Yeah if we do the opsec refreshers I think we're going to have to check again in 3-4 turns to see what state we're in, if this stays a recurring problem then hopefully we'll get new options to address it other than "run a Bureau security check every single year forever."

This is going to be a recurring problem. The Treasury is 50% of GDI's budget, and whenever Seo goes 'this project? Maximum effort!' bits of the economy ever so gently explode under the strain. The Tib Stabilizer Sprint we did late last plan basically wrecked a significant part of our orbital launch infrastructure through sheer wear and tear and it took a couple of turns to repair in the background.

People really want to know ahead of time when that sort of thing is about to happen. Either to prevent the damage, or to exploit the opportunities. Karachi is actually a really good example for this.

Maybe, but how're you gonna legislate Karen talking to Susan at the kudzu tea machine?

It's a problem for Parliament to figure out. And we are not looking to make GDI unable to talk to itself. We are trying to prevent outside actors from getting access to information at a time they have no business getting it.

You can never be too paranoid!

That's the Purge option.
FURTHER REACTIONPOST! older apartment or bunker can (and usually does) have negative rents, with residents instead being paid to stay in them.
May I just say that there is assuredly a healthy, thriving ecosystem of "negative rent" jokes?

Because if GDI has to pay you to live somewhere... :p

While construction is currently outpacing immigration, that is not expected to last, as the weakened Brotherhood warlords are likely to see massive emigration as their grasp on their populations slacks, and the Initiative lines are closer than ever to major yellow zone population centers. For much of the next year at minimum, GDI is likely to see massive waves of immigration.
Here's a time estimate. At least a year. We need to slam out at least +20 or so Housing just to not hit zero at that rate, and we should be aiming for +40 or so if we can. We probably can't go that far without sacrificing a lot of other priorities.

Fortunately, after further inspections, and a deep dive into fusion plants after the first wave, while some of the early ones do show signs of rapid wear, the rest do not, and are expected to finish out their service lives. The wartime ones are somewhat more marginal however, and it is too early to tell whether the rushed pace of construction has left long term consequences.
Well, we can deal with those consequences then, hopefully by building better ones enabled by superconductors.

The rollout is likely to be slow, as making the lasing crystals is a difficult and labor-intensive process, as they have a tendency to develop noticeable internal imperfections that can drastically disrupt the laser. However, that rollout is likely to solve two problems, as it is likely to reduce overall energy costs, and provides a new method of rapid welding, cutting, and sintering on a large scale.
Uhoh. "Slow rollout" sounds like "is gonna take a lot of dice."

Progress has been slow on making those tools, especially the sinterers. While heat is an inherent requirement, needed to fuse the components of the chip together and create a unified system rather than a glorified pile of sand, a miscalculation of as little as a tenth of a degree in the heating process can ruin the chip. While on the small scale the sinterer can wait and be cooled back to baseline, when trying to scale that up, it is significantly more problematic, meaning that it will have to operate under near constant heated conditions. This requires more advanced hardware. While the crystal beam lasers will make this easier to achieve, it is still going to be an extremely finicky element, in an already finicky process.
Huh. If we're lucky, then the laser development project may have lowered Anadyr's Progress cost. That'd be nice, because even if it doesn't let us roll fewer dice, it lets us be more confident of succeeding ON those same dice.

If we're unlucky, we have to deploy the lasers first... which means we'll be lucky if it happens in time to matter.

When it comes to the cutting edge of technology, it is a constantly moving target. While material science moves somewhat more slowly than most other fields, there have been noticeable changes in precise combinations of elements and the crystallization processes. For Bergen, it is a marginally new breed of rare-earth-based pseudoceramic metalloid-rich hybrid structure that is created using laser sintering or ultra-cleanroom furnaces, but can be worked somewhat like a metal at high enough temperatures. This enables it to be drawn into wires using mostly traditional methods, then spun into windings for electromagnets. However, at operational temperatures (below 15C) it is much more brittle and inflexible.
Ahp! Laser sintering again. Another place the industrial lasers may matter.

Hm. 15 degrees centigrade is particularly annoying. It's just cold enough that you need continuous cooling in many terrestrial environments.

No sign of this actually helping with anything direct yet, in terms of impact on other projects. Maybe a new option or two pops up next turn from the unlocking.

As a key concession to the military environment, the drones will be fixed to semi-automated 'guide rails' for longer ranged flights, especially in urban environments. While this will congest the skies rapidly as drone fleets increase in size, it is a small concession, especially compared to the wide array of other demands proposed to maintain security – such as built-in hardware kill systems, power to weight ratio limitations that would have crippled the program from the get go, and a wide variety of other demands. While the drones are still going to be noticeably fatter, slower, and louder than they have to be, it does get the program off the ground, and with the security services potentially getting their hands on drone fleets of their own, there is quite a potential to remove these limitations in the future.
Nod drones have no right to exist unmolested by glorious Eaglebots.

The construction of new aquaponics bays has been a major part of the systematic construction aimed at supporting the refugees. While the current wave has eaten up the majority of the increase in throughput, the prospect of significant reductions in caloric intake or food diversity have been staved off.

The civilian experience of the refugee wave has mostly been in the form of bare shelves, a result of a bottleneck in stocking and shipments. Increases in demand have not quite been matched with increases in throughput, meaning that shelves get stripped bare faster than stocking crews can put more supplies back on the shelves. For the average store, there are maybe a dozen stockers, and they have been increasingly overworked between unloading cargo transits, and putting supplies on the shelves.
On the other hand, you'd think that "grocery store stocker" would be one of the first areas that refugees from the Yellow Zones could get jobs in. Should be a self-solving problem. :p

On the other hand, that means increases in sabotage of the food supply chain.

[ ] Freeze Dried Food Plants
Freeze Drying effectively turns most food into permanent, shelf stable systems. While building additional plants to process food in this way will be expensive, it should significantly reduce waste, and increase the lifespan of the stockpiles noticeably.
(Progress 151/200: 20 resources per die) (+5 Food, increases efficiency of stockpile actions, -1 Energy) [Nat 1]

The Parliamentary committee on agriculture, specifically the subcommittee on storage and crisis response, has increasingly seen the Treasury's approach to solving the problem of stored food as fundamentally unserious. With the Treasury's slow investment in freeze drying plants, and the recent collapse of one plant in the north of Paris due to sabotage, it has been all the excuse the subcommittee needed to begin bringing administrators and engineers in to answer questions.
So, the impact of the crit-fail is some extra political shit-storm triggered by sabotage and overall slow progress.

The Caloric Reclamation Processor is, simply put, a chemical and biological stomach, breaking down nearly anything into a foodlike product. While GDI has captured many examples of this technology, it has never had a full understanding of the operational principles – mostly because the end product is so disgusting that previous administrations had more scruples about what they were feeding their people.
Look, I am only proposing to use this stuff to avert literal famine if we can find no other way.

Parliament is, to put it mildly, displeased with the results, seeing it as a means of avoiding the stockpiling goals with 'virtual stockpiles,' and as 'food' not fit to be fed to food animals, even if it was available as a category. While it is unlikely for Parliament to try to ban the technology entirely, at this time it is likely an incredibly bad idea to put it into action.
Well, we clearly can't use it to actually feed people (we were explicitly told this would burn Political Support).

We were also told to expect an Infrastructure project that would give us +Stored Food for 'free,' but from the sound of it this may also cost Political Support. We'll see.

We are still quite capable of hitting the Stored Food target. Next turn, we should put one more die on the freeze-drying plants, and then either put one die on Extra Large Food Stockpiles and the rest on aquaponics, or simply put all the rest of the dice on just building granaries. Either strategy is viable, but if we're gonna go for ELFS, we need to increase our Food production a bit more in that same turn to keep up a reasonable margin of error.

While the Brotherhood has not yet chosen to unleash its arsenal of strategic armaments, it has been pushed to the absolute limit. Many of the backchannels and Hackett's intelligence networks have indicated that Brotherhood nuclear preparedness has been increasing, with nuclear arms being dispersed to lower levels, and command authorizations being passed down to allow lower level commanders to unleash large portions of the total Brotherhood nuclear arsenal if they believe their positions are being threatened.

That's the limit of Steel Vanguard. We've made Nod desperate enough to start passing out the Davy Crocketts.

No more Yellow Zone harvesting for now; we're actively taking the land they are accustomed to harvesting and they are pissed.

Construction of expansive Green Zone harvesting operations has been ongoing, as has the transition to Blue Zone harvesting approaches. A Blue Zone, by definition, does not lack Tiberium contamination. Rather, it has a low Tiberium contamination level and Tiberium contamination is being actively controlled. The basis for this is a series of low and high level depots that maintain and operate fleets of harvesters, paired with a network of tiberium spikes. The spikes are both for harvesting and an early warning system, with reductions in harvest throughput highly correlated with outbreaks of Tiberium. With this system, GDI can usually (and increasingly so in recent years since the supply of capital goods has improved) localize Tiberium outbreaks to within ten square kilometers across any Blue Zone on the planet, and begin moving before the outbreak hits the surface.

How this matters to the Green Zone intensification is simple. Instead of just pushing out high intensity setups ever further forward, in many cases beyond the reaches of what the Initiative can properly secure, this quarter's construction has focused on building up Blue Zone style constructions well ahead of the Blue Zones, saving both time and resources by not needing to fully rebuild the system as it reorients from being primarily a harvesting project to a containment one, making the system as a whole noticeably more efficient.
Very informative. Thanks, @Ithillid ! :)

On Scrin vehicles the Ion Storm collector, when fitted, was a small cage-like construction – six claw-like ribs, with a metallic ring as a base. Acting like a lightning rod, it was able to provide a significant amount of energy to a Scrin vehicle, increasing its overall capabilities. GDI's scientists have been working for years to produce something similar, and in recent months have had a breakthrough. Rather than try to produce a similar form factor, a much lower efficiency can be gained with a simple collector panel – harnessing a very similar technology to existing solar cells, just calibrated to a much higher energy spectrum to catch the ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray wavelengths that are a significant part of the output of an ion storm. Beyond that, energy can be harvested using electron nets, catching lightning strikes and the exotic products thereof, and splitting them down to a manageable stream of energy.
Gamma rays. Wow. That's an aspect of ion storms I hadn't quite realized would be A Thing.

"As you can see, the interior of the so-called mining colony is little more than a pressurized cluster of the standard G330X habitation units. You can also see that the crew are forced to hot-bunk, with thirty men and women sharing a single room and a single shower. We are creating unsafe and unsanitary work-camps on the moon, which will, mark my words, turn into a disaster if the government does not fund the appropriate measures! The construction of the Columbia station is urgent, both as a home away from earth, and to prove the technologies needed to make these lunar cities actual places where human beings can live instead of being packed into cans like sardines."
-Bernadette Herzog, Starbound Representative
Ahhh. This explains why Starbound is cranky. Yeah. While we can to some extent make things better just by dumping down more habitat space (to eliminate hot-bunking, for instance), making actually livable facilities that are designed for large workforces and not small crews of astronauts who are very highly disciplined and trained to get along together... That takes some real work.

Columbia is that work.

You want to know what the worst part of testing these stunners was? We had to knock a granny down. Little old lady with a heart condition and a widow's hunch, 97 years old. She was actually a former representative who wanted to see if it was "really safe" and boy let me tell you I almost had a heart attack watching her fall down. It was the absolute last test, worst case situation, but man, I hated it.
-Personal log of Henrietta Jones

Beyond the critical problems of high explosive rounds, which are the highest priority for most forces, the other rounds have been equally problematic. The Air Force and Steel Talons, for their rapid fire railguns, have wanted duplex or triplex munitions, which would separate out into a burst of darts midair. Here, the problems have been equally widespread, with about a tenth of the rounds used in the most successful test either failing to separate or fusing together in the barrel. While less of a problem with three to six round bursts, testing has shown that problems increase with the length of burst, with bursts above twenty rounds having a rapidly increasing failure percentage.
Failure to separate is bad but not a serious problem. Fusing in the barrel is a problem, because then your railgun is jammed.

Delayed for nearly a decade, the Mastodon has seen over a hundred revisions to the platform, and repeatedly increased in weight as new capabilities have been needed. This has reached a point where in order to get the ground pressure under control, it has needed to shift from a four legged design to a hexwalker...
It grew more legs!? :D

and then finally a stern-mounted rapid-fire railgun, again positioned to shoot at incoming aircraft as well as infantry.
That dreadful butt-gun. :p

[ ] Security Reviews
GDI has often faced problems with infiltration by the Brotherhood of Nod. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort. (DC 50 + 1 operations die) (Orbital) (110) [86]

The orbital sector has slacked off significantly from their fanaticism a decade ago. While some of their near paranoiac security procedures have become embedded in tradition, others have not. Problematically, the drumbeat of expansions, new mines, new stations, and new crews have created holes for infiltration, although primarily on the surface, with most crews still being very difficult to infiltrate, being tightly bound and working together in a high degree of isolation from anything but official Initiative channels for long periods of time. While the Brotherhood certainly knows of GDI's efforts beyond the immediate bounds of Earth's orbit, including the details of the discovery of Tiberium on Venus, they do not seem to have been able to convert that into technological or serious informational gain.
Hmm. That's... good? Depends on how much Nod knows about Venusian tiberium. Glad we did the review, anyway.

Investigating the Bureaucracy has been a slow and painstaking affair, with care having to be taken to avoid stepping on too many toes. While most of the civil service is loyal, hardworking, and dedicated, the Bureaucracy has been increasingly studded with agents, or the proxies of agents, not only from the Brotherhood of Nod, but a wide variety of outside powers. In some ways, this should be expected, with the Treasury maintaining a wide selection of powers, and a firm hand on the economic currents, everyone from the larger cooperatives, to the political parties, to the other branches of government are all jockeying for a view on what the next decision out of the Treasury will be. While many of them, especially those working for other parts of the Initiative, are conscientious, effective, and above all else competent workers, they are feeding information along backchannels to other factions, many of whom are looking for the best positioning to make good advantage of the Treasury's decisions.
Ahhh shit.

-[ ] Purge the Bureaucracy
While some degree of infiltration from interested parties is inevitable, by making examples out of those who have filtered out information, firing and blacklisting them at the very least, and prison sentences for some, the Bureaucracy can be put into its place below you. While this will lead to massive overall problems, as the Bureaucrats become too scared to talk to each other, let alone outsiders, and will likely come with political consequences, it is an option.
(-20 to Bureaucracy dice, -1 Bureaucracy die)

-[ ] Eliminate Outside Influence
While a complete purge of the bureaucracy is inadvisable, a few rounds of firing, and a series of mandatory refresher courses on information security may help stem the outflow of information. However this is likely to only be a very temporary solution, as the Treasury will still maintain an extremely large role in the overall economy, and therefore be of great interest to other parties.
(-5 to Bureaucracy dice until Q2 2061)

-[ ] Expand Official Backchannels
With there being no end in sight to the interests of other parties, offering up a series of more secure lines, with vetted and verified representatives acting as official backchannels to outside interest groups. While it is still a security risk, runs the risk of being seen as political favoritism, and may grant those interest groups outsized influence in decision making with time, there are significant advantages to actively addressing the root causes of the problem.
(+5 Political Support)

-[ ] Leave It Alone
With Intelligence not really seeing this as a major problem, and no evidence of comprehensive leakage to the Brotherhood of Nod, allowing people to relax and discuss work with friends and relatives, and other forms of natural information leakage is simply common sense. Fighting it is not generally worthwhile in the long run, and the risks of influence are too high to make it more official.
Purge is excessive. "Eliminate" is inconvenient but acceptable. "Expand" is tempting because I suspect we're gonna need the Political Support. "Leave It Alone" strikes me as a bad idea. On the other hand, we want the upcoming surveys to go well, and a cumulative -5 per die could easily knock us back a success tier.

I really dunno. May sit this vote out.

edit- might put 2 dice onto freeze plants to make sure that finishes next turn
I really hope not. It's gonna take dice away from the other stuff we actually need to put those dice on if we're gonna finish the project and hit the target on time.

edit 2- wait is Tali Jackson dead or just injured?
I'm not sure she's even injured apart from her dignity? It sounds like that antitank missile salvo kneecapped her mech and caused it to fall down, but unless the attackers finished her off with follow-up salvoes before anyone could stop them, she should be fine- she wasn't injured on-camera apart from probably bruises when her mech fell down.

Shame about the Scrin tech just being a better solar panel basically.
We've had the project described- it's actually significant when set up on a big enough scale. And our Red Zone projects are large scale.

And the caloric processor is a dead tech unless we dump more research into to make it less of morale tank.
We'll see. Remember, we definitely have the means to clear the Stored Food target without it, and were planning to. It may or may not be possible to implement the caloric processor without burning unacceptable Political Support costs.

Definitely some problems.

Food is becoming a huge issue. The nat 1 was bad and the corpse starch is a dead project now as a side effect.
I don't think that's a side effect of the Natural 1. We always knew corpse starch would be massively unpopular if we tried to feed it to people, and even as emergency rations in case of total disaster, nobody's gonna like the idea. Even if it's not from actual corpses.

Oof. Really like buzzer tech, shame NOD got to it first. Also we can probably expect ground forces satisfaction to start falling relatively soon.
Why? Offensive's over; they can bunker again. I suspect they'll stay at High for the next several turns unless Nod rolls out a major new wunderwaffen in mass production.

So, using CRPs to free Agri dice is probably out of question.

Damn it, I wanted to do Ranching Domes in 2061.
We might still be able to, if we use Free dice, and that's not the worst idea.

I have two proposals for next turn's agricultural production First is:
Agriculture (4 dice) 40R

-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4) 75/140 1 die 10R 75%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200? 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38/150 1 die 10R 28%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto
If we do Extra Large Food Stockpiles, we should throw at least two dice at aquaponics. Because that's gonna burn -16 Food (maybe -12 if the freeze-drying plants come through)... and we may take additional hits from refugees. We need to cushion the shock with additional Food production.

The second is much more...ambitious.

Agriculture (11 dice+E) 160R
-[] Agriculture Mechanization Projects (Phase 1+2) 0/400 4 dice 60R 7% (phase 1 100% completes)
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4) 75/140 1 die 10R 75%
-[] Tarberry Development 0/40 1 die 20R 100%
-[] Poulticeplant Development 0/50 1 die 20R 95%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200? 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38/150 2 dice+Erewhon 30R 99%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto
:p Memeplan should be shifting resources from tarberries and poulticeplants to aquaponics, too. For the exact same reasons.

My thoughts are:
Agri 4/4 40R +24
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5) 75/280 2 dice 20R 18%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto

This works on ensuring we have enough food to convert into reserve, gets the freeze dried done and also puts food into the reserve so we can show actual progress on the goal (and saves a bit of R) with this and the fertilizer I hope we have enough food to slam reserve food Q2 and Q3 with our agri dice.
I like this. Something like this, probably with a +1 Free dice and Erewhon on the stockpiles, is likely to show up in my plan draft.
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This section gives me the feeling the military should be swept.
Well, wire-guided antitank missiles could very easily be something Nod built. But yeah, Military's surely a contender for review soon; we need stuff done there but not that badly.

If they're so concerned about stockpiles, why can't they do that themselves? what exactly is Agriculture doing with all our hard won funds after reallocation? Because it honestly feels like it all just gets sucked into a black hole and then the other departments start demanding even more on our newly-reduced income.
...Agriculture IS part of our department. It is literally our responsibility. We're getting yelled at because it is literally our job to manage food production and we were told to Do The Thing with food production.

And The Thing is not only undone, it is conspicuously exploding and catching fire, and the only new product we have along the lines of Doing The Thing looks and more importantly tastes like it's already passed through someone or something's digestive tract.

People are not impressed, and are yelling at us to do our damn job.

Reallocation money goes to a ton of stuff. Actually supplying the military, welfare and the health care budget, funding InOps to fight all these Nod terrorist attacks, and so on, and so on.

Remember, all we ever do is build factories for shit. Who do you think is paying the operating budget of those factories? Organizations whose budget comes out of reallocation, that's who!

[] Expand Official Backchannels

I am in favor of this, this might allow us to open Political Support Options without spending a Bureaucracy Die

Also, we might need to divert all free dice to agriculture next turn

I will vote for any plan.with 3 to 5 Dice Agricultural Mechanization, 1 dice Aquaponics and 3 Dice Ranching Domes to earn PS and show to all that we are working on the issue and hold off.demands

The Military has 8 Dice and should be sufficient at least one Quarter without any Free Dice.
Frankly, slamming out aquaponics phases with the same dice is probably more efficient.

Also, I don't think lurching back and forth between ALL FREE DICE ON FARMS and ALL FREE DICE ON WAR is desirable. We should try to strike a sustainable balance.

There is a reason why the Granger years are considered to be a period in which the Treasury was very clean and free of infiltrators, and that reason is that basically the only thing we did with Granger in Bureaucracy was sweep the Treasury every couple of years.
Yeah. All those AA dice we rolled in 2059-60 resulted in us getting some more clutter and crap in the department.

Founding of the Global Defense Initiative actually. Not a particularly secure password, but easy to remember.
I gather that the password security comes mainly from the voice and biometrics authentication; she's wearing a neuro-helmet and I imagine it's hard to spoof those unless you're a psychic technomancer or something.
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I like this. Something like this, probably with a +1 Free dice and Erewhon on the stockpiles, is likely to show up in my plan draft.
I feel like we still have a lot to chew through in other parts that are plan goals or supporting plan goals so I cant pull Erewhon and free dice, on the flip side by hitting those hard Q1 we might be able to shift some Q2/Q3. I do want to get started on food reserve while still increasing our food production.

edit- then again at 1110 R... that is a good amount to play around with bleh will have to see if we get new options
edit 2- fixed back to 1020, also dropped hallicugeon counter dev for another dice on OSRCT (4 total now)

1020 Income
955 Used, 65 Open

[ ] Plan Carriers, Goals and Food Reserves
Infra 6/6 70R +34
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) 220/300 1 die 20R 70%
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3+4+5) 72/480 5 dice 50R 67%
HI 5/5 +1 free 160R +29
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 8) 67/300 3 dice 60R 65%
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 85/320 2 dice 100R 8%
LCI 5/5 55R +24
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) 276/300 1 die 15R 100%
-[] Civilian Drone Factories 104/380 4 dice 40R 73%
Agri 4/4+1 free 50R +24
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5) 75/280 2 dice 20R 18%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200? 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38/150 1 die 10R 28%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto
Tiberium 7/7+1 free 240R +39
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) 0/600 8 dice 240R 95%
Orbital 6/6 120R +26
-[] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 102/1535 (3 Dice, 60 R) (3/17.5 median)
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1+2) 45/305 (2 Dice, 40 R) (98.4% chance of Phase 1, 22% chance of Phase 2)
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 276/320 (1 Die, 20 R) (98% chance)
Services 1/5 15R +27
-[] Hallucinogen Development 0/60 1 die 15R 88%
Military 8/8+5 free 245R +26
-[] ASAT Defense System (Phase 4) 36/220 2 dice 40R 45%
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3) 5/295 4 dice 80R 81%
-[] Skywatch Telescope System 64/95 1 die 15R 100%
-[] Railgun Munitions Development 38/60 1 die 10R 100%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 0/240 3 dice 60R 54%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (New York) 0/240 1 dice 20R 0%
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 171/240 1 die 20R 73%
Bureau 4/4 +24
-[] Conduct Economic Census 4 dice 1 Erewhon die 96%
Free 7/7
1 Agri, 5 Mil, 1 Tiberium

Moved a free die into agri to try and jumpstart reserve food a little bit to keep political pressure off ahead of time. Meanwhile mainly pushing out plan goals and what we need to support them. Have shifted carrier dice around to give 1 at 54% instead of 2 at 4% but starting the third will make it easier to finish Q2 and getting yards out quick is the name of the game, and once again plan goal. Portal is in due to more R than expected but if we get one of the tech gachas or a good service project that is first on the list to be cut.

Food has 16 with a chance for another 4 being taken out to be turned into 8 with a chance for another 2 in reserves, we need 18 over 4 turns so this is a good faith effort to fill in those reserves. Freeze dried should improve the efficiency so might be less food being taken out. Meanwhile have 4 from fert factory, 5 from freeze dried, 6 from 1 aquaponic phase and a possible additional 6 from a 2nd aquaponic phase to counter the food being put in reserve. If freeze dried finishes should put us at net neutral on food for the turn, a bit of a gain if all agri projects finish before pop changes (+21 food -20 to reserve but that will be reduced by freeze dried)

Also at this point except for service, tiberium and YZ fortress towns every die is on either a plan goal or an action to support plan goals (for example we need food to turn into food reserves, we need power to run the plan goal actions). And finishing up YZ fortress towns has value, getting tendrils out for the big income and letting us finish phase 2 this plan to make our income recovery next plan more effective has long term value.

Plan Goals
Looking to Finish:
Income: 20 Points more than enough
Complete ASAT Phase 4- 2 dice 45%
Railgun Munitions Development- 1 dice at 100%
Complete at least two more phases of Blue Zone Apartment Complexes- two will finish chance of a third

Making Progress:
Complete at least three phases of Space Mines- 1 at 98%, 2nd at 98.4%, 3rd at 12%
Consumer Goods: 12 Points 4 at 100% and 4 at 73%, Chicago will provide 8 and is tentative Q2 (see processing)
Food: 18 points in reserve +8 into reserves, 28% for another +2
Complete OSRCT Phase 4- 4 dice 81% to finish Phase 3
Complete GDSS Enterprise- 3 dice to start last phase
Complete All remaining Escort Carrier Shipyards- 1 at 73% 1 at 54%, 3rd is being started but will not finish
Complete Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr- 2 die at 8%

Future Turns:
Processing: 280 points - tentative Q2 or Q3 Chicago push to finish this
Complete at least one more phase of URLS production - tentative Q2
Complete Karachi Planned City by end of Q4 2065 - next plan
Deploy Mastodon- tentative Q2
Deploy Crystal Beam Industrial Laser- tentative start Q2 finish Q2 or Q3 depending on progress needed and resources per die
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Yeah. All those AA dice we rolled in 2059-60 resulted in us getting some more clutter and crap in the department.

Not directly, I think.

But it meant we weren't doing sweeps for infiltrators and other messes.

Although, notably, GDI normally expects a full sweep of the Treasury once every Treasury Secretary, at most. We kept doing it because Granger was such an apolitical aparatchik he didn't give a shit about leveraging the Bureaucracy for political favour trading so regular sweeps was about the only thing we used the Bureaucracy dice for.
I misread that as "Kane talking to Susan", which led me off in rather different directions than I think you intended.

Heh, I think it works both ways.

It's a problem for Parliament to figure out. And we are not looking to make GDI unable to talk to itself. We are trying to prevent outside actors from getting access to information at a time they have no business getting it.

From what I'm reading, the main problem is that "the call is coming from inside the house" - aka exchange of information between "internal" actors aka violation of info compartmentalization.

Anyway, after thinking about it (while carrying a bag of dog poop for half of a dog walk, to give an idea of the quality of thought), info-sec is an unsolved problem that's not going to get solved by any action the GDI treasury takes. I'm voting expand backchannels, because that's what I feel a barely-regulated global hegemonic bureaucracy would do, and also because I look forward to reading all about how it backfires.

[X] Expand Official Backchannels
And The Thing is not only undone, it is conspicuously exploding and catching fire,
Yep, the Food stores are gone and we're actually having to delve into the Stored Food that we haven't sufficiently stockpiled. It's a fucking catastrophe. Oh wait, that stockpile is still completely untouched because Nod hasn't managed to do more than blow up some under construction freeze dried plants, and we've managed to keep expanding to keep decent supplies even as we are taking in massive refugee waves. I'm storing that guy's complaints in the same category as whenever a politician complains about something that's not actually as big a problem as they're claiming because they're trying to earn political brownie points.

In any case, I'mma suggest for Q1 2061:

Military 8/8+1
8 dice total Plan Goals
1 dice Skywatch

and split 6 free dice between Agriculture and Orbital.
If we do Extra Large Food Stockpiles, we should throw at least two dice at aquaponics. Because that's gonna burn -16 Food (maybe -12 if the freeze-drying plants come through)... and we may take additional hits from refugees. We need to cushion the shock with additional Food production.

:p Memeplan should be shifting resources from tarberries and poulticeplants to aquaponics, too. For the exact same reasons.
We have 22 food surplus Simon, unless we get slammed by 13 points of food consumption or NOD poisioning our new output, I think we're in the clear. Fertilizer is +4 food alone, and if we dip slightly negative we can just feed people from the stockpiles or delay filling them. Freeze-drying will probably give an immediate 5 food+4 refunded from our extra-large stockpile, so that's more than enough to keep us steady. Hell, if we get the 75% chance on aquaponics with one die, that's 5 food+4 refeunded+10 from aquaponics and fertilizer, we would be at single-digit productivity losses to the stockpiles. if going for extra-large stockpiles doubles our stockpile size, and I make the 28% chance of finishing one of those without the 75% chance of finishing aquaculture, and we fail to get freeze-dryer too, then we're down 24 food total, out of a total of 26 after fertilizer. I don't think a famine is a realistic worry.

My memeplan shift would probably be from tarberries and poulticeplants to supplying even more space for housing our massive needs and an extra die on mechanization, but it's a memeplan, it's for the lulz. It can research silly plants if it wants to.
Frankly, slamming out aquaponics phases with the same dice is probably more efficient

To be fair though, there might be a chance that Ilithid may punish us if we overfocus on aquaponics. I also want to know what benefits aside from food that we will get with it. There might also be hidden synergies with agri mechanization and Aquaponics.

Lastly, 480 Progress and +18 Food vs 400 Progress and +20 Food. Natch
I've been having A Day, so while I've greatly enjoyed the update and all its wonderful prose, I haven't had the time and attention to double-check our indicator numbers and such. (It would be helpful for others to do this, too, mind.) But a quick look does show that our income is off:
Resources:‌ ‌1100 + 10 in‌ ‌reserve‌ ‌(15‌ ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Forgotten)‌ ‌(35 ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌grants)‌(+25 from Taxes) (-5 from Resettlement) (-30 from Reconstruction commissions)
Resources:‌ ‌975 + 10 in‌ ‌reserve‌ ‌(15‌ ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌the‌ ‌Forgotten)‌ ‌(35 ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌grants)‌(+25 from Taxes) (-5 from Resettlement) (-30 from Reconstruction commissions)
Going from 975 to 1100 means we gained 125RpT this turn... but going by the projects we've completed, we should have only gained +45 RpT. YZ Tib Harvesting +5, GZ Intensification +10, Rail Harvesters +5 and +5, and Lunar Heavy Metals +20 for a total of +45 RpT. Meaning we should only be at 1,020 RpT of income. So unless we tripped over an additional +80 RpT between the seat cushions, (?) this turn's income number is inaccurate.

Also, unless I've missed something, last turn's plan spent 985/975 +10 in reserve resources, so we shouldn't have any resources in reserve this turn, either.
Gamma rays. Wow. That's an aspect of ion storms I hadn't quite realized would be A Thing.
As pointed out by someone in the Discord, (sorry I don't remember your name,) regular lightning storms give off gamma rays and even seem to produce antimatter in the form of positrons. I don't recall what articles I read on the subject exactly, but here's a couple of articles on the subject from a quick google.
[X] Eliminate Outside Influence

We are at war. Millions of lives are affected by Treasury decisions; major GDI military decisions are presaged by the economic moves to support them. This is not just a money thing, but a lives are at stake thing. Getting headsup on Treasury priorities can give the Brotherhood months and years of warning of GDI strategic priorities, and the room to prepare for or counter them.

Its a hole that has to be patched.
I would have no problem with []Expanding Official Backchannels to official, vetted recipients who InOps knows, has vetted and is watching. But thats secondary to plugging the leaks.

And like Hazard said, the private sector doesnt have any need to know ahead of public information. Leaving a situation in place where some private entities get preferential access to information before others is not only a natsec nightmare, but its also a recipe for corruption as everyone tries to buy their own source and people try to get into the Treasury to sell information to private entities.

If they really want nonpublic info, they can file an FoIA like everyone else and have that go through channels.
Uhoh. "Slow rollout" sounds like "is gonna take a lot of dice."
Or, perhaps, costly and then a delay after the project is complete before it reaches full production.
I'm not sure she's even injured apart from her dignity? It sounds like that antitank missile salvo kneecapped her mech and caused it to fall down, but unless the attackers finished her off with follow-up salvoes before anyone could stop them, she should be fine- she wasn't injured on-camera apart from probably bruises when her mech fell down.
Maybe a few bruises, I imagine. And it sounded to me like the NOD strike team set up remote-launched systems like some of the systems used in Ukraine. Wire-guided from the launcher, but the launchers were controlled remotely/operating on automatic after the launch while the strike team was busy GTFOing.
Heh, I think it works both ways.
Well, there is the ongoing rumor that Kane is working as a secretary somewhere in the GDI bureaucracy, and is hated for being so effiicient.
As pointed out by someone in the Discord, (sorry I don't remember your name,) regular lightning storms give off gamma rays and even seem to produce antimatter in the form of positrons. I don't recall what articles I read on the subject exactly, but here's a couple of articles on the subject from a quick google.
If you want to imagine horrible weather stuff, consider a tornado going through a Red Zone, picking up Tiberium shards, and then having accumulated charge cause lightning strikes.
A tibnado could well be effectively a mobile, sustained, ion strike.
[X] Eliminate Outside Influence
We can't afford a security risk at any time.

General overview of our situation
Things currently on Fire:

The Navy
The Military Confidence has been Low because we didn't build the Carrier Yards.
To address this, we need to finish the Carrier Yards and the Frigate Yards before the end of this Plan. And there might still be a year delay before those projects improve their Military Confidence.
It would be good to aim higher, but I can't see anything more than Infernium Laser Refits being possible this Plan.
This will be something we need to watch carefully next Plan, as we really need their Confidence levels to be at High.

Our primary objective isn't to defeat NOD, but to defeat Tiberium. But we've been chasing NOD like it actually was Tiberium. Thankfully, I think that might stop now.
And Tiberium hasn't been snoozing just because of the Regency War. Over half the (land-surface) planet is still a Red Zone. We may be slowly pushing it back at the moment, but mutation is increasing. So our efforts also need to increase. Thankfully we still have some decent RZ Abatement options. But we'll need to scale back on throwing excessive amounts of Free Dice at Military.

Things that aren't Plan Goals, but are still of Major Concern:

I think this may end up being a bigger sleeper issue than it appears. Partly from the refugee wave, and partly because I don't think that anyone living in low quality housing will be politically acceptable for much longer. We may be a few years away from the next election, but Housing will be a political hot topic, and I expect demands at the next reallocation around Housing. It may be that our current indicator of 'Housing: +35 (32 population in low quality housing)' becomes 'Housing: -32 (68 Low Quality Housing)', with a Plan Goal of "make that positive!". Possibly with some projects to convert Low Quality Housing into High Quality?
We can make some progress against this before the end of the Plan, but we have competing demands on our Infra dice. We'll be in for a long haul here, and it may be worth shaking some Free dice loose from Military to keep ahead of the Flood.

The new territory
Potentially a minor issue, but also potentially an opportunity. We claimed a lot of new territory through this War. And we didn't quite keep up with the infrastructure building along the way. To hold this new territory properly we are looking at at least one Fortress Towns phase, maybe two; and as much Green Zone Intensification as possible. But these gains aren't just about taking territory from NOD, or even the extra access to Tiberium mining opportunities. All this new territory leads to new opportunities like Planned Cities as well, and for those we are likely going to want one more Rail Construction phase done.
Why is this a Concern? Because while we are being rushed by a Refugee wave, NOD can rebuild their forces and start pushing back. So we should be careful not to delay this projects.

While we have clear indicators about Housing and Health drains, there is also the unclear drain on Food going on, and the security issues with InOps being overloaded.
And this is all going to get worse in the coming year. We should expect that to cause further issues as well, such as Logistics and Consumer Goods drains.
We may also need to do something to assist with InOps and the Welfare department. The easiest thing to do here is to well overshoot our income goals, so that we have more to share around at the Reallocation. But that is a year away, and they need help now. If there are projects available, we may need to do them.

Parliament are correct to bash us about this, because we are being sucky.
In general, we are overlooking Agriculture as a whole. This may sound like an exaggeration. However, we have never opted for a bonus to Agriculture. The only reason we have 1 more die than we started with in Agriculture is because Philly II was a blanket +1 die to all categories. The Ranching Domes project has been sitting there for almost 8 years, and we took ages to even open the Wadmalaw Kudzu box.
We haven't even got ice cream, and Crucible can't get any chicken for their soup kitchen. (Was chickens from Vertical Farming?)
Sure, Agriculture might look like it isn't any good for anything other than Food, but that is because we don't invest in it. But looking at Kudzu tea and the potential of Poultice Plants, I think we are missing out on some good stuff here. And while Spider Cotton looks like a bad source of Capitol Goods, there is one huge reason to invest in Agriculture and Biomanufacturing: The Tiberium economy does not exist in space.
Fertility is another reason we should invest more into Agriculture. If we want to see babies around, we need to make sure that their is a good supply of quality and diverse foods available. At the moment, I'm not sure if we are actually doing better than a good supply of passable quality food. We shouldn't underestimate biological drivers for fertility.
While we technically have enough dice available to meet our Plan Goals, we won't achieve them with a surplus in Food if we don't use Free dice. This is an embarrassing position to be in. We should be completing things like the Agricultural Mechanization, Ranching Domes and Kudzu Plantations.

Issues of Minor Concern:

Heavy Industry
We went into this War with insufficient Energy and Capitol Goods, and basically no reserve for them. We have spent about half our HI dice just trying to stay ahead of our Energy demands. Luckily it looks like all it cost us was a PS hit and a lot of free dice to catch up. But we have managed to catch up.
However, we are still sitting at one turn away from Kia Huntzinger warning us about low power. Capitol Goods and reserve are fine, but Energy is still in a bad place. And with Energy reserve only being available on Arcologies, we might not be able to do much about this. In which case, we just need a bigger Energy buffer. But that is going to cost dice. As for how much, we'll need to see what the Ion Collectors project looks like.

Air Superiority
We went into this War behind. Completing the Wingman Drones will catch us up.
But we don't have the dice to complete the Wingman Drones until the first year of the next Plan. NOD are likely to advance their technology again by then. So we'll need to be looking at new avenues for improvement early next Plan.

Steel Talons
When we had Seo take over from Granger, it was supposed to be that the Steel Talons would be back in business. We even hired Tali Jackson to work for us. But it looks like they might still only have Low confidence by the end of the Plan. That does not look good for us, or the Talons.
Unfortunately, there might not be a lot we can do about this. We are committed to the Mastodon already, and the only other project that is likely to be deliverable before the end of the Plan is the Medium Tactical Plasma Weapon Deployment. We should at least make sure that one gets done.

So unsurprisingly, the massive Plan Goals set to us by the Parliament aren't turning out to be particularly well thought out. Work conditions are messy, and logistics are awkward. I suspect we are going to get blamed for their overreach as well.
Hopefully the Parliament will focus their thoughts more on the Earth next Plan, because we really shouldn't attempt to do much more in the next Plan, than we did in this Plan. Orbital has sucked up too many resources, as will take a lot more work before it really starts paying back.
And we should allocate a few more Free dice this Plan to be sure we aren't going to run out of time on our Goals. Which is Free dice that we could sure use in many other places.
I feel like we still have a lot to chew through in other parts that are plan goals or supporting plan goals so I cant pull Erewhon and free dice, on the flip side by hitting those hard Q1 we might be able to shift some Q2/Q3. I do want to get started on food reserve while still increasing our food production.
The stored food target is at this point the single highest-priority Plan goal we have on the radar that is in real danger of not completing due to lack of focused effort.

Agri 4/4+1 free 50R +24
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5) 75/280 2 dice 20R 18%
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200? 1 die 20R 91%
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38/150 1 die 10R 28%
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles 1 die auto
I think this should focus our effort on a shorter project list. ELFS is a big enough step in its own right that taking it along with granary construction seems iffy, especially when our +Food surplus could contract quickly. ELFS puts us so much farther towards the target that any reasonable amount of political pressure should be manageable just from that effect alone, after all.

Military 8/8+5 free 240R +26
-[] ASAT Defense System (Phase 4) 36/220 2 dice 40R 45%
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3) 5/295 3 dice 60R 28%
I would very strongly recommend focusing dice onto OSRCT more heavily. Not that ASAT doesn't matter, but more OSRCT dice won't go to waste, and it is by far the larger of the two projects, and thus the one we most pressingly need to get cleared out of the way in a hurry.

Not directly, I think.

But it meant we weren't doing sweeps for infiltrators and other messes.
That's what I meant.

Yep, the Food stores are gone and we're actually having to delve into the Stored Food that we haven't sufficiently stockpiled. It's a fucking catastrophe. Oh wait...
Except the thing we were ordered to do was NOT "avoid food shortages," a goal we already achieved years ago. It was "go do this new thing."

If we'd built effectively zero moon mines this Plan so far, and Starbound politicians were making nasty noises about how we weren't keeping our promises, you wouldn't respond with "yeah, I know, the moon is totally gone and we have no presence in space, OH WAIT we have the Philadelphia." Because that wouldn't be a good faith response.

We were ordered to do a specific thing. We have made very minimal progress towards that goal. Partly that's because we were dealing with the demand for food from the refugee wave, but in practice, as much or far more of that is because we simply did not see fit to fund 10 R/die projects that would help us deal with the problem, even when they were available, until we were nearly out of time in which to do so.

The legislature's current attitude? This is the folding of the arms and tapping of the feet of a teacher who notices that we're on track to just BARELY finish a huge project with a giant all-nighter the night before it's due.

I don't blame them for a bit of salt.

I'm storing that guy's complaints in the same category as whenever a politician complains about something that's not actually as big a problem as they're claiming because they're trying to earn political brownie points.
In all fairness, I think it's not that big of a problem in reality!

But it IS something the legislature ordered us to do, and we told them we're going to do it, and the legislature are our bosses because this is a democracy. And unelected bureaucrats are answerable to elected leaders even if the things the politicians tell us to do don't always make sense to the bureaucrats.

We have 22 food surplus Simon, unless we get slammed by 13 points of food consumption or NOD poisioning our new output, I think we're in the clear. Fertilizer is +4 food alone, and if we dip slightly negative we can just feed people from the stockpiles or delay filling them. Freeze-drying will probably give an immediate 5 food+4 refunded from our extra-large stockpile, so that's more than enough to keep us steady. Hell, if we get the 75% chance on aquaponics with one die, that's 5 food+4 refeunded+10 from aquaponics and fertilizer, we would be at single-digit productivity losses to the stockpiles. if going for extra-large stockpiles doubles our stockpile size, and I make the 28% chance of finishing one of those without the 75% chance of finishing aquaculture, and we fail to get freeze-dryer too, then we're down 24 food total, out of a total of 26 after fertilizer. I don't think a famine is a realistic worry.
I'm not just worried about famine, I'm worried about the political shitstorm intensifying as constitutents start complaining that "dammit, I got to the store and the only thing left to eat were fucking fungus bars again!"

Which is the kind of thing that happens when our Food surplus is thin.

Food surplus isn't one of those things where you can let the indicator stay at or near +0 without consequence, and my honest impression from what I've read is that even something like +10 is pretty hinky. Housing and Capital Goods are much the same. We've been told there are economic problems in the long run caused by leaving these things close to the minimum leve required for the economy/populace to just hang on.

Since a big part of our goal here is to avoid political shitstorms, I'm trying to juggle the requirements of the Stored Food program with the need to keep feeding the public at the standards they are currently accustomed to, without significant drop in quality or quantity. "We haven't quite hit a famine yet" isn't my threshold for "the situation is satisfactory."

My memeplan shift would probably be from tarberries and poulticeplants to supplying even more space for housing our massive needs and an extra die on mechanization, but it's a memeplan, it's for the lulz. It can research silly plants if it wants to.
That's fair. It's just that my idea of a 'good' memeplan involves absolutely ruthless monofocus on something, to the point of 'you spent too much,' and thus my own memeplan evaluator looks at stuff like that as "diversion of effort from MAXIMUM THIS NUMBER GO UP!"

Which isn't a case of you being wrong or anything, I guess?

To be fair though, there might be a chance that Ilithid may punish us if we overfocus on aquaponics. I also want to know what benefits aside from food that we will get with it. There might also be hidden synergies with agri mechanization and Aquaponics.

Lastly, 480 Progress and +18 Food vs 400 Progress and +20 Food. Natch
Yes, but more rollover and lower cost per die. I see the argument, but the big question is "should we be trying to clear both phases of mechanization within the current Plan?" If we do, then that involves some shaky choices on investing dice in mechanization, dice we should arguably be spending on granaries. If we don't, then it becomes a lot less efficient per die.

For instance, right now we can roll two Agriculture dice and have nearly guaranteed +6 Food from aquaponics. Rolling the same two dice on mechanization gives us a roughly 50/50 chance of +8 Food. If that doesn't go well, we end up needing a third die for the +8 alone, and for the +12 we have to spend several more dice and then trickle them out to avoid overflow, because there's nowhere to go after the second phase as far as we can tell.

I've been having A Day, so while I've greatly enjoyed the update and all its wonderful prose, I haven't had the time and attention to double-check our indicator numbers and such. (It would be helpful for others to do this, too, mind.) But a quick look does show that our income is off:

Going from 975 to 1100 means we gained 125RpT this turn... but going by the projects we've completed, we should have only gained +45 RpT. YZ Tib Harvesting +5, GZ Intensification +10, Rail Harvesters +5 and +5, and Lunar Heavy Metals +20 for a total of +45 RpT. Meaning we should only be at 1,020 RpT of income. So unless we tripped over an additional +80 RpT between the seat cushions, (?) this turn's income number is inaccurate.

Also, unless I've missed something, last turn's plan spent 985/975 +10 in reserve resources, so we shouldn't have any resources in reserve this turn, either.
Oooh. @Ithillid , this is... a good point.

As pointed out by someone in the Discord, (sorry I don't remember your name,) regular lightning storms give off gamma rays and even seem to produce antimatter in the form of positrons. I don't recall what articles I read on the subject exactly, but here's a couple of articles on the subject from a quick google.
Eh, anything that can spawn reasonably energetic gamma rays can spawn positrons by pair production. It's not special. The catch is whether you're getting enough of something to be significant, or if it's on the level of fluke individual particles making an occasional atom go 'kabong.'

Regular electrical storms definitely do not produce enough UV, X-ray, or gamma flux to make collecting energy in those wavelengths worthwhile, compared to more mundane options like, I dunno, using the actual lightning to charge some kind of bizarre accumulator.
So here's my plan draft.

1015/1020 R
7/7 Free Dice
Energy Budget:
+16 Initial Energy

ENERGY WORST CASE (Nagoya and Seattle but no fusion phase, less than 4% chance)
+16 -1 (fertiizers) -2 (drones) -1 (freeze drying) -5 (Nagoya) -6 (Seattle) = +1

ENERGY BEST REASONABLE CASE (fusion phase and Nagoya but no Seattle, 41% chance)
+16 +16 (fusion) -1 (fertiizers) -2 (drones) -1 (freeze drying) -5 (Nagoya) = +23

Awkward if both shipyards complete and the fusion reactors don't (roughly 3.6% chance of this happening)... we'd be in low single digit surplus for Energy for a single turn then. But it's survivable for a single turn. And it lets us surge tendril harvesters, which makes the last three turns of the Plan way easier to handle.

We do very well if the fusion phase does complete and there is a quite good chance of this happening anyway even with only three dice. Also, this frees up more Free dice to do other things.

I have a 65 R budget in Services, which is enough to fund two Nod gacha dice or a variety of interesting other options... But not enough for portals. Sorry, can't fit it in with tendrils and Anadyr and those really are the high-cost projects we have special reasons to get done. Portals will still get done, we have three turns after this one.

[] Draft Slight Fusion Slowdown- For Tentacles!
Infrastructure (+34) 6/6 Dice 80 R
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) 220/300 (2 Dice, 40 R) (Phase 6, median 104/300 on Phase 7)
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3+4+5) 72/160 (4 Dice, 40 R) (Phase 3, 97% chance of Phase 4, 18% chance of Phase 5)
Heavy Industry (+29) 5/5 Dice + 1 Free Die 180 R
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plant (Phase 8) 67/300 (3 Dice, 60 R) (65% chance)
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 85/320 (2 Dice, 100 R) (8% chance)
-[] One Die on Laser Project (???, 20 R just in case; allocate elsewhere if this proves totally unnecessary)
Light and Chemical Industry (+24) 5/5 Dice 55 R
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) 276/300 (1 Die, 15 R) (100% chance)
-[] Civilian Drone Factories 104/380 (4 Dice, 40 R) (74% chance)
Agriculture (+24) 4/4 Dice + 1 Free Die 60 R
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants 151/200 (1 Die, 20 R) (91% chance)
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2+3) 38/150 (4 Dice, 40 R) (Phase 2, 67% chance of Phase 3)
Tiberium (+39) 7/7 Dice + 1 Free Die 240 R
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) (New) 0/600 (8 Dice, 240 R) (95% chance)
Orbital (+26) 6/6 Dice + 1 Free Die 140 R
-[] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 102/1535 (3 Dice, 60 R) (3/17.5 median)
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1+2) 45/305 (3 Dice, 60 R) (Phase 1, 39% chance of Phase 2)
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 276/320 (1 Die, 20 R) (98% chance)
Services (+27) X/5 Dice 65 R
-[] 65 R WORTH OF OTHER SERVICES STUFF (Nod gacha, hallucinogens, ???, Heaven knows what all)
Military (+26) 8/8 Dice + 3 Free Dice 195 R
-[] Skywatch Telescope System 64/95 (1 Die, 10 R) (100% chance)
-[] Railgun Munitions Development 38/60 (1 Die, 10 R) (100% chance)
-[] Hallucinogen Countermeasures Development 0/40 (1 Die, 15 R) (100% chance)
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3) 5/295 (3 Dice, 60 R) (28% chance)
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 0/240 (1 Dice, 20 R) (1/3 median)
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 171/240 (1 Die, 20 R) (73% chance)
-[] Shark Class Frigate Shipyard (Seattle) 0/300 (3 Dice, 60 R) (14% chance)
Bureaucracy 4/4 + EREWHON!!!
-[] Conduct Economic Census DC 100/150/200/250 (4+E Dice) (96.1% chance of DC 250, 99.6% chance of DC 200)

So, some minor tweaks.

First off, I am throwing a Free die at Agriculture and putting four dice on specifically the granary construction action. Not the Extra Large Food Stockpiles action. This is mainly because I already have plans for Erewhon; Erewhon is off making sure we get good results out of the economic census we badly, badly need to complete.

If four dice on granaries isn't enough to keep the political pressure manageable, we have bigger problems. ELFS can be done, whenever we want, easily; it's not a crisis-level problem if it waits one more turn, and we will need those granaries built regardless of when we take ELFS.

I have 11 dice on military, with one on a project I strongly stan for (Hallucinogen Countermeasures are going to specifically screw over the Remembrancers), two on finishing off existing key projects (Railgun Munitions and Skywatch). The other eight go to a mix of military shipyards (five dice) and OSRCT (which absolutely needs aggressive progress because we can't afford to be rushing the combined 690-point Phases 3+4 of the project in the last turn of the Plan).

This plan aggressively pushes to roll out phase 1 of Harvesting Tendrils, because it gives us much more discretionary budget to do other things with the rest of 2061, like gacha research (coming up soon), finishing Anadyr, finishing Phase 1 of Suborbital Shuttles, finishing portal research, completing Phase 3 of Bergen, and so on.
Eh, anything that can spawn reasonably energetic gamma rays can spawn positrons by pair production. It's not special. The catch is whether you're getting enough of something to be significant, or if it's on the level of fluke individual particles making an occasional atom go 'kabong.'

Regular electrical storms definitely do not produce enough UV, X-ray, or gamma flux to make collecting energy in those wavelengths worthwhile, compared to more mundane options like, I dunno, using the actual lightning to charge some kind of bizarre accumulator.
I think the phenomenon happening in regular lightning is fascinating, without any regard given to trying to harvest energy (or Energy) from it and such. Plus it's hardly "not special" when its only been observed in recent years.
Worst Case Scenario Refugee and Food Reserve Planning.

Current Situation:
-Currently Require 18 Additional Food Reserve.
-Current Refugee Rate: 10/turn
-Current Food: 22 Food

Goals of Analysis:
-Provide 18 Additional Food Reserve
-Ensure Positive Net Food

Additional Assumptions/Limitations:
-Will not use CRP to provide Food Reserve*
-Assumes Freeze Dried Food Plants is as described in previous posts**
-Assumes Refugees Continue at current rate (10/turn)***
-Assumes 0.5 Food/Refugee is an accurate estimate****

Food Requirements:
-18 Food Reserve:
--Strategic Food Stockpile Construction Phase 2-6: 38/1000 Progress ~13 dice median
---Requires 15 Food (Freeze Dried Food Plants Efficiency Applied)
---Provides 10 Food in reserve
---Note: Assumes Phase 5 and 6 continue the progress increasing pattern of Phase 2-4 and are 225 and 250 Progress respectively.
--Extra Large Food Stockpiles: 1 die 100%
---Requires 12 Food (Freeze Dried Food Plants Efficiency Applied)
---Provides 8 Food in reserve
---This is a single die, autocomplete project and as such we should use an Administrative Assistance or Erewhon die
--Total: 27 Food
-40 Housing worth of Refugees
--40 Refugees * 0.5 Food/Refugee = 20 Food
-Total Food Requirements: 47 Food

Food Production:
-Current = 22 Food
-Chemical Fertilizer Plants Phase 2: 276/300 Progress, ~1 die median
--Provides 4 Food
-Freeze Dried Food Plants: 151/200 ~1 die median
--Provides 5 Food
-BZ Aquaponics Phase 4-6: 75/420 Progress, ~5 dice median
--Provides 18 Food
-Total Food Production: 49 Food

Net: 2 Food
Total Dice Requirements: 19 Agri Dice, 1 LCI Die, 1 AA or E die
Currently Available Dice: 16 Agri Dice left in this plan. 3 Free Dice required.

*This is a limitation taken to do two things. To attempt to not tick off Parliament too much and to see if we can 'get out ahead of the problem'. IE I fully expect us to work on CRP regardless, but I think getting the full 18 Food Reserve and then having CRP on top of that will do much to both sooth Parliament and get ahead of the problem so the demand isn't as crushing next plan. Also we don't know how effective CRP is yet.

**If the Food provided by Freeze Dried Food Plants is the Food freed up by more efficient stockpiling, then it follows that the required Food per Food Reserve changes from 2 Food per Food Reserved to 1.5 Food per Food Reserved. This is from both the current results of Freeze Dried Food Plants and the previous results before we produced the first Phase of Strategic Food Stockpile Construction.

***This assumption is based on the BZ Apartment Complexes result where it states that we are likely to see 'massive waves' 'for much of the next year'
While construction is currently outpacing immigration, that is not expected to last, as the weakened Brotherhood warlords are likely to see massive emigration as their grasp on their populations slacks, and the Initiative lines are closer than ever to major yellow zone population centers. For much of the next year at minimum, GDI is likely to see massive waves of immigration.
Note that the current average refugee rate over the last year is only 5.25 Refugees per turn, much less then the currently projected 10/turn.
Data Table
TurnStart Housing ExcessStart in Low QualityStart Total Low QualityEnd Housing ExcessEnd in Low QualityEnd Total Low QualityHigh Quality BuiltLow Quality BuiltPopulation GainHousing Captured
Total Low Quantity = Housing Excess + Population In Low Quality
Population Gain = End In low Quality - Start In low Quality + High Quality Built
Housing Captured = End Total Low Quantity - Start Total Low Quantity - Low Quantity Built

We started Q1 with 34 Housing (17 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality Housing owned by GDI=51), ended with 34 (17 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=51), and built 0. Therefore no gain.

We started Q2 with 34 Housing (17 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=51), ended with 40 (27 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=67), and built 8 Low Quality. Therefore we gained 10 Refugees (High Quality Built + End in Low Quality - Start in Low Quality), and gained 16 Low Quality Housing (End Total GDI owned Low Quality - Start Total GDI owned Low Quality). Therefore in addition to the 10 Refugees worth of Housing in we gained and the 8 Low Quality Housing we built in Q2, we captured 8 Low Quality Housing.

We started Q3 with 40 Housing (27 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=67), ended with 35 (32 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=67), and built 0. Therefore we gained 5 Refugees (High Quality Built + End in Low Quality - Start in Low Quality), and gained 0 Housing (End Total GDI owned Low Quality - Start Total GDI owned Low Quality). Therefore we captured 0 Low Quality Housing.

We started Q4 with 35 Housing (32 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=67), ended with 36 (32 in Low Quality, Total Low Quality owned by GDI=68), and built 6 High Quality Housing. Therefore we gained 6 Refugees (High Quality Built + End in Low Quality - Start in Low Quality), and gained 1 Low Quality Housing (End Total GDI owned Low Quality - Start Total GDI owned Low Quality). Therefore in addition to the 6 Refugees worth of Housing we gained and the 6 High Quality Housing we built, we captured 1 Low Quality Housing.

In short:
Q1: 0 Refugees
Q2: 10 Refugees
Q3: 5 Refugees
Q4: 6 Refugees
Average over 2060 = 5.25 Refugees/Turn.

****Those Refugee waves have been consuming ~0.5 Food per Refugee on average.
Data Table:
TurnStart FoodEnd FoodFood ProducedKnown Food ConsumptionUnknown Food ConsumptionPopulation Gain
On average the Food use by Refugees has been 0.5 Food/Refugee.
Note that several things are unknown. The variation between the end of Q2 and the start of Q3 values. Did we capture any Farms/granaries. Did Perennials pay off etc. However, 0.5 Food/Refugee is an acceptable estimate.
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Going from 975 to 1100 means we gained 125RpT this turn... but going by the projects we've completed, we should have only gained +45 RpT. YZ Tib Harvesting +5, GZ Intensification +10, Rail Harvesters +5 and +5, and Lunar Heavy Metals +20 for a total of +45 RpT. Meaning we should only be at 1,020 RpT of income. So unless we tripped over an additional +80 RpT between the seat cushions, (?) this turn's income number is inaccurate.
Thank you for catching this. My brain insisted that 975+45 was 1100 for some reason. It is not, but well, brains do funny things sometimes.

Also, I forgot to post the updated map.
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