[X] USBR: Accept

not sure i want to do that deal with the tanks but not sure don`t want to do it ether?? not sold on it and the trade is minimal.
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by BOTcommander on Dec 31, 2021 at 12:43 PM, finished with 26 posts and 14 votes.
Q1 2015
Q1 2015

Canada: Moderate Support
USA: Moderate Support
Mexico: Moderate Support
Brazil: Neutral
Argentina: Mild Support
UK: Moderate Support
France: Mild Support
Germany: Moderate Support
Russia: Moderate Support
Nigeria: Moderate Support
South Africa: Moderate Support
Israel: Moderate Support
Saudi Arabia: Moderate Support
India: Mild Support
China: Mild Support
Japan: Mild Support
Australia: Mild Support
Director Nobuo: Strong Support

Agenda Goals:
Complete all 5 Blocks of Sentinel Frigate Deployment (+3 CS)
Complete all 5 Blocks of Assault Carrier Deployment (+2 CS)
Complete all 5 Blocks of Super Carrier Deployment (+2 CS)
Have at least 1 Logistical Port in each of the following regions: South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean
Complete at least 1 Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion projects (+2 CS)

Other Goals:
Complete 2 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in North America
Complete 1 logistical port in Brazil
Complete 1 logistical port in Argentina
Complete Set Up South American Military Bases
Complete all current Ground Forces deployment projects up to and including the Military Expansion stage
Complete the UNDC Orbital Global Positioning System and the first phase of UNDC Orbital Surveillance Array
Complete 1 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in China
Co-develop at least one more drone project with the SAEC
Complete Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic)
Complete Staff Training Centres
Complete Establish Psychological Health Service
Complete UNDC Veteran Care Office
Complete a logistical port in South Korea
Complete 2 projects that infrastructure dice can be used for in Japan and South Korea
Complete 1 infrastructure projects in China and use CSCEC dice in these projects
Prioritize Research into magic blocking/nullifying
Experiment with methods to weaponize Lycain
1 Free Org Dice be used in every category before the end of the plan

Resources: 4880 Resources left from yearly budget (-120R per turn)
Council Support: 45

Supply Indicators:
Logistics: small surplus +22
Fuel: large surplus +10
Ammo: small surplus, diversity of barrels makes distribution horrendous –6 (+2 undeployable bunker busters)
Maintenance: moderate surplus +15
Medical Capacity: Large surplus +17 (+1 at the end of every year)

Staff Indicators:
Security: Massive Surplus +81
Officers: Handled by Sponsor Nations
Experts: Handled by Sponsor Nations (+ saved)(+ per year)

Other Indicators:
Orbital Bandwidth: large shortages, currently routed over NATO satellites -8
Remaining quarters worth of Lycanthropes: 6

Administrative Capacity: 27

Free Dice:
1 Free Org Dice
1 DARPA Org Dice (Can be used for Research and Development Projects, do not cost Resources)

Infrastructure (3 Dice (2 Admin Cap), 3 Org Dice (1 Admin Cap)): +20
[]Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic)
Ellsworth is one of the few good locations to build a port in the Antarctic, as a number of bare rock features peek out of the icy shelf. Construction here will be expensive and complicated due to the missing local infrastructure and icy temperatures all year around.
(0/120 60 Resources per Die, Requires +2 available logistics per Die(is not consumed))(Security -1)

[]Rail and Road Expansion (Phase 6)
Road and rail remain the unloved children of logistics, not as fast as air, not as efficient as shipping, they are nevertheless important and capable of moving large amounts of cargo between UNDC locations, with the added bonus of being free infrastructure for whatever nation they were constructed in.
(25/145 30 Resources per Die)(Logistics +6)(+3 CS)

[]Logistical Airport Construction
While every UNDC airport will be able to both host and service combat aircraft the primary use of these sites will be the transport and transfer of cargo and personnel.
-[](Write-in Country or "QM", for QM's discretion)(Requires one Die + 60 Resources)(Logistics +2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)
-[]Kuwait (Requires one Die + 50 Resources)(Logistics +2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Aircraft)

[]Maintenance and Supply Air Base Expansion
Planes and jets are maintenance hungry machines that require the right infrastructure, facilities and experts to service them. Access to sufficient facilities can greatly enhance the effectiveness of UNDC operations in the region.
-[]Hong Kong (8/90 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)
-[]Soul (0/90 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)
-[]Rio de Janeiro 12/90 50 Resources per Die)((Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)

[]Logistical Port Construction
While ships are the most efficient way to transport goods they require supporting infrastructure, docks, loading cranes and refueling stations, to do their work. Constructing additional ports to serve as terminal points in the UNDC logistical network will support the auxiliary fleet.
-[](Write-in Country/City or "QM", for QM's discretion)(0/80 40 Resources per Die)(Security -1, Logistics +2)(Increases Logistics from Cargo Ships)

[]Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion
UNDC ports in strategic useful positions can easily be expanded both in strategic value and direct use by building additional docks and piers to resupply and perform extensive maintenance on naval vessels.
-[]Ullapool (MilHQ) (0/180 40 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +6, Logistics -3, Security -1)(Can use Military Dice)
-[]Southampton (12/180 40 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +6, Logistics -3, Security -1)(Can use Military Dice)

Industry (3 Dice (2 Admin Cap), 4 Org Dice (1 Admin Cap)): +22
[]Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2)
The next stage of Replacement Part factories aims to increase the supply of electronic components like logic boards for firing computers and other computer components.
(107/150 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +6, Logistics -3, Security -1)

[]Industrial Exoskeleton Deployment
The now fully completed and outsourced cable powered exoskeleton contraption promises great improvements on construction and heavy industrial and maintenance work in terms of both reduction of hazards and increases in productivity.
-[]Infrastructure Work Teams (0/125 60 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -3, Logistics -2)(+7 roll bonus to Infrastructure Dice)
-[]Industrial Work Teams (0/125 60 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -3, Logistics -2)(+7 roll bonus to Industry Dice)
-[]Maintenance Crews(0/125 60 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -3, Logistics -2)(Increases Maintenance Yields from certain projects, increases RpD and Logistics cost of these projects)

[]Auxiliary Shipyards
Part of the license acquisition program was also the purchase of several commonly used auxiliary ship designs, both for containers and liquid goods. With the UNDC's funding, nothing stands in the way of constructing their own yards, and while their primary use will be maintenance, they will be fitted for construction as well.
-[](Write-in Country/City or "QM", for QM's discretion)(0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +3, Logistics -2, Security -1)(Increases RpD of UNDC Auxiliary Fleet, but reduces Progress cost)

[]UNDC Auxiliary Ship Fleet (Phase 4)
Transport via sea remains the most effective and cost efficient, but also the slowest, way of bulk shipping. To transport tanks, troops and supplies across the globe in strategically relevant amounts, the UNDC will need to increase their fleet.
(9/125 120 Resources per Die)(Logistics +15, Maintenance -3, Fuel -3)

[]Utility Vehicle Production Complexes (Can use Military Dice)
Apart from ships there is also the need for vehicles and aircraft to supply the growing needs of the global army. Multi Use production complexes, more similar to small industrial cities, have been proposed to support the construction and maintenance of further expansion of the UNDC utility car and plane pool.
-[](Write-in Country/City or "QM", for QMs discretion)(0/150 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -3, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases RpD of Utility Vehicle Projects, but reduces Progress cost)

[]UNDC Auxiliary Plane Fleet (Phase 3)
Air shipping has become more and more important in the last few decades. While expensive compared to other options, it is also the fastest, able to transport cargo and passengers across the whole world in mere hours.
(21/75 160 Resources per Die)(Logistics +19, Maintenance -3, Fuel -8)

[]Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8)
While some advanced fuel infrastructure is in place, it is far from enough. The UNDC will need more pumps, pipelines and refineries to achieve fuel independence.
(12/150 40 Resources per Die)(Fuel +10, Logistics -3, Security -2)

Service (3 Dice (2 Admin Cap), 2+1 Org Die (1 Admin Cap)): +17
[]Magical Creature Capture Efforts
The SID keeps track of magical creature sightings all around the world to see if and when these creatures could become a problem that would require deployment of the ASR. With the new capture teams the UNDC could attempt to capture some of these monsters alive for study.
(0/100 10 Resources per Die)

[]Psychological Health Service
PTSD and other trauma induced disorders are one of the greatest challenges faced by any military. By offering professional mental health services we can not only increase morale and reduce burnout of staff, but also assist in their reintegration once their service ends.
(95/100 20 Resources per Die)(Health -8, Security -2, Experts -8)(Will autocomplete in Q2 2015)

[]UNDC Veteran Care Office
Military veterans in modern times are among the most disenfranchised. The trauma and experiences of the military machine and war make reintegration into civilian life and jobs difficult. The UNDC can help with this process by offering them an ear for their or their families' issues, and resources for additional support.
(0/150 20 Resources per Die)(Health -2, Security -1, -100 yearly budget)

[]Staff Training Centres
At the current time the UNDC still gets most of their staff with the assistance of the Council nations until the end of the current cycle. With the creation of their own training centres for lower level staff the UNDC can begin the first steps towards independence.
(0/75 30 Resources per Die)(Security -2)

[ ]Recruitment Centres (Stage 2)
With a major force expansion far away, the UNDC does not need more recruiting infrastructure at the moment.
(12/100 20 Resources per Die)(++ Experts, ++ Officers at the beginning of a plan)

[ ]Medical Support Ships (Phase 2)
With their own yards, the UNDC can begin construction of specialized medical support ships. More swimming hospitals than anything else, they can be deployed near a coast anywhere in the world, supporting whatever mission the UNDC is tasked with, be it humanitarian or military.
(40/225 40 Resources per Die)(Medical Capacity +5, Logistics +1, Maintenance -1, Fuel -2, Experts -4)(Dice allocation in Service/Industry Dice pairs)

[]Medical Air Transport Network
Setting up a medical air transport network will require a lot of aircraft and -port capacity, but it should be worth it to quickly relocate both trained medical staff and wounded around the world in a matter of hours.
(0/100 20 Resources per Die)(Medical Capacity +5, Logistics -5)

[]General Magic Material Science Research
Diamonds seem to be among the most magically active substances and the forest's spirit interest in amber is intriguing. What magical properties do other materials have and what uses do these properties have,
(0/115 80 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)(+3 CS)

Orbital (2 Org Dice): +16
[]UNDC Global Positioning Constellation
GPS has transformed modern navigation and combat, but the system is owned by the USA and access to the codes that unlock its highest accuracy depends on their goodwill. If the UN is to become independent from single nation state members, they will require their own system.
(0/75 100 Resources per Die)(Priority: Army, Navy, Air Force, DCSec)

[]Orbital Surveillance Constellation (Phase 1)
Satellites using high resolution optical and infrared cameras to gather intelligence have been in use since the cold war. With the increased scope of UNDC military operations, the time has come for the UNDC to establish their own satellite constellation dedicated towards that task for both military and security purposes.
(0/75 100 Resources per Die)(Orbital Bandwidth -3, Security +4)(Priority: Army, Navy, Air Force, DCSec)

[]Targeting Satellite Constellation
Modern cruise and other long range missiles can update their target trajectories in real time. By linking up the targeting systems with an orbital radar constellation, target acquisition and tracking can be improved considerably.
(0/250 100 Resources per Die)(Orbital Bandwidth -8)

[]Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1)
Simple radio receiver-sender satellites are the lifeblood of orbital and global communications. If properly networked in large numbers they can enable almost untraceable communication from one point of the earth to another.
(47/75 100 Resources per Die)(Logistics +2, Orbital Bandwidth +6)

Military (4 Dice (2 Admin Cap), 4+1 Org Dice (1 Admin Cap)): +34
[]Set Up South American Military Bases
South America is preparing for direct conflict with the hostile forest spirits. As the global security and peacekeeping force, the UNDC can prepare for their part of the potential conflict, by constructing the infrastructure to support peacekeeping and other military forces ahead of time.
(0/100 30 RpD)(Logistics -4, Maintenance +2, Health -1)

[]Caseless Ammunition Experiment Program
Caseless ammunition is a weapon-cartridge that eliminates the case that typically holds the primer, propellant and projectile together as a unit. Instead, the propellant and primer are fitted to the projectile in another way so that a case is not needed.
Caseless ammunition is an attempt to reduce the weight and cost of ammunition by dispensing with the case, which is typically precision made of brass or steel, as well as to simplify the operation of repeating guns by eliminating the need to extract and eject the empty case after firing. Some projects have been undertaken in the closing stages of the cold war, but since then the technology has been put on ice due to the high costs involved in maturing the technology.
(0/75 80 Resources per Die)(Experts -2)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

[]Lycain Weaponization Experimental Program
While the downsides to Lycanthropy are massive, the upsides are equally beneficial. If even a small fraction of the regenerative factor displayed by the infected could be isolated for general use, soldiers could shrug off even the most traumatic injuries.
(0/100 80 Resources per Die)(Security -3)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

Ground Forces
[]Reactive Armor Deployment Refit
Now that all the kinks are ironed out of the russian-codevelopment system the massive task of refitting the UNDC forces with this technology becomes a task. Once finished, it should massively reduce the casualties taken from RPGs and other explosive ordnance used for anti tank measures.
(85/250 40 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -5, Logistics -3)(Priority: Army)

[]MRK Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces)(+10 from contractors(1 F))
The MRK was the result of a program to replace the current combat trucks of the US armed forces. With a 20 ton on-road and a 15 ton off-road payload, it has the capacity to carry whatever the mission requires.
(100RpD 20/85 (Fuel +1, Maintenance +1))
(Stage 3 Military Expansion 3/85 (Fuel +1, Maintenance +1, Medical Capacity +1))
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/250 (Fuel +3, Maintenance +3, Medical Capacity +1))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/85)

[]Enok Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces)(+10 from contractors(1 F))
The ENOK is a lightweight, armored patrol vehicle that can carry up to 6 passengers.
(100RpD 0/65)(Fuel +1, Maintenance +1, Medical Capacity +1)
(Stage 3 Military Expansion 0/45 (Fuel +1, Maintenance +1))
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/125 (Fuel +2, Maintenance +2, Medical Capacity +1))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/45)

[]Osprey Helicopter Deployment (Stage 3 Military Expansion)(+10 from contractors(1 F))
The Osprey is an American multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing and short takeoff and landing capabilities.
(150RpD 4/50)(Logistics +2, Fuel -1, Maintenance -2)
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/150 (Logistics +6, Fuel -6, Maintenance -6, Medical Capacity +1))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/65)

[]Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces)
With most of the rifles in use by the UNDC already chambered for NATO calibres, deploying the Galil out across the whole force won't change the supply situation much and is more for appearance and publicites sake.
(175/210 60 Resources per Die)(Ammo +1, Maintenance +1)
(Stage 3 Military Expansion 0/210 (Ammo +1))
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/625 (Maintenance +3, Ammo +3))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/210)

[]Rifle Factory
With the number of contractors capable of manufacturing the Galil Ace more limited compared to the other contractors, increasing the UNDCs own production capacity will be important for a quick rollout of the assault rifle.
-[]Ashdod (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Netanya (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Infantry Gear Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces)(+10 from contractors(1 F))
With intercompatibility between sets of infantry gear being less of an issue aside from ammunition, re-equipping the security forces will only have a negligible projected effect on logistics.
(11/150 100 Resources per Die)(Ammo +1)
(Stage 3 Military Expansion 0/150 (Ammo +1))
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/450 (Ammo +3))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/150)

[]Infantry Gear Complexes
Fabrication complexes dedicated to producing the large variety of infantry gear the UNDC requires.
-[]Moscow (31/100 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Shanghai (0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Leopard 2A7 Deployment (+13 from contractors(1 F))
The UNDC has over five thousand tanks from various generations, militaries and ages in use. Switching them all to common design will greatly simplify supplying and servicing these hungry machines.
(39/250 200 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +3, Ammo +3, Fuel +2)

[]Mastodon Expansion
With the Mastodon having rather spectacularly proven its worth, the ground forces have thrown out their plans for a future tank force in favor of replacing a portion of the MBTs with the new heavy tank model. The downside of the new tank's prowess is the increased cost in fuel and the maintenance it requires.
(0/100 200 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -6, Ammo -6, Fuel -6)

[]Tank Factories
Main Battle Tanks are among the more expensive single items in the Ground Forces arsenal. UNDC owned factories would not only speed up deployment, but also enable production of the in-development Mastodon.
-[]Oslo (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Rotterdam (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Patria APC Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces)
The goal of the second stage of deploying the new APC is to re-equip the expansion forces to the level where they can reinforce the current fighting forces. By switching to a unified design, strain on the logistical system should be reduced somewhat.
(0/150 160 Resources per Die (Logistics +2, Maintenance -2, Fuel -2))
(Stage 3 Military Expansion 50/200)(Logistics +2, Maintenance -2, Fuel -2)
(Stage 4 Peacekeeping Forces 0/600 (Logistics +6, Maintenance -6, Fuel -6))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/200)

[]APC Factory
Part of the procurement deal was giving the UNDC the license to produce the Patria APC in-house. Constructing our own factories not only enables us to roll out what is arguably one of the largest mechanisation projects in modern history, but also will serve us well for producing and rolling out future upgrades for the platform.
-[]Helsinki (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Oslo (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Rotterdam (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

[]Bradley Deployment (Stage 2 Military Expansion)(+17 from contractors(1 F))
IFVs are troop transports with the capability to provide direct fire support in combat situations. Not many of the Task Force's IFVs survived the Middle East Wars and the plan is to massively restock with the force expansion.
(120RpD 90/200 (Maintenance -2, Ammo -2))
(Stage 3 Peacekeeping Forces 0/125 (Maintenance -1, Ammo -1))
(Stage 5 Reserve 0/50)

[]IFV Factory
IFVs are among the more expensive vehicles in the Ground Forces arsenal. UNDC owned factories would not only speed up deployment, but also increase the rollout of future upgrades and force expansions.
-[]Seattle (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Washington (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)
-[]Atlanta (Requires one Die + 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +1, Security -1)(Increases per Die cost but reduces progress cost)

Arbalète Deployment (Stage 2 Military Expansion)(+17 from contractors(1 F))
The Arbalète is a modern artillery system on a wheeled platform with close infantry support in mind. It will come in handy in replacing the diverse pool of current UNDC artillery vehicles.
(60/210 90 Resources per Die)(Ammo -6, Maintenance -3, Fuel -3)
(0/75 Stage 3 Reserve)

[]HE Shell Factory Plants (Phase 1)
With the total expansion of artillery vehicles in the military's arsenal the UNDC requires a large ramp up of shell production, especially the simple high explosive variety.
(0/75 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +3, Logistics -2, Security -1)

[]Hail Missile Plant (Phase 2 Final Phase for now)
Outside of the Hails unguided rocket model, the more technical complex munitions require the right specialized equipment and staff to assemble, necessitating an increase in UNDC production capabilities.
(0/75 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +2, Logistics -1, Security -1)

Air Force
[]ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1)
In addition to bombs, air-to-surface and air-to-ground missiles further enhance the Airforce capabilities. While being more expensive, they fill a different niche, being a mixture of more accurate, longer range, better tracking, or just in the form of pods of unguided rockets.
(85/125 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +5, Logistics -3, Security -1)

[]Aerial Bomb Factories (Phase 2)
The arsenal of the UNDC Airforce contains a large number of both guided and unguided aerial bombs. The increase of the carrier based air force requires an additional increase of bomb production.
(0/125 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +3, Logistics -2, Security -1)

[]Plasma Injection Engine Development
The Torch project was originally a shelved US Air Force project for an engine that could offer increased performance and efficiency at higher throttle rates by injecting a classified hypergolic additive into the combustion chamber. It never went beyond a workable prototype due to the hard to control reaction, but Chief Engineer Shen believes it is possible to remedy past issues with modern advances in electronics and material science. The result could be a vastly increased performance for future UNDC aircraft, replacing fuel guzzling afterburners with much more efficient Torches. The current hope is that Sokolov brings the development on the way, so it can be integrated into the B-3 and the Eurohawk multi-role jet project.
(0/90 80 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)(Priority: Air Force, Navy)

[ ]MaQue Recon Drone Deployment
With its small size and lack of offensive capability the MaQue can fulfill a number of roles in the UNDC arsenal, from being added to carriers and airfields for military recon and target laser designation, to assisting DCSec and the SID in their more civilian oriented roles.
(81/150 60 Resources per Die)(Maintenance -3, Fuel -3, Security +32)(Priority: Army, Navy, Air Force, DCSec)

[]DEW-Point Defense Development Program
The Experimental Program has born fruit and completed a functioning prototype. Based on a liquid-helium medium, the size, weight, power and cooling requirements however mean the only platforms that could support it are stationary or navy vessels. It will require more work to integrate the laser and the needed support systems into a functioning PD-system.
(0/75 80 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)(Priority: Navy)

[]Artillery Railgun System Development Program
Over the last months the experimental group has ironed out most failures of the railgun concept and produced a working prototype. However, a gun firing only kinetic penetrators is of little use to a ship mounted weapon and as such a new type of ammunition, one with internal and satellite guidance and maneuver capabilities is one half of the program while the other one is refining the railgun system for use on a naval vessel.
(0/100 80 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

[]Submarine Codevelopment Program (Write-in)
With criptid activity in the seas now identified, UNDC's submarine command has had its request for a unified and expanded submarine force passed up to Secretary Sokolov. As with all other ships in the UNDC navy, the submarine fleet is a mix of vessels of different capabilities and origins, which makes logistics and maintenance more complex than it needs to be. The UNDC's submarines will emphasize the ability to find and destroy enemy subsurface combatants, including submarines.
(0/100 80 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

[]Naval Artillery Shell Production Complexes (Phase 2 Final Phase for now)
Naval guns have not changed much since the end of the second World War. Usually multi-purpose, they are built to fire a variety of shells for anti-aircraft defence, anti-ship combat, and shore bombardment fire support, though those roles have largely been taken over by guided missiles.
(0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +4, Logistics -3, Security -2)

[]CIWS Munitions Plants (Phase 1)
Close-in-weapon-systems are close range point defense weapons meant to destroy incoming missiles and enemy aircraft. There are two types: A gun-based CIWS uses rapid-firing cannons placed on a rotating turret. Missile-based CIWSs use either infra-red, passive radar/ESM, or semi-active radar terminal guidance to guide missiles to the targeted enemy aircraft or other threats.
(0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Ammo +4, Logistics -3, Security -2)

[]Vertical Launch Munitions Assembly Plants (Phase 2 Final Phase for now)
Cruise missiles are guided missiles that remain in the atmosphere and fly the major portion of its flight path at approximately constant speed. Cruise missiles are designed to deliver a large warhead over long distances with high precision. Modern cruise missiles are capable of traveling at supersonic or high subsonic speeds, are self-navigating, and are able to fly on a non-ballistic, extremely low-altitude trajectory.
(31/100 25 Resources per Die)(Ammo +4, Logistics -3, Security -2)

[]Sentinel Frigate Deployment (Currently 0 free frigate yards)
The Sentinel frigate is the perfect peacekeeping and patrol ship for the modern time, although perhaps an overspecialised one. Foregoing guided or heavy weapons, Sentinels focus on speed and smaller arms to keep oceans free of pirates, smugglers and other small scale threats.
-[]Block 1 Replacement (1 turns build time upon completion)
-[]Block 2 Replacement (40/60 50 Resources per Die)(Requires a free yard)(2 turns build time upon completion)(Maintenance -1)(+1 CS)
-[]Block 3 Addition (0/60 50 Resources per Die)(Requires a free yard)(2 turns build time upon completion)(Ammo -1, Maintenance -2, Fuel -1, Officers -1)
-[]Block 4 Addition (0/60 50 Resources per Die)(Requires a free yard)(2 turns build time upon completion)(Ammo -1, Maintenance -2, Fuel -1, Officers -1)
-[]Block 5 Addition (0/60 50 Resources per Die)(Requires a free yard)(2 turns build time upon completion)(Ammo -1, Maintenance -2, Fuel -1, Officers -1)
-[]Block 6 Addition (0/60 50 Resources per Die)(Requires a free yard)(2 turns build time upon completion)(Ammo -1, Maintenance -2, Fuel -1, Officers -1)

[]Frigate Yard Construction
With most of the current UNDC yards prepped for maintenance, repair, cargo transfer and resupplying, completely new yards will need to be built first for in-house construction, upgrades and refits. At 150 meters these ships will be on the smaller side, but each one still represents a major military infrastructure and industrial project, requiring multiple facilities worth of construction, storage and assembly halls as well as cranes and other auxiliary machinery.
-[]Hong Kong (0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +2, Security-1)(Requires at least one Industry Die)
-[]Ullapool (MilHQ) (0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -2, Maintenance +2, Security-1)(Requires at least one Industry Die)

[]Megaship Yard Construction
With most of the current UNDC yards busy with maintenance, repair, cargo transfer and resupply, completely new yards will need to be built first for in-house construction, upgrades and refits of the UNDC's warships. With a length of 400 meters, these yards are meant to build the biggest ships the UNDC could need. Each one is a colossal military infrastructure and industrial project, requiring multiple facilities worth of construction, storage and assembly halls as well as cranes and other auxiliary machinery.
-[]Ullapool (MilHQ) (0/150 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -3, Maintenance +3, Security -2)(Requires at least one Industry Die)
-[]Osaka (26/150 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -3, Maintenance +3, Security -2)(Requires at least one Industry Die)
-[]Hong Kong (0/150 50 Resources per Die)(Logistics -3, Maintenance +3, Security -2)(Requires at least one Industry Die)

Security Forces
[]Security Review(Write-in Category)
While currently not clear who would want to infiltrate the UNDC it is clear that doing so is certainly a prospect to some actors to gain insight into the day to day operations of the organization. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort.
(DC 60, Project Takes up 2 Admin capacity. Dice used here do not use Admin Capacity)

[]Net Cannon Development
The net cannon prototype is a large and cumbersome device, so large in fact that it is not meant to be carried by a human operator, but stay mounted on a tripod or a vehicle. The net it fires is woven from dense, cut and rip resistant kevlar strains. However, the prototype still has severe mechanical problems which will need to be addressed.
(0/40 40 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

[]Sticky Foam Development
Sticky Foam is the official name of a two substance reactive agent developed by UNDC scientists that hardens rapidly once mixed together and exposed to air. The current idea is to utilize the foam via sprayers to incapacitate enemy combatants or creatures, but for this the formula will need to be adjusted and refined and a proper delivery system developed.
(0/50 40 Resources per Die)(Dice used here require 1 less Admin Cap)

[]Pepper Spray Cannon Refit
A USAA police equipment company has offered the UNDC the option to refit the ASR APCs with a pepper spray cannon in a lightly armored turret. While not all too destructive, it could prove useful for capture operations or in combat against creatures with high resistances to physical damage.
(0/50 20 Resources per Die)

[]Branch Office Hardening
The Branch offices are already heavily secured, but not to the same extent as the Tokyo Tower. Upgrade them with anti missile and SAM systems, perimeter bunkers and reinforced window shutters for maximum protection and defensive capability.
(0/100 50 Resources per Die)(Priority: DCSec)

Administration (4 Dice (1 Admin Cap)): +9
[]Convene with Cairngorms Spirits for assistance (Write-in topic or question, needs to be approved by QM, assistance may be cryptic or outright denied)
(Requires one Die)(Leads to vote on whether or not to accept their terms)

[]Completionist Micromanaging (Write-in)
Sometimes all that is needed is a bit of dedicated administrative capacity to bring a project to fruition instead of another full round of funding and attention.
(Requires one Die + 10R)(Completes one non-RnD project with less than 20 progress points remaining)

[]Support a Director's position Candidate
Sokolov has some sway to influence the Council's decision, should he want to. Additionally, he can try to call in favors to further improve a candidate's position.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to vote, some options will require CS)

[]Apply for the position of Director
Of course Sokolov could try to apply for the position of Director himself. He is currently very popular with the Councilors and should that continue, he would have a good chance at getting the position.
(Requires one Die)(If he becomes Director, another character will become the UNDC secretary and thus the "player" character)

[]Attempt to have the Council relieve Torres of duty
While the Council seems to consider the matter of the incident in Rio de Janeiro closed, you can still attempt to have Torres fired for disregarding the UNDC's chain of command or causing the death of innocents. You can still try to force out Admiral Torres for his behavior, but if you don't try for it now it will become impossible. As you still lack support from either the Director or members of the Security Council it's still not going to be easy, and may backfire.
(Requires one Die)(DC 30/65/95)(Results ???)

[]Suggest a rework of the UNDCs command structure
The last quarter has shown why the UNDC needs a proper second in command in case the Director is unavailable for whatever reason. You can attempt to work out a restructuring of the chain of command and suggest it to the Security Council, but whether or not they like it will depend on a large number of details.
(0/100)(Leads to vote the first time dice are assigned)(Results ???)

[]Gear Up Security Forces
Recent events have put doubt on the ability of the Defense Command Security Division to keep the organization safe with current equipment. While certainly controversial, giving DCSec access to heavier military equipment would certainly make them more able to repel threats.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to vote, some options will cost CS)

[]Contact USAA
We can negotiate with our contacts at the USAA for equipment and production outsourcing. The USAA also has selected ASDEU options available at an increased price.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to their catalog)

[]Contact ASDEU
We can negotiate with our contacts at the ASDEU for equipment and production outsourcing. The ASDEU also has selected USAA options available at an increased price.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to their catalog)

[]Contact SEAC
We can negotiate with our contacts at the SEAC for equipment and production outsourcing. The SEAC also has selected Rosoboronexport options available at an increased price.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to their catalog)

[]Contact Rosoboronexport
We can negotiate with our contacts at Rosoboronexport for equipment and production outsourcing. Rosoboronexport also has selected SEAC options available at an increased price.
(Requires one Die)(Leads to their catalog)

[]Plan UNDC Space Lift Capabilities
Before the actual work on a UN space program can begin, a lot of things need to be decided. Location of the space port, an in-house rocket or someone else's design, location of the headquarters and whether or not such a program should even be part of the UNDC or outsourced to another UN organization.
(0/150)(Leads to vote the first time dice are assigned)

Vote by Plan. If you have questions or comments, feel free to voice them. Thank you all for enjoying my brainrot. I know I am not a perfect QM but I try my best. Please observe a 5 hour moratorium, in which plans can be freely discussed and posted, but not voted for. Also I guess happy new year everyone.
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Don't we routinely get votes on whether or not to do that? I suspect that for a lot of the stuff we have, the decision to license it for civilians, or to governments, or to not license it at all, has already been made.
Can we lease or license some of our scientific research or technology for civilian use?
The Council has dabs on whatever supernatural knowledge you uncover and the ASDEU is already wildly selling active and passive exoskeletons to everyone and their mother. I don't remember any other discoveries you made that could have civilian applications right now, unless of course you are asking if you can do it in general. Then the answer is yes.
[] Plan Commitments & Priorities
Infrastructure (2/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 300R)
-[] Logistical Port Construction (Argentina/Brazil), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[] Logistical Port Construction (South Korea), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[] Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic), 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (125R & 69.19%)
-[] Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion (Southampton), 1 Die, 1 Free Org Die, (85R & 27.01%)
Industry (0/3 Dice, 3/4 Org Dice, 145R)
-[] Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (55R & 80.00%)
-[] Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8), 2 Org Dice, (90R & 57.22%)
Service (0/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 85R)
-[] Staff Training Centres, 1 Org Die, (35R & 43.00%)
-[] Recruitment Centres (Stage 2), 2 Org Dice, (50R & 86.22%)
Orbital (1/2 Org Dice, 105R)
-[] Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1), 1 Org Die, (105R & 89.00%)
Military (5/5 Dice, 5/5 Org Dice, 480R)
-[] Reactive Armour Deployment Refit, 1 Die, 1 Org Die (85R & 54.40%)
-[] Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Fighting Forces), 1 Org Die, (65R & 100.00%)
-[] Infantry Gear Deployment, 1 Org Die, (105R & 0.00%)
-[] ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1), 1 Die, (50R & 95.00%)
-[] Plasma Injection Engine Development, 1 DARPA Die (0R & 55.00%)
-[] MaQue Recon Drone Deployment, 1 Org Dice, (65R & 66.00%)
-[] Sentinel Frigate Deployment, 1 Org Die, (55R & 100.00%/55.00%)
-[] Branch Office Hardening, 1 Die, (55R & 35.00%)
-[] Security Review (Military), 2 Dice, (0R & 100.00%)
Administration (1/4 Dice, 0R)
-[] Convene with Cairngorms Spirits for assistance (What can you tell us about the vampyres?), 1 Die, (0R & Autopass)
Total: 27/27 Admin Cap, 1,115/1,130 Resources

This plan is focused around doing commitments and fulfilling some of the military priorities. For infrastructure, I am doing two Logistical Ports projects. Argentina and Brazil seem close enough that the former should overflow into the latter and they are both commitments that we need to do. Meanwhile the South Korean port is one that fulfils one commitment and makes progress on another. Likewise Ellsworth Port is another project that fulfils a commitment and makes progress on a second. Finally, the Southampton Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion is another commitment that needs doing.

For Industry, I am finishing the next stage of Replacement Part Factories with a die while to get more fuel for military expansions, I am putting a pair of dice on Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion. That gives decent odds of finishing this turn and if it doesn't, we can do it next turn.

In Services, a die on Staff Training Centres because it is a requirement and a die on Recruitment Centres because it is cheaper and something we will want to get done at some point. Meanwhile in Orbital, I am putting a die on Orbital Communications Constellation to hopefully finish it.

With Military, I putting a couple of dice on Reactive Armour to hopefully finish it this turn while I am continuing the usual deployment of the Galil Ace. I am also starting Infantry Gear deployment because it gives Ammo and should only need two or three dice until it can be left to complete under contractor progress. Finishing the ASM/AGM Missile Factories for more Ammo and doing Plasma Injection Engine Development with our DARPA die because both the Air Force and the Navy want it.

A die on Sentinel Frigate Deployment because we want to do all of them in time for our commitment and the easy way of doing that is to build up a backlog so as soon as the current block is ready, work on the next one begins. Branch Office Hardening is being done because it is a priority of Security while the Security Review is being done for Military because it has been a while since they got a security review.

Finally, I am going to ask the Cairngorms Spirits about the vampires under Admin. This uses all of our Admin Cap and spends 1,115 of our 1,130 Budget for the quarter.
After some discussion with @Hazard and @kelgar04 on the Discord, I have updated my plan.

[] Plan Commitments & Priorities & Kriff Torres
Infrastructure (2/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 300R)
-[] Logistical Port Construction (Argentina/Brazil), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[] Logistical Port Construction (South Korea), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[] Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic), 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (125R & 69.19%)
-[] Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion (Southampton), 1 Die, 1 Free Org Die, (85R & 27.01%)
Industry (0/3 Dice, 3/4 Org Dice, 145R)
-[] Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (55R & 80.00%)
-[] Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8), 2 Org Dice, (90R & 57.22%)
Service (0/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 145R)
-[] Staff Training Centres, 1 Org Die, (35R & 43.00%)
-[] Recruitment Centres (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (25R & 10.00%)
-[] General Magic Material Science Research, 1 Org Die, (85R & 28.00%)
Orbital (1/2 Org Dice, 105R)
-[] Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1), 1 Org Die, (105R & 89.00%)
Military (5/5 Dice, 5/5 Org Dice, 460R)
-[] Reactive Armour Deployment Refit, 1 Die, (40R & 0.00%)
-[] Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Fighting Forces), 1 Org Die, (65R & 100.00%)
-[] ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1), 1 Die, (50R & 95.00%)
-[] Plasma Injection Engine Development, 1 DARPA Die (0R & 55.00%)
-[] MaQue Recon Drone Deployment, 1 Org Dice, (65R & 66.00%)
-[] DEW-Point Defence Development Program, 1 Org Die, (85R & 70.00%)
-[] Sentinel Frigate Deployment, 1 Org Die, (55R & 100.00%/55.00%)
-[] Net Cannon Development, 1 Org Die (40R & 100.00%)
-[] Branch Office Hardening, 1 Die, (55R & 35.00%)
-[] Security Review (Military), 2 Dice, (0R & 100.00%)
Administration (4/4 Dice, 0R)
-[] Attempt to have the Council relieve Torres of duty, 4 Dice, (0R & 80.00%/45.00%/15.00% x4)
Total: 27/27 Admin Cap, 1,155/1,130 Resources

This plan is focused around doing commitments and fulfilling some of the military priorities. For infrastructure, I am doing two Logistical Ports projects. Argentina and Brazil seem close enough that the former should overflow into the latter and they are both commitments that we need to do. Meanwhile the South Korean port is one that fulfils one commitment and makes progress on another. Likewise Ellsworth Port is another project that fulfils a commitment and makes progress on a second. Finally, the Southampton Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion is another commitment that needs doing.

For Industry, I am finishing the next stage of Replacement Part Factories with a die while to get more fuel for military expansions, I am putting a pair of dice on Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion. That gives decent odds of finishing this turn and if it doesn't, we can do it next turn.

In Services, a die on Staff Training Centres because it is a requirement and a die on Recruitment Centres because it is cheaper and something we will want to get done at some point. I am also beginning General Magic Material Science Research this turn with a small chance to complete it this turn. Meanwhile in Orbital, I am putting a die on Orbital Communications Constellation to hopefully finish it.

With Military, I am putting only one die on Reactive Armour since I need to cut some to free up space for Admin while I am continuing the usual deployment of the Galil Ace. Finishing the ASM/AGM Missile Factories for more Ammo and doing Plasma Injection Engine Development with our DARPA die because both the Air Force and the Navy want it.

A die on Sentinel Frigate Deployment because we want to do all of them in time for our commitment and the easy way of doing that is to build up a backlog so as soon as the current block is ready, work on the next one begins. Branch Office Hardening is being done because it is a priority of Security while the Security Review is being done for Military because it has been a while since they got a security review.

I am also doing DEW-Point Defence Development Program because I ran out of Admin Cap for non-Development projects and it is something that the Navy wants. I am also doing Net Cannon Development because for the same reason and that one is cheap and will complete on just the bonus alone.

Finally, I am going to put all of our Admin dice on taking Torres down a notch for what he did. I was originally against this because Torres is already the compromise choice, Nobuo recommended against doing that and we have indications that the other military leadership will circle wagons around Torres, but @Hazard made a compelling argument on why we should do it.
Basically, he's a loose cannon, and worse than with Wu who decided 'we must have these weapons although we have no platform to deploy them and we will be forced into a disadvantageous deal', he got a lot of civilians the UNDC is supposed to protect killed by UNDC personnel. Just because we dodged the bullet by Brazil throwing itself in front of it doesn't mean I do not anticipate him doing it again, and it'll be even harder to rid the UNDC of him and those like him then, because a precedent has been set.
I acknowledge this has good odds of going wrong. I do not expect to succeed. But I also don't think that even if the public doesn't hear anything of the maneuvering behind the scenes it's a good idea not to do anything.
It's as much a matter of taking a stand in the bureaucracy to make clear this sort of thing shall not be without risk to the one ordering it as anything else.

This uses all of our Admin Cap and spends 1,155 of our 1,130 Budget for the quarter, which is a bit overbudget, but I am willing to accept that.
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So some info from the Discord. Actions that "Requires one Die" can be done with multiple dice, but those dice aren't culminative. Having extra dice on the action is having another roll for another chance to beat the DCs of the action.
Hazard — Today at 20:44
Removing Torres is a 1 die action
Oshha — Today at 20:46
My understanding is that it can be done with a single die, but you can put more on it if you want to.
Hazard — Today at 20:47
@QM BOTcommander ?
cryptoam — Today at 20:47
1 die but do it at your own risk basically I think
OwoBot — Today at 20:48
1 Die only, this is something that cannot be improved with more effort
We can talk about that each die has an individual chance to pass the dcs
Oshha — Today at 20:52
So we can put more dice on it, but is just for another roll that might beat the DCs rather than the roles adding up?
OwoBot — Today at 20:52
Can I ask about specifics? I never got into Evangelion so it completely flies over my head.
word offering
The Dead Sea Scrolls is the in-universe name for the Secret Dead Sea Scrolls, a set of documents that serve as the primary guide and philosophy of the organisation SEELE. Little is known about the Dead Sea Scrolls from the series, except for what SEELE alludes to during their meetings and what is stated in the Classified Information section of the Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 video game. It is known that the Scrolls are of extraterrestrial origin and that they serve as a manual on the use and purposes of the contents of Black and White Moons; a Seed of Life and the Spear of Longinus. They detail rules on how to use these items, and are often referred to as a prophecy of sorts; right down to the extent of the order and times of release or arrival of the Angels. SEELE possessed vast wealth and power, and being founded originally as a religious organisation they funded investigations into relics of their faith. This culminated with the excavation of the Secret Dead Sea Scrolls. Upon discovery they were taken to their headquarters. The irrelevant discoveries were released to the public as the Dead Sea Scrolls, while the Secret Dead Sea Scrolls were kept by SEELE. They would later be used to put their ultimate plans of a Second and Third Impact, followed by Instrumentality into fruition.

TDLR: In Evangelion there are alien artifacts called the Dead Sea scrolls, which are basically the manual to alien reality altering technology that crashed into Earth billions of years ago.
[X] Plan Commitments & Priorities & Kriff Torres
Infrastructure (2/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 300R)
-[X] Logistical Port Construction (Argentina/Brazil), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[X] Logistical Port Construction (South Korea), 1 Org Die, (45R & 41.00%)
-[X] Ellsworth Port (South Atlantic), 1 Die, 1 Org Die, (125R & 69.19%)
-[X] Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion (Southampton), 1 Die, 1 Free Org Die, (85R & 27.01%)
Industry (0/3 Dice, 3/4 Org Dice, 145R)
-[X] Replacement Part Factories (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (55R & 80.00%)
-[X] Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion (Phase 8), 2 Org Dice, (90R & 57.22%)
Service (0/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice, 145R)
-[X] Staff Training Centres, 1 Org Die, (35R & 43.00%)
-[X] Recruitment Centres (Stage 2), 1 Org Die, (25R & 10.00%)
-[X] General Magic Material Science Research, 1 Org Die, (85R & 28.00%)
Orbital (1/2 Org Dice, 105R)
-[X] Orbital Communications Constellation (Phase 1), 1 Org Die, (105R & 89.00%)
Military (5/5 Dice, 5/5 Org Dice, 460R)
-[X] Reactive Armour Deployment Refit, 1 Die, (40R & 0.00%)
-[X] Galil Ace Deployment (Stage 2 Fighting Forces), 1 Org Die, (65R & 100.00%)
-[X] ASM/AGM Missile Factories (Phase 1), 1 Die, (50R & 95.00%)
-[X] Plasma Injection Engine Development, 1 DARPA Die (0R & 55.00%)
-[X] MaQue Recon Drone Deployment, 1 Org Dice, (65R & 66.00%)
-[X] DEW-Point Defence Development Program, 1 Org Die, (85R & 70.00%)
-[X] Sentinel Frigate Deployment, 1 Org Die, (55R & 100.00%/55.00%)
-[X] Net Cannon Development, 1 Org Die (40R & 100.00%)
-[X] Branch Office Hardening, 1 Die, (55R & 35.00%)
-[X] Security Review (Military), 2 Dice, (0R & 100.00%)
Administration (4/4 Dice, 0R)
-[X] Attempt to have the Council relieve Torres of duty, 4 Dice, (0R & 80.00%/45.00%/15.00% x4)
Total: 27/27 Admin Cap, 1,155/1,130 Resources

This plan is focused around doing commitments and fulfilling some of the military priorities. For infrastructure, I am doing two Logistical Ports projects. Argentina and Brazil seem close enough that the former should overflow into the latter and they are both commitments that we need to do. Meanwhile the South Korean port is one that fulfils one commitment and makes progress on another. Likewise Ellsworth Port is another project that fulfils a commitment and makes progress on a second. Finally, the Southampton Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion is another commitment that needs doing.

For Industry, I am finishing the next stage of Replacement Part Factories with a die while to get more fuel for military expansions, I am putting a pair of dice on Fuel Extraction and Refining Expansion. That gives decent odds of finishing this turn and if it doesn't, we can do it next turn.

In Services, a die on Staff Training Centres because it is a requirement and a die on Recruitment Centres because it is cheaper and something we will want to get done at some point. I am also beginning General Magic Material Science Research this turn with a small chance to complete it this turn. Meanwhile in Orbital, I am putting a die on Orbital Communications Constellation to hopefully finish it.

With Military, I am putting only one die on Reactive Armour since I need to cut some to free up space for Admin while I am continuing the usual deployment of the Galil Ace. Finishing the ASM/AGM Missile Factories for more Ammo and doing Plasma Injection Engine Development with our DARPA die because both the Air Force and the Navy want it.

A die on Sentinel Frigate Deployment because we want to do all of them in time for our commitment and the easy way of doing that is to build up a backlog so as soon as the current block is ready, work on the next one begins. Branch Office Hardening is being done because it is a priority of Security while the Security Review is being done for Military because it has been a while since they got a security review.

I am also doing DEW-Point Defence Development Program because I ran out of Admin Cap for non-Development projects and it is something that the Navy wants. I am also doing Net Cannon Development because for the same reason and that one is cheap and will complete on just the bonus alone.

Finally, I am going to put all of our Admin dice on taking Torres down a notch for what he did. I was originally against this because Torres is already the compromise choice, Nobuo recommended against doing that and we have indications that the other military leadership will circle wagons around Torres, but @Hazard made a compelling argument on why we should do it.
Basically, he's a loose cannon, and worse than with Wu who decided 'we must have these weapons although we have no platform to deploy them and we will be forced into a disadvantageous deal', he got a lot of civilians the UNDC is supposed to protect killed by UNDC personnel. Just because we dodged the bullet by Brazil throwing itself in front of it doesn't mean I do not anticipate him doing it again, and it'll be even harder to rid the UNDC of him and those like him then, because a precedent has been set.
I acknowledge this has good odds of going wrong. I do not expect to succeed. But I also don't think that even if the public doesn't hear anything of the maneuvering behind the scenes it's a good idea not to do anything.
It's as much a matter of taking a stand in the bureaucracy to make clear this sort of thing shall not be without risk to the one ordering it as anything else.

This uses all of our Admin Cap and spends 1,155 of our 1,130 Budget for the quarter, which is a bit overbudget, but I am willing to accept that.
I'm of the opinion that we finally build some megaship yards. We have to complete the blocks for the assault and super carrier and we still haven't even built the yards we need to even start.

We finally get to do something with our subs. At least now no one will question why the UNDC has a sub fleet. Though it will be difficult the fight something like a giant kraken beneath the water. We'll probably have to develop some sort of weapon other than better torpedoes. Something that will at least give the sub a fighting chance if it gets caught in the grip of something.

Of course sea monsters make me wonder if Atlantis was ever real in this verse.
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I'm of the opinion that we finally build some megaship yards. We have to complete the blocks for the assault and fleet carrier and we still haven't even built the yards we need to even start.

We finally get to do something with our subs. At least now no one will question why the UNDC has a sub fleet. Though it will be difficult the fight something like a giant kraken beneath the water. We'll probably have to develop some sort of weapon other than better torpedoes. Something that will at least give the sub a fighting chance if it gets caught in the grip of something.

Of course sea monsters make me wonder if Atlantis was ever real in this verse.
To be fair, a giant kraken is reasonably likely to make noise that can be detected on hydrophones. If it does, then feeding it a spread of torpedoes might be very effective at blowing the hell out of it. Torpedo warheads scale up into "bomb the size of a garbage can" sizes, water transmits blast effects very well, and most living creatures aren't naturally adapted with the sort of crumple zone that could laugh that off.

The problem of figuring out how the ship survives if grappled is admittedly tricky, but a lot of effort should probably instead go into developing weapons to ensure that the sea monster in question never gets that close.
To be fair, a giant kraken is reasonably likely to make noise that can be detected on hydrophones. If it does, then feeding it a spread of torpedoes might be very effective at blowing the hell out of it. Torpedo warheads scale up into "bomb the size of a garbage can" sizes, water transmits blast effects very well, and most living creatures aren't naturally adapted with the sort of crumple zone that could laugh that off.

The problem of figuring out how the ship survives if grappled is admittedly tricky, but a lot of effort should probably instead go into developing weapons to ensure that the sea monster in question never gets that close.
Best tactic now is probably to bring back deploying submarines in groups so the subs can at least try to assist each other.
For anti-"submarine" warfare, we can use destroyers equipped with SONAR (not like the giant squid or whatever are likely to have sound-absorbent surfaces; if they do, we're in trouble) and depth charges (also: bring back "hedgehogs") working in teams. It worked just fine in WWII, and I don't see giant organic creatures liking hydrostatic shock too much.

Or, go with the "Red Alert 2" approach and get some dolphins with sound wave cannons going.

Neither sober nor awake enough to do a plan right now. Happy new year to all, whether you've had it already or are going to.