To people switching to 3 YZ Fortress Town plans: Is there something specifically wrong with my plan?
Well, my answer is that it's an Anadyr-and-low-Tiberium-budget plan, while my own plan drops Anadyr for this quarter in favor of a high Tiberium budget focused on the tendril harvesters. If I didn't want that change to happen, I wouldn't have written my plan in the first place... and yours doesn't have that change.
The main draw isn't the immediate gainz. It is the fact that it would bump up our minimum resource income amount. Considering how often we roll the lowest possible amount that means we can get around a 100% to 50% increase for every future mining action undertaken. The extra 5 rpt for each completed tiberium ming project would rather quickly add up.
Given that we don't
literally always roll the minimum, that extra +5 RpT per project would probably take something like 30 projects (or 6000 or so Progress) worth of Tiberium activity to pay off.
Which means it doesn't justify
Especially at the beginning of a four year plan when our rpt has been slashed to ribbons and we have to desperately grab for all of the income increasing actions we can manage. Being able to hit our stride 2 or even 3 turns sooner would have vastly increased long term gainz improvement over the alternative.
We cannot realistically complete more than about three income generating Tiberium projects per turn. That boost is good for maybe +10 RpT per turn. It would take four turns or so for it to even begin to equal the rewards from
one round of glacier mining, let alone several... And we get this benefit anyway even if it takes us four turns rather than one to complete the project, if you're talking about things that happen in 2062.
For that matter, if you're right, the
really good move would be to just near-complete the project in 2061, then do the last couple of dice in 2062Q1 and get +100 RpT
AND the benefit you desire, really quick, all at the same time!
The extra 100 RpT is very much not of secondary concern if the question is "do you have more actual funding" as opposed to "do you feel good about having high minimums."
What else would you be spending tiberium dice on anyways? While this second phase might not be directly as efficient as vein mining that is only in comparison to the rpt and not the more important primary effect that is the improvement to all of our harvesting operations henceforth. Long term getting the second phase out would improve our ability grab all of the things due to the improved rpt.
Our long term perspective is complicated by reallocation, which makes it cost-ineffective to do certain things right now if the price is too high, because we won't be reaping the full rewards for long. As to what I'd be spending the dice on otherwise?
Well, let's see. Inhibitors. Other projects that grant Red Zone mitigation, which the harvesters do not. Tiberium refinery infrastructure. Vein mines that grant the income without costing STUs or anything else outlandish. I can think of a lot of things.
Finally are you really saying that the limitation on being able to pick up portal and Andyr is dice allocation rather then resource shortage?
No, and I may be very confused, because I don't see how you're getting the idea that I AM saying that from what I actually wrote...?
True. But look at what we get from finishing the second phase.
I am SUPER interested in whatever "Increases efficiency of future Tiberium harvesting operations" will get us. Especially when it comes to vein mining and such.
Considering we are going to do a ton of stuff to increase revenue after redistribution it makes sense to get this knocked out now so all the future projects benefit.
I don't think that alone justifies
rushing a project that costs 30 R/die, to the point where it's a problem if we take two turns doing it. There are a lot of other quasi-mandatory projects, after all, in other areas, that could really use the Resources and Free dice.
Heh. I want to do some mines so that we can afford the Tendrils.
~15 dice at 30R/die is not cheap. We have other expensive projects too.
To be fair, about our only good alternative is a surge of vein mining. Which we could do! But it would cost Capital Goods; I'd need to think about it. The tendril harvesters have the advantages of being an all-in-one combination of benefits we'll want and a lot of up-front resource increases.
I think Plan Mad Science Inbound is spending more then needed on the Tokyo Harbor Reconstruction as we have funded a sub department to fix it and it will get fixed in 6 turns without any investment from us.
So the worse 1/6 of the damage will be fixed on its own this turn and without investments everything will be fixed in a year and a halve.
I would be more willing to let the problem fix itself if it weren't for the part where it cripples our naval basing in and around Japan. This lets Bintang hit us even more easily with future raids if she has any firepower left to do it with. Are
you willing to gamble on her being powerless to hit us again until the end of 2061 or later?
Infrastructure isn't one of those categories where we have a ton of mandatory projects. We have the wiggle room.
As most plans build the first escort carrier yard in Nagoya(Japan) our ability to repair and supply ships in that part of the world will soon grow.
The carrier yard won't help much with building things that aren't specifically light carriers.