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Might it have been more useful to go for HI investment? Maybe. But taking us a bit further off the food clock will help us do other things.Nooooo. The poor heavy industry!
Edit: For real tho, were probably headed for some major HI investment to jump start local chip fabrication, that boost would be real helpful.
Omake: A friendly... Face and openLegsMinds
For all the doom and gloom, all the panic of the 'Crisis' the fears of invasion, war, captivity, torture, interrogation, war crimes and nuclear armageddon as in those first crucial hours and later days the worlds powers attempted to get to grips with an unprecedented international cataclysm. Much of those worries would be laid to rest as Guangchao, in a fit of diplomatic brilliance, laid the fears of retaliation to rest with a very simple announcement of a fine for littering of all things.
An act that in the darkest of hours when the world was poised for intercontintal missile launches, nuclear subs on standby awaiting go codes and fully fueled aircraft lay engines growling upon airfields the world over, the mocking almost irreverant demand defused much of the tension and painted the picture for a pathway out of the crisis.
Oh it was never that simple of course. On the face of it the deal was simple, Guangchou returned the american soldiers in exchange for a fine that would go towards the cleanup of the wrecked vessel. Easy to agree in principal, but it precipitated lengthy negotiations and a great many diplomatic meetings in order to go over the details. And of course, all the while the government of the island nation extended the stranded crew of the ship credit for entertainment and were welcoming hosts. In some cases that term becoming literal with a number of pregnancies to american servicemembers both known and unknown due to the volume of traffic.
But beyond the puerile antics which were the subject of a great many pieces of adult entertainment, the political and financial wrangling behind the scenes and the military manoeuvres carried out all over the world. It put a human face on each side.
To the workers of Guangchao providing 'services' the american soldiers they interacted with were no longer greedy invading monsters. But, regular customers, if, perhaps customers whose expenses would be credited to their government and so took full advantage of the military funding their nation enjoyed. And to the americans, the people of the island nation were no longer ideological opponents hellbent upon the destruction of capitalism, but simply people, and regular workers. Many of whom lent a listening ear to the soldiers shipwrecked far away from home.
Put simply, it contextualised each other. They were human.
Absent ideology or political thought. Capitalism and communism are the extremes of two simple ideas. The first, that people should be rewarded for hard work.(related is the idea of reinvesting capital in order to grow the economy but that's ideologically neutral) The second, that food and the basic necessities of life should be affordable, if not subsidised by the state. There's a mass of arguments over how much should the state own or that people should be allowed to own when some of the richest owned so much more than the poorest. But the core of the two systems. "Hard work should be rewarded. People shouldn't be left to starve." Well, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who'd admit to not agreeing to both.
Most obviously of course the workers in the entertainment industry were happily and vigorously engaged in capitalism. And throughout their stay the american servicemembers quite often engaged in distributing 'assets' to be shared amongst themselves.
That's not to say that visiting brothels was the only attraction the americans partook of. During their time there some of the local villagers invited them into their homes, to treat them to traditional cuisine of thickly stewed kelp and local fish and crab freshly caught. A cultural exchange of sorts, and not all one way either. Fusion dishes, rather than traditional stews being the standard, tortilla wraps stuffed with local produce, or burgers layered with surplus ranch and sauces from the ships stores were traded back and american cuisine saw an explosion in popularity. With the burgers and bread providing a more easy and convenient eating method on the go, and one that did away with dishes and utensils.
Of course, it would be naive to assume espionage didn't take place. It did, and on both sides. American troops and their officers noting electrical sub-stations or other infrastructure and targets of opportunity. Or Guangchou officials requesting permission to come aboard the stricken vessel to ensure no planes were being made combat ready for sorties.
Trust but verify, afterall. Though it was largely above board and far better than the worst cases that had been expected, abduction and torture. One or two spankings aside no american troops came to any harm during their stay. And the visits onto the american carrier were scheduled well in advance, giving clear routes on where the party was to be taken. Allowing for ample time for the americans to remove any sensitive materials they didn't want seen. Or, more cynically, to disarm any weapons they might have been arming. Avoiding the need for awkward escalations. They were, in a word, treated exactly as what they were on paper, guests of the island nation. And accidental litterers. the crippled vessel would be removed in due time. But in the immediate aftermath the government and it's officials required assurances that the carrier wasn't leaking nuclear waste into the environment. Reasonable and fair concerns on all sides, that each did their best to accomodate the other.
The American admiral wanted the soldiers under his command safe. And wanted to safeguard critical intelligence. Guangchou wanted to ensure it's population and waters wouldn't be exposed to nuclear fallout.
By and large, despite the accident. Both sides profited from the incident. Politicians at home spun it as their calm negotiations securing the release of the crew and of installing and deepening diplomatic relations with the isolationist regime. And Jungmin leveraged the diplomatic capital to the hilt in order to receive a boost of stimulus in his nations economy.
By the end of it, America was satisfied at least one communist nation wasn't plotting their immediate destruction.
Even if, to this day the alphabet soup agencies of America wake up in cold sweats worrying about what captive american soldiers might have revealed during extensive debriefings.
Deliberate. Easy to fix/ explain that it's not nuclear, and far lower clearance to be shown the engines. Beyond that in the immediate aftermath everyone is worrying about worst case/panic.Point of order: the I've Jima isn't nuclear. It's avgas and fuel oil leaks that would be the concern.
I love this, and how it shows some of the details I overlooked/didn't show.
Yep, that is one option you can take!Hmmm, the Americans are leaving the ship there tho, we can look at the interior at our own leisure, no?
In fact, once the Americans finish breaking all the sensitive stuff and leave, we can invite the PRC and USSR to send naval architects over to have a look at the internal structure and layout?
Speaking of ideas I got an idea of a quest involving guanchou in TNO being allied with the OFN mainly because of this little idea I hadWell, at least this event will/has only take/n about a month!
The Daemon Invasion in my 40k Peaceful Planet Quest has been going on since February!
...and will likely take another month to complete...
...and I have vacation, meaning I have just enough time that my brain is spooking me with a skaven, WHF dwarf, space station, MCU Mutant, Post-Apoc-CYOA, and Battletech Quest...
*sobs in writer with not enough time to write everything*
I understood some of those words, and none of the acronyms.Speaking of ideas I got an idea of a quest involving guanchou in TNO being allied with the OFN mainly because of this little idea I had
it's a hoi4 mod where both Nazi Germany and japan won and the world is in a three way cold war between the eheintspakt or pakt led by Nazi Germany,the east Asian co prosperity sphere or sphere led by Japan and the organization of free nations or OFN led by the US
Taking immigration options is good, and it's especially good for our entertainment industry.
....That sounds like a cheeky thing they might do to secure independence.(Insert TNO president): So your telling me that SOMEHOW despite the colossal fuckup that was the pacific war we managed to gain an island in the pacific far into sphere territory.
advisor:yes apparently the locals managed to ick the IJA out and liberated some members of the US armed forces to claim that the island was "liberated" by the OFN being held as POW's and the Japanese didn't notice until after the treaty was signed that they had actually lost the territory
Great idea. But in practice, it is likely not gonna happen unless we got well placed spies. Namely cause when it happened, those involved didn't want to admit how badly it got screwed up, ESPECIALLY to the west...Ah fuck. I just realized: Chernobyl.
We should put together some sort of mechanized (I love the double meaning) international disasters relief organization that use civilian engineering mechas for things like disaster relief and development work. That sort of work is absolutely perfect for mechas because it requires flexibility.
In would even make sense for us to have rad shielded versions because we're going to pursue a nuclear power generation program.
The idea of paratrooper engineers airdroping into Chernobyl like Big Damn Heroes and quickly improvising a seal for the core is a very appealing image.
Hmmm, add a romance sub plot between one of the Soviet soldiers and one of our mecha jockeys*.
*My head canon is that mecha operators are called jockeys because they 'ride' mecha. Also, 'pilot' is a boring and overused term.
Great idea. But in practice, it is likely not gonna happen unless we got well placed spies. Namely cause when it happened, those involved didn't want to admit how badly it got screwed up, ESPECIALLY to the west...
Since the a major part of the problem were engineering oversights that British engineers had noticed long before when they had permission to look at some nuclear reactor plans.😅
Fantastic Omake, and you have the best timing, dropping it as I was starting my just downloaded Elden Ring, forcing me to postpone that.
Purge the unclear grammatic.Not even when he people knew him as Anna. ESPECIALLY back when people knew him as Anna.
Drive out the Ignorance of missing "A's!"Lars, then known as Anna, was a bright kid. She learned quickly and questioned relentlessly, driven by a neverending hunger for new experiences and information. She'd proven herself to be brilliant young lady, growing up, and had been the golden child of most of the Johansen clan's older members as well as her own parents. It was a wonderful childhood for Anna, veiled by ignorance and innocence.
For with the Purity of Soul, Humanity shall ever be free of missing "He's."After some brief introductions, had asked if she didn't mind him asking some personal questions. Young Oskar had enough tact to quietly step out just as his sister said yes.
And in the "Memories" of Old Gods, we shall live eternal.It brought back to mind of old friends he'd made back when he learned of the institute.
And let not the revisionists disdain the past of those who sought refuge within the nation of free'd bodies and free'd minds.As he waited for the ink to fully dry, Lars Johansen thought back to the trip he made all those years ago. For all the fear and uncertainty he'd once felt about it, the trip had been largely uneventful and incredibly boring.
This might be a good way to reveal our mechs. Showing them off in this role would help keep people from viewing them as just war machines. Building and transporting them in secret could be a pain in the ass though.Ah fuck. I just realized: Chernobyl.
We should put together some sort of mechanized (I love the double meaning) international disasters relief organization that use civilian engineering mechas for things like disaster relief and development work. That sort of work is absolutely perfect for mechas because it requires flexibility.
In would even make sense for us to have rad shielded versions because we're going to pursue a nuclear power generation program.
The idea of paratrooper engineers airdroping into Chernobyl like Big Damn Heroes and quickly improvising a seal for the core is a very appealing image.
Hmmm, add a romance sub plot between one of the Soviet soldiers and one of our mecha jockeys*.
*My head canon is that mecha operators are called jockeys because they 'ride' mecha. Also, 'pilot' is a boring and overused term.
This might be a good way to reveal our mechs. Showing them off in this role would help keep people from viewing them as just war machines. Building and transporting them in secret could be a pain in the ass though.
Fair enough, I didn't remember when the incident was.Chernobyl is in '86 - too long to wait (22 turns?). We need them out and about and building bridges for us long before that.