The MRAS system is going to be a bit different than the C&C4 Crawlers. Iirc Assault Crawlers are going to be basically Fatboys from Supreme Commander. Shitload of guns, able to resupply and rearm aircraft on the move, build replacement vehicles and parts from available resources. And basically allow a offensive to proceed without worrying as much about logistics.
Got a citation on that? Cause that sounds sick.
Got a citation on that? Cause that sounds sick.
It's not ont the thread but on Discord when the topic came up the GM posted a picture of the Supreme Commander Fatboy unit and stated it or something very similar will be our assault crawler. If you are on the Discord channel search for "assault crawler" without the quotation marks.

Also it may be that I'm wrong about its capacity to actually build a vehicle from scratch but I'd bet Crawlers can at least build replacement parts for vehicles.
Got a citation on that? Cause that sounds sick.
A fatboy lookalike will likely be your assault crawler, although not nearly as capable. Won't really be able to manage aircraft bigger than rail launched drones, or actually building large numbers of tanks from scratch. Not without significant tech improvements anyway.

Aceraptor, what is on the Discord should all be taken as 'under development, end result may differ'.
Also this. A lot of what I post on the discord is potential future plans, ideas, or potential writeups, and very far from set in stone, not least because I am playing with ideas and seeing what works.
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Plus, real talk, that Discord moves insanely fast and covers a lot of ground, and Ithillid is often responding to questions that aren't likely to become relevant for a long time. I have nothing but respect for how sharp the man's mind is; he impresses me. But nobody can play that role in that active a chat for that long without occasionally contradicting himself, or his own eventual intentions, by sheer chance.
But nobody can play that role in that active a chat for that long without occasionally contradicting himself, or his own eventual intentions, by sheer chance.
Also, I change my mind all the time.

One of the more obvious examples might well be discussions of infantry laser proliferation, where I have had, at various points, three very different answers and a lot of intermediate ones (most of this has been in the context of discussions with @Chimeraguard about a potential Nodquest that would use a fair bit of the worldbuilding from mine)

A: Limited to no proliferation. The laser systems you use are going to be very too expensive, and very hard to both reverse engineer and make work reliably. So you have a situation where a unit of Serrice or Armali Commandos might have lasguns. The Destiny Ascension might get a laser defense system refit with your laser tech. But at the end of the day, if you find a room full of corpses with severe laser burns, it means that somebody very big and very scary has decided that something is going on that they really don't like.

B: Massive Proliferation. Your laser systems are relatively cheap and simple to reverse engineer, with lots of potential uses, and so lasguns, and more importantly lasgun attachments start showing up, simply because a laser gives you options that you don't have with a kinetic gun. So a lot of people end up either mixing it in a squad, or figuring out a way to carry both.

C: High/Low Mix. Instead of either extreme, the actual result is somewhat mixed. CBLs proliferate relatively quickly, but are far from universal, due to having a wide array of problems, while Infernium lasers face many of the same problems that produce the limited to no proliferation problems.
Assessing the political leanings of the refugees has been difficult. While polling by official bodies and non governmental organizations has been attempted among the first wave, many seem to be taking it more as a loyalty test or exam than an honest poll. While the response rates are high, they do not seem to be entirely honest, telling the interviewers and the pollsters what they think the interviewers want to hear instead. The answers given are overwhelmingly pro-militarist and -developmentalist, with a surprising number answering Initiative First.
More indirect polling has shown a significantly different set of policy positions, looking to draw down hostilities, and a focus on the basics.

It's going to take some time for them to settle down enough to actually poll. IF getting a bump from them doesn't surprise me either. They probably don't fully grok the full platform or just are grabbing the most pro GDI party they can see to signal loyalty to their new masters.

The Home Guard At War
While previous operations have often tested the Home Guard's mettle, their ability in a sustained full scale war has often been questioned. In this war, the Home Guard have shown similar performance to previous conflicts, holding positions quite well, and often having to be lectured on when and where to retreat.

Overall, the Home Guard are increasingly better equipped, with many of the units in hotter theaters effectively looking like (if not training like) standard line units. Much of the Home Guard is now better equipped than GDI line forces were during the Third Tiberium War, with many formations fielded as mechanized infantry forces mixed in with a handful of armored formations. Although they are well equipped and their morale excellent, the Home Guard is a force made up of reservists who have not dedicated their lives solely and exclusively to military service and their skill and level of training reflects this.

We have a really weird military. Like home guard units should be somewhat questionable when it comes to morale but these guys just don't know when to quit. I am happy to see them at T3 levels of gear. During our next set of military upgrade they should get this wars tech and have even mor teeth.
We have a really weird military. Like home guard units should be somewhat questionable when it comes to morale but these guys just don't know when to quit.
The thing is, these are mostly militias recruited from Green Zones; in some cases they are literal ex-Nod militants. Their standard of "just how bold and crazy do you get in combat" is set a little higher than is normal for us. Also, they may have reason to think that Nod will view them as apostates, and while I don't know what Nod does to apostates, I'm pretty sure it can be summed up as "yikes." Fighting like a bunch of mad bastards may well make perfect sense in their situation.
The thing is, these are mostly militias recruited from Green Zones; in some cases they are literal ex-Nod militants. Their standard of "just how bold and crazy do you get in combat" is set a little higher than is normal for us. Also, they may have reason to think that Nod will view them as apostates, and while I don't know what Nod does to apostates, I'm pretty sure it can be summed up as "yikes." Fighting like a bunch of mad bastards may well make perfect sense in their situation.

Yeah. Its easy to understand they either live there or are former Nod. God knows what they do to Nod turn coats and their families. Sill it is interesting that we have the opposite issue from nearly every fighting force in history. We have to talk our guys off the ledge when it comes to antics. The T3 gear also probably helped with this. We kitted them out with fairly solid gear. Which showed our trust in them.
C: High/Low Mix. Instead of either extreme, the actual result is somewhat mixed. CBLs proliferate relatively quickly, but are far from universal, due to having a wide array of problems, while Infernium lasers face many of the same problems that produce the limited to no proliferation problems.
... isn't that literally just canon Mass Effect?

GUARDIAN lasers - or equivalent, since AFAIK that's Alliance Brand Name - on ships and ground emplacements, while for small arms, as of Andromeda...

Wait, hang on.

*wiki check*

Question withdrawn, the beam weapon augment was developed from Remnant tech. So, technically canon Mass Effect, but not applicable in the Milky Way.

Closest equivalent I can find back home is... the Elcor infantry use back mounted plasma cannons.
We have a really weird military. Like home guard units should be somewhat questionable when it comes to morale but these guys just don't know when to quit. I am happy to see them at T3 levels of gear. During our next set of military upgrade they should get this wars tech and have even mor teeth.

The thing is, these are mostly militias recruited from Green Zones; in some cases they are literal ex-Nod militants. Their standard of "just how bold and crazy do you get in combat" is set a little higher than is normal for us. Also, they may have reason to think that Nod will view them as apostates, and while I don't know what Nod does to apostates, I'm pretty sure it can be summed up as "yikes." Fighting like a bunch of mad bastards may well make perfect sense in their situation.

Yeah. Its easy to understand they either live there or are former Nod. God knows what they do to Nod turn coats and their families. Sill it is interesting that we have the opposite issue from nearly every fighting force in history. We have to talk our guys off the ledge when it comes to antics. The T3 gear also probably helped with this. We kitted them out with fairly solid gear. Which showed our trust in them.

They're also defending their home and well motivated to defend their home due to Nod's whole thing about how to deal with military opposition. If anything, the Home Guard fighting in South America and along the Russian fronts are the least likely to fight to death because they know they probably won't be shot out of hand if they're lucky and messily tortured to death as traitors if they're not. Both Stahl and Krukov maintain discipline and the laws of war to an extent that GDI soldiers caught by Nod are at risk of such treatment rather than guaranteed to suffer through it.

And yet, the first time we saw them fight was during St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk, where they fought to the death and cost Nod tremendous amounts of time, materiel and manpower trying to take the fortifications they were defending.

The Home Guard are reservists, but they're at least as motivated as the Ukrainian Territorials are, and there's a lot of very good reasons for that.
[X] Plan Budget Balancing
-[X] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[X] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[X] Commit to completing five phases by end of next plan (Karachi)
[X] Plan Budget Balancing

I'm sad we can't do Columbia and Shala at this time but I don't really want to increase the military docket by having SADNs which would make it more expensive in dice.
Wasn't that a key part of what made the mid east warlord go hostile on the African warlord.

The African one killed his son in a bombing or something like that.

Mehretu pursued a campaign of terrorist attacks to punish the Caravanserai for daring to consider not fighting GDI and the Caravanserai as a whole are rather upset about that, yes. To the point that the only reason GDI isn't performing military action beyond holding down the fort in the Yemen BZ and the Planned Cities along the Red Sea is because the Caravanserai demand GDI stays out of it.

Not, mind you, that GDI isn't being helpful. InOps is no doubt gleefully passing information along while the GDI army, navy and airforce are studiously not noticing the fighting in the Horn of Africa and Sudan or the Caravanserai supply lines they are kinda supposed to interdict because those are Nod forces moving around. If GDI isn't selling the Caravanserai supplies and munition it's because the Caravanserai doesn't want it, either.

Everybody knows what is actually going on, of course. But everybody on Nod's side would also much rather not to get their forces as mangled as Mehretu's forces in the region, and joining in might just turn this from a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions to a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions with GDI picking a side with their guns.
[X] Plan Finish Chicago Dammit
-[X] Complete Anadyr and Industrial Lasers Before end of Plan (Capital Goods)
-[X] Complete at least three more phases of Blue Zone Apartments (Arcologies)
-[X] Commit to completing Chicago Planned City by end of Plan, and four phases of Karachi by end of next plan
Everybody knows what is actually going on, of course. But everybody on Nod's side would also much rather not to get their forces as mangled as Mehretu's forces in the region, and joining in might just turn this from a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions to a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions with GDI picking a side with their guns.

Al-Isfahani, from what we saw of the Caravanserai's Regency War posts, is definitely the guy watching this kerfuffle with the most concern. Given the Caravanserai were the middle men between him and Mehertu before the latter decided to attack the former. I'm looking forward to seeing how exactly their situation evolves in the coming Q3 Regency War post.
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Mehretu pursued a campaign of terrorist attacks to punish the Caravanserai for daring to consider not fighting GDI and the Caravanserai as a whole are rather upset about that, yes. To the point that the only reason GDI isn't performing military action beyond holding down the fort in the Yemen BZ and the Planned Cities along the Red Sea is because the Caravanserai demand GDI stays out of it.

Not, mind you, that GDI isn't being helpful. InOps is no doubt gleefully passing information along while the GDI army, navy and airforce are studiously not noticing the fighting in the Horn of Africa and Sudan or the Caravanserai supply lines they are kinda supposed to interdict because those are Nod forces moving around. If GDI isn't selling the Caravanserai supplies and munition it's because the Caravanserai doesn't want it, either.

Everybody knows what is actually going on, of course. But everybody on Nod's side would also much rather not to get their forces as mangled as Mehretu's forces in the region, and joining in might just turn this from a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions to a nasty sectarian fight between Nod factions with GDI picking a side with their guns.
Plus, the Nod factions closest to the vicinity that are most able to take a hand are:

1) Al-Isfahani, whose Muslim identity is a part of his whole thing and so doesn't want to permanently burn his bridges with the Caravanserai, and also who has a long, long, LONG history of remaining in power by not picking unnecessary fights in general.

2) Nod India, which is kinda busy worrying about the Himalayan Blue Zone, has a long history of not getting too directly involved in unnecessary conflicts, and, probably for different reasons, doesn't want to risk permanently burning bridges with the winning side if things get weird.

3) Bintang, who can probably project power across the Indian Ocean when she wants to, but who is much more of a threat to GDI than she is to the Caravanserai. GDI has constant convoys moving in and out of the Yemeni Blue Zone Caravanserai's industrial base is all in the Arabian peninsula. Any fighting in the Horn of Africa, Bintang could theoretically theraten, but only but putting her valuable submarines and ships in a place very close to GDI territory and starting combat operations, at which point she risks having them blown to smithereens by GDI on general principles.