[X] Plan Lightning
[X] Plan Subvocals
[X]Plan Intelligence and Will, Power and Skill
[X] Plan Phenomenal Cosmic Power
[X] Plan Phenomenal Cosmic Power

I'm gonna be honest a lot of these drawbacks seem more interesting than anything. They're also not like the usual Rihaku style drawbacks where mitigations gonna take 7 quintillion years for you to make it manageable. They're all relatively easy to work around or work with, they even come with minor benefits! Also the main powers are ridiculously strong and synergistic. Perfect memory with genius level talent with prodigious skill in 3 different magical subjects? With power that far outstrips our age? How else are we going to handle You Know Who??
[X] Heir 2 Hogwarts
-[X] Heir of Slytherin
-[X] Champion of Gryffindor
-[X] Sage of Ravenclaw
-[X] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[X] A Child Prodigy
-[X] Mark of the Equal
-[X] Impaired Eyesight
-[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
-[X] Apocryphal Curse

No one taking more than 1 House Blessing because of the exclusive blessings?

I alone have divined the true path. Why be heir to a house when you can have the whole castle? Probably unlocks the secret exclusive blessing for collecting them all, maybe. If that's even a thing. Guess we'll find out.

Took Child Prodigy cause taking all the house blessings gives a lot of skills. Which we are going to need to pay all these incoming bills that the curses are going to charge. Don't see how this could possibly fail.
[X] Plan Lightning

[X] Heir 2 Hogwarts
-[X] Heir of Slytherin
-[X] Champion of Gryffindor
-[X] Sage of Ravenclaw
-[X] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[X] A Child Prodigy
-[X] Mark of the Equal
-[X] Impaired Eyesight
-[X] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
-[X] Apocryphal Curse

No one taking more than 1 House Blessing because of the exclusive blessings?

I alone have divined the true path. Why be heir to a house when you can have the whole castle? Probably unlocks the secret exclusive blessing for collecting them all, maybe. If that's even a thing. Guess we'll find out.

Took Child Prodigy cause taking all the house blessings gives a lot of skills. Which we are going to need to pay all these incoming bills that the curses are going to charge. Don't see how this could possibly fail.
I don't think you understand what 'mutually exclusive' means...
I don't think you understand what 'mutually exclusive' means...
Whoops, actually didn't realize the broader category was called Blessings and thought that it referenced another benefit.

[X] Like a Snake
-[x] Heir of Slytherin
-[x] Trismegistus
-[x] Boy-Who-Lived
-[x] A Child Prodigy
-[x] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance
-[x] Impaired Eyesight
-[x] Apocryphal Curse

Trismegistus would be Legimens, Potions + WildCard (I lean towards Transfiguration but we'll see if there's something else as we wouldn't have to choose until later.)

World seems more political and this build is well equipped to handle that, as well as take advantage of Harry's BWL celebrity with Legimens backing it. Skill with Potions is also great in HP, and it seems to be something particularly valued in Slytherin. Transfiguration can be awesome in dueling as shown by Dumbledore, and skill with it could win us points with McGonagall.

I like cunning and skilled protags over powerful ones, I think this build has that while also the ability to cheat a bit with potions.
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Alright, we shall do the final tally on Wednesday. At that time, our adventure shall begin....
[ ] The Golden Grail [25 Gnosis] - Drink deeply from the waters of the covenant.

What glory can there be in the singular? Heroes and villains fade and die but a legacy endures. To drink from this cup binds you with axiomatic loyalty to the unbroken lineage of Helga Hufflepuff, the mightiest of the Four Founders. When wielded by a true scion of the House, the Grail grants access to a fraction of the canny, force of personality and strategic genius of all their proud forebears. Furthermore, it grants legitimacy as the Head of the House, allowing you to decide the overall strategic directives to those who have drunk from it. Typically, this power is wielded by the Head Boy and Head Girl of the House and only in times of direst need. But ware the wrath of the Badger provoked, else suffer the fate of the Khans and Kaisers that came before you.

+++++++++++++Wisdom, +++++++++++++Charisma, +++++++++++++Intelligence (War, Bureaucracy, Logistics)
May amplify the effects of all spells cast through this as per a Legendary Focus.
Allows the user to set one Strategic Directive for the entirety of Hufflepuff House in a given Seasonal Turn.
All those bound in the Hufflepuff Network gain an intuition for the "correct" (as per your implicit assessment) decision to take in pursuing this will and do so with nigh-ceaseless drive and coordination.

[ ] The Bloody Blade
[25 Gnosis] - "Weep not for heroes. Curse them."

What does it matter who you fight? Meat cannot stay the butcher's cleaver. And the heirs of Godric Gryffindor, mightiest of the Four Founders, have ever been exceptional butchers. To wield this blade means taking up the burden of heroism, in whatever shape that may take. Its charge is to be exceptional and to remain true to your own cause. In turn, the wielder gains the truest essence of heroism: killing swiftness, strength of arm and mind. While its seeming is unexceptional, with a matte grey blade and unadorned hilt, its function as a tool of murder is peerless. No spell or shield may halt its edge, sundering all protection as easily as it would vacuum. Furthermore, as the blade tastes blood, a fraction of the blood's power is transferred to the wielder, making them grow ever mightier and more skilful.

+++++++++++++Might, +++++++++++++Agility, +++++++++++++Willpower, +++++++++++++Prowess (The Bloody Blade)
May amplify the effects of all spells cast through this as per a Legendary Focus.
+Progression for advancements through meaningful combat.
The Blade pierces all forms of mundane or magical protections. Those it kills are slain beyond the possibility of recovery.

[ ] Ascension Ritual:
The Forbidden Jam [75 Gnosis] - Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.

A Quidditch Play of supreme power. It seeks victory not by playing within the rules of Quidditch but by rewriting the laws of reality through the power of Quidditch.

It begins with the user executing 6 consecutive plays of increasing style and panache. By drawing upon the faith, devotion and investment of the spectators, the user may transcend the game they are currently playing and become a conduit for the sport of Quidditch itself. Should they then succeed in executing a history-changing play and if they have gathered sufficiently broad and deep attention from the Wizarding World's Collective Unconsciousness, the power will reach a critical conceptual mass, collapsing into a singularity of magical power embodied within the user (killing all those whose power was drawn from), making them a true avatar of the sport's Mythic Edifice. This conveys a number of ancillary benefits but the primary two are simple.

The first is that they may substitute all forms of conflict with a game of Quidditch.

The second is that they are undefeatable in so-substituted games of Quidditch.

These effects are supremely broad and potent, being uncontestable to all but other Ascendants and applying to every form of metaphorical battle or enemy up to the 10th degree of Magical Power.


let's make with the money-making
[X] Plan Huffle, Huffle, Toil and Trouble
-[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[x] Trismegistus
-[x] Boy-Who-Lived
-[x] Impaired Eyesight
-[x] Apocryphal Curse
I find Mark of the Equal to be very suspicious/dangerous.
The description for it contains a warning as well.
Ah. Yes. Hm. A demerit such as, perhaps, the Dark Lord being able to see through our eyes. Like in canon. And I suppose we know what the Additional Boon will be.
Does that seem obvious to anyone else?
[X] Plan: Talented Orphan
-[x] A Child Prodigy
-[x] Trismegistus
-[x] Heroic Flaw: Arrogance

I'd like to see a talented orphan who has to work his way up the power levels of wizarding world. I want to see him earn his accomplishments through hard work, talent and a bit of luck rather than see amazing powers be handed to him because he is the descendant of some long dead mage or because he was the target of a prophecy. I also have a dislike for lordships in Harry Potter fanfics, The only person called a lord was self-styled and only called that by his followers.

Approval vote:
[X] Plan Huffle, Huffle, Toil and Trouble
[X] Plan: Harry Potter and His Quest For Knowledge
[] Plan Lightning
-[] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[] Trismegistus
-[] Boy-Who-Lived
-[] An Equal In Truth
-[] Mark of the Equal

-[] Impaired Eyesight
-[] Apocryphal Curse
Changed my vote
I dont want woldy to see trough our eyes

[X] Plan Huffle, Huffle, Toil and Trouble
-[x] Lord of Hufflepuff
-[x] Trismegistus
-[x] Boy-Who-Lived
-[x] Impaired Eyesight
-[x] Apocryphal Curse
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Equal... in truth?

Could it be that this also implies the meta mechanic of this quest?

If YOU-KNOW-WHO'S Influence makes everyone go shush about HIS NAME and we lose Gnosis, couldent it be that Harry Potters has the same effect with Equal in Truth?

Through it we generate 0.25 Gnosis per chap and that could be the per average of times Harrys Name is spoken in a certain Range of him. The occasional spikes to 0.5 could represent the Times when he accoplishes something great and their as a new hubub about him.

Maybe their is a hidden Synergie with Boy Who Lived wich would make his Name more commenly spoken of or thought.

Maybe we should change our way we address him to too generate more Gnosis, something like...

Harry Potter
Future Savior of England

Give it a thought.
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