The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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Drake will be more knightly adventure in space than swashbuckling.

The process began at the start of the end of strife and then came to a conclusion at the end of the Age of Strife and the Fall of the Eldar. Because the birth of Slaanesh wasn't a single instance, but a prolonged process that started in 25k and came to a head in 30k.

I don't agree that there is inherent passive corruption for similarly know about them. Sure being exposed to the warp and direct contact with Chaos is corrupting, but similarly knowing that they exist is inherently corruptive. Even then there are degrees of corruption and it is possible to naturally recover from mild exposure to Chaos. Making it so mere knowledge will corrupt you and being corrupted is irreversible feels too much like GW overpowering Chaos as their pet faction.
I didn't disagree with there being a way to recover from corruption, as that's kinda what I meant by compensating for it. Recovery, prevention, combating, what have you. They know that they're there and they know how to identify and combat Chaos' corruptive influence to at least some extent or at least know it's something to avoid and be wary of.

And I'm not sure I agree that knowing of the Chaos Gods isn't inherently corruptive. Sure, it's literally the most minor form of corruption possible and available to Chaos, but it's there. And yeah, the population knowing about them doesn't automatically spell the end for the planet, far from it, as naturally if you know about them then you can actively reject them as well, so it kinda evens out in that respect.

But the Chaos Gods, being the beings of thought they are, can and will take advantage of any and all opportunities of influencing people and someone knowing that they are there, that they exist, does provide an opening, if a small one, as it means that you do think about them, that their names or pseudonyms are on your mind.

Edit: Plus, it really is their thing. Chaos' main threat has always been their status as an Info-Hazard, not the physical threat of their daemons or cultists. So having having knowledge of them, even if it's just that they're there, not be corrupting kinda diminishes the whole identity of Chaos as a threat.
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I'd argue otherwise, personal combat is useful for boarding actions or duels with other Primarchs. The idea of a Primarch abandoning a broken ship by launching himself from a metal tube into another ship to board and take it over? Cool and fun as hell.
Not to mention fighting other Primarchs and Daemons. Warp and various Primarch abilities mean Drake will at some point have to engage in personal combat.

As mentioned, yes the base Primarch traits will make him proficient, but if you're fighting other Primarchs that's probably won't be enough. Plus the aesthetic of a naval Primarch with a sword in one hand and a laspistol in another is fun.
Again, if you want to get in H2H pissing matches with the other Primarchs, we already picked the wrong origin to excell there. Studying Personal Combat here can't compare to the kind of constant combat experience other Primarchs went through. (If you want to see a primarch do a solo boarding of an enemy ship, there's an Angron quest that has a scene like that. Drake is not Angron.)

Besides, the best way to fight a Primarch isn't to 1v1 them. It's to use orbital bombardment. No amount of super-duper-soldierness can protect against superior firepower. (That said, Plot Armor can cover for that, depending.)
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[x] Plan Psyker Minister
-[x] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
-[x] Telepathy. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to read and manipulate minds.
-[x] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
-[x] His girlfriend
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Eh, we can just train combat later. It's one thing we are likely gonna have lots of opportunities to get good at *Points at the Imperialists, Warp Rift and Greenskins*

Edit: Guilliman is a medicore warrior by Primarch standards and he succesfully did the fight outside a ship in a vacuum bullshit.
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I didn't disagree with there being a way to recover from corruption, as that's kinda what I meant by compensating for it. Recovery, prevention, combating, what have you. They know that they're there and they know how to identify and combat Chaos' corruptive influence to at least some extent or at least know it's something to avoid and be wary of.

And I'm not sure I agree that knowing of the Chaos Gods isn't inherently corruptive. Sure, it's literally the most minor form of corruption possible and available to Chaos, but it's there. And yeah, the population knowing about them doesn't automatically spell the end for the planet, far from it, as naturally if you know about them then you can actively reject them as well, so it kinda evens out in that respect.

But the Chaos Gods, being the beings of thought they are, can and will take advantage of any and all opportunities of influencing people and someone knowing that they are there, that they exist, does provide an opening, if a small one, as it means that you do think about them, that their names or pseudonyms are on your mind.
Fair though at that level, it doesn't count as corruption in my mind unless you are as paranoid about Chaos as the Imperium is.
Fair though at that level, it doesn't count as corruption in my mind unless you are as paranoid about Chaos as the Imperium is.
Well, maybe corruption is the wrong word. Knowing about them provides an opening, a chink in someone's mental armor. On its own it won't properly corrupt someone as long as the person isn't vulnerable in some way or just pathetically weak willed.

What it can do, though, is when that someone has a moment of weakness, like say their spouse who they loved very much just died, or they're in a situation where they're desperate to survive, where they're praying for help from something, anything, that opening gives Chaos a path, an opportunity, to take advantage of that momentary weakness. A vector by which to influence.

Edit: Plus people knowing about them obviously leads to the inevitable chance that someone will pray to them completely on purpose out of desperation, greed, idiocy, and other dumb fuck reasons.
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do we actually have a way to not join the Imperium? away of running away somewhere, the emperor can't reach us?
do we actually have a way to not join the Imperium? away of running away somewhere, the emperor can't reach us?
Not really. As great as our ships will be the Great Crusade, by the time it reaches us, will simply be too large to resist in any meaningful way. They could simply drown us in numbers, nevermind that they'll have Space Marines and we won't. And it's not like we can get them to simply leave us be as we're a Primarch and Big E won't be taking no for an answer.
Well, maybe corruption is the wrong word. Knowing about them provides an opening, a chink in someone's mental armor. On its own it won't properly corrupt someone as long as the person isn't vulnerable in some way or just pathetically weak willed.

What it can do, though, is when that someone has a moment of weakness, like say their spouse who they loved very much just died, or they're in a situation where they're desperate to survive, where they're praying for help from something, anything, that opening gives Chaos a path, an opportunity, to take advantage of that momentary weakness. A vector by which to influence.
Yeah, I get what you are saying.
do we actually have a way to not join the Imperium? away of running away somewhere, the emperor can't reach us?
No and as part of the quest's conceits, you will be joining the Imperium, getting a Space Marine Legion and partaking in the Great Crusade. How you go about that is up for debate and whether you stay loyal is optional, but those things will be happening.
nevermind that they'll have Space Marines and we won't.
Well, you choose Genetic Engineering, Medical Science, Cybernetics and Power Armour so you might have your own take on the Space Marines by then.
[X] Plan Carpe diem
-[X] Naval Combat
-[X] Divination
-[X] Engineering
-[X] His girlfriend

I will follow what our primarch seems to like, while I would like to have personal combat there, he is a primarch and primarchs have a superhuman level in everything, this seems to be more what is he almost demigodish in.

Also we have too many heavy combat focused primarchs anyway.
[x] Plan Psyker Minister

Eh, this is close enough in spirit to Supreme Commander

[X]Plan Supreme Commander
-[X] Personal Combat.
-[X] Naval Combat
-[X] Governance
-[X] His girlfriend
[X] Plan Carpe diem
-[X] Naval Combat
-[X] Divination
-[X] Engineering
-[X] His girlfriend
[X]Plan Supreme Commander
-[X] Personal Combat.
-[X] Naval Combat
-[X] Governance
-[X] His girlfriend

Good governing skills are important, especially since MC is using a Charisma build. Having Telepathy might cause MC to go a bit nuts/just use it as a substitute for actual good speaking skills like Emps does.
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[X]Plan Foresight
-[X] Naval Combat.
-[X] Divination
-[X] Governance
-[X] His girlfriend

I mostly like the Psyker Minister plan, Naval combat still is a huge factor in 40k and being actually good at governing people is pretty nice given how we're going to be thrust into that situation before long.

I ended up switching up the pysker focus for divination due to the fact that, well, our guy is already amazing at reading people and convincing them the mundane way. Being really good at doing it the psyker way feels less like shoring up our strengths and more like reduncency.

Meanwhile, their's very little that being able to foresee the future and the present won't better prepare us for.
[x] Plan Psyker Minister
[X]Plan Supreme Commander
[X] Plan Carpe diem

Can't really decide between these, all of them would be fun.

Also what about the 2nd primarch? Will they be dead/gone before Drake meets the imperium or will you make a custom primarch for the quest?
Adhoc vote count started by Npt170 on Aug 21, 2022 at 9:01 PM, finished with 101 posts and 62 votes.

  • [x] Plan Psyker Minister
    -[X] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
    -[x] Telepathy. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to read and manipulate minds.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X]Plan Supreme Commander
    -[X] Personal Combat.
    -[X] Naval Combat
    -[X] Governance
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] Plan Carpe diem
    -[X] Naval Combat
    -[X] Divination.
    -[X] Engineering
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X]Plan Foresight
    -[X] Naval Combat
    -[X] Divination.
    -[X] Governance
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X]Plan perty but gud
    -[X] Personal Combat.
    -[X] Engineering
    -[X] Governance
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] Plan Perfect Gouvernance and Combat
    -[X] Personal Combat.
    -[X] Divination.
    -[X] Governance
    -[X] His friend.
    [X]Plan Be British
    -[X] Divination. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to peer into the future and uncover answers.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] plan star coverment
    -[X] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] Engineering. Drake focuses on his volunteer work, learning how machinery works and how to make improvements upon standard equipment.
    -[X] His friend. Jenivere is Drake's best friend and their love is platonic in nature.
    [X] Plan: Build a better future
    -[X] Divination. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to peer into the future and uncover answers.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] Engineering. Drake focuses on his volunteer work, learning how machinery works and how to make improvements upon standard equipment.
    -[X] His friend. Jenivere is Drake's best friend and their love is platonic in nature.
    [X]Plan Citizen-General
    -[x] Telepathy. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to read and manipulate minds.
    -[X] Personal Combat. Drake focuses on his firearm and melee training, learning how to shoot a gun with unerring precision and how to take apart an opponent with a blade.
    -[X] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] Plan Hows and whys
    -[X] Divination.
    -[X] Governance
    -[X] Engineering
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] Plan
    -[X] Divination. Drake focuses on his psyker training, learning how to peer into the future and uncover answers.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] Engineering. Drake focuses on his volunteer work, learning how machinery works and how to make improvements upon standard equipment.
    -[X] His girlfriend
    [X] Plan
    [X]Plan Grand Admiral
    -[X] Naval Combat. Drake engages in self-study on the art of naval combat, learning how warships are commanded and how to win or lose a naval engagement.
    -[X] Governance. Drake focuses on his classes at school, learning about how the government works and how to run a nation.
    -[X] Engineering. Drake focuses on his volunteer work, learning how machinery works and how to make improvements upon standard equipment.
    -[X] His girlfriend. Jenivere is Drake's girlfriend and their love is romantic in nature.