just to clarify because I've seen it mentioned, eating any creature from Toriko won't grant Gourmet cell to anyone, not Alex not anyone else.
Gourmet cell possesses their own entry in the Menagerie and are worth 500 points.

@zagan How will Black Den Den Mushi work on the tech in this world?
It can eavesdrop on any wireless phone conversation, but only vocal ones, and it finding the right conversation might be an issue in a busy town with a lot of phones.
Elder Scroll
[X] (100) Shadowmere

One Piece
[X] (100) Two Den Den Mushi

[X] (100) Crab Pig

Warhammer 40,000
[X] (100) Machine Spirit

[X] (100) Junktools

[X] (100) Vykker

Ben 10
[X] (100) Pyroxovore

I think the most fascinating interaction will be the Vykker and Machine Spirit. Both beings start favorably to Alec, but there's culture clash. The vykker is a xeno that has given its body machine enhancements. The vykker understands the importance of knowledge and science, and if their chosen field of study results in PAIN then what a happy coincidence. The Machine Spirit is often in service to cold, logic tech-priests, so would the vykker really be different than a human tech priest? If cruel measures result in 10% efficiency increase then a tech-priest is likely to do it. However, while the Vykkers care about life extension they don't actively pursue cybernetics. They cling to the flesh and choose pharmaceuticals, and moreover, they don't practice any religion. Something which may drive a machine spirit to anger and murder over this apostasy.
I think the most fascinating interaction will be the Vykker and Machine Spirit. Both beings start favorably to Alec, but there's culture clash. The vykker is a xeno that has given its body machine enhancements. The vykker understands the importance of knowledge and science, and if their chosen field of study results in PAIN then what a happy coincidence. The Machine Spirit is often in service to cold, logic tech-priests, so would the vykker really be different than a human tech priest? If cruel measures result in 10% efficiency increase then a tech-priest is likely to do it. However, while the Vykkers care about life extension they don't actively pursue cybernetics. They cling to the flesh and choose pharmaceuticals, and moreover, they don't practice any religion. Something which may drive a machine spirit to anger and murder over this apostasy.
I think you are confusing a machine spirit, which is just a spirit that inhabits a machine with a servo skull which is the remnant of a tech-priest.
I think you are confusing a machine spirit, which is just a spirit that inhabits a machine with a servo skull which is the remnant of a tech-priest.
Not all servo skulls are tech priest just as not all machine spirits are amenable to work; it's why mechanics have to bend over backwards to get Titans to be cooperative. However, typically both stick to the Imperium's party line.
I think you are confusing a machine spirit, which is just a spirit that inhabits a machine with a servo skull which is the remnant of a tech-priest.
Actually, according to the wiki Machine Spirits are just AI that can't modify their own code and are designed to be ok with that. They were made after the Abominable Intelligence's (AI's that could modify their own code) rebelled against humanity, leading to the banning of all self-improving software. The whole Spirit thing came about due to the Tech-Priests obsession with technology going straight into cult territory. They are really powerful programs, and might actually have some spiritual stuff due to how advanced Dark Age of Technology humanity was, but they are still mostly just really advanced Restricted Artificial Intelligences.
Actually, according to the wiki Machine Spirits are just AI that can't modify their own code and are designed to be ok with that. They were made after the Abominable Intelligence's (AI's that could modify their own code) rebelled against humanity, leading to the banning of all self-improving software. The whole Spirit thing came about due to the Tech-Priests obsession with technology going straight into cult territory. They are really powerful programs, and might actually have some spiritual stuff due to how advanced Dark Age of Technology humanity was, but they are still mostly just really advanced Restricted Artificial Intelligences.
From what I gathered, the tech also have some cloned tissue of humans to make them fall under the Omnissiahs and the emperors sphere and keep out demons. Tech without machine spirit is extra susceptible to possession by chaos
Elder Scroll
[x] (100) Shadowmere
One Piece
[X] (100) Black Den Den Mushi
[x] (100) Doctor Fish
Warhammer 40,000
[x] (100) Machine Spirit
[x] (100) Junktools
[x] (100) Vykker
Ben 10
[x] (100) Scrutin
The PRT Researchers are going to have a field day interviewing the Vykker I can just imagine.
It makes a strange thematic sense. We don't have a Galvan or a Cerebrocrustacean, but a Vykker.
rebelled against humanity, leading to the banning of all self-improving software.
That's not to say they have no autonomy. The machine spirit in land raiders will sometimes choose to fight despite all members of their crew dying, and they can resist people.
I know that I am and remain a proponent for the crab pig, but the lack of gourmet cells do actually make it a whole different choice.

Do we want delish food, something that is for US, our mother, and maybe our work friends as the luxury we chose, or do we want the spa, that we probably are going to have trouble using at home, and might end up a cash pr cow for the PRT. Cape spa ought to make chamber like us. Especially if we then get the doctor fish and make it medicinal.

The doctor fish is another of the spa options but we can use those at home, although me personally and many of our friends might be a bit weary about having our fish swim in their blood stream

Tldr: toriko is spa or food choice
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It makes a strange thematic sense. We don't have a Galvan or a Cerebrocrustacean, but a Vykker.

That's not to say they have no autonomy. The machine spirit in land raiders will sometimes choose to fight despite all members of their crew dying, and they can resist people.
Reminds me I'm surprised I can't find Galvans on the list in the Celestial Menagerie closest thing I can find are the Mechamorphs.
I know that I am and remain a proponent for the crab pig, but the lack of gourmet cells do actually make it a whole different choice.

Do we want delish food, something that is for US, our mother, and maybe our work friends as the luxury we chose, or do we want the spa, that we probably are going to have trouble using at home, and might end up a cash pr cow for the PRT. Cape spa ought to make chamber like us. Especially if we then get the doctor fish and make it medicinal.

The doctor fish is another of the spa options but we can use those at home, although me personally and many of our friends might be a bit weary about having our fish swim in their blood stream
I mean I would be up on grabbing the Onsen Shark for a Fun/Relaxation option.
Reminds me I'm surprised I can't find Galvans on the list in the Celestial Menagerie closest thing I can find are the Mechamorphs.
That's normal, it's a choice on my part. They don't possess any power besides their intelligence. In the end, they're just short gray intelligent humans.
Ben 10 being already past my normal no humanoid guideline I only include those that have real power.
Elder Scroll
[X] (100) Shadowmere
One Piece
[X] (100) Black Den Den Mushi
[X] (100) Onsen Shark
Warhammer 40,000
[X] (100) Machine Spirit
[X] (100) Junktools
[X] (100) Vykker
Ben 10
[X] (100) Anubian Baskurr

Well, looks like my choices are more popular this time. Torn between Doctor Fish and Onsen Shark. I admit the Senche Cats are cool, but as a longtime fanatic Skyrim fan must Represent! and vote for Shadowmere. Was tempted to vote for the Cookie Alpaca since I baked some Conchas just this morning, but oh well.
Elder Scroll
[X] (100) Senche-Cats
Reason: Four big cats in one!
Do we really get 4 summons ag once with this?
Elder Scroll
[X] (100) Shadowmere

One Piece
[X] (100) Black Den Den Mushi
[X] (100) Komashika

[X] (100) Onsen Shark
[X] (100) Doctor Fish
[X] (100) BB Pill Bug
[X] (50) Sunlight Firefly
[x] (100) Crab Pig
Warhammer 40,000
[X] (100) Machine Spirit
[X] (100) Junktools

[X] (100) Vykker
Ben 10
[X] (100) Scrutin
Do we really get 4 summons ag once with this?
Elder Scroll
[X] (100) Shadowmere

One Piece
[X] (100) Black Den Den Mushi
[X] (100) Komashika

[X] (100) Onsen Shark
[X] (100) Doctor Fish
[X] (100) BB Pill Bug
[X] (50) Sunlight Firefly
[x] (100) Crab Pig
Warhammer 40,000
[X] (100) Machine Spirit
[X] (100) Junktools

[X] (100) Vykker
Ben 10
[X] (100) Scrutin
For the cats technically but you can only summon 1 at a time not all 4 at once.
I would like to do a bit of campaigning for future rolls, even though I probably won't be successful lol.

For the SCP, I would like to get something sympathetic rather than horrific, so would direct your attention to either Scp-1156 or Scp-5160 or perhaps Scp-4719. If anyone finds similar please share, going thru that list can be trying since so many are... well... more than a bit much.

For Lilo and Stitch, I'm thinking as non-lethal as possible, so maybe Experiment 122 Dorkifier, Experiment 358 Manners, or maybe Experiment 322 Heckler if we're feeling particularly noxious.

Again, with Kingdom Hearts/Disney, I was hoping for one of the nice ones instead of a Heartless monster. The Flying Carpet from Aladdin, maybe, or Mushu from Mulan? I'd see the Ghost Dog or Tuk Tuk as well, though I don't know the latter.

And I know this last is a long shot.. in the Various category, I don't suppose anyone would consider Treecat (Honor Harrington) ? They are awfully nice, but I know many are probably eager to get started on the Slivers or excited about the power of the Kuriboh. The Custom Mutant Animal could also be interesting but would be more work.
I would like to do a bit of campaigning for future rolls, even though I probably won't be successful lol.

For the SCP, I would like to get something sympathetic rather than horrific, so would direct your attention to either Scp-1156 or Scp-5160 or perhaps Scp-4719. If anyone finds similar please share, going thru that list can be trying since so many are... well... more than a bit much.

For Lilo and Stitch, I'm thinking as non-lethal as possible, so maybe Experiment 122 Dorkifier, Experiment 358 Manners, or maybe Experiment 322 Heckler if we're feeling particularly noxious.

Again, with Kingdom Hearts/Disney, I was hoping for one of the nice ones instead of a Heartless monster. The Flying Carpet from Aladdin, maybe, or Mushu from Mulan? I'd see the Ghost Dog or Tuk Tuk as well, though I don't know the latter.

And I know this last is a long shot.. in the Various category, I don't suppose anyone would consider Treecat (Honor Harrington) ? They are awfully nice, but I know many are probably eager to get started on the Slivers or excited about the power of the Kuriboh. The Custom Mutant Animal could also be interesting but would be more work.
I mean when it comes to SCP's I'm planning on voting for Scp-999 literally one of the nicest SCP's you can find and is a literal walking cure for Depression and with Worm being Worm thats a net positive.

Edit: Trust me I know I spent literally 5 hours (I don't know where the time went?!) on just the 100 pointers and making a list of SCP's that I want to summon that aren't total nightmare fuel and maybe could be useful. I didn't even bother on the 50 point or less because by the time I finished I was dead tired.
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What are the 4?

I prefer this one out of your 3. I'd also go with the Tickle Monster if I had the chance. There are also the Eye Pods which would be just great at alerting for Danger with a capital D.
Yeah Tickle Monster AKA 999 not only super nice and a literal cure for Depression is super durable he will gladly take a bullet for you and come out completely unharmed. Better example of its durability it was in a room with the lizard trying to kill him and took it as a play date.

Edit: Moonlight Senche-Tiger, a Black Senche Lion, Clouded Senched Leopard, and Stripped Senched Panther these are the 4 copy pasted on their description.
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I mean when it comes to SCP's I'm planning on voting for Scp-999 literally one of the nicest SCP's you can find and is a literal walking cure for Depression and with Worm being Worm thats a net positive.

Edit: Trust me I know I spent literally 5 hours (I don't know where the time went?!) on just the 100 pointers and making a list of SCP's that I want to summon that aren't total nightmare fuel and maybe could be useful. I didn't even bother on the 50 point or less because by the time I finished I was dead tired.
We should let it play with lung, he needs to be hugged by it.

Also holy damn how hard it counters lung. So yes I want this one. Aor possibly grandma sheep...
Chapter 69: Sub Vote part 6 final
Because I want to finish with One of Each, here are the last 14 categories. (And that way I can have the next chapter tomorrow. it's finished, just needs some polishing but I don't want to have two different votes running at the same time.)

[] Write-In

[] Write-In

Card Captor Sakura
[] Write-In

[] Write-In

Percy Jackson
[] Write-In

Lilo & Stitch
[] Write-In

Kingdom Hearts/Disney
[] Write-In

[] Write-In

[] Write-In

Dragon Age
[] Write-In

Ratchet and Clank
[] Write-In

[] Write-In

Wandering Inn/Mother of Learning
[] Write-In

[] Write-In
Card Captor Sakura
[X] The Jump
Personal mobility and also a creature similar to Vista.
[X] Scp-999
May help our jellyfisk pokemon trauma.
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
[]Pain and Panic
Question Pain and Panic have there ability of Hercules series? If so they can change there for from diferent monsters with there strength physical ability like venoms. They are also surprisingly hardy to survive al those hit and angry fire blast Hades. The problem they are idiots.
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