Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Well, there is one way to interpret X as an abnormality.
The facility was made as Ayin's ego if I remember correctly so mayhaps considering the amount of light X mixed into so to speak.
Mayhaps that's why despite having an ego gift and possibly armor we don't have access to an innate weapon but instead can process and hold abnormalities.
X's personality may have taken with her the facility or another possibility, she is the facility.
Would explain both the lack of a personal ego weapon and the unasked question of where the egos and abnormalities are stored.
I think this is what you meant to say.

And that's pretty likely yeah. I don't think X managed to obtain the entire Facility though. Ayin was absurdly overpowered in the sense of the "Ordeals" that he could summon while in the Facility.

But in terms of mechanics, X being able to store EGOs and Abnormalities is pretty likely.

That does make me slightly more worried about the whole Employment thing though.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
Welll there is one way to interpret X as an abnormality
The facility was made as ayins ego if I remember correctly so mayhaps considering the amount of X mixed into so to speak
Mayhaps that's why despite having an ego gift and possibly armor we don't have access to an innate weapon but instead can process and hold anomalies
Xs personality may have taken with him the facility or anpther possibility, He is the facility
Would explain both the lack of a personal ego weapon and the unasked question of where the egos and abnormalities are stored
Like an inverse witch
An noticeable avatar but immensely complex interior labyrinth structure

I think I remember that even the Sephirot diagram can be viewed as a tree...or as a body map.

So it would 100% continue fitting into that theme.
Wait a minute ayin was responsible for that hell!
Damned masochist did he really have to create those things
Was he already beating himself up over the fact he screwed over angela with the green ordeals
Only 2 ordeals not his being the sweepers and the fixers
Glad X is a little more well adjusted than their father..... wait doesn't that mean the ordeals are either in the library or out here with us in.........
Oh dear
We might have a problem
A non abnormality problem
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the ordeals represents the fear of normal people in the city, or ayins personal fear.
And yeah everything in lobotomy corporation is ayins doing(edit: Or carmen if you want to go deep in the family tree), because for the seed the lights to grow it needs soil like hell, and human enlightenment as water and nutrients.
Yes the question I am worried about though
Are any roaming mitakihara
If so we may need to go hunting not for abnormalities but ordeals unless they are invading witch varriers in which case
Let the witches deal with it, 2 birds one stone and all that
eh, If the god Complex Monaststone shows up, then the whole city is going to co ape shit Because there's giant stone Just crashing down from above.
the clowns will be mistaken as normal witch familiar.
The end spiral will probably be a pretty good light show before it dies by a bunch of normal Military person just shooting at it enough times, the buzz saw could be killed by just shoot at it far away and the doubt could be very easily deal with consider that it is just a dawn.The factory could be a problem if left unchecked for a long time that it formed Legions of robots.
Internal meal will probably be a problem, especially if the food chains already starting to make small bugs.
Of course, I'm only worrying about midnight because that's the only ones are going to be posting a large threat us.
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So my 2 Cents on the whole "is X an Abnormality" (and my shedding of Lurker, really need to use SV more)

I think she might be most likely. Now unless i'm dumb and missed out us figuring out where the Lobotomy ability came from. I think it, storing and using unrestrained EGO equipment and causing employment cards to appear on the group is all facets of our nature as a Abnormality. It to me very much fits the backstory of X and what she's gone through just like the Backstories of other Abnormalities play into what they are capable of doing.

Also to our wonderful QM, nice work It's uncommon i get this engrossed in a quest that i start commenting.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
The only person that needs convincing X is an Abnormality is X, and she refuses to believe it.
Speaking of the investigation of the cards, I kind of don't want to see it through to the end. If X finds out about her nature, it may not end well. And in the unlikely event that she needs to be suppressed, I don't think the girls will do well - psychologically, at least.
It's a risk, but depending on her nature as an Abnormality it could go many ways. For example, part of her nature as an Abnormality may be that she can't fully realize she is an Abnormality.

We also have to consider that while X is an Abnormality, she's not the usual kind by any stretch of the imagination. And while you could say that about any Abnormality, none were the mind of X with a body woven out of Light in the shape of Kali and started off wielding another Abnormality's E.G.O. gift. So there's a lot of unknowns at play here. I don't expect X to handle the revelation well, but what exactly that means is another question entirely.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Wander Mitakihara for a bit
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Oct 1, 2022 at 11:51 AM, finished with 58 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Go hunting
    [X] Press about the cards
    -[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
    -[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
    [X] Press about the cards
    [X] Press about the cards
    -[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
    -[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
    -[X] Grill QB about whether he noticed the cards or not. When he noticed it. And if so, did he spot them manifesting into existence? Be extremely specific about it.
    [X] Press about the cards
    -[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. Of yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
    -[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course they have employment cards. But who are they working for, what are their duties?
    [X] Wander Mitakihara for a bit

I'll probably include the Kyubey bit unless people are actively opposed to it, since it doesn't obstruct any of the other votes.
Maybe we should subject him to schadenfreude, that'll be a hilarious backfire of his observational tendencies
Now that you mention that, having an abno's EGO that reacts to being viewed could be useful for knowing when Kyubey is watching us and not say something that would be beneficial for him.

This is a really good idea considering we can't really tell if Kyubey is watching us or not. Although I can only remember two such abnormalities. Schadenfreude, which reacts when more than one person is looking at it, and The Burrowing Heaven, which we've ditched twice so far in favour of Despair Knight and Der Freischütz.
1.4.6 - Proof Of Employment
Chapter 48 - Proof Of Employment

"That should be enough for today," Mami announces. Sayaka hides her relief well, but you're fairly certain Mami also noticed the slight release of tension in her body. Honestly, you're impressed that she's held up so well so far. It's been what, a day since she Contracted? Since then, Sayaka's been in combat nonstop. A break should do her good.

Unfortunately, that break will have to wait a moment longer. You still have important work to get to.

"Madoka, will you need an escort home? I'd like to talk with the other two."

Your command is phrased as a question, polite and without force, but it isn't. Maybe it was the reminder of your life that led you to fall back into old habits. Maybe you're worried enough that you feel it necessary to assert your control. Maybe the shock has just unsettled you enough that the words slip out on their own. Whatever the reason, the order is given.

"Don't worry; I can walk back myself. I'll be sure to be careful." Madoka assures. Sayaka is perhaps not completely convinced, but nods in affirmation regardless. Goodbyes and courtesies are exchanged, and Madoka begins the trek back home. It is safer not to involve her more than necessary, while she still has a chance to remain unscathed. You are alone with the remaining children, who look towards you awaiting your next words.

"I'd like to talk about those ID cards you have," you start. As the words leave your mouth, Mami gives you a small frown.

"As we already told Madoka, there is nothing to worry about."

"And I'm not telling you to be worried," you respond. In an instant, the kids' demeanors relax. That on its own would be worrying. It's never a good sign for somebody to start getting defensive about a strange item that appeared out of nowhere. You learned that well enough from the doctor.

"But I'm a bit curious. What company are they actually from? I didn't think either of you had jobs."

The pair shuffles uncomfortably, drawing the objects in question to stare at them, as if hoping the answer will be written there somewhere. A moment passes as they grow more unsettled, the finally Sayaka speaks.

"I… can't remember what it's for. I think I found it… a day ago?"

Sayaka's distress grows as she grips the card harder, the plain plastic remaining unblemished despite the force exerted. As the kid becomes more and more panicked, pacing back and forth while muttering, Mami stares down at the card in her own hand.

"It was… something good. Wasn't it? Something important."

Sayaka freezes, and all at once the panic drains out of her. She returns the card to its place on her chest, mumbling assurances that nobody but her can hear. A visceral sense of disgust ripples through you, and you must resist the urge to retch. Why does this scene feel so horrible? As disturbing as it is, you've seen far worse.

Those words. So very familiar, in the life you lived and the one you did not. They filled the small labs of the outskirts, the halls of the facility, the small chamber where you oversaw your domain. First spoken with faith and determination, an unshaking belief that your works would make a difference. Once that failed, it was a desperate plea. Because all that suffering had to mean something. Had to make a difference. Had to accomplish what you worked for for so, so long.

And in the end, it was nothing but empty words.

As long as you don't press them on it, they're fine. At least for now. Even if you could be certain that this small influence won't be leveraged into something worse one day, the very idea of leaving things as they are disgusts you. Without any tools or equipment, you have no way of measuring or examining the offending items. There is one other way to learn more, but…


The chalk-white creature steps out from behind a lamppost, tail flicking back and forth.

"Good afternoon, Kyubey."

"Hey, Kyubey."

The two Magical Girls politely greet their contractor, the last traces of uncertainty or discomfort having finally washed away.

"Good afternoon, Miki Sayaka, Tomoe Mami, X," the ferret responds in a positively saccharine voice. It's a bit unsettling how it goes from that to a dead monotone when you're alone. Guess it's just not worth the effort trying to fool you when you already know enough to see through the facade.

"Do you know anything about the ID cards the girls have? Apparently they just showed up one day."

If anything, the kids seem a bit exasperated at the constant focus on the cards. Regardless, they once again draw out the anomalous accessories for easy viewing. The Incubator stares for a moment, then its head swivels towards you.

"The objects appeared at different times between each Magical Girl. Their composition is indiscernible, but readings match previously observed Abnormalities."

That settles it, then. Sayaka, Homura, and Mami all somehow managed to wind up with EGO Gifts. Whether the Gift itself actually exerts mental influence or this is just the consequence of carrying one without proper safety procedures, you don't know. Gifts are smaller and less powerful than EGO gear is, but they're still fragments of being drawn from creatures fundamentally damaging to humanity. Wearing one, especially one from a particularly powerful Abnormality, could have side-effects.

But what Abnormality could it be?

Leaving aside that you don't know any Abnormalities that give an EGO gift matching this one, when would they even have gotten them? Neither Mami nor Sayaka seem to remember how they obtained their ID cards. Homura's never even seen an Abnormality as far as you know, and depending on what Mami told her Sayaka might not even know about them. What one Abnormality could all three of them have been in contact with long enough to receive a Gift?

Your thoughts are cut off by another message of Kyubey's, this one directed only towards you.

"I had initially believed you were responsible, given the similarities in composition to your own body. It was a much closer match than any of the other Abnormalities we have observed so far. Is that incorrect?"

Other Abnormalities.

No, that's… Kyubey has less knowledge about L Corp's Singularity than you do. You'll need to do your own testing before jumping to any conclusions.

"I think that's all. I'll head home soon, just need to take care of some other business first," you announce to the two Magical Girls, repressing the trembling of your body for a few moments longer.

"Of course. Until then, X."


The second the girls have said their goodbyes, you are already off.


This is perhaps not the most rational decision.

In your defense, you have done your best to take precautions in case anything goes wrong. The industrial site is once more completely empty of people, cast in a dull red by the evening sun. Your soldiers are set up around the secluded shed you've chosen, ready to alert you if anyone approaches or if you take too long. You lay on a rusty old table, the clutter and machinery that once were left on it now sitting outside in a heap.

Regardless, this very well could be a mistake. You have so little information, and what you're about to do is risky. A nameless, unknown instinct whispers to you, assures you that everything will go as expected, but you ignore it. You have only ever had your own judgement to rely on, and that will not change today.

Your own nature is a mystery to you, and you have been given a tool that can extract information on people's identities. To use one to solve the other would be logical if you fully understood either of the subjects being worked with. The unknown EGO, which may not truly be EGO at all, has only been used twice and both times on humans. To use it on yourself, when you may not be, leaves so much room for the unexpected. It is, quite frankly, a terrible plan.

And yet, some part of you reject the idea of leaving yourself as an unknown. You have to known what you are.

[] Reach inwards
[] Do not
[] Write-in

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 0/3
And here we are.
[X] Reach inwards

Let us delve into the light. Who knows, maybe we'll be exploring some uncharted territory, or we could possibly end up in the home of atlases (Also known as 912).
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[X] Reach inwards
[X] Why reach in to confirm what you already know? You know where the cards came from, you know what Der Freischütz called you, and you know where you came from. Don't reach in to confirm a fact. Reach in to find out what you might be doing in ignorance.

Hopefully X will be able to un-brainwash the girls.
Kyubey directly told X that she's probably the one that generated those gifts and X didn't even bat an eye.

Also, depending on how X reacts to the revelation we may get the anguish part of Der Freischütz's.

EDIT: Changed vote
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