Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 24, 2023 at 10:19 AM, finished with 61 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
    [X] You won't stop her from listening to Carmen
    [X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't. Carmen is bugnuts crazy, and while she may want what she thinks is best for her, she likely doesn't understand what that means for someone anymore.
    [X] She shouldn't listen to Carmen.
    [X] She shouldn't listen to Carmen.
    -[X] Detail the concerningly high amount of parallels between Carmen and Kyubey (both are looking for solution on something and had done messed up stuff for that.) Then note that Kyubey at least has the decency to see it through the end and not terminate itself.
    [X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't, Carmen is acting as her impulse, using her for some grand plan and nobody can know, Carmen does not have her best interest in mind, but she thinks she does.
    [X] Tells her that she can listen to Carmen, but she should confide with you before going ahead with any decisions.

Wow, there's been a lot of social recently, hasn't there?
Off time is good. Too much problem makes me have a Headache, Some genuine heart to heart and bonding time with our daughters is good
Although I have a feeling that our problem will tenfold soon enough.
Oh, hey, look! a insightful! Ha ha ha ha! I have a headache now! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha-aaa-aaaa
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I feel like we have been the exact opposite.
Oh, well, more like 60% to 40% all things considered. But its still hella stressful.
in a good way, It makes me feel excited and terrified at the same time for the next encounter down the line.
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Wow, there's been a lot of social recently, hasn't there?

Let's be honest Lepi, at this point, this is mostly a social quest. :V

But as Eternal_0bserver said, PMMM is a setting where most of the actual problems are socials, sure, the witches exist, but the real struggle is not so much fighting them as why it is necessary, all the problems a lack of them can create and all that while juggling the fact that too much self examination will kill you unless you're a sociopath.
Which is absolutely normal for a good PMMM quest - some of them consist of battles at most 10%, and the rest is conversation and reflection.
I wanted to make a joke that even a purely combat-focused PMMM would spend only about 50% of its narration in battle proper (because the rest would be in Homura's time stop), but then I realized that "10% battle, the rest is conversation and reflection" is actually a perfect description of how the archetypal battle shonen works. It's just that the "conversation" is mostly gloating to your opponent about your techniques, and "reflection" mainly consists of long mid-battle flashbacks.
but then I realized that "10% battle, the rest is conversation and reflection" is actually a perfect description of how the archetypal battle shonen works. It's just that the "conversation" is mostly gloating to your opponent about your techniques, and "reflection" mainly consists of long mid-battle flashbacks.

*This battle will only last 5 minutes!*

And yeah, you can't have a good shonen battle if you don't have more chapters dedicated to a flashback than to the fight. :V
Didn't the fight with Nothing There lasted for like 10 chapters? I personally think more social after that massive fight is a good thing.
This Act will probably be mostly socializing, depending on how you choose to handle certain factors.
One thing I just realized.

I don't think Carmen is all that aware of Adam's existence. I think she would know of Abel and Abram since those 2 are pretty familiar to Ayin himself. But Adam is someone who might actually never meet Carmen before.

That means that once we reveal this to her there's a chance that Ayin in the light will now have to fight off a relentless teasing assault coming from Carmen.

I can already see it. The amount of Smug when Carmen realizes that Ayin too once thought similar to her.
2.1.8 - When The Sun Rises
Chapter 87 - When The Sun Rises

"I never actually met Carmen." you begin. It feels strange, discussing your family. There was never any time for it at the Facility, nor was there anyone who would be able to truly understand if you did. They knew Ayin and Carmen, had relationships with them. Very, very complicated relationships. Talking with them about your creators would have only made things more complicated. You did speak with Hokma about your father on more than one occasion, but for as insightful as the old man was his judgement was rather impaired when it came to Ayin. The only person who really could have related was Tiphereth. The two of you did talk about Ayin and Carmen between work, but when the later days came that time grew shorter and shorter.

You haven't seen Tiphereth since the fall of L Corp. Not that you're worried about your surrogate sibling. She's more competent than most people expect.

Homura reminds you of Tiphereth, in some ways. Both are skilled beyond their years, at the cost of anything that could resemble a proper childhood. Both tend to try to work alone, carrying a weight that should be held by a team. Both were driven solely by the happiness of a single person, who they were forced to watch die again and again.

"Everyone else knew her, worked with her, but that was before I was even born. By the time my life had begun, Carmen had been gone for a long time."

Maybe that's why it's easier to talk about your life with Homura. It's not just that you can see the places where her life echoes yours. Your relationship is the easiest to contextualize. Caring for children is a new experience. An enjoyable one, and close enough to what you are used to for some skills to have carried over, but it's still new. Homura feels more like a coworker than a child.

"Everyone always said that Carmen was a fantastic person. That she inspired them, or lifted them up, or made them believe they were making a difference in the world. She wasn't a leader because she had a plan or because she was smarter than most people, although those were both true. It was because she was good at making people believe her."

Homura hasn't moved since you began talking. It would be hard to tell if that were because she was concentrating on what you're saying or due to her natural stillness were it not for the chorus of clicks and whirls pouring out from the cracks in her flesh. Looking at Homura, you wonder if maybe you could have prevented this. If you had spent more time with her, talked to her more. If you could have unwound the tangle of traumatic experience that she was nested in before Carmen had a chance to raise her voice. You'll never know now.

"Whoever Carmen was, she's not that person anymore. Maybe she never really was." you say. It's not as much of a blow as it should be, knowing that the heart of your mission might have been fake. Maybe it would be for your coworkers. But it was never about Carmen's dream for you.

"She's been helpful so far." Homura says, lacking any of the defensiveness that you would expect from that sort of statement. It's not a retort; only a simple statement of fact.

"Maybe," you admit, "but just because she can be helpful doesn't mean you should give her words too much weight. None of the other Distortions who followed Carmen's guidance had happy endings. I don't want the same thing to happen to you."

The sounds of machinery halt abruptly before resuming, slightly quieter than before.

"It doesn't matter what happens to me. Not if I can save Madoka's life. I accepted that sacrifice when I became a Magical Girl." Homura says. She tilts her head slightly, before righting it with a mechanical click. "Anything else is of no consequence."

"Why did you tell me about Carmen?" you ask calmly. "If she told you it would make things more difficult. You don't get anything out of it."

"We agreed to work together. It's easier to protect Madoka if I am not alone."

"Well, there you have it. That's why I need you to take care of yourself. you say lightly. The sound of clockwork within Homura winds down, leaving only the faint echoing ticks of a mechanical heart. "Madoka won't be happy if you get yourself killed. Especially not when she figures out that it was because you were trying to save her. So look out for yourself. If not for your own sake, then for hers."

You pause, waiting for Homura to respond. When she instead remains still, staring forward with a piercing amethyst gaze, you press forwards.

"Look, I'm not telling you to shut out everything Carmen says. Just… run it by me before you do anything crazy, alright?"

Without a trace of hesitation, Homura nods. Like everything else she does, the motion is smooth and efficient. "I will be sure to tell you whenever she speaks. Is that all for today?"

Internally, you sigh with relief. That could've gone a lot worse. "Yeah, that's about it. I'll contact you again if I need to test anything else. Now, give me your key. I don't want you walking around at half-charge or whatever when I'm free, you understand?"


With that ordeal resolved, you reappear outside your apartment in a burst of soft shadows. Teleportation is really very convenient. You could've been even more efficient and just teleported into the house, but something about that feels wrong. Maybe if you want to surprise somebody, then you'll try it later. But for now, you slowly open the door and make your presence known to your children.

"I'm back! Is the cake done yet?"

"X!" Mami exclaims from the living room in front of you. Yuma, Kyoko, and her were previously seated around the table and preparing to cut into a freshly-baked cake before Mami sat up. Your eldest daughter catches you in a leaping hug, to which you return a light squeeze before gently setting her down. Yuma isn't far behind, giving her own less forceful but just as enthusiastic embrace. Kyoko remains seated, staring at the display awkwardly.

"Now, now, settle down. I was barely gone for a few minutes." you say playfully as the three of you return to the table.

"So you were." Mami admits without a hint of shame. Yuma's attention has already been captured by the cake sitting in the middle of the table, waiting to be cut.

"Yuma's hungry, and so is Kyoko! Can we all eat?" your youngest interrupts, gesturing towards the red-haired Magical Girl seated beside her. Kyoko, for her part, is completely taken off-guard. The melancholy that had previously overwhelmed her is absent, diminished by Yuma's attention, before returning slowly.

"I don't know, have you finished your homework?" you ask, though you're already sitting down. Yuma nods enthusiastically, and you reach out and begin dividing the cake into slices. You deposit one onto each plate, leaving most of the freshly-made confection untouched. It'll be nice to have for later. Once everyone has burned off some of the initial enthusiasm that comes with having a well-crafted dessert placed in front of you, you try and start up a conversation.

"So, Kyoko, do you have any plans you're working on?" you inquire, gesturing towards the girl with the handle of your fork. Kyoko glances down at the crumbs left on her plate, then looks exceedingly guilty when Mami reaches over to give her a second slice.

"I'll just do whatever you're all doing. You're already giving me food and somewhere to stay, so it's not fair for me to ask anything more than that. I can pay you back however." she says, all traces of guilt buried under faux irritation.

"There's really no need for that." Mami responds. By the slight strain in her voice, Kyoko's attempts to conceal her pain have been less than successful. "Those are just basic necessities. You don't deserve anything less."

The temperature in the room flares, and Kyoko's disguise flickers. For a moment, you can see the towering equine glasswork, kneeling at the table. Her body is webbed by cracks, liquid flame bleeding out in thick gouts and then vanishing before it can touch the ground. The air smolders and burns. Kyoko's faceless gaze stares blindly forward, the thin red veil doing little to conceal the white-hot mess of melting glass beneath. Then, her focus returns to Mami sitting in front of her, and the image disappears.

You're not sure if the lapse was even long enough for anybody to see. While the burst of heat was definitely noticed by the others, Mami only gives Kyoko a look of mild concern. Kyoko doesn't make eye contact, instead glaring down at her fresh slice of cake and picking out a bite. The frosting has become slightly melted.


[] Witch Patrol Schedules
[] Kyoko's Future (Press)
[] Kyoko's Feelings About Distortion
[] Carmen
[] Mami and Kyoko's Past
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3

As the meal will soon reach critical awkwardness capacity, only one topic may be chosen. Any write-ins that are too long may risk characters becoming exhausted by the conversation. X will not push past this emotional exhaustion in her kids.

I was preparing a few scenes for the future with the AWTL while listening to Shiny, and I've gotta say it's surprisingly fitting. She probably won't appear for a while, not unless you seek her out.

AVLS will update before this vote closes. Probably. Depends on how inspired I'm feeling, since that story is less regimented in its scheduling.
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[X] Carmen
Lets go for the Carmen sweep shall we? We already went there with Homura, might as well touch on it with Kyoko too.
It was because she was good at making people believe her.

Yep, the perfect quality for a cult leader.

And boy, did she grow up to be one nowadays.

Looking at Homura, you wonder if maybe you could have prevented this. If you had spent more time with her, talked to her more. If you could have unwound the tangle of traumatic experience that she was nested in before Carmen had a chance to raise her voice.

To all questers that are wondering too, I am going to be frank:

The answer is yes, except that we would probably asking the same question but in front of Santtissimo or The muse, or both.

Nobody can be perfect and we don't have infinite time, we would have faltered somewhere else if we had dedicated all of it to Homura, and the result is not the worst possible one, she distorted for our sake, that is important.

"I'll just do whatever you're all doing. You're already giving me food and somewhere to stay, so it's not fair for me to ask anything more than that. I can pay you back however." she says, all traces of guilt buried under faux irritation

Ok, so Homura said ourtright what her problem was earlier, when she said she don't matter, and there Kyouko is strongly showing hers, she feels guilty, guilty for everything.

The temperature in the room flares, and Kyoko's disguise flickers.

That's quite the strong reaction.

[] Kyoko's Future (Press)

Too soon, I feel.

[X] Carmen

I'm thinking of going for this topic because we need everyone to learn more about her, to be able to actually have it be an informed choice if they decide to listen to her.
Ya know...it might be a good idea to take note on the current reponses the girls give when approached on the topic of Carmen.

Given that we will eventually have to approach the same topic with Argalia.

Gotta train up that cult leader charisma.
Might sound weird, but I believe what Kyoko needs right now is some routine and familiarity. And maybe something that reaffirms she has some control over her life.

[X] Witch Patrol Schedules
Might sound weird, but I believe what Kyoko needs right now is some routine and familiarity. And maybe something that reaffirms she has some control over her life.

No, that's a valid concern, you are making me hesitate, if we had not one, but even just two topics, I would vote for the same thing, as is, I still think that Carmen takes immediate priority and that we should establish the routine at the next possible opportunity.