TBH, while we are currently mostly settled on on gem-making, IIRC VEE spam is the primary way of making like, all the money without investing too much time into it?
Just buying the Hell/Key and Kingdom charm is likely to put us on the Mage 20 Resources scale instead of the V20 one.
The one that goes up to 10 instead of 5. We may not be able to launder more than a fraction into the real world, but even being a figurehead royal is going to put us in the ranks of Saudi royalty and Russian oligarchs.
If thats what we want, of course.
The reason why the lottery strat is so important to us?
Because once we have a big chunk of cash like that, its a lot easier to hide other income flows around it.
And at the high end in the occult world, money issues can get quite extravagant.
For example, Castle Marcone was a four stories high building that Marcone built on the site of Dresden's old boarding house by literally buying an enchanted castle in Scotland, disassembling it and shipping it over brick by brick and rebuilding it on
And Bianca's ball was an event where she could literally give away several million dollars worth of gifts to a Dragon.
On the Margret la Fey bit I think they talk about her using magic that way in Turn Coat, the part with wizards scying to get rich shows up at some point when Harry speaks of how other wizards live. I think the latter is in the context of him getting hurt doing his job and pointing out other wizards not taking as many risks as he does to pay the bills though that does not narrow it down much
Mort is not a full wizard so minor talent it is, strong for his narrow field but he does not have the breadth of magic to even be called a sorcerer.
Fair enough.
Im looking at it and thinking if Maggie LeFay left a nestegg behind, Dresden wouldnt have been living quite so hardscrabble a life even before his father died. Thomas would have had options. Maggie was over a hundred years old when she died too. More than a hundred and sixty according to the timeline.
Mort is highly specialized, yes. Minor talent no.
I think he and Hannah Ascher were on roughly the same level of power; Lea explicitly says in Ghost Story that he's as powerful as Dresden is in his field of specialty. Given as Dresden is a top 50/top 40 wizard, thats a
And in this case, he has access to lots of friendly minions, which would be a much more marketable skill than Ascher's pyromancy.
So I think its suggestive when he makes a living from seances and books, instead of stuff like recovering lost gold.
If "Rosie is feeling confined in her own home, which isn't good for her psychological health" isn't good enough, then "meeting Michael's PI police consultant friend to talk about dangers of drugs" should be.
Whats his name? Dresden.
The guy who went on notJerry Springer and claimed to be a wizard two years ago?
The one who was arrested as a suspect in a police murder investigation last month?
When SI hires Harry, they try to keep it quiet.
Dont drag Dresden into shit
that doesnt require his presence.