Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Yes, X is much more skilled in combat than you would expect from a person with her backstory - yet watching fights and fighting on your own are not the same. I initially attributed this to the effect of the Despair Knight's rapier, but it looks like with the EGO we get Abnormality's ability to fight - and an Army or Knight has a lot of that.

Now I'm curious about what else we can get from EGO. Will we gain knowledge of magic if we study the rapier better? At a minimum, we should try to get the ability to teleport, this should help us respond to threats much faster.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Sep 29, 2022 at 5:39 PM, finished with 81 posts and 20 votes.

Seems pretty much unanimous, save for a few.
Yes, X is much more skilled in combat than you would expect from a person with her backstory - yet watching fights and fighting on your own are not the same. I initially attributed this to the effect of the Despair Knight's rapier, but it looks like with the EGO we get Abnormality's ability to fight - and an Army or Knight has a lot of that.
Can't forget she's using something like Kali's body. It would not surprise me if just the idea behind that gave a lot of fighting ability, especially considering what the GM had said about the other choices.
Now I'm curious about what else we can get from EGO. Will we gain knowledge of magic if we study the rapier better? At a minimum, we should try to get the ability to teleport, this should help us respond to threats much faster.
Maybe, but I think that has more to do with integrating E.G.O.. speaking of-
Synchronization: Normal
Got this on Sound of a Star. Is this new?
1.4.5 - Take Things One Step At A Time
Chapter 47 - Take Things One Step At A Time

Questions can come later. Right now, it falls on you to give answers as opposed to receiving them.

"That's the mark of an old company I worked at once," you exposit to a frightened Madoka. "They were supposed to have fallen, and even if the Corporation were active it'd be odd for Mami and Sayaka to have anything related to it. You said Homura had one as well?"

Madoka nods, her body still shaking. On her shoulder, Kyubey waits passively for you to continue.

"I'm glad you told me about this. Keep an eye out for anything else strange that you spot, even if you think it might be nothing. Better to be cautious about these things," you say sternly. Madoka's shaking ceases, and she gives you a resolved nod.

"Anyways, we should catch up with the others. Safety in numbers and all that."


You and your tag-along make the easy trek through Clarise's Barrier, having torn open the entrance to follow Mami and Sayaka. The pair has clearly made short work of the inhabitants that once lived here, with not a single Familiar remaining amongst the great glass spires that peak from the ocean of pale green clouds beneath you. Honestly, you're a bit worried to have them having gone ahead without you. They couldn't have gotten that far in while you and Madoka were talking, could they?

You follow the trail of shattered glass and the sound of gunshots, occasionally picking up Madoka to leap from one of the glass towers to another. She yelps in surprise the first time and clutches close to you and you soar through the air, her legs shaking as you set her back down.

"Ah… could you warn me next time, X?"

As the pinkette steadies herself against a shattered glass pillar, careful not to cut herself on the broken edges, you allow yourself a small grin. Fair enough, although she's gonna need to be a bit more assertive if she's serious about involving herself in this conflict.

True to your word, you do make sure to warn her next time.


"Wait, does that mean-"

You do not, in fact, interrupt her and make the jump while she's still speaking. Instead, the interruption comes from a gold-clad shape crashing through the opposing tower's wall, skidding across the fragile floor, and conjuring three rifles out of nowhere to fire at the enormous rusted copper cockroach that leaps down after her. You pull Madoka away and behind you as Clarise crashes into the ground, antenna lashing out at Mami as she dodges back. She gives you a wink and retreats further, drawing the Rampant Witch away from you. A second later, Sayaka crashes to the ground beside you and leaves a small crater in the weak floor. Seems she hasn't quite mastered that skill yet.


Madoka calls out, seeing the large gash across Sayaka's face. It's already healing, but slowly. She's expending too much of her Magic enhancing Mami for her own powers to work at full strength, then.

"Don't worry, it's just a scratch. Isn't this Barrier creepy?" Sayaka attempts to divert the topic, but a transparent attempt like that isn't going to do anything. Luckily for her, you have other topics to discuss. The admonishment will have to stay to a minimum now.

"Don't disregard your own health, Sayaka. People can't help you if you don't let them." As she looks away from you, you continue. "Anyways, I heard you've got some sort of card. Can I see it?"

Sayaka gives you a puzzled look, as if she doesn't know what you're talking about. All of a sudden, it dawns on her. "Oh, you mean my employment card! Yeah, here you go." Casually, as if the act is completely normal, the kid reaches towards the spot above her heart and grabs ahold of nothing. When she opens her hand, a plain card sits in her hand. She hands it to you, and you bring the anomalous object up to your face to look closer.

Your grip tightens, although the offending object remains stubbornly undamaged. It's an exact replica of the badges once held by your employees, although the name is something illegible. Next to the Corporation's logo is a picture of Sayaka, smiling placidly against a blank background.

"When did you get this?"

Sayaka shrugs. "I dunno. It's been… a day, or so? It just showed up this morning."

"And you don't find anything odd about this?"

"Why would I? It's my card, so of course I'd have it with me," Sayaka continues, although her casual demeanor drops when she sees a worried Madoka lean over from behind you.

"I already said there's nothing to worry about!" she assures, almost frantic. "It's… I… gah, why can't I explain this?"

Your conversation is ended by the abrupt cry of "Tiro Finale!", a geyser of magically-enhanced energy piercing the sky in the distance. The Barrier closes in on itself all at once, and Mami steps into the conversation carrying Clarise's Grief Seed.

"This one should go to you as well, Sayaka. It's always good to have some reserves to fall back on."

"But I barely even did anything against that Witch!" Sayaka protests. Seeing an opportunity, you jump in.

"Supporting is an essential role in combat. It might not make the most obvious contributions, but nobody should understate your efforts. Least of all yourself."

Slowly, Sayaka nods and accepts the Grief Seed. That will probably be it for the hunts today.

There's still time to do something.
[] Press about the cards
[] Go hunting
-[] Bring somebody with you
[] Wander Mitakihara for a bit
[] Head home

Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 0/3
A shorter chapter this time, with a totally improvised out of nowhere Witch.

You can fit in the Press vote alongside any other activity, but two of the others at once won't work.
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But the cards. The Heart of The Cards calls out to me.

[X] Press about the cards
[X] Go hunting

The cards are really...off-putting.

We might not know much. But here are 2 things we know for absolute sure about the cards.
1. The cards manipulate your sense of reality. Not exactly memory manipulation, but the sense of reality as to what can be considered "normal". It's one of the reasons I made the comment about how the cards have a certain similarity to the Doctor's blessings.
2. The cards inform us of the personal information about the "owners". So it's not only deceptive. It's also invasive. I mean, it fits because we have invaded their privacy before, but this is a bit much.

We should try to know more about the cards before doing anything else. I was joking about us being a White Night abberration, but we should make sure that that's 100% false.
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"Why would I? It's my card, so of course I'd have it with me," Sayaka continues, although her casual demeanor drops when she sees a worried Madoka lean over from behind you.

"I already said there's nothing to worry about!" she assures, almost frantic. "It's… I… gah, why can't I explain this?"
Okay. Pretty much what we expected.
This is conformation that we are abnormalities isnt it. That employee card is our ego gift, the question is what kind of benefits that card provide
Unfortunately not, if only because this is somehow surprising to X. I'm sure she's given them those cards, but she's in denial about it.

I think the call here is to play along. Don't challenge the kids about the cards, that's only going to run into a wall. Instead we should ask about what these cards mean, what their position in the company is, and maybe where they're working.

But we need Madoka out of here, it's just going to worry her and this isn't something she can help with, if it's even something to worry about.

[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.

I could add more, but I don't want to get too specific until we have more information. Though I have some very strong suspicions.
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[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. Of yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course they have employment cards. But who are they working for, what are their duties?
Huh. That's sound logic.
[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.

Fixed some grammar mistakes. And also, let's go hunt! We need to do something because, at this rate, Der Fruity's sapling ain't gonna grow. Plus, we might encounter something interesting too. The day still isn't over yet.
Wait, is Madoka gonna contract if we make her worry? From her point of view only magical girls have the card, she seems the card as something weird/evil (Well, it's brainwashing them so it's not good.). Couldn't she think that this is Kyubey's fault? I have to say I'm not that knowledgeable about PMMM so I don't know the limits of her dumb thoughts. Like, I know she cares a lot about other people, but would she make a wish with the possiblity of being brainwashed and not even getting a wish?

I think I'm going to let X decide how she will press about the cards, she seemed to make ok calls when talking to Sayaka this chapter.

[X] Press about the cards
[X] Go hunting
If we spent enough time around Madoka, would she eventually get an employment card and/or see having one as normal? Could be interesting, if disturbing.

We know that E.G.O. Gifts give off Enkephalin readings, courtesy of Wonderlab. I wonder if Kyubey and/or X can detect such readings, and subsequently confirm that they are the result of an Abnormality? I don't remember if that's a thing in this Quest, or if that was ItNoLaH (which is, as usual, the worst acronym ever.)

That aside, we don't have any particular impetus to do so right now, in-character. So:

[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.

This seems sensible enough.
I'm swinging back and forth like a Pendulum. Darn it.

If we spent enough time around Madoka, would she eventually get an employment card and/or see having one as normal? Could be interesting, if disturbing.

If the other messages are correct. They are usually given a card once they have Exposure II.

Madoka already got Exposure II, so it's only a matter of time before she gets one herself. And yeah, it would be interesting. Since the other girls probably got the cards before they noticed it while Madoka was already sus of the cards before getting one herself.

As for the Enkephalin readings. I don't think it would be noticeable for anyone but people with the equipment looking out for it.

X probably could detect them better since they came from her. But since she's still in denial, it's probably not gonna be happening soon.

QB...Well, who knows? QB is QB. If it can detect it, it probably wouldn't tell us.
Madoka's shaking ceases, and she gives you a resolved nod.

While that wasn't deliberate, I'm happy to see that my plan lead to validating Madoka and giving her resolve, even if it potentially increase her chances of wishing.

"Don't disregard your own health, Sayaka. People can't help you if you don't let them."

And heroes do need help.

"Oh, you mean my employment card!

There's definitely mind control going on, even if it's not big, she shouldn't find it normal to even have an employment card.

Casually, as if the act is completely normal, the kid reaches towards the spot above her heart and grabs ahold of nothing.

So part of the reason we never took notice of them is that we literally can't see them, and others probably can't normally either, wonder why Madoka's able to?

"And you don't find anything odd about this?"

"Why would I? It's my card, so of course I'd have it with me," Sayaka continues, although her casual demeanor drops when she sees a worried Madoka lean over from behind you.

"I already said there's nothing to worry about!" she assures, almost frantic. "It's… I… gah, why can't I explain this?"

The first step to fighting a master effect is finding our you were mastered.

Sayaka is not t'at that point yet. Madoka did well in telling us, nobody would have realized anything was wrong if she didn't, I say we should investigate further, not let this fester without us knowing.

1. The cards manipulate your sense of reality. Not exactly memory manipulation, but the sense of reality as to what can be considered "normal". It's one of the reasons I made the comment about how the cards have a certain similarity to the Doctor's blessings.

Yep, they definitely have a SEP field (somebody else problem)

2. The cards inform us of the personal information about the "owners". So it's not only deceptive. It's also invasive. I mean, it fits because we have invaded their privacy before, but this is a bit much.

We merely looked at the intimate memories and thoughts of two of them, we never did so for Sayaka, we definitely are not invading all of their privacy! :V

have to say I'm not that knowledgeable about PMMM so I don't know the limits of her dumb thoughts. Like, I know she cares a lot about other people, but would she make a wish with the possiblity of being brainwashed and not even getting a wish?

First: Having your wish granted is the only completely sure part of all that, you won't convince her that she won't get one.

Second: given canon, she would almost definitely wish for not being brainwashed in one way or another, she did a similar thing in canon with her wish making it so that she defeated her own witch due to it's wording.

I think the call here is to play along. Don't challenge the kids about the cards, that's only going to run into a wall. Instead we should ask about what these cards mean, what their position in the company is, and maybe where they're working.

Good thinking.

[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.


I don't know about pressing about this...

We will need to at some point, better to do it now when nothing is on fire.


My brain just decided to give this image to me so I'm spreading the love:

"I swear if the QM decide to do a quick sidestory showing that Nothing There is currently on fire, I'm going to scream."
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[X] Press about the cards
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.

Oh dear, did we accidentally give them the ability of our agents more specifically access to the stat logic of lobotomy corporation agents?
Because the calm they're experiencing is much like a well trained agent in my perspective which arguably does fit the fact that X was the MANAGER and guy who 'Hired' them so to speak from their budget
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.

Sayaka: Yeah it's just my card, no biggie.
Madoka: o_O
X: *inaudibly high-pitched sounds of steadily increasing worry*
[X] Press about the cards.
-[X] Thank Madoka for her help and ask if she's fine to go home by herself. If yes and she does proceed with the rest of the plan. If not escort her home, but ask Mami and Sayaka to stick around for a bit a chat.
-[X] Play along with them. Yes, of course, they have employment cards. But who are they working for, and what are their duties?
[X] Go hunting.