-Goddammit Charity, stop being so bloody terrifying. Lol.
Im halfway expecting her to Exalt as a Zenith or Lunar out of sheer willpower just to keep an eye on Molly.
Momdar OP, please nerf.
-Something worth noting is that while Charity has seen Molly fight? She hasnt actually seen Molly do anything else.
Not social/diplomacy, and especially not Craft. She knows intellectually that Molly can make stuff, and has seen some of the results, but has never actually seen it happen. Never seen Tool Constructs work.
Watching her daughter make stuff is quite a new experience. Same with seeing Lydia wield non-combat magic.
And she has solid brass ovaries for taking the appearance of Porter so well.
-How sweet.
Rider and Wagon going to bat for their boss.
Whether loyalty or just self-interest, its still nice to see the immigrants exercise relatively benign initiative.
-Called it.
We are going to need a van going forward, probably. A 2007 model year Chevrolet Express cargo van is around 30k new, and we'd be able to slap a cyberdevil in it. Or we're gonna be hiring UHauls on a regular basis, and that can be unreliable.
-I see Marcone's organization has adopted a strict policy of "be polite to the spooky teenager and stay out of her way".
I suspect he's probably passed a name and description of her around his organization, much as he did for Dresden.
I do wonder what Marcone's people thought to see two teenagers, one adult woman and a dog move several hundred kilos worth of supplies through their warehouse. And the adult woman carrying a warhammer.
Very strange procession we must make.
-Going to note that we have 3 women and a dog here.
It is now narratively inevitable that several vampires will show up, in time to get threatened by Charity's hammer
-8/12 Essence.
Thats why I try to be pessimistic when projecting our Essence expenditure.
-Charity rolling legendary social against her daughter. As one does.

At this point it would be more surprising if she didnt.
-Cooking roll is off. If I understand the math corrrctly?
Dexterity 4 + Crafting 3 + (-2 Non-Specialty penalty) + Excellency 7 + Stunt 2 = 14 dice
Bottle of water over head for -1 DC, and another -3DC from TLF for a cumulative total of -4DC.
Doesnt really matter for this episode though.
Which is actually a pretty good idea.
Especially since I fully expect that we're going to see Little Folk/pixies show up for a meal sooner or later.
They seldom miss an opportunity for free food.
I wonder what legendary pizza would be able to get pixies to do.