Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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For voting, do remember that X probably doesn't know who Roland is, given the only mention in NT's memories was "someone in a black mask", and Roland probably won't be coming in in combat attire
Lepidoptera, for real though, do you mind elaborating on what *exactly* we are voting on here? The context around this vote isn't very clear, and it's hard to actually argue properly because of that.
This vote is to determine who shows up on the other side of the door. The fact that the two quotes fit very well as a back and forth between two characters is coincidence and probably something I should've corrected beforehand.
[] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."
[X] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake. Just a hunch."

For those voting for Roland, mind giving arguments so we can actually look at things from both sides? (Managed to accidentally convince myself to vote for him lol)

One thing I can think of is that voting for Roland means we are guaranteed to meet him (since Roland is calling for Angela), but meeting Roland if voting for Angela isn't quite guaranteed.

E: Lepidoptera, you should probably put that clarification into the update, most people probably won't notice otherwise

highest-grade cheese
Uh, are you sure you were talking about Kyouko and not Nagisa? :V
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[X] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake. Just a hunch."

Mostly just concerned that the other one would involve talking to Carmen which would not help here.
Pretty close now. This vote probably doesn't have the greatest of consequences, so have fun? (Do remember to copy the vote correctly)

Hm. Voting for Angela would give us a chance to interact with her in a solo setting, but is that what we want?
Adhoc vote count started by Lurker183839 on Nov 30, 2022 at 12:25 AM, finished with 80 posts and 25 votes.
Honestly. It's a coin flip. We literally have no information to work on so this is just a preference vote.

It would just be a bit nostalgic for X to wake up and the first face she sees is Angela again.
For those voting for Roland, mind giving arguments so we can actually look at things from both sides? (Managed to accidentally convince myself to vote for him lol)
I like the loland more. That is all.

Uh, are you sure you were talking about Kyouko and not Nagisa? :V
I was more talking about busted stuff like perma-stealth Gebura or Chained Wrath + The Strongest.

Nagisa's floor would probably consist of the most OP abnormalities in the Library.

Forsaken Murderer
Today's Shy Look
Big and Might Be Bad Wolf
Der Freischutz (or maybe Apocalypse Bird?)

I'm salivating just thinking about it.
[X] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."

I really like going full-circle. Angela was the first and last person we saw in the City. And here she is, back in the Project Moon-verse to welcome X again.
That said, you don't think that you've actually died. This would be a very underwhelming hell, and the kids probably wouldn't be here with you.

Maybe no big surprise, but X definitely believes to be bound for hell if they ever actually die.

"Left the Facility".

If you left, why does everything feel the same?

For one who knows nothing but the tomb that was the facility, everything would of course be judged by how closely it resembles the facility.

It feels the same because X has no emotional context for any other kind of experience.

What really changed?

You are no longer bound to only meeting the same 12 people + however many people were stored in records + however you want to count the rabbit grunts.

You can go to a beach. You can actually look at the stars and feel wind on your skin.
You can make connections with people untarnished by A's past sins.

You could actually stay outside between 3 and 4 AM.
AND you could likely find entertainment actually funny for you and not liable to trigger trauma in the process.
(On that note anyone up to later watch kid shows with Yuma? Good bonding and maybe it is light enough entertainment for X to actually enjoy it)

Kyoko's Soul Gem is present, somewhere. The others, too, and still within your reach.

*Victory Fanfare*

Homura's Magic still claws at you, assuring you that she is still alive. There's maybe half an hour left before it takes effect.
[] "Uh, Angela? I think they're awake. Just a hunch."
[] "Oh. I will admit, I was expecting that to take longer."

Under the assumption that this vote has actual weight and the options are between Angela and Roland...
I think it safe to assume that we won't get to meet both of them.

If Roland arrives first we will likely get him vouching for Angela and telling us how she redeemed herself.
Angela herself has too much Baggage with X for that to come up within the 30 minutes left I feel.
And in return Roland would likely tease out what X has been up to in the days since manifesting.
(Also realise the time difference for X and Angela; the Library is post-canon but X has only been out for a mere 6 days tops)

While Angela would likely learn about how the Abnormalities keep escaping (through X having a Not-Actually-Shouting-Match with her), how X is now an Abno AND a bundle of Issues and let the two of them have their first (maybe non-violent) altercation.
There is lots of bad blood there, which mixes terribly with a time limit.

I fully expect Angela to delay arriving if we choose Roland so she can avoid meeting up with X for as long as possible, right up until X then unexpectedly goes *POOF* from Homura's time magic.

While if we vote Angela the meeting is liable to be *accidental* and was more about Angela looming internally conflicted over X's sleeping form and reminiscing and instead finding X already up and about.

Also some unfounded speculation.
As Angela was made by Ayin in the Image of Carmen.
How likely is it that Abno X was created by Carmen using the pieces of A and X that didn't ascend into the light?
Specifically the pieces that were X's and X's alone?
The Pieces that are all the trauma and experiences Ayin was a bit too traumatized at the time to account for in his script?
All the unanswered regrets and wounds unique to the facility experience?
Would fit with how Ayin keeps getting fucked over by the sins he committed in his attempts to atone for the sins of his past.

But yeah. Fun to think about what Angela/Roland will get to tell the oter Patron Librarians after this.
Wonder if they feel at least a little bad about seeing X as Just Ayin now.
The play of the script was built to encourage that, but still they should be at least a bit conflicted with how they had X answer for A's fuckups when they weren't even the same person since the very start. (at least in this story's canon)
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I dunno man. Salvation is pretty busted. And Eternal Lit Lamp is also pretty good.

Apocalypse Bird is actually worse than useless here since you need the Birds to make A Bird works.
Salvation is a bit of a meme, and the lamp is just Big Eyes but worse. If there's an abnormality to take from Philosophy, it's Judgement Bird, because Weight of Sin and Tilted Scale are actually pretty strong for solo builds, just overshadowed by the Beast.

A Bird doesn't actually need the birds, it comes with the eggs already.
A Bird doesn't actually need the birds, it comes with the eggs already.
You have 5 abnormalities on a floor.

A Bird takes up 2 spots. You would have to remove another one.
Salvation is a bit of a meme, and the lamp is just Big Eyes but worse. If there's an abnormality to take from Philosophy, it's Judgement Bird, because Weight of Sin and Tilted Scale are actually pretty strong for solo builds, just overshadowed by the Beast.
True. Judgment Bird is strong too.

Wait in that case why not just put Nothing There? Shell and Goodbye are pretty op Abnormality Pages too.
I fully expect Angela to delay arriving if we choose Roland so she can avoid meeting up with X for as long as possible, right up until X then unexpectedly goes *POOF* from Homura's time magic.
I don't think post-canon Angela would be so skittish. She has the guts to talk to the Atziluth pair, and X is by far less belligerent than either of them.

Wait in that case why not just put Nothing There? Shell and Goodbye are pretty op Abnormality Pages too.
Eh, those aren't as mind-numbingly broken as Dark Flame or The Beast.
While Angela would likely learn about how the Abnormalities keep escaping (through X having a Not-Actually-Shouting-Match with her), how X is now an Abno AND a bundle of Issues and let the two of them have their first (maybe non-violent) altercation.
There is lots of bad blood there, which mixes terribly with a time limit.

I'm not sure on bad blood. At least, on X's end. It will be really awkward for sure, but I don't think X holds much animosity for Angela. During the start of the quest, we voted on how to feel about Angela interrupting the Seed of Light. We chose to feel hopeful and understanding.

Angela, on the other hand… It depends on if Angela saw X as Ayin. Roland told her the difference, according to a previous side story.