Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[x] Well, she can listen to Carmen if she really wants to, but you want to point out that she's probably not really sane at this point, spending 10 000 years in what was probably very close to sensory deprivation would do that. If anything, you would like to have a talk with Carmen if possible, she is your mother in way after all, and you want to know how she ended up thinking that much like Adam.
Since I was busy yesterday and couldn't quite read everything carefully, I will now do so.

First thing first! A wonderful family wholesome moment between Mami, Yuma, and X. Kyoko is there too but she will come around eventually.

Second, we obtained KoD's power. As I said before. Luckily, I didn't get it wrong that X can teleport if she mimics KoD closely enough.

Third, regarding Carmen first.
It's not like Carmen is saying that she wants exclusively Homura to meet Argalia. She wants the whole family "us" to meet him and all too. So voting to listen to her is not a bad idea. Plus, given that Homura is already distorted, and us being a whole ass abnormality, hearing Carmen out wouldn't harm...much.

Though one thing.
"Base consumption is still the same. One second per second. It rises to one day during full time stop. I have been keeping to dilation instead while hunting to conserve power."
Young lady. Don't think that just because X is not paying attention that means that we questers don't too.
What is the efficiency of time dilation's time usage? Because if it's 1 day when you fully stop time but less so when dilating time, I want to know the specifics.

Don't think you can just escape this X's inquiry by changing topic!
Considering the nature of Homura's distortion, I think we would appeal to her more if we focus on the potential harm Carmen could do to Madoka. It would not surprise me if Homura has less than no self-worth right now, and that appeals to her own self-preservation would be put on a very low priority. I wager that she'd handily throw X's advice and trust aside if Carmen puts it in a way that would protect Madoka.

The offer to look out for Madoka is Carmen's way of ingratiating herself with Homura, maybe in preparation for a bigger deal. It could give Carmen the opportunity to drive a wedge between X and Homura. After all, Homura before her Distortion was willing to sacrifice almost everything she had to protect Madoka even if she did so reluctantly. The Distortion has likely warped her even further. If we don't remind Homura of the benefits to maintaining our current relationship with respect to Madoka, I'm afraid that she could become a dagger aimed straight at our back.
So something like

[ ] Carmen can say she'll help you protect Madoka, but will it be the kind of help Madoka needs, or even wants? You could put Madoka in a box that keeps all the dangers of the world at bay, but she'd never be happy in that box.
Page of Chesed
Page of Chesed

The Patron Librarian of Social Sciences, once head of Lobotomy Corporation's main Facility's Welfare Branch. A genius who would have gone unparalleled in any environment save for the one he chose, whose relaxed and laid-back persona conceal a fierce desire to help others.

Patron Librarian of Social Sciences: As the head of the Floor of Social Sciences, Chesed has the authority to borrow power from the Abnormalities locked within it. These powers are distributed among the Floor's Librarians as is seen to best fit the situation. The Floor's Librarians also have access to EGO taken from these Abnormalities in its purest form. This EGO is incredibly powerful, but can only be used in short bursts.

The abilities granted by the Abnormalities on the Floor of Social Sciences primarily focus on coordination, teamwork, and maintaining group stability. It includes strengthening individuals so long as they have teammates present, siphoning mental stability from opponents, energizing combatants to allow them to continue fighting freely, disabling opponents and draining their vitality, and even preventing or reversing death in a limited capacity.

Scientific Genius: Chesed was an incredible scientist even by the standards of the Wings, to the point where he could have joined A Corp's ranks. This talent was aimed towards the work of L Corp instead, leading to an even further advanced understanding of most psychology-related fields.

Nuovo Fabric: A special fabric worn by members of the Reverberation Ensemble, created by the Carnival under the instructions of the Index. While it does provide superb defenses even to places not covered by the fabric so long as enough is worn, the real benefit is the ability to bind naturally unstable elements into a solid form.

Puppet Strings: Though there were certain irreconcilable ideological differences between Chesed and this ability's original owner, the Patron Librarian has taken quite a liking to this ability.

The Puppeteer produces a functionally limitless quantity of highly-durable strings, which can be attached to enemies, allies, or even the local area. The user and their allies are never impaired or restricted by these strings, no matter how entangled they become. While they can be used to puppet and control the actions of others, willing or not, Chesed far prefers the enhancing effects of the strings. A person coordinated by this ability can act in perfect concert with others, and gains significant additional force and agility in their movements. Most importantly, however, is that actually killing a person connected by the Puppet Strings is incredibly difficult. While the connection does begin to wane and fray when a person is near death, it also allows them to survive otherwise lethal blows.

얀샋ㄷ요무: The power of a Distortion who lost all hope of making a difference and accepted becoming a part of the flow of the world, becoming inured to the misery surrounding them.

얀샋ㄷ요무's powers produce a corrosive ink that stains everything it touches, eating away at the mind and body alike. This ink can be delivered through other attacks, or produce special limbs and weapons to act as vectors for its spread. Esoteric defenses that would normally protect one from harm have no effect on this ink's corrosive properties.

The Messenger: An ability which produces Prescripts to be delivered to allies. While some believe the Prescripts to be a form of future sight, it would be more accurate to consider them a perfect computational engine which can measure all information in existence, even including things that are normally immeasurable, and decides on a course of action according to that data. Access to the Prescript, even in this limited form, in combination with the Library's own surveillance allows Chesed and his team to react in advance to the enemy's movements.

Keeping In Stride: An expensive but basic modification favored by the Zwei Association. Automatically repairs one's body over time, though it scales poorly for higher-level combatants and is far more influential in weaker fighters.

Four Trigrams: High-tier Nanotechnology owned and used by the Hana Association. The nanomachines integrate themselves with the user, responding to their actions at the speed of thought. While weapons and armor are the most simple formations, more complex structures can form for more specific tasks, such as purging one's body and mind of foreign influence or boosting agility beyond what should be physically possible.

Because the Hana Association has made multiple forays into the Library, and because of how versatile and universally useful the Hana nanomachines are, this ability is a common one for Librarians to utilize.
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Mmmm, does Binah have "An Arbiter" and Gebura have "Gebura's Prowess" like they do in the final reception? Because if so, Gebura just have 5 (or was it 6) points free now. Unless you stack both Gebura's Prowess and Myo's Prowess...
Scientific Genius: Chesed was an incredibly scientist even by the standards of the Wings, to the point where he could have joined A Corp's ranks.
so, This is the only one I noticed, But still.
Anyway, depending on how the ibrary works in your version or how sentimental you want Angela to be, these could be the ones that chesed killed personally.
[X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't. Carmen is bugnuts crazy, and while she may want what she thinks is best for her, she likely doesn't understand what that means for someone anymore.
[ ] Carmen can say she'll help you protect Madoka, but will it be the kind of help Madoka needs, or even wants? You could put Madoka in a box that keeps all the dangers of the world at bay, but she'd never be happy in that box.

I will note that Homura would definitely do so if given the means, especially considering the end of Rebellion. The fact that Homura had the means to make Madoka be happy with being in the box helped as well. Homura even stated she would become Madoka's enemy if it meant she could protect her.
Madoka's protection always came second to her happiness, even if it's a very close second.
I will note that Homura would definitely do so if given the means, especially considering the end of Rebellion. The fact that Homura had the means to make Madoka be happy with being in the box helped as well. Homura even stated she would become Madoka's enemy if it meant she could protect her.
Madoka's protection always came second to her happiness, even if it's a very close second.
I'm hoping we've steard her off that path with everything we've done that she won't be that singleminded. She hasn't tried to stick her in a box so far, so she respects Madoka's autonomy and freedom to some degree.

If she is that far gone, we might as well kill her now and save everyone an unnecessary headache.
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Madoka's protection always came second to her happiness, even if it's a very close second.

Heh, so so on that.

One very important fact about her decision in rebellion is that she had a discussion with Madoka where she asked here if she was happy as the law of cycle, and Madoka, not knowing about it due to her memory gambit, answered the question that was asked with *I wouldn't be happy in that situation*, except the question was about if she had to be alone and unable to see her friends, which is not the case as the law of cycle.

Anyway, the important part is that the catalyst for removing Madoka from the situation is that Homura thought she was unhappy.

If all Homura cared about was protecting Madoka without care about her happiness, this situation would have been resolved for ages, with a Madoka that ends up being kidnapped and no need to fight walpurgisnacht. The gilded cage of rebellion is a desperate measure and not a possibility as long as we exist to provide a better alternative, it was taken by a Homura in a far worse place than this one, even including the distortion, she was very high on grief at the time.
They made it because the index told them to, but they just told them to make the thing, not tell them where to sell it. So the highest bidder gets the thing.
Or not, my memory is finicky at best
Welcome to trying to outpredict the prescripts, you may try all you want, but you're more likely to be the one that ends up knotted and ready to serve than it is.

As the Prescripts order.
[X] She can listen to Carmen, we can't truly stop her from doing so, but she shouldn't. Carmen is bugnuts crazy, and while she may want what she thinks is best for her, she likely doesn't understand what that means for someone anymore

Like they always say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and there's enough good intentions coming from Carmen to make a second Highway to Hell.