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Again we are probably being a big annoyance and are on his kill list I guess. but not the biggest one and he really wants to kill Luke and his friends first imagine and he also could think we would be a useful tool to squeeze everything out of before throwing it away?
Again we are probably being a big annoyance and are on his kill list I guess. but not the biggest one and he really wants to kill Luke and his friends first imagine and he also could think we would be a useful tool to squeeze everything out of before throwing it away?
The problem is that Palpatine doesn't let slights to his ego slide. We're currently stealing all of his private stashes and we have the plans for his favorite superweapons to use against him. He has every reason to think we're a threat to his power and invading us would give him the perfect excuse to commit mass murder and genocide. It's the exact kind of spiteful and petty thing he would do after spending so many years hiding away on Byss, especially if we manage to get on the NR's good side.
So here's a question for Legends-versed folks, as I can't recall -- I know he's aware of the YV threat, but does Thrawn know about Zonama Sekot? If he did, I imagine that would rank fairly high on his "find this" list
I say the Zeison Sha would be the best fit as a Force Organisation under our Empire.

Especially because they disdain the Jedi. Also their values have no conflict with ours.

Other than that, the Jensaarai also work. Are they still hidden at this time?
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