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It sounds like the Yozi do change. Just in deranged and deviant ways that they all find horrifying. Like Adorjan purging her ability to feel anything but positive emotions.Autochton did self lobotomy but his thematic is itself the transcendent craftsmen and transgressing boundaries. Ironically the self-surgery to cross borders is in theme for him.
As for the Aftershock War Primordial, as with all similar events like Yozi, it took trimming their soul hierarchy enough to change, like Primordials to Yozi just...not mutilated.
Spiritual surgery and level of change it implies is questionable that if the same level of change happened to a person, would most people even recogize them as the same.
Edit: Also, I don't think we know what the Mythos of the Aftershock one was. The Ebon Dragon was originally The Dragon's Shadow before Sol existed and he could antithesis him, but he did exist.
It just that he changed a lot, as Opposition is still him just...well, there were some changes if not so drastic.
As an aide. Since we have mentor five, lets see what that does...
Sour our father would be an extraordinarily powerful example of his kind. Which tracks. I also can't see him abandoning us. Even if he does need to rescue us for some reasonMentor
This Trait represents a Kindred or group of Kindred who looks out for you, offering guidance or aid once in a while. A mentor may be powerful, but his power need not be direct. Depending on the number of dots in this Background, your mentor might be nothing more than a vampire with a remarkable information network, or might be a centuries-old creature with tremendous influence and supernatural power. He may offer advice, speak to the Prince or Archbishop on your behalf, steer other elders clear of you, or warn you when you're walking into situations you don't understand. Most often your mentor is your sire, but it could well be any Cainite with an interest in your wellbeing. A high Mentor rating could even represent a group of like-minded vampires, such as the elders of the city's Tremere chantry or a Black Hand cell. Bear in mind that this Trait isn't a "Get out of Jail Free" card. Your mentor won't necessarily arrive like the cavalry whenever you're endangered (and if she does, you're likely to lose a dot or more in this Background after rousing her ire). What's more, she might occasionally expect something in return for her patronage, which can lead to a number of interesting stories. A mentor typically remains aloof, giving you useful information or advice out of camaraderie, but will abandon you without a thought if you prove an unworthy or troublesome protégé.
• Mentor is an ancilla of little influence, or a Ductus or Pack Priest.
•• Mentor is respected: an elder or highly-decorated veteran, for instance.
••• Mentor is heavily influential, such as a member of the Primogen or a Bishop.
•••• Mentor has a great deal of power over the city: a Prince or Archbishop, for example.
••••• Mentor is extraordinarily powerful, perhaps even a Justicar or Cardinal.

Though I will point out he is a very good mentor for us particularly. If our plan is to change the world for the better with the blade of a sword, there is not better example to live up to than the Knights of the Cross.
And while he might not have our raw dice pool, or be able to match our excellency (without his own swords magic). Hes been a mortal swordfighting against wizards and supernatural terrors for decades. Hes got to have loads of tricks.