Dungeon Crawler You!

Just reposting this, it's been a fey days.
Universal health care is an incredible healing skill, and high level "dud" boxes have a bunch of money. It'll be fine. Gun control legislation only affects physical attacks, and hey I wonder if that's a debuff that sysop can trade? Public education funding is free xp for doing absolutely anything, stacking with Drew's ridiculous luck aura. Dem Sen is great, and wizard supe will work too. Drew can take this seriously enough.

Also, if the-1 all stats is a debuff, when we get to the next floor we might be able to give some poor mob Drew's permanent debuff
Wizard Supremacist is a terrible pick for Drew. Come on, Drew is absentminded and constantly baked. Reread the early quest, he used to forget gun safety, chat use, etc. He absolutely will accidentally give himself the "-1 to all stats and no Magic use for 30 hours" debuff, and he will do so repeatedly.

[X] Moose in a Time Cube
-Taylor: Multacorporan Sysop
-Leo: Chronan Wheeler Dealer
-Drew: Mystic Scholar
This is the option that allows Moose to get a class and allows Drew to give Levi the spellbook spell.

Chronan is quite abusable at higher levels...
Looking at Mystic Scholar it doesn't actually seem to boost intelligence so it won't allow for the Moose plan.

Edit: This isn't actually a problem I missed that Chronan had an intelligence boost.
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For anyone unaware, or just doesn't care too much about the winning plan and more about Moose getting a Class, feel free to vote [ ] Moose for that to happen. It's essentially working as that, and it's why I've taken to it.
[X] Moose in a Time Cube

Chronan's also a very cool race.
Looking at Mystic Scholar it doesn't actually seem to boost intelligence so it won't allow for the Moose plan.
We only need Drew to copy a class with high intelligence if we don't have any other races/classes in the party that provide bonus intelligence. Doppelganger, Catkin, Wheeler Dealer, Multacorpalan, Scion of the Zree, Sysop, none of Taylor or Leo's potential classes or races have that benefit.

But if we give Leo a good race with an intelligence buff, we can just copy that over directly, skipping the Former Child Actor segment entirely. (It also gives us a third option to solve the Doppelganger/Catkin debate without either side feeling like they lost, which is a plus in my book).

Plus, time magic is really cool.
Have you considered that Democratic Senator also gives a high enough Int bonus to make him sapient and qualify if copied over? I can understand wanting the higher bonus, but there's a reason most of us are voting for both.

Edit: "us" being those voters who have started actively voting for Drew's first Acting Class to be one that gets Moose a Class.
Gonna be honest, I don't think Democratic Senator is very good.
FYI, standard human Int is 4.
Giving Moose a small Int bonus is fine. +20 is insane overkill at the cost of a huge drawback for Drew.
If Drew gets hit with the Wizard Supremacist "-1 to all stats and no Magic for 30 hours", that means no Heal spell, no attack spell, no casting shield. And we cannot remove the debuff until layer 4.
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[X] Moose in a Time Cube

I'm down for Chronan for Leo; it gives Taylor a really good target for buff transfer, once we hit level 4, in Haste Self.
He has an entire race and class combo to look at. It's entirely possible the int will unlock something that scales in an interesting way
If he is like Donut, then his race will lock his stats and he will be unable to raise Int. A mage build is bad, a bruiser build is good.
He also has bruiser skills, he has no spells, and unless people vote for Mystic Scholar we cannot even give him any.
I'm gonna be honest, though the name is dumb, I'm hoping to give him Boring Ol' Fighter. If Bite qualifies as a physical weapon, he meets all the requirements.
I'm gonna be honest, though the name is dumb, I'm hoping to give him Boring Ol' Fighter. If Bite qualifies as a physical weapon, he meets all the requirements.
Based on what eaglejarl has said in Discord, he does quality for Boring Ol' Fighter, yeah.

...And Chronan's Time Rip would be a pretty gnarly heal for him at later levels of regeneration.
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BOF itself only needs 20 con and 15 strength to unlock, plus all the other nonsense. I'm saying maybe we can get a bof side grade that can still use items or magic?

Edit: I really want catkin Leo and wiz supe drew, but I want classy Moose more. Also, aging bolt is good stuff.

[] Moose in a Time Cube
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BOF itself only needs 20 con and 15 strength to unlock, plus all the other nonsense. I'm saying maybe we can get a bof side grade that can still use items or magic?
The neat thing about BoF is that it can benefit from magic and items, it just can't use them itself. And that's... kind of what we do with him anyway, with Heal Pet scrolls.
I'm also just iffy on only supporting a plan that may not win with just how much support Catkin has. I'm happy with Chronan winning, but worried it may not have the time to win. Safer bet is Drew since he doesn't have as much competition for his class.
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FYI, standard human Int is 4.
Giving Moose a small Int bonus is fine. +20 is insane overkill at the cost of a huge drawback for Drew.
If Drew gets hit with the Wizard Supremacist "-1 to all stats and no Magic for 30 hours", that means no Heal spell, no attack spell, no casting shield. And we cannot remove the debuff until layer 4.
Drew's Character Actor Class will only last for this floor so as long as he avoids activating that drawback for one floor there won't be a problem (Plus even if he does as you pointed out we will be able to remove it on layer 4 thanks to Sysop.), and the benefit is an additional 17 or 18 (Depending on what you're comparing it to.) permanent Intelligence which will almost certainly unlock new classes and races that he could potentially take while also just being useful stats in their own right. And given the difficulty of this dungeon I don't think any free stats can be considered overkill even if they don't end up central to whatever build he ends up. As for him ending up with a race that locks his stats, we are the one's who will end up choosing his race and I doubt we will pick one that does that. And even if we do that just means he permanently has 21 Intelligence while being unable to raise it further rather than 4 Intelligence while being unable to raise it further which is an even larger benefit if his Intelligence can no longer be raised.
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