Reading the author's note, it seems eaglejarl will most likely just ignore the "Moose" vote.Repeating myself again, what Plan Moose should do is, now that it's overtaken Mystic Scholar, make it so that the most popular vote that actually makes Moose sapient will go through. Unless Moose in a Time Cube overtakes Catkin Leo, it still won't win, but we'll have the leader between Democratic Senator and Wizard Supremacist as Drew's Acting Class even if neither of them beat Mystic Scholar on their own.
A little too risky to gamble it on, I feel.Catkin might have a chance to give Moose a class though. (Just depends on what the subrace actionables add.)
A mighty tall risk is all; especially since things are narratively based, I wouldn't rely entirely on the QM to be that nice about things. They already bent the rules just a little in this being a safe room and letting us swap buffs around.Catkin might have a chance to give Moose a class though. (Just depends on what the subrace actionables add.)
Do you take suggestions?I'll need a day or two to come up with race and class options for Moose. Once I've got some options we'll go to voting. Same as we did here; I'll make sure there's plenty of time so no one gets crowded out.
Crawler #6: Moose
Level 16
Race: Dog (Tibetan Mastiff/Rottweiler/Golden Retriever)
Class: Pet
Views: 5.2 Trillion
Followers: 2.9 Trillion
Favorites: 2.1 Trillion
What's life without a bit of Risk, it's not like we've risked stuff on the last floor or anything. (We have)
Stacking haste casts would get pretty silly though[X] Drew: Wizard supremacist
We'll try to not let him get hit.
I don't want Chronan, not sure why. What I do want is Tortugan/Jinnette, but that's not gonna happen.
If we can get Drew the regen skill and enough healing (and we know the damage range to be safe):
Explicitly mentions timers, should include cooldowns.Spell: Time Rip
Cost: 3 MP
Range: (Intelligence) meters
You fire a bolt of condensed time that causes Aging-type damage to whatever it hits.
"This is a good one," Levi said. "It's a solid attack spell like Magic Missile or Force Dart except that it does Aging damage instead of Force damage. It does the same amount of damage as Magic Missile to most things, but it also accelerates timers on whatever it hits. It's a great way to bring down something like a Shield spell. It also ignores most armor and some damage-reduction effects. One thing that's both a pro and a con: it accelerates regeneration effects for a time. Depending on how tanky your friends are and how high their Regeneration skill is, sometimes it's worth opening the battle by blasting them with one of these and then having them heal up with a potion before kicking things off.
"Also, holy fuck it's good not to have to check every word to make sure I'm not leaking important information."
Faster timeline should logically also include faster casting and cooldowns.Spell: Haste Self Cost: See below Duration: (Intelligence) seconds AOE: Sphere with diameter of (Intelligence) meters, centered on the caster's center of mass Target: Self Within the affected region, your timeline progresses 10% faster per spell level. This is a temporal effect, not an alteration of your body or perception. From your perspective, the world is slowing down while you remain moving at normal speed. This spell stacks. The mana cost of each casting is 2^(N+1), where N is the number of castings already in effect, regardless of whether they were cast by you or someone else. Only instances that you cast will affect you.
Sure, but Tortugan starts with 925% Unarmed damage, and goes up from there. Once we make a Tortugan Blade, or get one from a quest, or make a high-level Tortugan a Manager to make a blade for us, Jinete multiples that by ((Character Level) x 3)% per skill level. That's nuts. Then, it gets doubled for every skill that contributes, we're looking at very, very high numbers here.
I appreciate the political dealing, I like it, but I specifically don't want Chronan. Would you be willing to instead support Wizard Supremacist? Moose could use 20 INT, and Drew's stat loss disadvantage isn't as crippling as it seems. He gets a Shield spell, and the malus only takes effect if his armor protects him. No armor, no stat loss.@Olivebirdy
Would you consider removing your vote from catkin Leo and voting for "Moose in a Time Cube"? (I'd in turn remove my "WDSS Multacorpalan", so catkin would keep its lead if the Moose vote doesn't work out)
It preserves the box combo, it gets Moose a class, and it enables us to fuck with time.
FYI for those who missed it, but our guide warned us NOT to take Paladin. Any class involving Gods is a horrible trap in the dungeon, because the Gods are an obstacle in layer 9/12 and being linked to them means we're forced to get involved in their extremely difficult plotlines.The opening comment that led to the discussion of Moose getting his own Class involved him being a Paladin.
The real problem is that Drew is a somewhat absentminded stoner. If he simply reflexively swats a fly or something, he suddenly loses the ability to use magic for 30 hours and permanently loses 1 from every stat.I appreciate the political dealing, I like it, but I specifically don't want Chronan. Would you be willing to instead support Wizard Supremacist? Moose could use 20 INT, and Drew's stat loss disadvantage isn't as crippling as it seems. He gets a Shield spell, and the malus only takes effect if his armor protects him. No armor, no stat loss.
[X] Moose in a Time Cube
-Taylor: Multacorporan Sysop
-Leo: Chronan Wheeler Dealer
-Drew: Mystic Scholar
Gues I'm your polar opposite then, i don't want to give up spellbook spam with a solid attack spell (fireball) for Wiz Sup. So I don't think we'll reach a common ground. Sorry.I appreciate the political dealing, I like it, but I specifically don't want Chronan. Would you be willing to instead support Wizard Supremacist? Moose could use 20 INT, and Drew's stat loss disadvantage isn't as crippling as it seems. He gets a Shield spell, and the malus only takes effect if his armor protects him. No armor, no stat loss.