Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Well if nothing else transCendent lord oF Flies means that if we leave the house in a huff we don't need to worry about living expenses at all.

I would expect that when living on the street having the charm means that you find a thrown away unopened pizza box or the like whenever you feel even slightly hungry and other such conveniences. The charm seems fairly clear that sustaining yourself becomes effortless.
True, but that isn't really a serious concern for us.

Molly was couch surfing with friends before we voted to go home. That presumably runs out sometime but in canon Molly went home around this point because Harry made her as a condition of her apprenticeship, not because she was in immediate danger of living in the streets.

That does happen, but it's much later on. She presumably wears out her welcome at some point after she leaves home for the second time.

If we did strike out alone Molly has a lot of ways to make money and fake legitimacy to casual mortal inspection, so she wouldn't really need to live off dumpster pizza.

The charm is still useful though, especially if we ever decide to play with the nevernever at all.
It also helps to mitigate King and Kingdom minmaxing, if you, for some reason, made your Hell-Realm into a deathworld.

A King and the Kingdom question;
Lord of the Land (Cost: 1 point): The Hell's natural phenomena obey your will. You can make the winds blow as you wish, calm boiling seas or bid them part, and call down lightning during a raging storm.
There is this ability amongst purchasable features for our Hell. How does it work with
Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom. Any time the Infernal uses a stunt incorporating the features of her Kingdom, she reduces the difficulty of that action by one
Signature effect of the same charm? Do we get ability to manifest lower-intensity effects of this purchase while in Shintai? General stunt-fodder little tricks? Discounts/bonus to effectiveness of Paths like Weather Manipulation?
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Fair point.
Does… Does the stopping the handgun shots mean his armor… let's him soak lethal damage, or is it more of an ablative thing?
Also, our soak is… definitely lower than I'd like, particularly when coupled with us having 11 HLs and (for now) no combat-relevant heal/regen.
One big hit from an enemy and we could be down for the…
well, I take that back, we have our Shintai.
How long does that last us?
That gives us… 4 more soak and an additional 12 HLs?
Do we instantly die if we go to (or below?) zero HLs?
-Soak, presumably. There is no allowance for ablative armor in this system that Im aware of.

Note that mortals only soak lethal and agg damage with armor, while supernaturals can soak with stamina and any relevant magics.
So for a mortal getting shot or stabbed, his soak is (Armor) while for a supernatural, its Stamina + Armor + (relevant magics).
I assume Knights soak like supernaturals. No idea about wizards.

-Molly is already hilariously tanky by mortal standards.
More tanky than Dresden for most of the book series thus far. Remember that Molly's first day out she walked off getting an AR15 magdumped into her chest. And she's only getting started.

-In Shintai, we get 16 HLs(4x Demon Body + 1 Ox Body) and another +4 Soak.

Disagree. Our current soak is enough right now that I would bet on her against any number of armed mortals. At least in any sort of urban environment. The numbers are such that they would all get in each other's way before they became a serious threat to her.

At least I think. I actually don't know the exact mechanics, but I think a man with a gun generally rolls 4 lethal and we have 4 soak before spending a single mote or using any charms. So on average if Molly stands still and let's people shoot at her more then half of the people do no damage.

True there are scarier things out there, but that is always going to be the case. If we just focus on combat then we just do bigger and bigger fights and it will feel like we are standing still.

Don't look at our soak values like we are in creation where we expect to fight other exalted. We are in a world of mostly mooks and things that prey on mooks. And the predators don't out class the mooks enough to not need to hide.

Actually can someone explain exactly what happens when someone shoots at us? Kind of want to know how much soak is enough that any group of armed thugs big enough to beat us is also too big to get the jump on us.
-Molly soaks with Stamina + Armor + relevant charms. Mortals soak witn Armor.

-Someone shoots at us with Dex+Firearms or Dex + Athletics.
We defend with Dex + Melee(Parry) or Dex + Athletics(Dodge.).
QM rolls.

If attack roll has fewer successes than defense roll, it fails. If attack roll has more successes than defense roll, it succeeds.
Excess successes from the attack roll are added to the Damage dicepool of the weapon used, which now rolls to determine how many successes it deals. The defender gets to roll its soak dicepool to defend against the hit.

Weapon damage successes in excess of soak successes is HL damage dealt.

Depends on the gun (and in some cases, the gunman). I would expect a sniper rifle, anti-materiel rifle, or the like to do significantly more damage or at least to do damage more reliably, and likewise for heavy weapons, I would also expect them to do more damage, potentially a lot more.
If we walk into an ambush/crossfire/prepared position, which with our perception is not impossible, we could take a whole lot of damage, even if it is just chip damage, before we have an opportunity to retaliate.
Also, it wouldn't be impossible for us to walk into some sort of trap, which could potentially do a whole lot of damage as well. Opening a door and taking an improvised (or not) Claymore to the face is not beneficial for one's health, particularly if it is immediately followed up by an ambush. Same goes for stepping on a mine of any variety.
Our Perception 2 Alertness 0 Awareness 0 ass is not going to be readily spotting traps, particularly if pains have been taken to conceal or disguise them.
On that note, Michael and Lydia have at least somewhat better stats in that regard, right?

Light handguns are 4L. Heavy handguns are 5L. Assault rifles are 7L. Shotguns are 8L.
There's no weapon in the standard ExWoD arsenal that does more damage than a shotgun, though the QM can import weapon stats from other WoD sourcebooks if they choose.

Remember that this is an urban fantasy setting, not a modern battlefield or a Dresdenverse Latin America cartel war.
The heaviest weapon seen in-setting prior to Battlegrounds was a helicopter mounted minigun. Everything else is manportable. Explosives are available but usually in a demolition role.

That's assuming that they are just that, 'thugs'.
They may not always be that. Sometimes they will be a good deal more than just that.
If we end up having to deal with Daedalus more often, particularly once they start to realize just what we're capable of, we might end up dealing with trained operatives instead.
Won't that be a lovely surprise (no it won't). Doubly so if they're magically augmented somehow (a la the FBI… hexenwulven?)
You dont spec for edge cases.
Molly is already on the verge of trivializing mortal law enforcement opposition.

The threat of Daedalus is not combat and has never been. Its in their intelligenc, social and organizational threat to people and things Molly cares about. Short of bringing in heavy military ordnance, Daedalus is unlikely to ever be a combat threat, and if they tried that they'd risk Molly hijacking all that stuff.

Oh, we need that too. We need a whole lot more of it.
How many XP would it cost to improve one of those skills, though?
If we spread between the three skills, it'll net us even less gain.
Also, we can craft stuff that'll give us more soak. IDK if we can do the same to boost Perception.
Perception 3 is 8XP. Alertness 1 is 3XP. Awareness 1 is 3XP.

See above.
The first Shih MA technique she's learning will allow her boost her Stamina up to Stamina 8 for a scene. Invulnerable Skin of Bronze can add another +5 Armor. Her second Ox Body will raise her normal HP to 15HLs, and her shintai HP to 20 HLs.

Soak is not a combat issue for Molly. Other threats are.
Shaping, Poison, Blindness, et cetera.
It'll take us that bit longer to take each of them down.
Even if we're only, say, taking down two instead of three, that will allow them to keep dealing more damage for longer.
Alternatively, they tie us up/slow us down in melee while their allies barrage us from range.
That said, I'm not sure just how much that in particular would be Daedalus' style.

Also, question. A while back, it was said that the last time… Daedalus(?) tried to deal with the supernatural, the Knights had to clean up after them. Is that referring to the Knights as an organization, or did they wake up something that took multiple Knights to take dow
Ive pointed out that Molly is hilariously tanky.

We invested in Flight for utility and mobility. We'll add Windborn Stride at some point to improve our mobility advantage.
The appropriate response to people trying to tie you down is to go above or around them.
Or terrify them and make them flee.

Not Daedalus. Another part of the US natsec community. Daedalus is new.
And no, it wasnt expanded on.
Noodle incident.
After we hit a rage wolf with our sword once I would expect even if they live that damage penalties that they take would mean they are not damaging us anymore even if they could to begin with. That alot of agg damage to ignore.
In general our problem is dealing too much damage not too little.
Molly is already hilariously lethal; she swings around a sword that does 6A base damage before extra successes unless she's actively trying to avoid killing people.

True, but that isn't really a serious concern for us.

Molly was couch surfing with friends before we voted to go home. That presumably runs out sometime but in canon Molly went home around this point because Harry made her as a condition of her apprenticeship, not because she was in immediate danger of living in the streets.

That does happen, but it's much later on. She presumably wears out her welcome at some point after she leaves home for the second time.

If we did strike out alone Molly has a lot of ways to make money and fake legitimacy to casual mortal inspection, so she wouldn't really need to live off dumpster pizza.

The charm is still useful though, especially if we ever decide to play with the nevernever at all.
Point of correction:
She doesnt wear out her welcome. She was borrowing facilities at Butters place.
She just avoids people she's worried are vulnerable, and known associates. Since post-Changes Dresden was supposed to be dead, the Doom of Damocles activated, and the Wardens were supposed to be looking for her by law.

She avoids known associates, and the Wardens can tell high command they cant find her, and are too busy with the Fomor to look too hard anyway. Which wouldnt normally have worked, but Dresden used to run the Wardens in the eastern US, and helped train a bunch of the younger ones.
4 points of soak at difficulty 5 is absolutely insufficient to render ppl with guns irrelevant. We tested that on Molly's hide. Shintai form Molly is generally invulnerable to ppl with hand-held firearms, though.
Ok so the difficulty of firearms is generally 5. That is important information. That gives an actual possible end point where we say ok this is enough soak for now.

Does the 5 include
The Infernal scribes a litany of the pain and hardships she has endured upon her heart and her very bones, fortifying her flesh against harm.
System: The Infernal permanently lowers the difficulty of all soak rolls by one.
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I assume Knights soak like supernaturals. No idea about wizards.
By default neither Knights nor Wizards/Mages are tougher than humans, that's why Micheal uses armor and Dresden an enchanted coat and lots of magical shields.
Though a Wizard can certainly get soak in other ways too, like shapeshifting or healing abilities. Even the Alphas get that, and they have very little magic after all.
-In Shintai, we get 16 HLs(4x Demon Body + 1 Ox Body) and another +4 Soak.
That's not correct by the way.
Ox-Body Technique (•)
The Infernal's flesh is fortified with the power to survive the very tortures of Hell. System: The character permanently gains two Wounded (–2), one Mauled (–2), and one Crippled (–5) health levels. This Charm can be purchased a number of times equal to the character's Essence rating. It only enhances the Infernal's regular health track, not her Shintai form.
Ok so the difficulty of firearms is generally 5. That is important information. That gives an actual possible end point where we say ok this is enough soak for now.
5 is with Scar-Writ Saga Shield. Normal difficulty to soak and to hit in ExWoD is 6, 4 with SWSS + BSM, and we are probably getting BSM this round.

We have enough soak, for now. Our passive form is somewhat vulnerable, but Exoskeleton and Shintai are more than fine for the level we are operating at. We are also going to get another ~3 points from Mo Kung, very soon.

Softcap for soak is somewhere around... 35 points, before custom charms. Stamina 9, SWSS 9, Shintai 4, Eschaton Shintai 3, magical armor without dex penalties 5-7, invulnerable skin of bronze is another +4, and you can scrounge up 5-10 from various non-crafting paths at a cost of diminishing resources.

By default neither Knights nor Wizards/Mages are tougher than humans, that's why Micheal uses armor and Dresden an enchanted coat and lots of magical shields.
IIRC, Wizards are a little tougher than humans; in addition to being able to heal injuries normal humans couldn't, over a long period of time. Swords are also, at very least, capable of negating wound penalties.
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Ok so the difficulty of firearms is generally 5. That is important information. That gives an actual possible end point where we say ok this is enough soak for now.

Does the 5 include
The Infernal scribes a litany of the pain and hardships she has endured upon her heart and her very bones, fortifying her flesh against harm.
System: The Infernal permanently lowers the difficulty of all soak rolls by one.
Firearms are standard difficulty: DC6. Could be higher if conditions are difficult, but usually 6.

Soak is rolled at DC6.
Molly rolls Soak at DC5 because of Scar Writ Saga Shield.
When she picks up Boiling Sea Mastery, as long as she's wet, she'll roll Soak at DC4.
By default neither Knights nor Wizards/Mages are tougher than humans, that's why Micheal uses armor and Dresden an enchanted coat and lots of magical shields.
Though a Wizard can certainly get soak in other ways too, like shapeshifting or healing abilities. Even the Alphas get that, and they have very little magic after all.

That's not correct by the way.
However when they're on the job I suspect that isnt true. Too many canon feats of things like Michael getting dogpiled by Reds and walking it off, and Butters literally surviving getting smashed in the head by Ethniu, who was the nine foot tall Titan that put both Ebenezar and Listens to Wind in surgery and punched out Odin.

And we know the Sword can negate wound penalties. Thats been shown onscreen.

We dont know that for wizards either.
Some of the evidence is suggestive, like Luccio surviving getting stabbed with what was supposed to be a lethal wound, or Dresden soaking fire damage from Mavra's flamethrower. Its not huge, but its there.

Thank you for the correction by the way.
Well we insist on fighting in a group of people we care about getting more soak isn't all that productive in any case. Even if we had 30 soak dad would be just as vulnerable to gun fire as he is right now.
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I guess well we insist on fighting in a group of people we care about getting more soak isn't all that productive in any case. Even if we had 30 soak dad would be just as vulnerable to gun fire as he is right now.
Actually, we can buff other people with Alchemy and Enchanting. We currently have TTS which enhances crafting by 5 or 10, and can get an additional x2 multiplier with King and Kingdom; this allows us to outfit our close circle with magical items without any problems.
We dont know that for wizards either.
Some of the evidence is suggestive, like Luccio surviving getting stabbed with what was supposed to be a lethal wound, or Dresden soaking fire damage from Mavra's flamethrower. Its not huge, but its there.
From what I've seen I don't think Wizards are like humans in that lethal wounds get worse without good treatment, but they don't have enough regeneration or supernatural toughness to really justify lethal soak.

People do survive getting stabbed IRL more often than not and if you combine that with relieble recovery and lower/no chance of serious infection your odds should actually be pretty good.
The way we use our own boosted Soak to protect our allies is by being a big enough threat that the badguys focus fire on us to bounce harmlessly off our Soak.

Which we're pretty good at doing already, since we typically roll 20 dice of Melee after Excellency and stunt, have a base damage of 6A before any extra successes from that massive amount of dice, have a good Intimidate score to make us seem even more threatening, and are lit up like a glowing green bonfire with eyes everywhere. Also, we fly, and fast, drawing even more attention that way.

Basically, we are fully capable of making ourselves look like a gigantic threat to any enemy with functioning eyes, even before our mystical signature looking like "an archdevil on a day trip out of hell," and will draw plenty of fire. And if we stack up enough Soak from various sources it will basically look like shooting Superman, but in some ways even more terrifying from the mooks' end because Superman doesn't kill, and also isn't Sailor Nuclear Hell Princess.
[X] See if you can track down the escaped cultists
-[X]Loot cultist cellphones before leaving Soul's Rest
-[X] Set Clippy and your other cyberdevils to tracking the cultists you identified.
--[X]Police traffic camera network around Soul's Rest. Attempt to track destination of fleeing cultists, especially Niemi
--[X] Have them check ICQ and other messengers and social pages of the cultists. Maybe you'll be able to track them that way.
-[X]Bleach soak to heal and regain power
-[X] Go after Dr. Niemi after both you and Lydia regain power.
--[X] Use the crown at that time to check where he fled to. Use the Soul's Rest site as a focus. The question is "where is Dr. Niemi fleeing to?"
--[X] Spend the time between you getting out of the bath and going hunting for Niemi looking for fleeing cultists.
-[X] Message Harry that there is a mess to clean up in Cleveland, definitely breaching a lot of the Laws. You, dad, and Lydia dealt with the immediate situation, but there are prisoners that need handling. Have Clippy compile and send a detailed report to Mouse's devilphone. In cypher / whatever demonic language your cyberdevils speak.
--[X] Call Harry at 7 P.M.
-[X] Stunt: "Ok! So, who's up for pizza? I am famished, and need good food and a nice bath before we go hunt down the local mastermind." You ask casually even as you are quickly typing on you phone, giving your virtual minions their marching orders. And looking for good pizza deliveries in Cleveland.
From what I've seen I don't think Wizards are like humans in that lethal wounds get worse without good treatment, but they don't have enough regeneration or supernatural toughness to really justify lethal soak.

People do survive getting stabbed IRL more often than not and if you combine that with relieble recovery and lower/no chance of serious infection your odds should actually be pretty good.
People survive getting stabbed with knives, given good modern medical care in a hospital
Luccio ended up in a body that was run through with a Warden sword wielded by a master swordswoman, and survived with Butters kludging up care long enough for Injun Joe to show up with a medevac.

And Dresden's hand was burned badly enough that amputation was the expectation. Yet it regenerated.
So, apparently has his back; slow, but sure.

I think there's sufficient IC evidence to argue that wizards soak like supernaturals. Its not their primary defense, because they generally have much lower Stamina than a ghoul or vampire or troll or ogre, and their opposition can often throw overkill damage. But its a useful little edge for damage that gets through everything else.

But it could go either way, depending on the QM.

Also I checked the Rules again.
Shintai Health Rules it says your shintai form starts with your seven normal 7HLs and then you can choose to buy Devil Bodies.
Source is ExWoD pdf pg 196

So our Shintai actually has 19 HLs: 7 HL base, 12 from Devil Bodies.
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People survive getting stabbed with knives, given good modern medical care in a hospital
Luccio ended up in a body that was run through with a Warden sword wielded by a master swordswoman, and survived with Butters kludging up care long enough for Injun Joe to show up with a medevac.

And Dresden's hand was burned badly enough that amputation was the expectation. Yet it regenerated.
So, apparently has his back; slow, but sure.
Both of these mostly show that they heal better, not that they are less affected by the damage in the short timeframe of a fight.

If either of those cases had weathered the damage well enough to continue fighting/acting unhindered (like Gard did in that self-surgery scene) I would call it lethal soak.
As it is, I would stick with good healing and little/no chance of dying from anything less than loosing the full healthtrack.

So our Shintai actually has 19 HLs: 7 HL base, 12 from Devil Bodies.
That seems to be correct.
I think you were talking about 0-penalty Health levels before or something like that and that is how you got to the low number?
It works as a difficulty reducer in hostile environments.
I'll buy its extending to improvising environmental protection gear
Thats not the same thing as being a craft enhancer.
We'll have to wait for the judgement, but it makes sense to me. The text says:
Wheresoever there is neither hope nor respite,
there the Infernal marks herself at home.
System: The Infernal needs never make a Survival
roll to remain safe, comfortable, and fed in hostile, barren
environments such as deserts, tundra, or areas of urban
blight. The difficulty to feed and protect others in such
environments is reduced by three (minimum of 3). By
spending 1 Essence, she becomes completely immune to
environmental damage for the rest of the scene.
At the very least it should enhance crafting while we are in an area of urban blight and making protective gear for others. That's both fluff and system compliant. Fluff for "Infernal marks herself at home", ie us being better while in that area. System for "The difficulty to protect others in such environments is reduced by three". Making them armor is protecting them against environment.

And we aren't suffering any penalties for establishing a forge in an area of an urban blight.
2)Hard disagree.
Ebon Scales is a light mail shirt thats effective against bullets and edged weapons, light enough to be worn day in and day out as an undershirt without any protective layering underneath, and gives a bonus to App + Intimidation rolls.

Its not the pinnacle of Exalted Craft in the setting, but its not baby's first armor either.
Not in a setting where Armor equipment dice appears to cap out at Armor 5.
As you said, hard disagree. It was made without any prep, with no special materials involved (even mundane ones, to make advanced alloys), without difficulty reducers. It's impressive for a mortal. It's very much not for a craft-oriented exalt. And that's before any sort of enchantments (both for the process of making it, and for the product itself) are considered.

It was literally "baby Exalt's first craft project". Not metaphorically, even. We have grown since then.
1)True Faith magic users in this setting can be utterly bullshit when the occasion calls for it.
Do not assume they operate under the same rules as the Exalt. And that right there is the problem.
Until and unless we develop the right sort of senses to tell whats what, I wouldnt interfere.
Mechanically, it can work as a difficulty reducer, dice pool enhancer, flat success adder, or making the created objects supernatural in themselves, ie as enchanting rituals. There's just nothing else it can do.

If we were passively interfering with True Faith, Uriel wouldn't have given Michael the task of working with us, and would have advised / nudged us against adventuring with him. He's not in the habit of throwing away his subordinates.

I see no reason not to try a collaboration, and feel you significantly underestimate our craft abilities, while overestimating Charity's. Note, that we haven't actually tried making any armor. Comparing Ebon Scales with Michael's armor is disingenious. One is a concealable underarmor shirt. The other is an actual armor.

I can't link to the exalted source books that people are talking about
Exalted vs. World of Darkness Revised is a freely available online source. Here.
The difficultly is reduced to feed and protect people in those environments, but I don't see anything that implies prep time for it. It's on the the spot scavenging to stuff in the wasteland to improv solutions.
It was previously ruled that it would work to enhance our ability to recruit white court vampires in the Chicago Underground and to make them follow our commands as long as the intent of said commands was to improve their lives and to protect them from their environment (it would also stop working as soon as we got them to renovate enough that the Underground was no longer an area of urban blight). I extended the logic from there.
There's no indication it will make a chainshirt go from Armor 1 to Armor 2, assuming that you are using the same raw materials and design.There's only so much benefit that overkill will give you. Legendary success in this setting is 5 successes.
The difference between 9 successes and 15 successes doesnt really translate to all that much difference.
We shall see.
Also, our soak is… definitely lower than I'd like, particularly when coupled with us having 11 HLs and (for now) no combat-relevant heal/regen.
Prince of Ruin Attitude would allow us to create insta-deployable heavy armor. Make a full suit of armor. Then break it until only a belt buckle or a single shoulder plate remains. Wear that as a medallion / jewelry / weave it into our clothes. When needed, apply Prince of Ruin Attitude (at no essence cost!) to make it work as armor. Be the magical girl / Kamen Rider we were always meant to be.
Both of these mostly show that they heal better, not that they are less affected by the damage in the short timeframe of a fight.

If either of those cases had weathered the damage well enough to continue fighting/acting unhindered (like Gard did in that self-surgery scene) I would call it lethal soak.
As it is, I would stick with good healing and little/no chance of dying from anything less than loosing the full healthtrack.
Both men, unassuming-looking types in ragged clothing, their eyes wide and fanatical, hesitated for a second before planting their feet again and taking aim once more. It was only a second, but it was enough to save my life. I dropped the gun, tossed my staff into my right hand, and shook out my shield bracelet. I rammed panicked will into the focus and spread it in a wall of energy before me.
The Renfields cut loose this time, flame as thick as spray from a breached hydrant roaring down the hall. I caught it on the shield, but I had never intended it to stop heat. It was primarily a defense against kinetic energy, and while I had used it to handle everything from bullets to runaway elevator cars in my career as a wizard, it just wasn't all that good at stopping the transfer of intense heat. The napalm-jelly splattered against the invisible shield, gallons of it, and the fire clung to it in white-hot glee. Its mindless fury seeped through the shield and flowed onto me.
It hurt. Oh, God, it hurt. The fingers of my left hand were the first to feel it, and then my palm and wrist, all in the space of a second. If you've never been burned, you can't imagine the pain. And my fingers, where millions of tactile nerves were able to send panicked damage-messages to my brain, felt as if they had simply exploded and been replaced with howling agony.
I jerked my hand back, and felt my focus waver, the shield start to fade. I gritted my teeth, and somehow managed to dig up the strength to extend my hand again, hardening the shield and my will. I backed away in shuffling half steps, my mind almost drowning in pain, desperately keeping the shield up.

"Ten seconds!" Kincaid shouted.
I saw blisters rising on my left hand. I felt my fingers curling into a claw. They looked thinner, as if made of melting wax, and I could see the shadows of my bones beneath the flesh. The shield grew weaker yet. The pain got worse. I stood now at the bottom of the stairs, and as the shield faltered, the empty space between me and the doorway behind me might as well have been a mile.
I didn't have ten seconds.
I reached into myself, into the horrible red pain, and drew forth more power yet. I focused it on my staff, and the sigils and runes carved along its surface became suddenly suffused with eye-searing scarlet light. My nose filled with the smell of charring wood, and as the shield wavered out of existence, I screamed, "Ventas servitas!"
The power I'd gathered in my staff shot out of it, an invisible serpent of energy. The shield fell just as a shrieking gale of wind shot down the stairs. The column of air howled against me, throwing my duster forward around me like a flag, and caught the blazing napalm like a tub of Jell-O, hurling the fire back the way it had come and providing it with air enough to treble its size.


Kincaid reached up without speaking and took a key down from a high hook on the opposite wall. He settled back down to sit leaning against it, and tossed me the key.
"Or we could do that," I said, and passed the key to Murphy. She started unlocking them. I was too tired to move. My hand didn't hurt, which was a very bad sign, I knew. But I was too tired to care. I just sat there and stared at Kincaid.
He had his hand clamped down on his leg again. He was bleeding from it. There was more blood on his belly, on one hand, and his face was positively smothered with it, as if he'd been bobbing for apples in a slaughterhouse.
"You're hurt," I said.
"Yep," he replied. "Dog."
"I saw you go down."
"It got nasty," he confirmed.
"What happened?" I asked.
"I lived."
"Your chest is bleeding," I said. "And there's blood on your hand."
"I know that."
"And your face is drenched in it."
He lifted an eyebrow and touched his free hand to his chin, then looked at the blood. "Oh. That isn't mine." He started fumbling at his belt.
I got enough energy together to go to him and help. He pulled a roll of black duct tape from a pouch on his belt and with sharp, jerking motions we wound the tape tightly around his wounded leg several times, layering the wound in adhesive, literally taping it closed. He used about a third of the roll, then grunted and tore it off. Then he said, "You're going to lose that hand."
"I was sending it back to the kitchen anyway. I ordered it medium well."

Kincaid stared at me for a second and then started letting out soft, wobbly-sounding laughter, as if it were something he didn't have a lot of practice at. He stood up, wheezing soft laughter, drew another gun and his own machete from his belt, and said, "Get them out. I'm going to dismember whatever is left."
No pain is third or fourth degree burns IIRc.

Yet Dresden took that burned arm as it was to go get in a fight with Papa Raith over Thomas's life. Same day or the next.
A vanilla mortal with those type of burns would be in the hospital for the next couple weeks at a minimum, assuming the pain didnt kill him right there.

GM ruling of course.
That seems to be correct.
I think you were talking about 0-penalty Health levels before or something like that and that is how you got to the low number?
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As you said, hard disagree. It was made without any prep, with no special materials involved (even mundane ones, to make advanced alloys), without difficulty reducers. It's impressive for a mortal. It's very much not for a craft-oriented exalt. And that's before any sort of enchantments (both for the process of making it, and for the product itself) are considered.

It was literally "baby Exalt's first craft project". Not metaphorically, even. We have grown since then.
Why would it need any of that? This is mortal craft. It uses mortal materials. Advanced alloys are just common elements in combination. Iron from Australia and iron mined out of a fallen asteroid have the same chemistry. Stuff like Inconel is just nickel and chromium, with some other base elements tp form the alloy.

You dont need advanced alloys when you have the base material and will literally mix it mid-construction.
We were dealing with molecule thick construction and intentionally implementing carbon nanotube weave in the shirt.
I quote:
8th of July 2006 A.D.

Electric forges sputter eerie blue and venomous green as spiked wheels whir to life biting into steel, and smoke breathes though the chamber thick and black, the breath of Mikaboshi's far off realm now given form, now given purpose by your will. You run steel though the rings , wire tighter and tighter, the temperature just right to keep it ductile, to keep it supple and yet not to snap.

Lost 1 Essence

A dissonant chime rings like nails on a chalkboard tapping and so you rush to open the oven, the heat inside precisely calibrated so that the chill of your hands would cool the grey sheets just so. From fire's leavings, from humble charcoal you made graphite and then in clouds poison smoke restrained by a bending of your will arc lighting dances and sheets of carbon one molecule thick bend into nanotubes so that your armor might be tough where it needs to and supple where it can afford to.

It's just iron and carbon, some of the most common elements of the earth you know but woven together as they had never quite been before under the power of your tools under the deftness of your hands...

The smoke clears on its own thankfully, flowing back into the shinning heart of your soul and not out the window to scare the neighbors, the oil had been scrubbed and any cuts and fire-scarring on the table and the benches had been put right, even the smell was gone like the last vestige of a bad dream gone with the dawn.

But it is evening's light that falls through the newly opened windows and it falls upon what you had wrought.

It is not, you will admit, quite Frodo's mithral shirt. You would not want to test it against a troll, but the shirt of black chain flows almost like cloth in your hand steel and carbon both woven just as you had hoped. Since you do not mind the cold you can wear this against your skin under everyday clothes... as long as you avoid low cut blouses at least. Bet mom will the thrilled... Still you weren't about to make less protective armor just for the looks. Maybe I should mail Blizzard a picture with how that Night Elf armor should really look, you smile at the thought.
I dont see your point at all.
Thats a masterwork concealable chainmail shirt, and by ExWoD rules stacking overkill isnt going to do anything about making it better armor.

The only things that are likely to help is going into magic: Alchemy for a magical material and Ancient Sorcery for the Elemental Benediction spells.

Mechanically, it can work as a difficulty reducer, dice pool enhancer, flat success adder, or making the created objects supernatural in themselves, ie as enchanting rituals. There's just nothing else it can do.

If we were passively interfering with True Faith, Uriel wouldn't have given Michael the task of working with us, and would have advised / nudged us against adventuring with him. He's not in the habit of throwing away his subordinates.

I see no reason not to try a collaboration, and feel you significantly underestimate our craft abilities, while overestimating Charity's. Note, that we haven't actually tried making any armor. Comparing Ebon Scales with Michael's armor is disingenious. One is a concealable underarmor shirt. The other is an actual armor.
True Faith magic is not learned. Thats why its Faith.
None of the practitioners we've seen in canon would be able to tell you how it worked, let alone how you should implement your own magic to complement it.

Molly does not currently have the ability to perceive or understand what the magic would be doing.
She has high Occult, but she has no wizard Sight, nor does she have any of the Exa'ted perception charms
Until she does, there isnt a prayer of it working.
Prince of Ruin Attitude would allow us to create insta-deployable heavy armor. Make a full suit of armor. Then break it until only a belt buckle or a single shoulder plate remains. Wear that as a medallion / jewelry / weave it into our clothes. When needed, apply Prince of Ruin Attitude (at no essence cost!) to make it work as armor. Be the magical girl / Kamen Rider we were always meant to be.
You are badly misreading that charm and its thematics.

Prince of Ruin is supposed to allow broken or damaged stuff to work like new.If you're in a plane and someone detonates a bomb in cargo it will allow the plane continue to fly. If your car gets riddled with bulletholes, your engine will continue to run and your tyres wont shred. If your phone fell and broke it will continue to work for the scene.

If you need to fight with a blunt or broken weapon, or to hijack a junked car, it will work for the scene. Thats it.

It has nothing to do with that sort of cheese. Carrying a piece of armor wont suddenly allow you to act like you have the entire thing.
Thats like saying it would allow us to drive an SUV as long as we took off one tire and brought it along with us. Or that if we had a plane shard we could operate it as a fighter jet.

Im all for creative interpretations, but thats a reach.
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OK so first off TLF, I can see the mechanical argument about making it easier for you to make environmental protection suits but for the sake of IC sanity and preventing you guys from making the jump jet pack a environmental suit to get a better jump jet pack I think it is resonable to rule that TLF applies only for those pieces of equipment that provide environmental protection and nothing else. You can make really good spece suite with it, or anti-rad suits etc... All that feels in theme

It also helps to mitigate King and Kingdom minmaxing, if you, for some reason, made your Hell-Realm into a deathworld.

A King and the Kingdom question;

There is this ability amongst purchasable features for our Hell. How does it work with

Signature effect of the same charm? Do we get ability to manifest lower-intensity effects of this purchase while in Shintai? General stunt-fodder little tricks? Discounts/bonus to effectiveness of Paths like Weather Manipulation?

This one is all or nothing, it is the imposition of your soul's reality upon Creation. Wherever I stand there my kingdom is.
Why would it need any of that? This is mortal craft. It uses mortal materials. Advanced alloys are just common elements in combination. Iron from Australia and iron mined out of a fallen asteroid have the same chemistry. Stuff like Inconel is just nickel and chromium, with some other base elements tp form the alloy.
Yes. And did we have any of those? We worked with iron and carbon. And, admitedly, carbon is a very good material. But did we have stuff like rhenium? Tungsten? Boron (both crystalline and amorphous, which forms long chains)? Rare earths? No, we didn't. Did we research what alloys, intermetallides, composites would work best for a given task? No, we didn't.

True Faith magic is not learned. Thats why its Faith.
None of the practitioners we've seen in canon would be able to tell you how it worked, let alone how you should implement your own magic to complement it.
I was speaking about how it could work mechanistically on a doylist level.
Until she does, there isnt a prayer of it working.
Why? No, seriously, why? You are contradicting yourself here. On one hand "we don't know how it works, both in-character, and we as players". On another "it won't work". No, either we don't know, or it won't work. We can hypothesize how it works, and in most hypotheses, there's nothing stopping Charity from collaborating with us in making protective gear.
You are badly misreading that charm.

Prince of Ruin is supposed to allow broken or damaged stuff to work like new.If you're in a plane and someone detonates a bomb in cargo it will allow the plane continue to fly. If your car gets riddled with bulletholes, your engine will continue to run and your tyres wont shred. If your phone fell and broke it will continue to work for the scene.

If you need to fight with a blunt or broken weapon, or to hijack a junked car, it will work for the scene. Thats it.

It has nothing to do with that sort of cheese. Carrying a piece of armor wont suddenly allow you to act like you have the entire thing.
Thats like saying it would allow us to drive an SUV as long as we took off one tire and brought it along with us. Or that if we had a plane shard we could operate it as a fighter jet.

Im all for creative interpretations, but thats a reach.
It's not. Like, at all. Specifically, the text of the charm is:
One day the Infernal will rule over a broken world,
yet she still expects its shattered remnants to serve her,
and serve her well. Her magic forces the world to live
up to that expectation.
System: When the Infernal attempts to use a bro-
ken or nonfunctional tool, object, or vehicle, she may
make a reflexive Appearance + Technology roll against
difficulty 6. For the rest of the scene, success forces a
dulled and broken sword to cut as though it were sharp
and intact, a junked car to run as if it were new, or a
rotted old tent to keep out the rain as if it were whole.
Broken or non-functional. Leaving aside non-functional for now. Let's concentrate on "broken". What are the examples given? A dulled and broken sword, a junked car, a rotted old tent.

A broken sword is a sword which is missing parts that were broken off. When I am googling "broken sword" first non-game image I find is this. A junked car is most likely missing at least tires, and likely also windshields, quite possibly an engine, and definitely fuel. This is what I imagine when I am reading "junked car". Rotted old tent is guaranteed to have holes in it.

As long as it is broken, while still remaining the thing, instead of becoming something different, Prince of Ruin Attitude brings it to full functionality. So, make a heavy armor, then break it. Smash it, melt parts of it, etc. Take the remaining somewhat-intact parts, and apply PoRA to it. Quick-deployable armor.
This one is all or nothing, it is the imposition of your soul's reality upon Creation. Wherever I stand there my kingdom is.
Just for the sake of sanity. Does this mean that, if we take Endless Torment, as long as we deploy shintai, everyone within 500 Ft of us becomes immortal? Or, rather, when they get killed, they automatically get reborn, either within 500 ft of us, or inside our kingdom proper?

OK so first off TLF, I can see the mechanical argument about making it easier for you to make environmental protection suits but for the sake of IC sanity and preventing you guys from making the jump jet pack a environmental suit to get a better jump jet pack I think it is resonable to rule that TLF applies only for those pieces of equipment that provide environmental protection and nothing else. You can make really good spece suite with it, or anti-rad suits etc... All that feels in theme
Ok, thanks for clarification. That's still not bad. I bet Lydia would enjoy legendary success winter coat and boots. Would you mind answering questions about possible functionality of other charms, or should I save those for when we are spending XP?

...So, it works fully? Do I understand correctly?

That's is really powerful.
And now I wish I had points for Lord of the Land in my build. Oh well, can't have them all. I'll have to settle on making our allies immortal, sending our enemies to our hell when we kill them, WHWH activation and other features.
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And now I wish I had points for Lord of the Land in my build. Oh well, can't have them all. I'll have to settle on making our allies immortal, sending our enemies to our hell when we kill them, WHWH activation and other features.
IMO, you could ditch resident devils really easily, given that you already have immortality for all purchased; given that Hell is unlikely to give us devils above fomor-level, it is a somewhat overpriced purchase.

There is also Gaol, but I think you really wanted that for various reasons.

Anyway, yeah, I really want Lord of the Land both in light of basically giving us a reality marble, and since it is the singular best purchase for working off minmaxed Realm drawbacks or earning additional bonus points. Terraforming is good stuff.
Yes. And did we have any of those? We worked with iron and carbon. And, admitedly, carbon is a very good material. But did we have stuff like rhenium? Tungsten? Boron (both crystalline and amorphous, which forms long chains)? Rare earths? No, we didn't. Did we research what alloys, intermetallides, composites would work best for a given task? No, we didn't.
Its concealable chainmail, not metric tons of a high temperature superconductor.
Its total mass is under 3 kilos, probably less than 1 kilo if Molly is able to hide it reliably under normal clothes.
What trace elements were necessary were already parts of the steel stock or in the coal used.

And Molly lives in a home where her mother is an amateur armorer who makes armor and weapons.
She has Craft 3.
There is sufficient IC justification for her masterworking that stuff or having previous research.
Why? No, seriously, why? You are contradicting yourself here. On one hand "we don't know how it works, both in-character, and we as players". On another "it won't work". No, either we don't know, or it won't work. We can hypothesize how i
Because we would not know be able to observe how worked, let alone how to combine it with a whole new kind of magic and get them both to cooperate. Its like asking a blind English teacher to perform transplant surgery and get parts of two different bodies working properly.

So I am comfortable saying that no, it would not work.
It's not. Like, at all. Specifically, the text of the charm is:
Broken or non-functional. Leaving aside non-functional for now. Let's concentrate on "broken". What are the examples given? A dulled and broken sword, a junked car, a rotted old tent.

A broken sword is a sword which is missing parts that were broken off. When I am googling "broken sword" first non-game image I find is this. A junked car is most likely missing at least tires, and likely also windshields, quite possibly an engine, and definitely fuel. This is what I imagine when I am reading "junked car". Rotted old tent is guaranteed to have holes in it.

As long as it is broken, while still remaining the thing, instead of becoming something different, Prince of Ruin Attitude brings it to full functionality. So, make a heavy armor, then break it. Smash it, melt parts of it, etc. Take the remaining somewhat-intact parts, and apply PoRA to it. Quick-deployable armor.
I dont speak for the QM, but this seems to me an attempt to One Weird Trick that charm.
I wouldnt expect them to allow this interpretation, because it feels abusive.
Like people parrying the ground in Ex2.

Again, I dont speak for the QM.
IMO, you could ditch resident devils really easily, given that you already have immortality for all purchased; given that Hell is unlikely to give us devils above fomor-level, it is a somewhat overpriced purchase.

There is also Gaol, but I think you really wanted that for various reasons.

Anyway, yeah, I really want Lord of the Land both in light of basically giving us a reality marble, and since it is the singular best purchase for working off minmaxed Realm drawbacks or earning additional bonus points. Terraforming is good stuff.
I have Lord of the Land in mine.
I just havent finished writing the fluff yet.
Or at all.