Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

We would be really bad with guns due to Firearms 0.

Buying Skinned Alive speed Charms and By Rage Recast repurchase to go 195 m/s and just rushing down people and invalidating their ranged efforts sounds better to me.
For what it's worth we get a parry roll on bullets. It's probably a DC 9 Parry Roll or something, but we get one.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

Here me out, we go into mechanics. We make ourselves a motorcycle. We use that motorcycle to beat a monster to death. It will also leave green flames when we're really invested in things.
For what it's worth we get a parry roll on bullets. It's probably a DC 9 Parry Roll or something, but we get one.
Nah, it's normal Parry rules for Exalted. Diff 6.

I posted the rules from ExWoD. Exalted are just strong.

Parrying and Blocking
In the Storyteller system, blocking and parrying are
two distinct mechanics that mostly work the same. Par-
rying is done with Melee, blocking with Brawl. Unlike
other beings, the Exalted may attempt to parry ranged at-
tacks. Yes, you can even parry bullets. If you give yourself
super-tough hands that won't be destroyed on contact
with a sword or shotgun slug by using something like
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze, you can block them too.

Hell, I looked into the rules more, and you know what I see?

For the sake of whatever ridiculous game ends up
featuring a Solar trying to blast a tank to death, here,
on the opposite page, are the revised Exalted vs World
of Darkness traits for military vehicles:

All of these vehicles use the weaponry rules giv-
en for them in M20 on page 461. Those work fine,
with the following addendum: unlike anybody else,
the Chosen can parry a tank's main cannon. Doing so
successfully still knocks the Exalt prone from the sheer
force of the impact, however, and probably destroys
whatever she used to block the shot.
Exalted can just parry tank guns.

In the ExWoD pdf, 310.

At least they kept the mythic greatness of Exalted, so. Nice.
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The idea I like most is whatever can build us a powerbase/sphere of influence in the setting the best. Not sure which one is best for that.
We would be really bad with guns due to Firearms 0.

Buying Skinned Alive speed Charms to go 195 m/s and just rushing down people and invalidating their ranged efforts sounds better to me.
That's fair enough. Transcendent anathema probably invalidate most of that anyway now that I think about it. No need to put together a full auto shotgun and buckets of dragon's breath shells when we can buy an uzi an use it to spray aggravated damage all over the place.

I do think it'd still be good in a support role though. Beyond mortal skill in gunsmithing would translate to being able to source a lot of custom and exotic stuff for our allies on a regular basis without catching attention purchasing them.

Including a lot of older, simpler, things that would be great for wizard use that aren't produced anymore because better solutions were developed.

Like those revolver shotguns from the 1800s.

We should probably look into getting something in this vein soon though. It'll be a while before we get to the point where we have that charm, and in the meantime a bad option is better than nothing.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

I want an exoskeleton. And probably a mecha. And the only thing stopping us from having an exoskeleton power armor is a power source, and we have demons for that.
I'm still on the fence in regard to the crafting specialization stuff. I get wanting concealable armor, but I'm tempted to vote for machining or something so that we could make ridiculous meme guns to patch our difficulties with ranged combat.
If you want meme weapons, buy the weapon charm.

Principle Provoking Onslaught is a 3-dot unfavored charm so 12XP. Its expensive, but it will give you a scenelong weapon that you can call up, reload and dismiss at will. Pistols, machineguns, bandolier of grenades, chainsaws, flamethrowers, bazookas....if it's a modern mechanical weapon and manportable you can summon it, reload it, and dismiss it.

Ultimately, Im not too worried about the mechanics of Crafting. Even unfavored specialties are only -2.
We favor Crafting, so we cant botch, and its cheap to buy extra dots in the favored Ability.
From the front page, its 3XP to go from Crafting 3 to Crafting 4, and 4XP to go from Crafting 4 to Crafting 5.

Its the thematic/story implications that I am focused on.
We would be really bad with guns due to Firearms 0.
Buying Skinned Alive speed Charms and By Rage Recast repurchase to go 195 m/s and just rushing down people and invalidating their ranged efforts sounds better to me.
There ARE a bunch of things where a single dot dip would have been/is sensible; Firearms is one of them.
Im still a little surprised that we didnt think to buy 1-2 dots of Medicine during chargen in order to know how to perform first aid/stabilize ourself and our allies in case anyone gets shanked.

Gonna need to find 3XP for Medicine 1.
I am actually not sure why I am surprised by parrying a tank gun.

Exalted parried horrific blows from monsters, 3rd Circles, or even just other Exalts with monstrous dicepools and Grand Goremauls. Or Lunars with kraken or yeddim spirit shapes or Magma Kraken.

Gonna need to find 3XP for Medicine 1.

Exalted don't need to be stabilized, and actually don't get any benefits from surgery or medicine of any mundane kind in this system.

If we want to heal, better buy Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy.

And I'd rather buy Int to 5 before Medicine 1.

Medicine 1 could be worth for stabilizing others, but we'd need Excellency for that to make it worth it. And that should be a farther consideration.
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Nah, it's normal Parry rules for Exalted. Diff 6.

I posted the rules from ExWoD. Exalted are just strong.

Hell, I looked into the rules more, and you know what I see?

Exalted can just parry tank guns.

In the ExWoD pdf, 310.

At least they kept the mythic greatness of Exalted, so. Nice.

Sure. They can parry tank guns. I don't think this proves the DC of the parry. Do you have a better source for the DC 6 claim?
Exalted don't need to be stabilized, and actually don't get any benefits from surgery or medicine of any mundane kind in this system.
Its not for us, its for our allies.
Do remember that what put Michael into retirement was getting shot by an AK through his armor by a Denarian.

And IC? Right now?
Molly just survived the multiple mass casualty events at Splattercon last week.
AND the home invasion by the fetches, where they beat up her younger brother Daniel. And her friend Rose is pregnant.

Thing is all the medical charms seem to be over in the Solar charmset.
The only thing that qualifies is Tool-Transcending Constructs, which allows her to perform first aid 5-10x faster than others.

And I'd rather buy Int to 5 before Medicine 1.
Why? Where does it help?
1 medicine would be good if we have mortal allies. Probably would be better if we could get like a pocket summon for that or something else though.
Why? Where does it help?
Using Medicine is a roll of Int + Medicine, if we don't buy Excellency, Int is better because more abilities use it.

Sure. They can parry tank guns. I don't think this proves the DC of the parry. Do you have a better source for the DC 6 claim?
Base DC unless modified is usually 6. Based on V20.

Difficulty: Any additions or subtractions to
an attack's difficulty (which is most often 6).
A "+2" means the difficulty of an attack, if
initially 6, is increased to 8.
It's the base DC of the system unless explicitly modified, like how 7 was for Exalted.

This is from Maneuver Characteristics on pg 275, which is also where Parry is.

Maneuvers are typically performed versus
difficulty 6. Maneuvers with specific combat
effects may modify your attack roll, difficulty,
or damage dice pool.

And Parry is a maneuver.

Parry: A Dexterity + Melee maneuver using a
weapon to block a Brawl or Melee attack.

This is expanded by "unique to Exalted" rules introduced in ExWoD. It will not say this explicitly because V20 didn't use Exalted. ExWoD DOES say that, and so did DP, that V20 is the base rules.
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Using Medicine is a roll of Int + Medicine, if we don't buy Excellency, Int is better because more abilities use it.

Base DC unless modified is usually 6. Based on V20.

It's the base DC of the system unless explicitly modified, like how 7 was for Exalted.

This is from Maneuver Characteristics on pg 275, which is also where Parry is.
Ah. I was extrapolating from M20 page 411. Where Spears, Thrown Objects, and Arrows need Martial Arts training and DC 8.
Edit: That bit was referencing blocking but described Parrying as like blocking but you roll Dex+Melee so I figured the same DC applied.
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Edit: That bit was referencing blocking but described Parrying as like blocking but you roll Dex+Melee so I figured the same DC applied.
Blocking (Brawl parrying, essentially) would also be DC 6 in the V20 system, and in ExWoD against bullets, if you use something like Invulnerable Skin of Bronze or Viridian Legend Exoskeleton (Or Fortitude for vamps, I guess? But they count bullets as Bashing so whatever) so your arms don't break or you just get shot in the arms.

Just for completion's sake.

Edit: Vampires can't parry bullets without Celerity, I just wanted to say that you have to use some kind of endurance power to do so.
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Using Medicine is a roll of Int + Medicine, if we don't buy Excellency, Int is better because more abilities use it.
XP costs are not linear. Int 4 to Int 5 is 16XP.

For that cost, I could raise App 1 to App 3 for 12XP, then spend 3XP on Medicine 1 and still have 1XP left over.
Or if I was spending purely on Abilities, I could spend 9XP to buy Medicine 3, 3XP on Investigation 1, and another 3XP on Streetwise 1, and still have 1XP extra.
Blocking (Brawl parrying, essentially) would also be DC 6 in the V20 system, and in ExWoD against bullets, if you use something like Invulnerable Skin of Bronze or Viridian Legend Exoskeleton (Or Fortitude for vamps, I guess? But they count bullets as Bashing so whatever) so your arms don't break or you just get shot in the arms.

Just for completion's sake.

Looks like we're Vergil then and can spin our sword to block bullets.
XP costs are not linear. Int 4 to Int 5 is 16XP.

For that cost, I could raise App 1 to App 3 for 12XP, then spend 3XP on Medicine 1 and still have 1XP left over.
Or if I was spending purely on Abilities, I could spend 9XP to buy Medicine 3, 3XP on Investigation 1, and another 3XP on Streetwise 1, and still have 1XP extra.
Some Charms also run off of Int. Like how GSNF deals highest of STR, CHA or INT as damage.

It also helps Occult and Craft. Though raising Craft would be cheaper, once you raise it to 5, only raising Attribute can help more.

I could see buying Medicine 1, Key of Medicine though, if you wanted to be sure you can stabilize a mortal.

I don't support 1 dot dips without Excellencies at all.

I would also very much like Dex 5 and WP 10 at some point. We're just probably buying Essence and then Charms for a while though, so not soon.

And we're unlikely to get into fights where squeezing out 2 more dice via Exce would be more decisive than a Charm, for a little time.
As an aside, I'm pretty curious what that will be like IC. The charms just appeared, but that extra dot would be taking Molly from genius to as smart as a person can physically be.
Things you used to struggle at just become oddly easier I guess, and you dont notice until someone calls attention to it.
Or you just find yourself deriving calculus from first principles one day in math class despite having dodged the homework previously.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

I want an exoskeleton. And probably a mecha. And the only thing stopping us from having an exoskeleton power armor is a power source, and we have demons for that.
I like the idea of exoskeleton, but I'd want it to be focused on not reducing our agility over boosting our strength. I'm thinking 'Tech-ninja in very light power armour with superbike* and fire sword'

*has magical abilities like going fast without being noticed/invisibly, and maybe can also fly 'cuz that sounds cool.

[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)
I like the idea of exoskeleton, but I'd want it to be focused on not reducing our agility over boosting our strength. I'm thinking 'Tech-ninja in very light power armour with superbike* and fire sword'

*has magical abilities like going fast without being noticed/invisibly, and maybe can also fly 'cuz that sounds cool.

[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

A magic motorcycle would be a Wonder and at the top end of what a Solar with Craftsman Needs No Tools can expect to create without like, decades of labor and hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm going off page 55 in the crossover book here.

Edit: The Recommended Wonder scope is stuff like bulletproof jackets, guns with unlimited explosive bullets, etc.
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[X] Blacksmithing (includes weapons and armor as well as pre-industrial tools)
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)

Two dots is the average base craft score for a professional right? So at three we should be good enough that we could try getting a cover job as a mechanic. Getting someone to give us a shot would be tricky, but exalted social competence should be enough to get a foot in the door.

I mean we're not planning to live in the Carpenters' basement forever, regardless of the current situation, and college would be a hell of a thing to juggle with all the other nonsense.

Might as well simplify the whole thing instead of scrambling once we decide to go independent again.