Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Thats a kind of meta effect over all future timelines instead of one timeline.
Heh, you'd need to define what a "future timeline" is in the first place...
(sorry, couldn't resist nitpicking :V )

There's hope in PMMM with Madoka's final wish until Rebellion shows the consequences of leaving behind someone who spent a decade of time loops trying to save you, with all the mental trauma that entails.
You know, we've had a Seed of Light and timeline mechanics discussion, so I was waiting for someone to invoke the ultimate Sephirah of PMMM:

The Post Derailing the Thread, Arguing about Rebellion

Heh, you'd need to define what a "future timeline" is in the first place...
(sorry, couldn't resist nitpicking :V )
There has to be some kind of overarching time outside timelines, or at least a metaphysical progression of events.

Why? Because Madoka's ascension undoes every universe and then remakes them, but if there is no metatime it should happen instantly or retroactively because timetravel and acausal goddess.
Isnt all discussion regarding this useless, since Lepid already said that Homura's time magic reverses time instead of timeline hop?

Anyway, @Lepidoptera you might want to put that particular message into the informational tab, its rather important.
Current discussion is less useless and more as on-the-thread-rails as Express Train To Hell is

It's not relevant to the quest at all, though?

Do you think Angela/Binah can give us advice on how to strengthen ourselves, or how not to finish our tale in a way that we really won't like?
So fast paced and running poor X over?
So lep, X, potentially Homura and madoka with a dash of poor sayaka splattered in the forum halls with all of us the arguing train engineers
Makes sense
For those that actually played LoR, any idea what this actually is?
Lush jungle in the dead of night should be Binah's floor.

No idea about the former.

However. I believe those are because we are on the Floor of Geography. So its probably something unrelated to anything in LoR proper, and is just an aspect of X's floor.

Aka, Da'at.

E: By the way, is X currently nude or is she dressed up in her lab coat attire again?
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Please don't, I don't want this [CENSORED] to [CENSORED] a [CENSORED] :V

But for real, if you think the earlier discussion was unbending, Rebellion discussion is much worse - rather not open that Eternal Meal can
Why should I begrudge you, since during the years
When the amount of spinoffs crushed the depths of my heart
You were complaining there beside me?

O Homura apologist, I
have ended, you see, by respecting you
Because I am certain you will never leave me.

Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the staleness of your arguments...

Oh my Apologist, you are better than a well-beloved:
Because I know that on the day the sequel is released,
You will be there, lying in wait,
So that you might once again attempt
To derail the thread.
Therea reason I used the ultra jungle as the image
Limbus company has that timeline man
X is a spacelink man for his floor
[X] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake now just a hunch."

Honestly? I do not think this will be the only chance for X and Angela to talk, so I want to see X meeting the one person in this Library she does not already know.
[X] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake now just a hunch."

Man has it been that long from the chapter? Or am I too slow for all these.

I wouldn't mind meeting Rolando first.
Do you mind restating the order of logic that you used to conclude that Homura is timeline jumping in Canon? Kindof hard to argue properly when our implication arrows are all over the place

It's also possible that in timeline jumping the Wish interpreted it as something "close enough" would suffice, after all


For one, I am 100% sure there is an interview stating it, so there's that.

For two: in the show, during episode 10, we see a glimpse of an Oktavia barrier where the familiars are playing guitars instead of violins, since these are inspired by Kyujibo, it means that he is playing guitar, which is a change that cannot be due to Homura's actions, since he's been doing it for years. As such, the only explanation is a parallel universe, and since Homura got in one, why not all the time?

There is also the fact that Madokami says that she saw all of Homura's efforts across her jumps, which seems strange if Homura was resetting the timeline, since there would be nothing to see, so with what was shown just above, you can conclude that Homura jumps timelines and the old ones still exists.

We also have the part of Wraith arc where Homura returns in her old timelines who are now the place where Madokami and the witch of Despair are fighting eternally. Once again, several timelines, don't stop existing when Homura leaves.

And in Magia record, some of the Madokami story reveals that this is explicitly a parallel timeline to canon that madokami isn't subsuming because it may have an alternate answer to their journey, and she doesn't wants to remove that. Showing once again that there is a multiverse.
Makes one wonder what madokami is thinking when seeing this variant of homura and this fuster cluck
Or potentially the city neighbor she just saw move in and now sees the threads between this errant timeline and the city
Yeah as Nyarky has stated, PMMM generally hints at alternate timelines. Though I am glad QM opted for true time resets, the idea of a single arrow looping into itself before finally exiting is what I personally prefer for my interpretation of PMMM.
Yeah as Nyarky has stated, PMMM generally hints at alternate timelines. Though I am glad QM opted for true time resets, the idea of a single arrow looping into itself before finally exiting is what I personally prefer for my interpretation of PMMM.

Well, if that's what Lepi wants, it can work well, you don't have to remove much of the original show to make it conform, just the little part in episode 10 and maybe change Madokami's explanation a little, most of the biggest proofs are elsewhere, but most of the canon information is in the original anyway.

And it does increase the parallels between Homura and us, after all, LobCorp didn't have help from Iori, who is the one who is searching through different timelines, they had help from Benjamin and the TT2 protocol, who turns back the clock.