I dont think I agree.Honestly that quote is just full of further proof that Mab is a bitch.
Exalted Molly should and propably would have done what Lady Molly couldn't, punch Mab for letting her garm an innocent man as an object lesson.
I see where she is coming from. The instructions are there and freely accessible, but apparently Molly never checked, and then when she tried to tell her Molly apparently shrugged it off.
So teaching lesson time; burnt hand teaches best et cetera.
Its especially relevant because the previous Winter Lady was Maeve, her daughter, who was the exact type of person to blow off instruction until everything blew up in her face and other people have to pick up the pieces.
Which was possibly a factor in why she ended up dead in canon.
So Mab lets her learn an object lesson, and critically, remains nearby to handle cleanup if necessary.
She's Mab, she has a thousand things to do. But she kept herself available.
Carlos is not dead, medical care nearby. Relatively controlled circumstances.
Much different circumstances than having to find out on a battlefield or during high stakes negotiations.
This is not an accurate characterization IMO.Yes, you get the choice. Not your daughter.
Offering a deal to criminals is not morally equivalent to threatening people's family.
Don't get me wrong, penal drafts are still morally wrong IMO, especially in the kind of non-existential wars the USA fights, but they are not nearly as bad as using threats against a familymember, even a criminal, to force someone innocent to sign herself into slavery.
Mab is not threatening Lydia, who has done nothing to her and hers. She is making no claim against Lydia herself. She does have an apparently justifiable claim against Arawn; I say apparently because we know none of the details.
She is going to dangle commutation of Arawn's offence/grudge if Lydia will work for her.
Questionable? Oh yes. But no more than a federal prosecutor offering a plea deal/reduced sentencing to a criminal if their child/sibling/friend will work for law enforcement.
And immortals often have a different view of legal majority than modern humanity, when its not externally enforced.
Squires and cabin boys used to get as young as 8 sometimes.
Empathy is an advantage as long as it does not result in paralysis. It allows you to get a feel for the limits of the people you are empathizing with and how far you can push them, and gives you some idea how they are likely to react to your actions and those of others. Its important in diplomacy for anyone who cannot rely on strength alone, which is everyone not working for big G.I really do not see any of that as Mab actually possessing empathy for the greater portion existence, you could make a point about her feeling something for Meave, but she does not really care about those kids. She just understands that Molly does and presents the rationalizations one might use to deaden that empathy. You made the point earlier that sadism is inefficient and so Mab would not lower herself to it, well empathy is just as inefficient so she would have reason to kill that part of herself. A lack of empathy and willingness of commit atrocity is evil, doing so for a cause that is ultimately necessary, protecting the Outer Gates is necessary evil .
I am not going to comment on how she may or may not treat Lydia or Harry because that would inherently be spoilers, it is for you guys to decide and vote accordingly.
Whether she actually empathizes with the Miksani, that passage leaves open to interpretation, but Mab makes it clear she feels responsible for them and their wellbeing. Responsible for Winter at large as well.
That our people bit was deliberate.
And its not manufactured; pre-apotheosis Molly was a sensitive to feelings and emotions. And Mab knew that because her handmaiden trained her. Mab would have been unlikely to take the risk of attempting to falsify her feelings in that regard.
The loss of trust would be longterm.
I like to think of Mab as a nuanced antagonist.
There is some Becoming The Mask going on, but how much is left unclear.
Butcher intentionally seems to write her as varying shades of grey, and people like Uriel who should know treat her the same way.
Still, this is your Mab. I dont get to tell you how to write her.
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