Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Two. We had two. One before X figured out she was DoSaM.

The second is after she figured out shes DoSaM.

Provided the two are denials in completely different thing but related (former abnormality status, latter status as a good person who tried her best).

And yes. I would also appreciate it if I can obtain such facts and logic. I have yet to make due on my promise to purchase the art books.

Curses them for locking lore tidbits behind the art books.
the artbook indeed have an abno code at the last page/the back of the book.
also, you do need to break the egg for your sunny side up you know? or you can just keep the egg at the back of your fridge until it starts to smell and rot, your choice
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it make sense, the artbooks are canon stuff, they exists ingame and inuniverse, The LOR ones are Roland and Angelas book then you need to explain the first one.
so just make the book an abnormality! and its core idea is: the book of answers!(but it didn't really holds answers...at least not for the employees)
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Well, the joke was that we somehow *recreated/summoned* the old one, and gave it to Madoka without realizing it.

Of course, ours could very well be an aberration of the old one, though we don't know enough about aberrations to know if they can be in a different category. Probably not, but you never know, we have almost no rules about them.
Last page of the artbook, from what I remember, it is marked with an abnormality id, the O-09-05 one I talked about. Or whatever one it is, actually @Naron, I do remember you talking about it, can you confirm that the manager's manual is an abnormality? Thanks.
I saw this mentioned in several places and by people who should know what they are talking about.

Unfortunately, I do not own the artbook myself at this time, so I can not fully confirm it. But it seems someone else went to check, so all is good with the world.
Wait, I get why the original Codex would be O.

But the new one is defnitely traumatic for X. Shouldnt it be T then?
is it really an abno thou?
its not doing abnormal stuff, not for now.
just because we made it doesn't mean its abnormal.
the LC Artbook is abnormal because it is showing Information from game devs and some other stuff like concept arts and none-existence/Yet-to-be-extracted abnormalites, so its abnormal.
but our book is just some hand written notes about our old unreliable Information on abnos
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And by god, I am not gonna let X go home without a bonk on the head by Angela on why her current mindset is stupid.

X currently has learned essentially no lessons, and is actually backtracking on her own lessons she taught to Gebura.
You know what, this is the entire problem. The notion that people need corrective "lessons" on how to live their lives, or else they're gonna continue being (seemingly) idiots.

That is not how it works. People are fucking complex, and often they do stuff for inscrutable reasons. Moreover, it's insulting to imply that a change in mindset is a matter of Angela saying the right things to X. Because that doesn't, and shouldn't, actually matter. The way X can learn to value herself is not through some sympathetic affirmation by an external source, but through doing, and succeeding at, the things she finds worthwhile.

Sometime, you gotta be hard on someone to help them.
It should not come as a surprise, but I heavily disagree with this kind of sentiment.
In my experience bottling up your emotion and problems or leads to a big fucking blow up.
so I'm leaning on talking and opening up, i don't care is it good or bad to open my mouth, open up and talk about your problems are usualy the best way to help it.
It should not come as a surprise, but I heavily disagree with this kind of sentiment.
Then know that I speak from experience that doing otherwise is stupid.

I know so because myself got the hard treatment to stop myself from being a fucking moron.

And I personally knew multiple people whose life arent doing so well because they were babied their whole life.

Humans are complex creatures, but trying to help them change using minor nudges, thoughts and prayers, is something you shoud leave to god and those who believes in him.

I shall go and use a way I personally experienced and know that it works. Treat everyone with a carrot until their stupidity warrant the stick.

Though in X's case, its less a stick and more of a push forward.
If it is an accidental abberant..... mayhaps check to see if it has changed at all compared to when we wrote it
Mayhaps it has the distortion pages in it, possibly witch pages?

Ps Yes, some people need only gentle reminders, some need a grandiose and dramatic moment to get them past what ails them and in many case, some need their pride broken, some need an uplifting effort

And more commonly they need someone to piss them off as I unfortunately know
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Then know that I speak from experience that doing otherwise is stupid.

I know so because myself got the hard treatment to stop myself from being a fucking moron.

And I personally knew multiple people whose life arent doing so well because they were babied their whole life.
Well, in my experience, such "well-meaning" attempts to help have not gone at all as intended, to the point of being traumatic and devolving into (IMO justified) hostility between the parties.

I suppose there is no accounting for personal experience, and it's not like this is a disagreement that can be resolved with a few words. Which is, in a way, related to what I was saying.
Indeed at the end of the day it is up to each of us to discern what is the best approach
Abnormality or person, a leader/managers job is to make sure his wards are happy and productive some need Repression others social, some need instinct while others need insight
In the end different folks need different strokes and everyone have different approaches
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Another part of the problem is that we don't all see X confessing here in the same way, for me, it has nothing to do with *lessons* and everything to do with emotional catharsis, letting the stress of keeping all bottled up out because it is healthier than the alternative, and I don't really understand why people are telling WE are forcing X to do it since the vote is to decide if SHE is willing to.

Basically, I agree with Kailll
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Adhoc vote count started by Nyarky on Dec 5, 2022 at 12:17 PM, finished with 133 posts and 34 votes.

Anyway, I don't even know why we are discussing this, it's not as if the vote is even a contest, we will tell the truth, no doubts about that.
[X] The Truth

Angela probably already suspects this, but she probably doesn't want to think about the fact that her actions led to X becoming Abnormal. Unlike children, she is well aware of how bad it is, given that the Abno are obliged to follow their nature and are not able to change. This may apply to X to a lesser extent, but neither of them is likely aware of it. So yes, it's an incredibly big deal. And I won't blame Angela if she doesn't respond well to this.

And speaking of the name X... Well, it's not even a real name, but just a designation in honour of the name of the Object where the Manager worked. I wonder if it's Ayin or Angela's idea, looking like X's name doesn't affect the script in any way. Anyway, another awkward topic. X is just full of those things, isn't she?