Is this an acceptable alternative for anyone? It's as non-confrontational and non-threatening as it can possibly be.
[] Call Agent Cole with an offer.
-[] Find a payphone to use that doesn't have any nearby surveillance cameras.
--[] Rather than making an offer just yet, however, have Clippy play pack the recorded conversation between Cole and Wright as an introduction.
---[] Using Clippy to distort our voice, or better yet, having it speak for us, say, "Just from overhearing this conversation between yourself and Agent Wright, it is obvious just how ignorant you are of the supernatural. Otherwise, you would not have kidnapped a Warden Commander of the White Council, or the Lawmakers as you call them. Ignorance can be forgiven, but that only goes so far."
----[] "If you wish to have any hope of salvaging this situation, you should release Mr. Dresden, clear his name, and have someone make an appointment to speak with him at a later date, like you should have from the very beginning. For God's sake, he advertises his services in the phone book."