yep. You can do as you'd like," you offer, following up with a warning. "But I'd be careful about getting caught in the light. Traits this noticeable are usually important in some way or another."

"Yeah, that's about what I figured." Kyoko confirms. With those words, the veins of fire beneath Kyoko's skin flare up. Instantly, the heat suffusing the Barrier's air becomes overwhelming. You can feel a faint sensation of your flesh burning, though between your enhanced recovery and durability it's little more than an annoyance. The same is not true for the Barrier, which has already started to wilt. The constant rains have stopped any actual fires from breaking out, but the formerly-lush plant life has become wilted and dehydrated. More importantly, Kyoko's display has called down a response. The distant lights have stopped their wandering and begun to converge on your location.

Lamp appears in your off-hand, giving you a better view of the now-approaching horde. The Uriels are little more than rosy scarlet spheres floating around head-height draped in similarly colorless robes that dangle down and drag through the flooded ground. The stark things look out of place in the colorful jungle.

With your targets marked, you let Lamp vanish. With your next weapon already on your fingertips, you call out casually to Kyoko. "Hey, wanna see who can kill more of 'em?"

Kyoko pauses for a moment, fire churning beneath her glassy flesh, then lets out a strained, choked laugh. "Oh, you're on!"

In a flash, a spear appears in Kyoko's hands. It's a jagged, brutal-looking weapon, blackened by soot and covered in demonic-looking hooks and barbs, but you still breath a silent sigh of relief upon seeing it. You were confident in your previous analysis, but the appearance of Kyoko's weapon confirms it.

Specifically, in comparing it to the weapons still lodged in Kyoko's body.

Several conclusions have been drawn from this particular trait of the Mosaic of Prometheus, the first being that Kyoko has internalized that she has been hurt or damaged in some fundamental way. While this is disappointing, it's not unreasonable given everything she has gone through. It'd be more surprising if she hadn't. More worrying is the second observation, how the weapons piercing her body are bright and clean. The pristine, decorated aesthetic sends a clear message: Kyoko believes that it was right that she was hurt.

As depressing as it is, the third observation comes as some consolation. Even if Kyoko believes it is right that she should suffer, it won't be by her own hands. That, at least, is a relief.

You have very little time to ponder these implications. Kyoko swings her spear towards the nearest Uriel, maybe three hundred meters away. The spear's shaft warps and stretches, and the extended weapon crashes through the jungle and into its target. Along with the swing, a wall of hissing fire slams into the Familiar. Earlier, you had noted the rainfall and ambient humidity preventing a forest fire from breaking out due to Kyoko's presence. Now, the "burning" part has been skipped in favor of going straight to the "total incineration" step. A patch of the Barrier is simply gone, the only evidence that anything had been there the few ashes floating in the steam-filled air.

Kyoko stares frozen at the devastation, spear held retracted at the end of its arc. She glances back and forth between you and the line of missing forest. It seems she wasn't expecting that much power. You just whistle in approval.

"Nice. I bet Mami's gonna be impressed. Though don't think I'm gonna back out." you tack on at the end, as though you weren't planning on losing this little contest in the first place. Ah well, might as well make it look good. Plus, obliterating Witches makes for some pretty alright stress relief.

For only a moment, Mimicry sits comfortably in your hand. The sword is an immense thing, more a sharpened chunk of metal wrapped in strands of muscle and flesh than a proper weapon. The mismatched eyes glance about, scanning the environment with an unsettling eagerness. A slight mental tug is all it takes, and another flicker of light washes over your weapon. You note the whine of protest from your insides, but set it aside. Digging through the annals of your mind, Eternal Meal rises eagerly to meet your attention. The Ordeal's essence floods your weapon, transforming it.

The new form of Mimicry is still an enormous sword, now covered in light brown chitin broken up by glassy amber growths that could maybe be considered eyes if one were liberal with their definition. In one fluid motion, you bring the blade up and draw your free hand down its length. A piece splits off under your touch, thinning and sharpening into something that looks closer to a javelin than an arrow. The sword itself changes, folding in and shrinking until you hold in one hand a bow larger than your own body. You rest the arrow against the blackened tendon that serves as a string, drawing back with a slow and deliberate motion. You spare just enough time to shoot Kyoko a playful smile before you release the string.

The wedge of jungle at which you had aimed is no longer there. Water from the rest of the Barrier drains in to replace what was spread into the atmosphere by the force of your shot. The Uriels you were aiming at are completely gone, as though they'd never existed. On an intellectual level, you know this isn't as much of a feat as it seems. Most of your EGO can accomplish such things, and Mami would likely have little trouble replicating the feat given a fair amount of exertion. Frankly, a less destructive and more precise attack would be stronger. But there's more to this display than power.

It's about having fun.

Witch Hunting is a dangerous responsibility. Treating it like a game is an easy path to letting your guard down and getting punished for it, and you're not going to fall into that hole any time soon. But the point of this venture is to let Kyoko relieve stress. If she ends up feeling like an outsider, like there's a distance between her and everyone else, that defeats the whole purpose. So for now, you'll stick to flash and show for as long as she does. And beyond that…

"Eight to five. Don't make this too easy for me, 'kay?"

It's a bit surprising how, even without any clear facial features, you can see Kyoko returning your grin.


"Ninety-eight to eighty-four. This looks like the last area, so I might have this already."

It's not. You can sense more Familiars hiding in the endless white sands of the Barrier's apex, under the empty blue sky. They're not visible yet, but you can bet that as soon as the Witch makes itself apparent they'll join in.

"The bow ones should count for two points, though. They're harder to hit." Kyoko protests without much real dissatisfaction.

"You sure? 'Cause if they do, then I'm actually winning by-"

"Never mind!"

You chuckle, and over the sound of crackling fire you can hear Kyoko join in. It's nice, this little back and forth between the two of you. It feels a bit like working with Chesed or Tiphereth, being able to act playful and joke around while still dealing with things seriously. This sort of faux-confrontation is closer to your relation with Tiphereth than the old Welfare Head, but both would still be vaguely applicable.

Of course, now that you're starting to enjoy yourself, you are interrupted.

Angelina bursts from the scattered clouds and crashes into the ground where you were a fraction of a second earlier. A mess of monochrome arms thrashes about, scattering the sand up into a screen that hides the Witch's preparing of a beam of golden light that screams through the air between you and Kyoko.

You just can't catch a break, can you?

You draw Lamp to your free hand, the enhanced vision it provides easily piercing the Witch's improvised smokescreen. Angelina's "core" is a ball of pinkish colors contained within rings encircling rings. Each ring is lined with bright pink eyes with heart pupils, the only spot of color on the Witch's otherwise black and white body. Two enormous feminine bodies emerge from this core kneeling and facing towards each other, each one's neck connecting to the ball of light as though it were their head. They wear oversized white robes in contrast to their pure black skin, slate-colored eyes opening across their bare legs and arms. The bodies hold hands on the side of the Witch facing away from you, their arms nearer to you dividing into a churning mess of pitch-black limbs. These masses of arms contain inhuman appendages as well as human ones, from bestial claws to snake heads.

Kyoko wastes no time, twirling her spear to toss out lines of fire that condense into chains around the Witch of Advent and bind her to the ground. Familiars flood in to support their master, but a barrage of gunfire and rays of silver light from you cuts their numbers down as swiftly as they arrive. Kyoko's presence in the Barrier has already weakened the less-durable Familiars, and most of their population was wiped out during your approach. They won't be much of a threat.

One of Angelina's twisting arms draws a titanic sword, so pure white it looks less like an object and more like a hole in space, to cut away its chains. The other arms that spew from that sleeve conjure their own blades, and together lash out at Kyoko. She charges forwards, batting some of the blades away, but many strike true. Her skin chips and cracks, and you have to remind yourself that she isn't really being hurt. Kyoko's real body is the nerve-like network of flames sitting beneath her silicone exterior, and damage to her outer layer is easily repaired. One might think that kind of resilience would be derived from something positive, some sort of self-confidence, but the truth it quite the opposite. Both Kyoko's incredible survivability and her burning aura are a product of the same self-destructive belief- Specifically, the belief that Kyoko's failures and mistakes always hurt the people around her more than they hurt her.

You can see it in action as the fight continues. The more Kyoko fights, the more damage she takes, the brighter she burns. Barely a few exchanges in, and you're certain that without the enhancements to your eyes you'd go blind just glancing at her. Kyoko strikes and it struck, fires growing more intense with each exchange against the ancient Witch. Illusions dance out from her body, faking assaults that the Witch wastes time trying to defend against or counter as the real Kyoko tears into it.

The heat has gotten getting worse. It was negligible when the two of you entered, but as Kyoko fought the flames within her glass shell grew higher and higher. Now, they shine brightly through the cracks in her body. It's a rather brilliant image, though your attention is more drawn towards the sound of your flesh slowly burning. A simple thought conjures a silvery sheen over your dark purple coat. Between Sound of a Star's healing and Mimicry feasting on any Uriels or Azraels unfortunate enough to underestimate your reach, you can outpace the rate at which your flesh burns. You chop away at Angelina's extended limbs, pushing past the mass and towards the Witch of Advent's main body. Your modified sword splits into two in your hands once again, and you bring the twinned blade scissoring down on Angelina's left body. The altered Mimicry shreds through the Witch's flesh, letting it fall away and deform into abstract masses of nothing.

At the same time, the Witch lands a lucky blow on Kyoko's side. Glass shatters and sprays out, and liquid fire bleeds out from the wound. The burning heat relents and fades back to manageable levels, but Kyoko seems no worse for wear. She gallops forwards, dragging her spear through the Witch's still-extended arm all the while. Behind her, the puddle of molten fluid rises into a semi-humanoid shape. The living flame joins in the assault, and it's clear that the fight is as good as over.

Not to say that the threat is done, you mentally correct yourself as you just barely dodge another beam of light from the Witch's main body. But the conclusion is decided. Angelina is clearly an old Witch, judging by the rudimentary strategies it's displayed, but without its Familiars to back it up it's at a major disadvantage. The faint shimmering of the Witch's body whenever you stray too far from melee range also tells you that Lamp is cutting into its strength further, wiping away some sort of activated enhancement it's trying to use. You have too many advantages for this fight to end any way except victory, so long as you don't let your guard down.

The end comes sooner than expected. Kyoko raises her spear, and the whole Barrier dims. The living fire beside her is snuffed out, drawn back into Kyoko's body. Molten glass creeps over the injury that spawned it and swiftly cools, leaving no sign Kyoko was ever injured. Perhaps the Witch could respond somehow, if it survives Kyoko's next attack.

It does not.

Kyoko's spear whips out and encircles Angelina, leaving the Witch of Advent trapped beneath layers of diamond-shaped chains. It cannot avoid the oncoming spearhead, erupting as it strikes with all the radiance of a dying star. Then the gleam fades, and the Witch is gone but for a Grief Seed falling to the ground.

"That should be worth at least ten points."

"Hey, no arguments here. You did good."


Kyoko seems to have forgotten about your report on her personality traits. It might be upsetting to reveal some of her insecurities…
[] Say nothing
[] Give explanation
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling- Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling- Observation Level 2/3

Wow, I really let this chapter get away from me. AVLS update will come soon, although that's a vague "soon" definition I'm using.

Aside from this Quest and AVLS, I also have some plans for Arknights or Chainsawman. I'll probably start one of those once this story is concluded.

Huh, I really do have a type, don't I?
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Might want to avoid that one for now and wait till it ends first. There's still plenty of stuff in that world yet to be explored by Dennis(Denji) and co.
But I am curious about what you can do with Arknights though!

The wedge of jungle at which you had aimed is no longer there. Water from the rest of the Barrier drains in to replace what was spread into the atmosphere by the force of your shot.
Eternal Mimicry is impressive as expected. And we got our confirmation.

It's more than able to be a ranged weapon.

Seems to be a witch that works with light. Not the fancy one, but just the normal kind.

She might be a real pain in the ass if it weren't for X and Kyoko being mega-op, while also being countered by Lamb's darkness.

This brings us to Kyoko's prowess.
It's a rather brilliant image, though your attention is more drawn towards the sound of your flesh slowly burning.
Ya know, not that it had a chance in the first place, but this is another reason to never call for teamwork when Kyoko is present I feel.

Jeez, it's gonna be hard to help her out when her fighting literally harms everyone around her huh?

She's a pain in the butt in terms of firepower. Basically, a tiny and more friendly fire-intensive Xiao if you will. Extreme firepower, a lot of burns, and binding chains.

If there's ever a group fight in the future, unironically, we might have to tell Kyoko to be in a fire-support role...Also, I just realized there's a lot of fire here.

Kyoko seems to have forgotten about your report on her personality traits. It might be upsetting to reveal some of her insecurities…
Both of the choices are...shaky...

[X] Give explanation
Being blunt usually helps.
"That should be worth at least ten points."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjsSvjA5TuE

As for the vote:
[X] Say nothing

Also, can I vote for something not really related? Specifically, I think we need to talk to Kyoko about the whole "witches are magical girls" business and discuss how to break this to Mami and the others.
[X] Discuss Mami and the witchbomb

Obviously, this would also be good for Kyoko's desire to help, and she does actually have valuable input on this, as a former magical girl herself. She herself hasn't had the chance to talk about it to someone since learning about it, too.
Actually. Yeah. That's a better idea.

[X] Discuss Mami and the witchbomb
With the recent high LoR action, we completely forgot about the bomb.
The unknown object splits and branches, forming a huge web that fills the space where the sun should be.

*Looks at all the descriptions*

It seems we've entered Carmen's paradise, this place's full of trees.

With your targets marked, you let Lamp vanish. With your next weapon already on your fingertips, you call out casually to Kyoko. "Hey, wanna see who can kill more of 'em?"

Kyoko pauses for a moment, fire churning beneath her glassy flesh, then lets out a strained, choked laugh. "Oh, you're on!"

Still has a competitive spirit, I see.

As depressing as it is, the third observation comes as some consolation. Even if Kyoko believes it is right that she should suffer, it won't be by her own hands. That, at least, is a relief.

Ah yeah, the weapons she uses are not the same as the ones she sports on her body.

This is indeed a good thing, she's depressed, think she deserves what happened to her, but she's not actively suicidal.

as though you weren't planning on losing this little contest in the first place.

Competition between two persons that have an impostor complex, both persuaded the other is better than them, how funny.

The sword itself changes, folding in and shrinking until you hold in one hand a bow larger than your own body. You rest the arrow against the blackened tendon that serves as a string, drawing back with a slow and deliberate motion. You spare just enough time to shoot Kyoko a playful smile before you release the string.

New class unlocked: Archer!

Now if we get summoned in fate we'll be able to be: Saber, Foreigner, Archer, Berserker, Lancer.

Yes, I know we probably qualified for archer since we got both Army in pink and Blue star, but hey, now we can join the club of Archers who actually are archers, it's a surprisingly exclusive club.

Of course, now that you're starting to enjoy yourself, you are interrupted.

Murphy: *Well, you were asking for it!*

Angelina's "core" is a ball of pinkish colors contained within rings encircling rings. Each ring is lined with bright pink eyes with heart pupils, the only spot of color on the Witch's otherwise black and white body.

So, I had begun to have doubts when I saw that the familiars were named Uriel, but this confirms it, this girl's like her angel, that's a classical Old Testament one right there.

Now, going from her entire description, I'd say this is a girl who was deeply religious, fell in love with another girl, despaired over it, and got confused enough on whether or not it was a wrong thing that her witch managed to include both angel's imagery, and devil's one (snakes parts, probably representing temptation for her and how she was beginning to *fall*).

It's a rather brilliant image, though your attention is more drawn towards the sound of your flesh slowly burning.

Yeah, our flesh burning might be a tad more important, just a tad.

The faint shimmering of the Witch's body whenever you stray too far from melee range also tells you that Lamp is cutting into its strength further, wiping away some sort of activated enhancement it's trying to use.

Powernull is a bitch against any strength enhancing shenanigans.

Wow, I really let this chapter get away from me. AVLS update will come soon, although that's a vague "soon" definition I'm using.

Well, as long as it's before Half-life 3. :V

Aside from this Quest and AVLS, I also have some plans for Arknights or Chainsawman. I'll probably start one of those once this story is concluded.

I am extremely thankful for the *once this story is concluded* here, too many plot bunny hunters around.

[X] Discuss Mami and the witchbomb

Kyouko should indeed know the witchbomb *thanks* to NT, so we might as well work on her desire to help and prove that she can do good by having her help us disarm it via her knowledge of Mami.


Stray thought I had thanks to A rat's glory, given that we have access to the city here, I do wonder if we could meet the office from wonderlab, it would be incredibly funny if we could remark on Taii's EGO, get asked how we know about that, and answer: *Well, I'm L-Corp's founder from a certain point of view*, can you imagine their face if we did that?
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Did you forget or something? Angela is banished to the Outskirts. We literally have a cease and desist letter from the Head.

Angela is, we aren't, and we had the possibility of going there to search for a solution to the magical girls' little *not having a body* problem, we absolutely can go in the city, we just determined that searching for solutions there was a very bad idea.
Angela is, we aren't, and we had the possibility of going there to search for a solution to the magical girls' little *not having a body* problem, we absolutely can go in the city, we just determined that searching for solutions there was a very bad idea.
Thinking it through again...Do you think any of the patron librarians can go with us too if you are working on that logic?

Or the assistants? Or the magical girls?

Are we really depending on the Head not being anal about a ruling as a reason here?
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