Renascence: A Homura Quest

Honorifics or Western-style Titles? I've used both before, which is bothersomely inconsistent

  • Japanese Honorifics (-san, -sama, -dono, -chan, -kun, -senpai, etcetera)

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Western Titles (Mister, Miss, job titles, Lord, Lady, etcetera)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Use whichever works better for a given sentence.

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Akemi Madness (199/500) > Rolled (10) + 30 > (239/500) > Hououin Rolled (4) + 75 > (318/500) > Kurisu Rolled (17) + 50 > (385/500)

Well, we knocked at the right door window. I mean, everyone rolled horribly, but I chalk it up to the surprise effect.

Watch this skill being the key to Victory.

Anyway. So yeah, turns out neither Ruki nor Oriko were available. Kyouko and chaos it is!

As for crafting a plan... Most of it seems rather straightforward. I'm wary of giving Kyubey too much informations, but investigating on the two tasks he gave us might be worthwile to our own goals, and I guess a Griefseed never hurts.

I suppose trying to Social someone in Mitakihara would involve phone or videocalls, so probably better to stick to either Kyouko or Kallen. I'm kind of gearing toward Kyouko, as we have already so many characters without adding Kallen into the mix of people to befriend (and her future availability is still unknown), but I also suppose that if we want to interact with her, it might be now or never.

Mission straight to Arthur? I guess it might make sense to delay for one day and investigate beforehand, but the Shopping and Thieving actions don't seem that productive (or in the later case, potentially dangerous given we're guests)

... also, Agravain is totally Lelouch, isn't he?
I definitely want to check the detective agency, but crafting votes in this system is too complicated for me to do without it being a simple change to someone else's vote.
Well, let's see if I can provide a template then.

[X] Plan "Kyouko will hate us"
[Investigative Actions: 2]
[ ] Detective Agency (0/100)
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Galahad
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Kyouko (148/400)
[Home Actions: 2]
[ ] Investigation: Arthur
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Meet with King Arthur
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Creative Actions: 1]
[ ] Research a Theoretical Magical Working
-[ ] A way to improve timestop efficiency
[Training Actions: 1]
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Clocksmithing
--[ ] using Akemi Madness
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Investigation: Big Ben
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)

So. Basically, it comes down to investigating as many leads as possible, while dragging Kyouko absolutely everywhere.

I didn't pick the second "normal" investigation (Britannia Family) because I didn't want to do too much for Kyubey all at once, and because there's so many unknown that I think we ought to try to cast our net as wide as possible.

It is also entirely possible that I'm completely overusing Kyouko here - and there's a case to be made that giving her some free time to stumble on her own plot hooks would be worthwile. Not sure I'd replace her with Kallen during the investigative actions though, given the possible conflict of loyalties. If you feel this plan has too much Kyouko, might as well go solo on some segments. But for now, I was amused by the image of Homura just dragging her friend through all of London as if in a tourist frenzy.

Training Clocksmithing I admit isn't especially vital, but I kind of want to see what happens when we do it with Akemi Madness.
a Homura who's only 13
Homura's 13 in this? I always thought of Homura as 14 in canon...
Kallen Stadtfield, nice to meet ya.
Is it wrong that my first instinct upon reading this was to shout about it being Kozuki and not Stadtfield?
"Eh, he has his moments, but he's…" She trails off, blushing faintly, "…he's hard to describe. You'll get it once you meet him."
... also, Agravain is totally Lelouch, isn't he?
No bet. I reached the exact same conclusion. It's a bit too obvious.
  • Prototype - Heartcrafter
    • School: Puella Magus
    • Cost: 100 Magic
    • A Working that slowly corrects flaws in the heart until it is able to operate as a healthy organ. As this is a slow process carried out over the course of an hour, there is no need for the user to have an absolute understanding of the human heart, and the process can be assisted by a medical expert to account for lack of personal expertise.
    • Development DC: 75
    • Special Prerequisite: Medical 50. This can be provided by a second party, who does not need to be a magic user.
Huh. The magical working here might be more usable that I thought. Only an hour of time, lower Medical requirement. I think the Development DC is the same though. A good stop-gap for loops where our Medical is still too low to use our spell, especially if we can somehow get Dr. John Smith to provide that Medical 50 we need.
I feel we need to start doing some things in Akemi Madness or just start doing stuff that effects our Sanity. I personally felt that having Homura in the lower range of Sanity was better because it gave us more options for spells. Example, I don't think we could have made the Lance of Longinus to defeat Sachiel had Homura's Sanity been this high, or if we could, it probably would have taken more effort, forcing Nanoha and/or Sayaka to cover us longer. To be honest, the 350-450 range feels most comfortable to me.
Madoka: Turns out he's a friend of a friend's older brother. Apparently Part 2 is coming out soon.
So...Madoka's online friends with (Hi)Kari. Interesting.
Eight: YOuR PrAyeR hAs bEEn HEArd
This was a Digi-Elf, wasn't it? Who's getting a Digimon partner?
[Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Madoka (Maxed)
[ ] Sayaka (276/500)
[ ] Kyouko (148/400)
[ ] Miho Miki (124/300)
[ ] Takeshi Akemi (6/300)
[ ] Kayaba Akihiko (31/100)
[ ] Soichirou Mikuni (44/100)
[ ] Hououin Kyouma (47/200)
[ ] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
[ ] Write-In Character
I feel like some of these characters should not be on the list of possible Social Interactions.

There, now that my reactions are all taken care of...on to planning. I'm actually torn on which of Kyubey's requests should take priority. On the one hand, learning more about the Britannia family can only help us in understanding Lelouch and how they are connected to the Royal Family, possibly including a clue to Homura's own lineage as her Welsh ancestor was the sister of one of the Britannia family's. On the other, investigating a detective agency could help some with our investigation skills, or even get us an ally that can build off of whatever information on House Britannia Kyubey gives us.

On Macros' plan, I do feel it's way too much Kyouko. Though if I were to make a change to lessen the Koko, I'd instead change the social action to Kallen or seeing what Higure does for social with someone that's not on the trip with us instead of removing the girl from one of the other actions. We can let the Sakura loose later on when both her and Homura have ideas on what the area is like.

I would also like to slip some Akemi Madness in there somewhere, just to lower Homura's Sanity a little, as I mentioned in my reaction to her Sanity score.

So...overall I'm thinking something that looks more like this...

[ ] Plan Establishing Setting
[Investigative Actions: 2]
[ ] Detective Agency (0/100)
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Galahad
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Social Actions: 1]
[ ] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
[Home Actions: 2]
[ ] Investigation: Arthur
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Mission Actions: 1]
[ ] Meet with King Arthur
-[ ] with Kyouko
[Creative Actions: 1]
[ ] Research a Theoretical Magical Working
-[ ] A way to improve timestop efficiency
-[ ] using Akemi Madness
[Training Actions: 1]
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Clocksmithing
--[ ] using Akemi Madness
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[ ] Investigation: Big Ben
-[ ] with Kyouko
[ ] Train a Skill
-[ ] Development
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[ ] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)

I wanted to get another Akemi Madness in somewhere, but nothing feels really appropriate. Maybe investigating the Palace or the Detective Agency? On the palace it might help keep Arthur off guard if she sees Homura acting crazy and thus unsure how to handle our time traveler. Similar for the detective agency in that it might make it harder for the detective (likely Sherlock) to realize he or she is being investigated, and thus lock up or cover up some clues.
I feel we need to start doing some things in Akemi Madness or just start doing stuff that effects our Sanity. I personally felt that having Homura in the lower range of Sanity was better because it gave us more options for spells.

While I do agree in theory, maaaybe it isn't the best time? I'd rather go full madness experiment after our trip to London; doesn't mean we can't do anything madness-related, but I wouldn't go overboard right now.
It's been years since I watched Tamers. I thought those fish-like things that were granting the Blue Cards were called elves, but I could easily be wrong due to how long it's been.
I feel like some of these characters should not be on the list of possible Social Interactions.
Thank you so much for sharing your reactions. Knowing what people feel and think about updates is really rewarding. (This goes out to everyone else who does so, as well.)

Also, those people have Nervegear and can be met in-game.
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You need to put an X in the plan box
That was intentional, as I wished to hear discussion before committing to a vote. Thank you for pointing it out though.

EDIT because I don't want to double post: Also, @Macros, on my wanting to use Akemi Madness, I understand that is a time and place sort of thing, which is why my current potential vote only uses it for researching ways to make Time Stop more efficient and "CLOCKS!!" while only musing on using it for touring the palace or investigating the detective agency. The use of Akemi Madness just doesn't seem to make sense anywhere in this vote right now and I can not think of a good edit to the vote to allow for more Akemi Madness use.

Going forward, for the immediate future, I'll probably be limiting Akemi Madness mostly to our Training and Creative Actions, maybe a social action or two, especially if we do it with Kyouko as I haven't seen a good Madness Homura weirding Kyouko out in quite some time.
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And I'm going to end up double posting anyways because I actually want people to pop in and see this.

It just occurs to me, we are in the right general area (ie, England) for Eriol from Card Carptor Sakura to potentially be in play. If I recall correctly, he had some precog abilities when he showed up for the series, allegedly being a reincarnation of Clow Reed, and we have been told that Arthur employs males and not just Magical Girls in her running of the Kingdom. Nothing really to back this up yet except that we have seen Yuuko's shop, and that was at least made by the same people as Sakura.

Also if I had to guess, the detective agency is Sherlock Holmes residence, probably the Benedict Cumberbatch version as that's the only version I recall from both this time period and this part of the world. Unless someone at the Clock Tower has summoned a Servant, but that seems less likely.

Finally, @Higure, on the subject of reactions, I find as I grow older I'm a little less concerned with the possibility of momentarily looking like a fool that opening my mouth can cause. Still, if something goes over my head, you obviously won't get a comment from me about it. And I so far have only really been commenting about things that really stand out to me and I get the reference for, which isn't hard as lately I haven't really seen anything I don't get the reference for except maybe your hint to who Homura's Welsh ancestor was.
Kyubey said he put a folder about the detective agency in our desk drawer, would that include a basic summary we can read before the next chapter, or do we just make a choice of whether or not to investigate it at all?
The update was great! And, as usual for this sort of thing, it's time to update everyone's known skill ranks!

Sayaka: Magecraft 13, Melee 52+, Magecraft 13
Ruki: Engineering 20
Oriko: Magical Theory 30+
Kyouko: Investigation 10, Socialize 13
Madoka: Socialize 40, Investigation 10
Mami: Socialize 15
Miho Miki: Melee 53+
Houhouin Kyouma: Investigation 75
Kurisu Makise: Investigation 50
Snow: Socialize 13

Okay, so Snow is another Training Partner for Socialize along with Mami. There might be some interesting Social Action potential there in the future. Also, I am somewhat vindicated in my thought that Houhouin Kyouma was an excellent Investigator: The man has an (individual) 75 Investigation, and Kurisu Makise has a 50 to work with. The Future Gadget Lab is probably one of the most efficient Investigation teams we know about, period. Considering everything from Steins;Gate, I wouldn't be surprised if Daru and other members are no slouch in either the Investigation or Electronics Expertise in their own right. I can't remember all of them off the top of my head.
In other news from the update... The Golden Bonds trait unlocked with Mami is going to be pretty impactful I feel, and if Sayaka turns out to be a member of the Fifteen Friends, then it will help considerably in maxing off her Social Link. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that either Lelouch or Clovis is Agravain, leaning towards Lelouch. Interesting, as Clovis was the older brother in Code Geass, so there might be some shuffling in play there. Kallen being recruited by Arthur via Agravain makes sense, as she was a dang good pilot.
I would also like to slip some Akemi Madness in there somewhere, just to lower Homura's Sanity a little, as I mentioned in my reaction to her Sanity score.
It's worth noting that Akemi Madness no longer actually reduces Homura's sanity, instead upping Bloodheat which gives the effects of reducing Sanity without actually dropping the number, and is responsible for manifestations of Akemi Madness quirks when not using it actively. Bloodheat also drops by 5 for each action that does not use Akemi Madness.
In terms of what other people are doing...
-Madoka is continuing to Investigate Friends?, and will be making somewhere between 11 and 110 progress on it this turn.
-Houhouin Kyouma and the Future Gadget Lab are researching Akemi Madness, and given their combined 125 Investigation, are guranteed to make a breakthrough on it of some kind. We'll probably have to check in with them at some point to pick up the Clue that results, as well as quite possibly a Mission of some kind. For that purpose, putting a single Investigation action into it so that we get the Clue and half Social Actions out of it might not be a terrible idea. I do not think that spending our Social Action for the turn chatting with Takeshi is worth it; We have people to Social with now that we might not get the chance to chat with in the future. Whether this changes how the Akemi Madness trait works in any way is completely up in the air.
-Ruki will be working on the Yamato, and will be making somewhere between 41 and 140 progress on it today. She won't be completing it today as far as we know, but progress is progress.

With all that in mind... Plan Time!
-Investigative Actions: If Galahad happens to be a Magical Girl, I have a guess as to who they are. If not, well, at least we can say we know more than 'they exist'. Akemi Madness snags an action so that Homura can pick up the clue from Houhouin (probably over the phone or NerveGear).
-Social Actions: We're going to be meeting with Agravain anyway. Might as well chat with Kallen. If Agravain turns out to be Lelouch, I'd much rather at least be on good terms with Kallen.
-Home Actions: Investigate Arthur, because it's better to hopefully know a bit about them before the meeting. Kyouko isn't terrible at it either, and I somehow doubt she'd be any more keen on going on blind. Looking around the palace is a way to possibly meet people.
-Mission Actions: I have no doubts that this is going to be important. Whether it begins a sub-turn or not, this is why we came here.
-Creative Actions: We've seen that a Training Action on Magical Development didn't do the normal training thing, instead having Homura attempt (successfully) to create a spell. Since experimentation is the name of the game, let's try something.
-Training Actions: More clocks! Clocks for the clock gods! Also because training it is very efficient. Homura get's a +100 from her Trait, a +50 from a Book, and then doubles the results of her Training. She is getting between a minimum of 302 progress (up to Rank 20 with 68 progress towards Rank 21) and a maximum of 500 (up to Rank 22 with 61 progress towards Rank 23).
-Sleep Actions: You thought I couldn't find a place to put Akemi Madness? Nonsense! If anything, using it while staying up late and around a gigantic clock is the best time! I am so sorry for this, Kyouko. Otherwise, I think that having a way to undo damage that Homura causes when working with Magic is a good idea. If we can get two different Prototypes, then all the better.

[X] Plan: When In London...
Investigative Actions: 2
-[X] Galahad
-[X] Detective Agency (0/100)
--[X] Request - Kyouko
Social Actions: 1
-[X] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
Home Actions: 2
-[X] Investigation: Arthur
--[X] Request - Kyouko
-[X] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
--[X] Akemi Madness
Mission Actions: 1
-[X] Meet with King Arthur
--[X] Request - Kyouko
Creative Actions: 1
-[X] Research a Theoretical Spell
--[X] Undo damage caused by attempted use of magic.
--[X] Ambition 5
Training Actions: 1
-[X] Train A Skill
--[X] Clocksmithing
Sleep Actions
-[X] Investigation: Big Ben
--[X] Request - Kyouko
--[X] Akemi Madness
-[X] Research a Theoretical Spell
--[X] Undo damage caused by attempted use of magic.
--[X] Ambition 5
-[X] Sleep
-[X] Sleep
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It's worth noting that Akemi Madness no longer actually reduces Homura's sanity, instead upping Bloodheat which gives the effects of reducing Sanity without actually dropping the number, and is responsible for manifestations of Akemi Madness quirks when not using it actively. Bloodheat also drops by 5 for each action that does not use Akemi Madness.
Yes, it doesn't actual touch Sanity directly. But because Bloodheat does lower Sanity, and you cannot activate Akemi Madness without activating Bloodheat the distinction between the two is entirely academic. For all practical purposes, Akemi Madness lower Sanity.

Now onto the plan. I disagree with using our Investigation Actions to contact Kyouma and continue Madness, while we have things to investigate here in London. We do not know yet what we'll find from investigating that detective agency, might be an ally, might be an enemy. Either way, better to know of them sooner than let them investigate us without our knowledge. I can get behind investigating Galahad though.

For Home Action, I'm still debating, but starting to lean away from using Akemi Madness there. Either way, I kinda want to drag Kyouko along to get her familiar with the area. I do agree we need to do some investigating of Arthur.

For Creative Actions, I still think working towards making Time Stop, Homura's bread and butter skill, more efficient is something we need to do. I remember the skill being something of a problem in some of the earlier battles and appears to be Homura's major magic drain. I also do not see the point in doubling down on our attempts to create this spell you're proposing by sacrificing a Sleep Action to it on top of a Creative Action. I think the second Sleep Action, if we do indeed use it for something other than Sleep, should be spent on training a skill.

With all that... here's my latest version of my vote, which I just realized is completely unedited. I had thought I had not voted to investigate Arthur and needed to change that.

[X] Plan Establishing Setting
[Investigative Actions: 2]

[X] Detective Agency (0/100)
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Galahad
-[X] with Kyouko
[Social Actions: 1]
[X] Kallen Stadtfield (43/100)
[Home Actions: 2]
[X] Investigation: Arthur
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Investigation: Buckingham Palace
-[X] with Kyouko
[Mission Actions: 1]
[X] Meet with King Arthur
-[X] with Kyouko
[Creative Actions: 1]
[X] Develop a Spell
-[X] A more efficient Time Stop
-[X] Ambition 5
--[X] using Akemi Madness
[Training Actions: 1]
[X] Train a Skill
-[X] Clocksmithing
--[X] using Akemi Madness
[Sleep Actions: 4]
[X] Investigation: Big Ben
-[X] with Kyouko
[X] Train a Skill
-[X] Development
[X] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
[X] Sleep (Gain 20 + Modifiers Sanity)
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Now onto the plan. I disagree with using our Investigation Actions to contact Kyouma and continue Madness, while we have things to investigate here in London. We do not know yet what we'll find from investigating that detective agency, might be an ally, might be an enemy. Either way, better to know of them sooner than let them investigate us without our knowledge. I can get behind investigating Galahad though.

For Home Action, I'm still debating, but starting to lean away from using Akemi Madness there. Either way, I kinda want to drag Kyouko along to get her familiar with the area. I do agree we need to do some investigating of Arthur.

For Creative Actions, I still think working towards making Time Stop, Homura's bread and butter skill, more efficient is something we need to do. I remember the skill being something of a problem in some of the earlier battles and appears to be Homura's major magic drain. I also do not see the point in doubling down on our attempts to create this spell you're proposing by sacrificing a Sleep Action to it on top of a Creative Action. I think the second Sleep Action, if we do indeed use it for something other than Sleep, should be spent on training a skill.
I could be convinced to drop Akemi Madness from the Buckingham Investigation palace Investigation, since my plan already has it on the Big Ben investigation action. I'd prefer the Future Gadget lab to not finish and then have Kyouma need to contact us for sending results, but there is a lot to investigate, so I guess I could swap that to something else.

As far as the Creative Action and it's Sleep Action, I'm essentially using them so that Homura can train Development. Training Development, as we saw this turn, doesn't work under the normal Training rules. It involves Homura just trying to make new spells. So, if that's what Training Development will be anyway, I see spending actions working on developing new Spells as the same as Training Development. Though I guess I could swap them over to literal Spell Development actions, as opposed to Researching Theoretical Spells.

In terms of your Working to Improve Time Stop... Is it better to make a Ritual (Working) that can improve the effectiveness of Time Stop, or just make a more efficient Time Stop Spell outright? Because I think it's a question worth asking.
Because I think it's a question worth asking.
That is a question worth asking. My own logic works on how it was previously worded in older votes. In those votes, the Time Stop Efficiency spell was worded as being a completely new spell Homura would cast to make Time Stop more efficient. This essentially destroys the point of the spell. It only works if it costs less magic to cast the new spell than it saves from the cost of Time Stop times however many ticks Homura stays in Time Stop. And that presumes the spell lasts the entire time Homura is in Time Stop and doesn't need to be recast in the middle of whatever she's doing there.

A Magical Working would more likely be a one time ritual that makes the ability more efficient. It's cast once, and then we don't have to worry about it again until we determine we need Time Stop to be even more efficient.

Now I hadn't thought of researching just making the skill more efficient without needing to cast a spell or perform a Magical Working. I can easily make that edit, once I think up the right wording. Probably something along the lines of "Improve a Spell?" @Higure, am I forgetting an already established wording there?
That is a question worth asking. My own logic works on how it was previously worded in older votes. In those votes, the Time Stop Efficiency spell was worded as being a completely new spell Homura would cast to make Time Stop more efficient. This essentially destroys the point of the spell. It only works if it costs less magic to cast the new spell than it saves from the cost of Time Stop times however many ticks Homura stays in Time Stop. And that presumes the spell lasts the entire time Homura is in Time Stop and doesn't need to be recast in the middle of whatever she's doing there.

A Magical Working would more likely be a one time ritual that makes the ability more efficient. It's cast once, and then we don't have to worry about it again until we determine we need Time Stop to be even more efficient.

Now I hadn't thought of researching just making the skill more efficient without needing to cast a spell or perform a Magical Working. I can easily make that edit, once I think up the right wording. Probably something along the lines of "Improve a Spell?" @Higure, am I forgetting an already established wording there?
He has said that we can improve existing spells, but the DCs to do so are higher than creating new spells outright. I think that this would word as a voting option for that, if you want to research
-[ ] Research A Theoretical Spell
--[ ] A Time Stop spell that is more efficient
--[ ] Ambition <number>
or if you want to try and Develop outright
-[ ] Spell Development
--[ ] A Time Stop spell that is more efficient
--[ ] Ambition <number>

I'm going to edit my plan a bit, swapping out the Investigative action checking in with Akemi Madness in favor of looking into the Detective Agency and Requesting Kyouko for it. She does put it up to a 60% chance of completing the Investigation in a single turn.
That is a question worth asking. My own logic works on how it was previously worded in older votes. In those votes, the Time Stop Efficiency spell was worded as being a completely new spell Homura would cast to make Time Stop more efficient. This essentially destroys the point of the spell. It only works if it costs less magic to cast the new spell than it saves from the cost of Time Stop times however many ticks Homura stays in Time Stop. And that presumes the spell lasts the entire time Homura is in Time Stop and doesn't need to be recast in the middle of whatever she's doing there.

A Magical Working would more likely be a one time ritual that makes the ability more efficient. It's cast once, and then we don't have to worry about it again until we determine we need Time Stop to be even more efficient.

Now I hadn't thought of researching just making the skill more efficient without needing to cast a spell or perform a Magical Working. I can easily make that edit, once I think up the right wording. Probably something along the lines of "Improve a Spell?" @Higure, am I forgetting an already established wording there?
I'll swing by and answer more questions in a little while, but for the moment: Spell improvement is literally just developing a better version of the Spell.

So, a more efficient Time Stop would just be a matter of doing spell development with that as a goal.

Better variants will have higher development dcs than weaker versions, of course, but are not especially harder by virtue of being variants.
Gonna go update stats.

Finally, @Higure, on the subject of reactions, I find as I grow older I'm a little less concerned with the possibility of momentarily looking like a fool that opening my mouth can cause. Still, if something goes over my head, you obviously won't get a comment from me about it. And I so far have only really been commenting about things that really stand out to me and I get the reference for, which isn't hard as lately I haven't really seen anything I don't get the reference for except maybe your hint to who Homura's Welsh ancestor was.
(Takes off Witch Hat)

Well, I'm glad for it. The reason I run this quest, and write in general, is so that everyone can have a good challenge, have fun trying to solve my little mysteries, and find some happiness! So, when I'm able to to see that someone's enjoying my work, be that through reactions, or theories, or even just a like or a vote, it really makes me incredibly happy.

(Puts on Witch Hat)

Now, come and beat me! (laughs maniacally)

Kyubey said he put a folder about the detective agency in our desk drawer, would that include a basic summary we can read before the next chapter, or do we just make a choice of whether or not to investigate it at all?
Ah, yes, it would:

Private Investigator claiming to be Sherlock Holmes. Could just be a madman with some intellect, but he's pinging the Incubators' detectors.

It is impossible to get the Golden Ending this loop for one or more reasons unrelated to Akagi Matoko/Gertrude.

There has been at least one loop where Homura died.
There has been at least one loop where Homura became a Witch.

There has been at least one loop where Homura encountered one or more Wraiths.

Time travel does not include natural passage of time or time dilation for these Truths.
For these Truths. The term "time traveler" does not include any of the following: extremely powerful beings such as gods; beings that exist outside of time; dimensional travelers; beings from a higher level of reality such as Umineko-type Witches and author avatars.
It is possible for something to travel back in time and arrive at a point in the same timeline.
There have been other time travelers in previous loops.
There have been other time travelers in all previous loops.
There has been at least one other time traveler in this loop.

I will have to attempt to clarify at least one of the Blue Truths in this post.
It is only impossible to get the Golden Ending this loop for reasons related to Akagi Matoko/Gertrude.

I will not answer at this time.
I will not answer at this time.

There has been at least one loop where Homura encountered one or more Wraiths.

Time travel does not include natural passage of time or time dilation for these Truths.
For these Truths. The term "time traveler" does not include any of the following: extremely powerful beings such as gods; beings that exist outside of time; dimensional travelers; beings from a higher level of reality such as Umineko-type Witches and author avatars.
It is possible for something to travel back in time and arrive at a point in the same timeline.
There have been other time travelers in previous loops.
There have not been other time travelers in all previous loops.
There has been at least one other time traveler in this loop.

You don't have to attempt to clarify any of the Blue Truths in your post.

As far as the Creative Action and it's Sleep Action, I'm essentially using them so that Homura can train Development. Training Development, as we saw this turn, doesn't work under the normal Training rules. It involves Homura just trying to make new spells. So, if that's what Training Development will be anyway, I see spending actions working on developing new Spells as the same as Training Development. Though I guess I could swap them over to literal Spell Development actions, as opposed to Researching Theoretical Spells.
In terms of your Working to Improve Time Stop... Is it better to make a Ritual (Working) that can improve the effectiveness of Time Stop, or just make a more efficient Time Stop Spell outright? Because I think it's a question worth asking.
Training Development works as usual, but 3 AM Witch forgot to include the level up snippet. Gonna fix that.
Will probably edit my plan after sleeping and glancing at the level up snippet for Development, then. Many thanks for the clarification.
Updated plan will either be edited into this post, or put into a new one if I can avoid double posting.
Will probably edit my plan after sleeping and glancing at the level up snippet for Development, then. Many thanks for the clarification.
Updated plan will either be edited into this post, or put into a new one if I can avoid double posting.
Alright, that's updated.


Skill and Traits Updated.
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