Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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It wrapped itself in a flesh of withering steel and blood of gleaming rot and became an embodiment of all it had experienced.
Hmmmmm. So withering steel is Green Ordeal and blood of gleaming rot could be a combination of the Worms and Crimson Ordeal.
And that comment about wings being restricting.

Yep, definitely a Whitenight aberration. And given the fact that even in a caged body, we managed to burst through the walls of Project Moon's universe...Probably as strong or almost as strong as WN too. Though its clear we defnitely arent WN.

The embodiment of all it had experienced huh. Something tell me that Lobotomy and Interpretation arent the only things we can do...Still, We can equip the kids with some toys now! Do you think Madoka would look good in Army In Pink's outfit?

[X] Hear out the strange child.
Lets welcome a piece of the apocalypse. How nice of him to come for us.
Oh dear lord
I just thought of kriemhild influenced by that and it is horrifying
Though it is a good fit for her, she'd be able to bring out its strength and potential
Any ideas for the others, definitely not going for kyoko and blue star that's a disaster in the making
EGO Acquisition: Through your connection to the Light, you can replicate the EGO that you once controlled. You are in possession of the EGO of The Knight Of Despair, Army in Pink, Blue Star, and T-01-10.
In the Informational Page of X, T-01-10 has been changed to Alkahest in the table but not in the description paragraph above it.
Alright knight of despair would pair well with homura
If there's anyone who fits the archetype its her and safely so at that, sayaka would be made..... unstable by it feeding her self destructive tendencies, army in pink meshes well with madoka and arguably circumvents the need for a wish if having a shard of its power given to her, punishing bird would fit sayaka I think
....... der frieschuts fits mami dangerously so at that, also kyoko who would be able to use it safely unlike mami
Nothing there is a complex issue because admittedly the one it would most easily syncronize with...... is X in and of themselves hell I could imagine it going gaga over the shell thing we got, so.... anyone up for pulling a pinochio and make them a real boy, girl,...... human????? It's arguably in our power to do so
When it comes to Alchemy the Magnum-Opus is not the creation of the Philosophers Stone but the creation of the Universal Panacea.
A cure for everything, old age and death included
The stone and alkahest are merely steps to it as far as I know
[X] Hear out the strange child.
Well this is different.

We did find out a lot. We even filled the Anguish thing, and I don't feel happy having done so, which means it definitely worked. Unfortunately, we didn't find out what the Employment Cards are or what they do, and poking uh, us, again is probably a bad, bad idea.

Wonder if we should talk to Mami about all of this?
Well having an existential crisis counts as anguish then
Makes sense
I really want to strangle freischutz for having that as a requirement
The first step when encountering a new abnormality is always to gather information, not leave it alone and hope it does nothing.


And so the man sank and allowed himself to shatter, so that the pieces left behind could do what he could not.

Adam definitely was the part of him that was closer to what Carmen ended up wanting. What? Us? Well, if she didn't apparently have a change of heart after getting scooped out and stuck that way for 10 000 years….

The first was as the man once was, austere and immovable and without the will to go forwards. He could never bring about the dream, for he lacked the desire to do so. Instead, he decided that it was forever out of reach.


The second was all that the man locked away, great sorrow and misery that drowned out the light that had warmed him. He could never bring about the dream, for his hope had burned out and with it the strength to push forwards. In his sorrow he sought to bring an end to it all, and grant rest to the frozen world.


The third took the dream that the man had been shown and made it their world, the center of all existence. They too could do nothing, because for all their faith in the dream they did not understand it. They imagined humanity unleashed, careless of the disaster it would bring.


The fourth knew nothing of the man and his life, but cherished the few things they had been given. And they made a dream of their own, where those few they held precious could live free and happy. They willingly accepted the burdens of the past, carrying them forwards into the future.


Now, one of them's not like the others….

So it tore off a piece of itself, as had been done for so many of its new kin, and crafted from that piece a cage to be locked away in.

…Ah, shit, hope we didn't unleash too much, good thing we decided to do it far from anyone….

Satisfied, the thing sealed away its grandeur and began to drift.

White night aberration's vibe are off the roof captain!

Your wings are folded up inside you, crushed and contorted to fit within your body. Why are you so small? You lift an arm, glaring hatefully at the slow, clumsy movement.

The vibes just reached supercritical level!

The rusted furniture, neglected for years, gave out at last. All four legs have broken at some point or another, leaving only the top still below you.

Look at the mention of us bringing rot… yes, years of neglect are responsible, of course….

Every Abnormality, without exception, has only ever hurt people. No matter how kind or gentle or generous they appear on the surface. What does that say about you?

You must have always been the same as them.

Ah, there's the expected Anguish!

One of your soldiers is currently holding a small child with green pigtails in a firefighter's carry.

Hello Yuma.

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 1/3

Have to check it, of course, but I'm pretty sure we got anguish, as some postulated.

Is that White Night? So that is why we can choose Paradise Lost in the begining.

Aberration of it, yes, or at least it seems so.

Ok, so, there's a lot to unpack here:

First, we got a confirmation of our status and some new infos (will look at the character sheet later).

Second, and Homura must never know, we got there because of her, the mention of weakening dimensional barriers are almost definitely her doing, her timeloops works by sending her to a different but connected universe.

Third, we might have a solution to the problem of NT's shells, we confirmed that we made a body for ourself out of our EGO and we may be able to teach it to her.

Last, it seems we were right to go for *you will suffer* for our depiction of an eventual X fight in LoR, actually, this gave me an idea for a new mechanic for her, reusing a name I already did because I think it fit better:

Daughter of the sun and moon:
Can continue gaining emotion points after reaching emotion level V, every time she should gain a new emotion level after this, gain a cracking facade counter instead, these counters have varying effects depending on their numbers.

Cracking facade:
Gain one maximum light for each counter.
At 3 counters, gain +1 speed and dices gain 1 power.
At 5 counters, remove all counters and change form.
On the other hand. There's no doubt about it.

Nothing There will prostrate itself in front of us if we meet. So the negotiation option just had its success chance increase by tenfolds.

Currently...well "Alkahest" (Not too unlikely that it's our true name, but with a WN aberration, it's better to be safe and assume that Alkahest is probably not the last name X will change into) doesn't seem to be...super malicious. It's like a combination between NT and Whitenight.

It wants a purpose. Well, not exactly. It wants to keep doing its job. Being a caretaker, a commander, a leader, and a protector. So it shouldn't be...too dangerous if we push the Trumpet to a higher level...I hope...I mean the Doctor also seemed nice at first so not pushing the Trumpet is probably a better idea tbh.

Lobotomy just got...substantially more...ominous. Sure. It got more versatility. But it's kinda obvious now that this is the ability to take away someones free will completely and utterly. And the nature of our GIFT is still hidden from us.

X is...accepting but...There are still differences between Alkahest and X. X is still in denial. We aren't some harmless abnormality like she thinks we are. We sealed ourselves for a reason. We might have good intentions, but...do we really?

Ugh, where the hell is the Sephirahs? We need them to deliver some philosophical lessons!

One thing we know for sure. X/Alkahest's true form is dangerous. And...

This might not be the first time for Alkahest, "Don't want to ruin everything again." Whether this is referring to what happened in the Library (unlikely given X's introspection), Lobotomy (unlikely unless this is different from canon), or the most likely scenario of us reverting time via a version of the TT2 mechanic...

Ugh. Pandora's box indeed. While the buff to Lobotomy and gaining Interpretation. All this do is left us with more questions than answers.

And of course, a literal piece of apocalypse bird immediately found us right after we just figured out we might be the literal apocalyptic monster.

Daughter of the sun and moon:
Can continue gaining emotion points after reaching emotion level V, every time she should gain a new emotion level after this, gain a cracking facade counter instead, these counters have varying effects depending on their numbers.

Cracking facade:
Gain one maximum light for each counter.
At 3 counters, gain +1 speed and dices gain 1 power.
At 5 counters, remove all counters and change the form.

Someone should make a list of all the mechanics we slapped onto X.
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Yuma from the first side story. Didn't think that Yuma would be that happy of talking about a literal monster, moreso if she saw it kill her mother (I mean, her mother was a piece of shit, but it's still her mother. Seeing her get eaten alive should be a little traumatic... Maybe?)

If you never read the oriko magica spin offs, where she appears for the first time and we learn the most about her, here's a little about her story:

She is one of the few, if not the only one, of the characters for which *became a child soldier who is at risk of turning into an eldritch abomination* was a step up without any doubts. Without intervention, she would have died not long after the time of the sidestory, her mother was not just neglectful, she was downright abusive and treated her like shit. She is basically immune to all the normal cognitive bombs of magical girls life because of this, even giving an outright pep speech after learning the witchbomb, managing to give back hope to Mami in doing so.

We sealed ourselves for a reason. We might have good intentions, but...do we really?

We do, that doesn't stop us from being dangerous, Blue Star only has good intentions and it still destroy families and such because the people it absorbs cannot be reached without jumping in it too. Melting Love only want to spread Love but is so contagious it destroys people. Laetitia only wants to make new friends and surprise them. Big Bird only wants to save people from the beast.

Abnormalities don't need any bad intentions to be dangerous.

Ugh, where the hell is the Sephirahs? We need them to deliver some philosophical lessons!

Still in the library, hope we'll get an invitation, I think we need it.

Oh, and I forgot to tell it in my last post:

What we did with our EGO to make a body and the apparent consequences to our greater self are so fitting for what we are, it's incredible. Basically: it seems staying in this container is painful for our greater self, but we do it so that we can be happy, *eternal suffering in the pursuit of happiness*, that is our theme and a very good interpretation of the hell that was the main facility of lobotomy corporation. Good thing we decided to be the one that eternally suffer, because the update basically says that we wouldn't have many things to interact with otherwise.

And before I forget again:

[X] Hear out the strange child.

Hive mind mode activated.
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3+ Years since I posted here and this gets me to post again.
I am really enjoying this quest even though I wil not vote here ever.

But now to actually contribute something:

a) Do you guys think Spider Bud would be a good Abno to go for when able? (Because Mom Instincts)

b) X calls herself "incomplete" and so explains why we are integrating other EGO's - so when X eventually has to reveal her glory she won't break the world in the process.

c) Yuma is to X a young child in bad clothes that was in extended contact with an Abno. Should there be a subthing to the vote having X give Yuma a checkup and asking about her well-being?
Could expedite the question of bringing Yuma with her to Mami if the voters want another kid for X.

d) Anyone else think that Carmen would see Witches as a mockery of her (insane due to 10k+ Years being a Bucket) dream of turning people into Distortions?
I coulde see her opposing Kyubey partly because Witches are kinda like Bad Trip versions of Distortions.

e) Related to d): As we have Pages (under Apocrypha) about the (likely) Distortions of the main cast and the only difference that I see having them distort instead of Witch is exposure -
Should we crank exposure up in whomever we can?

We know from Gertrud that a Witch here is despair and a few fragments of a person - hardly salvageable even with Lobotomy (unless it was because THAT Gertrud was a familiar grown one and not the original)
Comparatively Distortions are not all that more lethal and are not eternally turbo-suffering and even just Talk-no-Jutsu can help them regain themselves.
So it may be a kindness and prudent to expose X's kids to the embers of the Seed of Light just so X doesn't break under a "One of the kids is a witch now and so super doomed" stressor.

f) And lastly before this gets too long: How did Kyousuke get healed? Sayaka made a wish that gave her Buffing and not innate healing.
Maybe she made a wish that gave her both (healed Violin Boy and Buff powers) but I would not rule it out that his recovery was based on something else.
Just because I do not see how any wish that would have healed him would result in Sayaka's water-based Buff Powers.

And I must say I really enjoy the rising popularity of Project Moon on SV. It is just such a rich setting with rich characters and even just inserting a City-Trauma'd person somewhere else is in itself an interesting challenge to most other characters in other settings.
Just. So great.
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Is there any reason to not immediately adopt the newly orphaned child on the spot talk to the kid?

The one and only possible reason to not do it right this instant is that X just came out of a difficult mental trial and might not be at the top of her game, this is only a reason to delay it slightly at best and not a very strong one since I don't really see the bird as likely to be actually problematic. If it was for a discussion with Queen of Hatred, White Night or one of the other dangerous and potentially hostile to us abnormalities (Nothing There is not going to be hostile to us given what we know), I would say to wait, this isn't that situation and so we shouldn't wait.


Do you guys think Spider Bud would be a good Abno to go for when able? (Because Mom Instincts)

Given how strong our current mom instincts are already, I am not sure adding ones that ends up in murderous rage is a good idea.

Should there be a subthing to the vote having X give Yuma a checkup and asking about her well-being?

Given the mom instincts I already mentioned, I expect this to be an automatic action.
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BTW. Does anyone else think that QB will underestimate Abno's until it is too late?
Nothing it saw currently is THAT impressive comparatively to what it already sees in the Meguka system.
As in it may try to eventually pop X's shell thinking it may get rid of the problem only for (entirely speculative):

QB: X is dealt with now to contract Mado-
Abno-X: Rise My Children, Rise And Join Me.
QB: If I could experience regret I would be feeling it right now.
I am not sure if its how it would work here per se, but...

I just remembered something about Freischütz from Ruina. Namely that the Dark Flame EGO is so good, and since we can seemingly use most or even more parts of an Abnormality or EGO as usual, that would make NT less absolutely unstoppable, if still dangerous.

So maybe it was actually a very fortunate EGO choice.

Dark Flame said:
[Single Ally] For the duration of the reception, the 'Endured/Ineffective' resistances of all characters change to 'Weak/Fatal'. Gain 1-2 Haste and 2-4 Strength each Scene.
I am not sure if its how it would work here per se, but...

I just remembered something about Freischütz from Ruina. Namely that the Dark Flame EGO is so good, and since we can seemingly use most or even more parts of an Abnormality or EGO as usual, that would make NT less absolutely unstoppable, if still dangerous.

So maybe it was actually a very fortunate EGO choice.
That is indeed one of the reasons to obtain der fruity EGO yes.

However, I dont believe that we will need to worry about a battle with NT anymore.

Our shell being destroyed is more of a problem for the kids than it is for us. Given how strong we might be.