A variant of Yog's vote, slightly softer and more direct approach, with a chance to start relations with the White Court on a better note by exposing MiS.
[X] Write in: Firmly but politely ask vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Continue with the plan of Black Rider making himself seem like a bad buy
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency
-[X] Stunt: You are already dressed to tell 'fuck off' to social conventions, now you act like it. Confidently, like you are the queen of the lot, you drag your seat near the vampire. The movement of your arm as you indicate your bid is full of poise and projects full confidence that the car will be yours; and for vampire that's barely a metaphor, she understands well what you intend to communicate. Airbag explosion which punctuates your actions is a fitting acoustic accompaniment. You whisper to the vampire, so that only she understands your words, firmly but without hostility: "Hello, you are from the same circles as Thomas, right? Looks like we are after the same car; unfortunate, as it is dear to me after our shared history, and from a certain point of view it might even be said I killed its previous owner for it. Let me have it for how long I will it, and there might even be something beneficial in it to you." (Alluding to possible MiS benefits from explicitly acting out's Molly will).
[X] JayTar
[X] Write in: Firmly but politely ask vampire to back off (Charisma+Intimidation DPE applies)
-[X] Continue with the plan of Black Rider making himself seem like a bad buy
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency
-[X] Stunt: You are already dressed to tell 'fuck off' to social conventions, now you act like it. Confidently, like you are the queen of the lot, you drag your seat near the vampire. The movement of your arm as you indicate your bid is full of poise and projects full confidence that the car will be yours; and for vampire that's barely a metaphor, she understands well what you intend to communicate. Airbag explosion which punctuates your actions is a fitting acoustic accompaniment. You whisper to the vampire, so that only she understands your words, firmly but without hostility: "Hello, you are from the same circles as Thomas, right? Looks like we are after the same car; unfortunate, as it is dear to me after our shared history, and from a certain point of view it might even be said I killed its previous owner for it. Let me have it for how long I will it, and there might even be something beneficial in it to you." (Alluding to possible MiS benefits from explicitly acting out's Molly will).
[X] JayTar
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