The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

Honestly, clans should be able to decorate and fortify their own halls. Just like, throw one free die a turn at it to represent the work they do in their off time. Same with decorations for guild/trade halls. With the workers carving out a shelf, or a devotional statue, or there's a non-rune banner the wife made to throw up on the wall. That kind of stuff. Or the guild master makes a coherent design and it just gets chipped away at or something.

That should be an autonomous upgrade at this point, if it isn't taken. The room/hall, of course, will take a long time to get decorated, which means that no bonus, and at one die a turn it might take a while as the trade off.
@Skitzyfrenic seems like a lot of extra work and complexity to keep trak of for very little gains story wise, I mean we could just say that the rooms are already added with minor decoration, we just do not note it because it his not a big project, I mean I am pretty sure someone has to sew clothes and such, but we don not have a sewing room nor a report about it.
Decoration has a mechanical effect though. So even if it's natural for a clan/guild to decorate their space, we still need to track it. Or Warkeymon can just declare a clan residence or guild hall 'Decorated' like 3? 4? turns after it's been built. Which is still a form of tracking it, if less work on Warkeymon.
Plan: Fortifications and Prospecting. Writing starting now.
Adhoc vote count started by Warkeymon on Jan 20, 2022 at 2:00 PM, finished with 34 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Fortifications and Prospecting
    -[X] Add to the Fortifications 0/0 Southern Pass (1 Stonemason, 1 Warsmith, 1 Farmer, 2 Beardling)
    --[X] +A Second Wall, +50 to target
    --[x] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
    --[X] +Extra Tall, +20 to target per Wall
    --[X] +Extra Thick, +20 to target per Wall
    --[x] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
    -[X] Decorated Healing Hall. 108/120 (1 Warsmith, 1 Beardling)
    --[x] +Huge, +50 to target
    -[x] Decorated Runecrafting Hall with Second Guardhall. 98/130 - 1 Stonemason
    -[X] Underhold Fortifications. 0/100. (2 Brewer, 1 Farmer, 2 Beardlings)
    --[x] +Second Guardhall, +50 to target
    --[x] +Third Guardhall, +50 to target
    --[x] +Collapsible Ceilings, +20 to target per Guardhall
    -[X] Prospectors Underhall. 0/50. (1 Miner, 1 Beardling)
    -[X] Send out Sniffers. (1 Miner)
    -[x] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Balance
    --[X] North Peak
    -[X] Join the Work: Send out Sniffer (Daungrumm)
    -[X] Join the Work: Add to the Fortifications
    -[X] Guard one of the Passes
    --[X] Northern, Western, and Southern Throngs will guard their passes. Northern will send a compliment of Quarllers to the Goat plateau to help with the Great Eagles
    -[X] Range Out From the Valley
    --[X] Eastern Throng will send their Rangers to scout the Skinchangers
    [x] Plan Spreading dice out
    -[x] Add to the Fortifications 0/0 - South Fortifications - 1 Brewer 1 Beardling
    --[x] +Towers Set Above into the Peaks, +40 to target
    --[x] +A Carven Path, +20 to target
    -[x] Decorated Healing Hall. 108/120 - 1 Stonemason 1 Beardling
    --[x] +Huge, +50 to target
    -[x] Decorated Runecrafting Hall with Second Guardhall. 98/130 - 1 Stonemason
    -[x] Forge Hall. 0/110 2 Warsmith 1 Beardling Dice
    --[x] +Decorated, +10 to target
    -[x] Storehall. 0/110 - Ale - 1 Brewer 1 Beardling Dice
    -[x] Storehall. 0/110 - crops - 1 Farmer 1 Beardling Dice
    -[x] Prospectors Underhall. 0/50. - 1 Miner Die
    -[x] Send out Sniffers. - 1 Miner Die
    -[x] Underhold Fortifications. 0/100. 1 Farmer 1 Beardling dice
    --[x] +Second Guardhall, +50 to target
    --[x] +Third Guardhall, +50 to target
    --[x] +Collapsible Ceilings, +20 to target per Guardhall
    -[x] Range Beyond the Valley - Gartrim - join east throng
    -[x] Tutor a Youngster - Daungrumm - Greatmantle
    -[x] Hold Rune: Master Rune of Balance
    -[x] Guard one of the Passes - South host to guard the south, North the north
    -[x] Range Out From the Valley - East host to find out what they can about the skinshifters
    -[x] Gather Lumber - West host to gather lumber to refill our supplies
Fingers crossed for a coal vein. Though I wont complain if we strike mithril instead.

Honestly, that's about the only trade I'd make rn.

Cause we've not been setting up for charcoal on the surface. Though setting up silvopasture for long term wood harvesting and long term long straight wood (for building and engineering) would feed an initial charcoal rush as it involves cutting down a bunch of trees.

And coppicing. Lots and lots of coppicing in the medium term.

Which we might want to do anyways. Cause wood is still valuable to dawi in the long run. Gotta make them grudge throwers and ballistae.
Honestly, that's about the only trade I'd make rn.

Cause we've not been setting up for charcoal on the surface. Though setting up silvopasture for long term wood harvesting and long term long straight wood (for building and engineering) would feed an initial charcoal rush as it involves cutting down a bunch of trees.

And coppicing. Lots and lots of coppicing in the medium term.

Which we might want to do anyways. Cause wood is still valuable to dawi in the long run. Gotta make them grudge throwers and ballistae.
I think the wood management options are locked off behind us not having a carpenter clan. I'm thinking we should start on the Hall Remembrance next turn so we can start resolving that.
Well another writer I followed was banned for being a sockpuppet overnigth.
I guess there was a mass investigation of sort?
This does quite saddens me, I am starting to think that I bring bad luck to all dwarfen quest, started with Runriki and now souls is busy and writes rarely.
Mado suspended idefinetly or closed some good quest, and has writer block on the others.
The twin hold has been temporaly suspended for a merchant one.
And now this.
I heard good stuff about divided loyalities but at this point I do not know if I want to start it.
At least his a temporary bann and I hope evrything is resolved well.
Does any of you people know for how much a temporary bann lasts in general?
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Hi all,
I'm back!

Thanks to the team for getting this sorted out real quick. I'll be putting the next post up in a little bit.
Happy to see you're back and got it sorted out, and whatever happened hasn't dampened your enthusiasm for writing the quest.
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Turn 7 Results
The Surface Hold
Add to the South Pass Fortifications, 328/150. Completed.
(1 Stonemason Die + 1 Warsmith Die + 1 Farmer Die + 2 Beardling Dice)
93+28+39+82+86 = 328
The Clans set out into the South Pass and under the watch of the Southerly Throng set to work erecting a wall in a more forward position. Here South Pass is slightly wider, and the weaker natural defences are bolstered by additional artificial ones. Winding paths and steep steps lead up to squat and powerful towers carved from the South and East Peaks.

Here defenders can be stationed to rain death upon the South Pass, be it on the approach or even upon the walls themselves should they fall. To further enhance the Rune of Slowness a path has been carved from the South Pass with great trenches on each side and a raised embankment to march along. This narrow pathway will limit the dangers posed by overwhelming numbers for any enemies that fall into the trenches will be frozen in place by the Rune of Slowness.

Second Extra Tall and Thick Wall, Towers in the Peaks and a Carven Path built in South Pass.

North Peak

Huge, Decorated Healing Hall, 290/170. Completed.
(1 Warsmith Dice + 1 Beardling Dice.)
90+92 = 182
Clan Greatmantle ascends to the Second Level of North Peak and makes haste to finish the Healing Hall that has spent far too long waiting to be completed. With the Trolls of the Chasm dead the Healing Hall is safe to work in. The Chasm is spanned completely, the darkness sealed away as chambers are built upon reinforced supports.

As work has progressed the Healing Hall has been expanded, the whole host of the Cult of Valaya can work in the Healing Hall and the Healers can attend to far more injured Dawi at once than initially planned. If an invasion of the Hargrobi nest is to go ahead, then even this Hall might be full.

As is only natural, the Healing Hall is decorated with statues of Valaya and the walls are lined with tapestries of her greatest deeds. Over the doorway that leads into the main Hallway lies a depiction of her cloak being given to yourself, or perhaps to the first Greatmantle for it isn't especially clear. Either way it is being taken as a symbol of her Cult's gift of Healers to the Reclamation Throng and the gift of this new home for the whole Hold.

Huge, Decorated Healing Hall built in North Peak.

Decorated Runecrafting Hall with secondary Guardhall, 110/130.
(1 Stonemason Die.)
2+10 = 12
The Shatterspears have made very little progress on the Runecrafting Hall. They've managed to haul up a few weapons racks from the new Workshop Hall and deliver them to the Guardhalls but other than that the actual Runecrafting Hall is rather bare. They have established some temporary rooms with enough support to move the walls around, but the Rhunrikki has not spent enough time in North Peak to really direct them in the design he wants.

The Underhold
Underhold Fortifications, 304/260. Completed.
(2 Brewer Dice + 1 Farmer Die + 2 Beardling Dice.)
97+96+41+44+51-5-5-5-5-5 = 304
A chain of three Guardhalls stretches out from the Underhall to the outer limit of the Karak. From beyond the gates of the third Guardhall tunnels will stream out into the depths like roads from the gates of a Surface Hold.

Each of these Guardhalls and the hallways between them are rigged to be collapsed by a single strike of a hammer in the Guardhall or Underhall behind and the heavy stone gates that cap each Guardhall are almost as hard to breach as a collapsed tunnel. The Clans have rushed to complete the Guardhalls quickly so that tunnels can be extended down from them to mine for the coal that the Hold needs.

Underhold Fortifications built under North Peak.

Prospector's Underhall, 80/50. Completed.
(1 Miner Die + 1 Beardling Die.)
60+20 = 80
The Stonebeards have carved a Prospector's Underhall beside the North Peak Underhall. Here the Master Prospectors of Clan Stonebeard will be able to keep their equipment and a couple of beds to allow them to continuously prospect the Underhold for opportunities to set out Mines. It is a simple structure, as are most things the Prospectors work upon, but it is many leagues ahead of the roughly hewn tunnels that the Stonebeards will soon be stringing through the mountain.

Prospector's Underhall built under North Peak. -5 to highest Miner Dice. Chance each Turn to prospect a random mine.

Send out Sniffers. Failed.
Challenge Level: 40
(1 Miner Die.)
Several Greybeards from amongst Clan Stonebeard have dug out a warren of tunnels following their noses. Unfortunately, the Stonebeards have failed to find anything in the immediate area, perhaps there's something about the mountain that's disturbing their noses. Elder Artrum has been grumbling that they might all have needed a few more years as Beardlings.

Runelord Challenge
Master Rune of Balance on North Peak, 1/4 turns completed.
Challenge Level: 20
The Rhunrikki has stolen a group of Beardlings and commanded them to drag his wagon and tools up the North Peak. Once there, he has sent them back down the Peak and set to work on the Master Rune of Balance. The first Master Rune a Talismanic Runelord will learn, for it is terribly important for a Karak to keep a properly maintained Master Rune of Balance, the Rhunrikki could carve this shape from the mountain in his sleep.

From the Surface Hold there's little real to see, although occasionally a pebble will come crashing down from high above to remind the Ironploughs that there's a Rhunrikki at work somewhere above their heads. Perhaps it will also remind them to get back into the shade of the mountain from time to time and spare themselves the early onset Sun Madness.

Master Rune of Balance reaches 1/4 turns completed.

Personal Challenge

Join the Work – Send out Sniffers, Failed.
Challenge Level: 50.
(Lady Daungrumm.)
Daungrumm descends to the Underhold, Karstah at her hip and occasionally walking about the tunnels. While Daungrumm is a Master Brewer from Clan Bronzeplaits, all Plaitlings must serve two years in the Mines toiling for the good of the Hold, so she has some skill at mining. And yet it takes far more than two meagre years to develop a true Miner's nose.

The pair of them sniff at several walls, and Karstah swings her first pick with her mother's hands about the haft. They find very little, as do the rest of the Sniffers.

Joint the Work – Add to the Fortifications, Failed.
Challenge Level: 50
(Lord Gartrim)
Gartrim joins the work in the South Pass, digging out trenches and setting up blocks to form up the second wall. But he ends up doing only as much as any of the Beardlings and with the extraordinary effort put into the new South Pass defences one Dawi makes little difference. Perhaps the presence of the Lord of the Hold inspired the others to develop the fortifications faster, perhaps the work would have been done anyway.

The Throng
Guard North Pass

Greatbeard Gallick and the Northerly Throngs guard the North Pass well enough. There's no real danger nearby to the North, the Rangers had to travel quite far to comes across Urki and that Dragon. So, the Greatbeard offers up some Quarrellers to stand watch in the tower in the northern Goat herd.

They watch over the Goatherds and the Goats steadily, when a Great Eagle swoops in to steal a Goat they are met with the precise stones of the Goatherds and driven back up into the air. But not before a quarrel bits deep into the chest of the Great Eagle. It has a notably hard time flying away into the east.

Range out from East Pass

The Rangers from the Easterly Throng journey out through East Pass and down the steep slopes into the Vale. They pick their way through the long grasses and over shallow hills to inspect the empty wooden cabins of the Umgi. The cabins in the Vale are still uninhabited and the Rangers take the chance to look within.

There are no Dumi icons, no writings in the Dark Tongue and no grimoires of fell spells. The cabins also fail to demonstrate any shrines of the Umgi Gods that the Rangers have heard of. Not the Bear God of the north, nor the Wolf Ancestor of Olrik's Kin nor the Heldenhammer of the Empire.

The Rangers move on from the empty cabins and search the great river for a crossing. The skinshifters that dwell beyond it have not returned to their river-bank cabins, although they cannot have gone far for smoke rises from a fire on the island watchtower in the middle of the great river. Moving through the long grasses, the Rangers sneak past the watcher and further south along the river.

A small village of these cabins sits on the far bank, still inhabited. And a wooden jetty is host to a pair of rowboats. This may be the only crossing within the Vale, and it is firmly in the control of the skinshifters.

Guard South and West Pass

The retreat of the Hargrobi was but the still before the storm. The scouts who fled when the Rune of Slowness was struck have returned and in far greater numbers. Circling around South Peak, with many hundred of the Hargrobi being caught in the grip of the Rune of Slowness, they have come to close off both the South and West Passes.

Amongst them are a few taller in stature than the rest, Warbosses most likely, who beat and shout their fellows into position. Others come pushing frail rock lobbers upon misshapen wheels of beaten and broken metal. The Hargrobi seem to be holding their more elite warriors at the front, for the rear ranks are alive with miscoordination and general unruliness.

The Deadeye looks over the enemy ranks from South Pass and decrees that the new fortifications will hold. The Hargrobi rock lobbers will shatter under their own tension long before they manage any real harm to the walls and though their more disciplined front ranks may pose trouble if they manage to scale the stone, the rest of the Hargrobi will break and flee once their leaders have been struck down.

Meanwhile Elder Urtain can but grumble, the Lorekeepers warned that the Hargrobi were more tactically and strategically sound than their Grobi counterparts and they have clearly chosen to show their greatest strength at the weaker West Pass and allow a more token force to tie down troops to the South.

Arrayed at the far end of West Pass is a Hargrobi Waagh of considerable size. There are a handful of chained trolls in their midst and a few Hargrobi rock lobbers as well. For the Throng at West Pass the greatest relief is that though these are Hargrobi, they are still Grobi, and their equipment is tattered, and their own individual strength and skill is far lesser than that of even a Beardling. Further, the Elder has spotted only Warbosses amongst the ranks and none of the deadly Shamans.
Arrayed at the far end of West Pass is a Hargrobi Waagh of considerable size. There are a handful of chained trolls in their midst and a few Hargrobi rock lobbers as well. For the Throng at West Pass the greatest relief is that though these are Hargrobi, they are still Grobi, and their equipment is tattered, and their own individual strength and skill is far lesser than that of even a Beardling. Further, the Elder has spotted only Warbosses amongst the ranks and none of the deadly Shamans.
Worrying, very worrying. I'm thinking we should pull the north throng over to the west to defend against the attack there. I'm glad we got the healing hall done as that should save lives
Final Preparations for the Hargrobi Assault
The Hargrobi have gathered a Waagh around South Peak cutting off both the South and West Passes. Disciplined Hargrobi elites make up the front ranks of both forces with a disorganised swell of sheer numbers behind them. Warbosses stand tall over the rest of the force and beat and shout their subordinates into some rough position to make ready for an assault.

The force at the end of West Pass is significantly larger than the one at South Pass and contains Trolls that the Hargrobi have chained and prodded into position. Both forces have Hargrobi Rock Lobbers, although they seem to be fragile creations more likely to tear themselves apart than actually hurl stone against your walls.

There's enough time before the Hargrobi assault to shift some of your forces around.

The Throng
The Training Yards of the Surface Hold have improved the capability of the Throng when fighting in the Passes and the Valley.

The Northerly Throng
Greatbeard Gallick Steelfinger
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
13 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
50 Quarrellers
(25 Quarrellers are on the northern plateau)

The Easterly Throng
Thane Arzil Leadbeard
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
12 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
75 Quarrellers
(50 Rangers are in the Vale)

The Southerly Throng
Deadeye Gromurd Stoneskin
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
13 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
75 Quarrellers

The Westerly Throng
Elder Urtain Leadbeard
100 Leadbeard Clan Warriors
12 Karaz-A-Karak Longbeards
50 Rangers
75 Quarrellers

The Clans
Clan Volunteers will fight using the tools of their trades and the limited training their Clans can afford. Training Yard bonuses only apply to the Throng.

Lord Gartrim Greatmantle
Rhunrikki Gutfroy
Elders Bogrur and Grazur Greatmantle
90 Greatmantle Clan Volunteers

Elder Korin Bronzeplaits
50 Bronzeplaits Clan Volunteers

Elder Garin Ironplough
20 Ironplough Clan Volunteers

Elder Artrum Stonebeard
40 Stonebeard Clan Volunteers

Elder Voddor Shatterspear
50 Shatterspear Clan Volunteers

The Cult of Valaya
In defence of Hearth and Home the Valkrior of the Cult of Valaya are zealous warriors.

Elder Matron Gorgissa
20 Valkrior

[] Write-In forces assigned to each Pass, and to holding the Entrance Hall

[] Write-In additional notes on tactics otherwise the Elders will oversee the forces at their position as they see fit.
So, we probably want the majority of our forces in the west with the Runelord supporting. Maybe send the volunteers south to help if we have to pull back from the first wall? Is it worth having some troops to defend the entrance hall or do we go all in on the outer walls? I feel like we want some people defending the entrance hall in case just a few goblins get through but we also don't want to sabotage our defenses by pulling away too many.

Lastly we probably still want some troops defending the north and east right? I feel like leaving those completely undefended is a good way to get suckerpunched by some gobbos we didn't see coming.
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Welcome back @Warkeymon

Whoooo boy. Bad luck on the prospecting rolls. Gotta knuckle down on that.

Moving the north Throng might be a good idea, yeah. But they split their forces, and the Southern Pass can hold with one Throng pretty handily it looks like. Rhunrikki and Clan Greatmantle to the West. Keep the rest of the Clan Volunteers in reserve with one clan to assist the Cult of Valaya in the Hold proper, just in case. Maybe throw Bronzeplaits up onto the Northern Wall, again, as a just in case. Or have volunteers take the North and East walls while three throngs on the West wall, and just the one throng plus maybe a smaller volunteer force on the South.

Honestly I'd like to move a bunch (Half from the other throngs) of the quarrelers and the Longbeards to either west or south. Ridiculous volume of fire to cause demoralizing effects. Longbeards to be absolutely sure the line holds. But breaking up the Throngs could potentially have negative co-ordination effects.

Their siege engines are dogshit, but they have them. Technically, they have all the time in the world to keep building them and throwing rocks, and we don't have the artillery to force them away or closer. (More reason to get Engineers) And I'm not sure if there's anything we can do to force them forward. But they're undisciplined, they likely don't have the patience for that kind of waiting. I fully expect them to engage. In which case, have the Rangers focus on targets of opportunity, Warbosses and Trolls and such, with Quarrelers looking to simply thin the ranks so the Warriors and Longbeards don't get overwhelmed by numbers.

(Remembrance Hall is pretty high on my list for Carpenters/Forresters and Engineers. Having artillery on the walls would go a very long way.)
On the one hand, too bad that they managed to get around. On the other hand im really glad that all the walls are extra tall and thick so the chance of a breach should be negligible.
Btw any update on population numbers?