The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

Clans give you about 3000 Dawi, then 550 from Karaz-A-Karak as part of the Throng and 150 from the Cult of Valaya.
In total you've got a population of about 3700 Dawi at Karak Drekfut.
What is our population growth like? It may currently be enough to defend ourselves, but to be a true force we would need a far larger population to make a difference in Arda.
Also in which Age are we?
Edit: Okay, the Age remaining a mystery is intriguing in it's own right.
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What is our population growth like? It may currently be enough to defend ourselves, but to be a true force we would need a far larger population to make a difference in Arda.
Also in which Age are we?
Edit: Okay, the Age remaining a mystery is intriguing in it's own right.
Population growth is very slow. The smallest age band is Garazi which is twenty years wide so you'll get a population update every twenty years.
Huh, i always thought the reason for the decline of the dwarfs was the constant attrition, if i remember right they actually have a pretty decent birthrate. (Tho i will of course bow to Qm in terms of quest canon)
Huh, i always thought the reason for the decline of the dwarfs was the constant attrition, if i remember right they actually have a pretty decent birthrate. (Tho i will of course bow to Qm in terms of quest canon)
l think it got to do with each turn being 1 year and it takes 20 years min for a dwarf to mature to be useful to the hold than actualy birth rate. so l think qm more of you get a new surge in workforce every 20 years due to maturity into young adult than slow birth rate

ps. thats the way im thinking of it at least
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Yeah, since we're abstracting work force into dice you can't get a trickle every year so instead you'll get new dice as a generation moves into the work force all at once.
Ah i see, thank for clearing that up.

Also a question for the far future will we eventually be able to split new clans with different specialisations from the loremasters instructions?
Carpentry and engineering for example.
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Ah i see, thank for clearing that up.

Also a question for the far future will we eventually be able to split new clans with different specialisations from the loremasters instructions?
Carpentry and engineering for example.
Yes, when Beardling Dice grow up they can either join their Clans as Clan Dice or if you have a Hall of Remebrance then the Lorekeepers can train them into a new type of Clan.
[X] Plan: Ulse
-[X] Northern Pass: 20 Leadbeard, 2 Longbeards, 5 Rangers, 5 Quarrellers
-[X] Eastern Pass: 20 Leadbeard, 2 Longbeards, 10 Quarrellers
-[X] Western Pass: Elder Urtain Leadbeard, 250 Leadbeard, 32 Longbeards, 95 Rangers, 175 Quarrellers, 10 Valkrior, Elders Bogrur and Grazur Greatmantle and 90 Greatmantle Clan Volunteers, Elder Korin Bronzeplaits and 50 Bronzeplaits Clan Volunteers, Lord Gartrim Greatmantle, Rhunrikki Gutfroy, Greatbeard Gallick Steelfinger, Elder Matron Gorgissa
-[X] Southern Pass: Deadeye Gromurd Stoneskin, 100 Leadbeard, 13 Longbeards, 50 Rangers, 75 Quarrellers, 95 Rangers, 5 Valkrior, Elder Garin Ironplough and 20 Ironplough Clan Volunteers, Elder Voddor Shatterspear and 50 Shatterspear Clan Volunteers, Thane Arzil Leadbeard
-[X] Entrance Hall: 10 Leadbeard, 1 Longbeard, 10 Quarrellers, 5 Valkrior, Elder Artrum Stonebeard and 40 Stonebeard Clan Volunteers,
mmm how hard would it be for the enemy to go from south to the east passage? just worried in case a sneak attack there. well if our lucks good and they do attack east l hope they like eagles :)
[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi
-Move the North Throng to the West Pass to assist in it's defense, leaving the Quarrelers on the Plateau there.
--Clan Bronzeplaits Volunteers take over the North Pass Defenses
-Move East Throng to the West Pass to assist in it's defense, leave Rangers in the Vale that are already there.
--Clan Stonebeard Volunteers take over the East Pass Defenses
-Clan Greatmantle Volunteers, to include the Rhunrikki and the Greatbeard Gatrim Greatmantle, reinforce West Pass
-Clan Ironplough Volunteers stay in the Hold with Vakiror
--Valkiror Elder in Charge. Do as she sees fit.
-Clan Shatterspear Volunteers held in reserve to back up the Hold, South Pass, or West Pass.
-General Strategy is to use Quarrelers to thin numbers, Rangers to focus on high value targets, and Warriors/Longbeards to hold the line. Elders/Thanes/Greatbeards can adjust as needed.
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[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi

A question, how many moons does Arda have? I know WF has two, but I don't know if Arda has two.
[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi
-Move the North Throng to the West Pass to assist in it's defense, leaving the Quarrelers on the Plateau there.
--Clan Bronzeplaits Volunteers take over the North Pass Defenses
-Move East Throng to the West Pass to assist in it's defense, leave Rangers in the Vale that are already there.
--Clan Stonebeard Volunteers take over the East Pass Defenses
-Clan Greatmantle Volunteers, to include the Rhunrikki, reinforce West Pass
-Clan Ironplough Volunteers stay in the Hold with Vakiror
--Valkiror Elder in Charge. Do as she sees fit.
-Clan Shatterspear Volunteers held in reserve to back up the Hold, South Pass, or West Pass.
-General Strategy is to use Quarrelers to thin numbers, Rangers to focus on high value targets, and Warriors/Longbeards to hold the line. Elders/Thanes/Greatbeards can adjust as needed.
Doesn't say where Gatrim is.
There's one moon with the light of one of the trees of Valinor in it.
Morrslieb is a weird moon, it doesn't have regular phases and has been known to vanish before for protracted periods of time so that it's missing doesn't prove anything to the Dawi.
Based on our numbers it seems like turtling and rebuilding our capabilities may make the most sense if we're not seeing pop growth that often. Will be interesting to see if losses affect our dice. 3000 isn't very many when compared to goblin or orc hordes so we need to make each one into a walking tank and have some force multipliers for weapons.

Either plan seems good but
[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi
has a reserve force and calls out some tactics so it has the edge in my mind.
[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi

We stay isolationist for the next 300 turns building the hold then we conquer Arda.
[X] Grimnir Tapdancing Dawi

We stay isolationist for the next 300 turns building the hold then we conquer Arda.
Speaking of expansion my first target is Goblin Town. Specifically clearing it out and making a proper Karak out of it. Firstly, to clear out the Goblins, obviously, but more importantly it sits right next to the High Pass, an extremely important and well positioned path through the Misty Mountains.

If we have control of that pass and make it an actually safe passage through the Misty Mountains? We can make it into a disgustingly profitable trade route.
I'm all for expanding, but not with a horde on our doorstep.

Maybe after the war turns.

Having a trade/war outpost on the High Pass sounds pretty amazing.