I am not intending to do all the deployments at least not right away but by doing the dev projects we can include them in the orca refit. Otherwise anything we dont do the dev for will not be included in the Orca refit.
It's questionable whether we
want the tactical lasers on the Orca, for the same reasons lipstick is wasted on a warthog. The already developed rotary railgun might well be a superior choice, since it's more directly applicable to the Orca's mission (better penetration means it's more effective at chewing up Nod light armor, whereas the tactical laser's instantaneous time of flight is more useful as an air to air weapon).
As for the drones being something we need to include into the refit... I'm not sure the wingman drones are something that goes into a refit that way. Am I mistaken,
@Ithillid ?
Because if these things are designed to escort our Apollos and potentially Firehawks, which have no available refit program, then would we need to design the Orca refit to include them?
Ion storms exist. What would it do to them?
Well, I was talking about real life because
@tenchifew 's question was "if transmitting microwave beams through the atmosphere from a space-based solar satellite were practical, why aren't we already using beamed microwave power transmission on Earth?" In real life ion storms
don't exist, though the vulnerability of large antennas to inclement weather probably is one of the many reasons* why microwave power transmission wouldn't be popular even if it were efficient.
In our setting, space based solar power would have the issue of ion storms, yes. This would require shutting down the rectenna farm, probably switching some
really good circuit breakers into the circuits, and generally hunkering down for the duration.
*(Another is that it's
point to point, not
point to network. Powering a residential neighborhood with cables just means burying or stringing several kilometers of wires; doing the same with beamed power means setting up hundreds of antennas, which have to not overlap or interfere, and probably having to cut down all the trees and observe careful building height requirements to make sure everyone can actually get power)
The drones are inherently backwards compatible. They're intended to serve alongside the Apollos after all. Moreover- we don't necessarily need the new Orca to be fitted with everything. It needs staying power and some means of defending itself. Rotary railguns and QMAAMs solve both issues- especially if we start mounting laser point defenses on aircraft.
The tactical air laser is interesting and neat- but it doesn't actually address any of the current issues that NOD presents our airforce. Namely that the Firehawks and Orcas need escorts currently to operate in contested airspace. Unless you're seriously suggesting Orcas ought to get into gunnery duels (even including lasers) with Barghests.
Yeah. Realistically, the Orca just doesn't have the energy
or maneuverability to survive a dogfight with a Banshee-
bis.* They can get lucky with a missile shot if the missile has good enough performance, but that's it.
It doesn't matter whether the Orca's gun armament is a rotary railgun, a laser cannon, or a Xanthic Restructron Destabilized Zenon Emitter. It's not going to get a shot before being cut down if the Banshee pilot knows what they're doing.
The catch is, we have a
lot of Orcas, and it doesn't look as though Nod's going to be able to field very many Banshees. So the prospect of being potted by a high-performance missile launched from a low-performance platform significantly alters the equation for the Banshee.
Given that the Orca's design role is close air support (for which the rotary railgun is probably superior to the available lasers) and that it simply does not have the engine power, top speed, or maneuverability to engage in protracted dogfights with Banshees and live... We should stick to railgun/QMAAM armament for the next-generation Orca.
*(I'm still stubborn. As far as I can tell there's no need for a new designation, since no one has explained to me how this thing differs meaningfully from the Banshee except for minor tweaks and incremental upgrades)
At least these plans don't have the animal thing, especially with how much Food it costs when the promised level of Food for the current 4-year plan hasn't even been met yet.
@Vehrec says, the Food target is about how much we produce. It doesn't matter how much of it gets ground up and made into kitty kibble versus how much of it people actually eat. We're happy either way.
I also don't see the point of investing in more consumer goods at a time like this when the demand and the promised of the plan has already been met, and will continue to grow due to the grants automatically. Any left over resource that can't be spent on everything other than Services should be saved up to be invested in the more expensive dice options in other categories instead.
There are two projects currently popular whose main focus is +Consumer Goods, both in Services. One is
Fashion Development Houses, the other is
Domestic Animal Programs.
The pet program provides +Political Support, which is the main reason we're interested in it. Trading 3 Food for 5 Political Support is pretty good, and we need all the Political Support we can get, especially if we're going to even
consider implementing liquid tiberium-based power plants, something I gather you are in favor of. The +2 Consumer Goods is just a pleasant side effect.
Fashion Development Houses project is cheap and already quite close to completion.
Yes, we've hit our Consumer Goods target for the Plan, but finishing off this particular action is relatively efficient, and the more we get, the more popular support for Treasury there will be. Popular support for Treasury is important. Because it means people continue to trust us and respect us even when we do questionable shit like "build Nod-style tiberium power plants" or "spend all our Infrastructure dice for a year on things
other than building better housing for all the people still stuck in 2051-vintage shitty apartments."
If spending roughly 20-30 Resources on some nice clothing designs buys us more forbearance and respect from the public and silences a few more complainers at some future time, I'd say it's worth it. There's no point letting the existing work already done on the project atrophy.
Note that
no one is seriously suggesting
Virtual Reality Arcades, a very significant Consumer Goods project that would be very dice and Resource efficient. Why? Because it costs things we actually
want for other purposes and cannot spare even a little of (-1 Capital Goods and -4 Energy).
People aren't just mindlessly chasing Consumer Goods for no reason, even if we've theoretically hit our plan target. A small amount of overcompletion in the name of finishing what we started is not a bad thing. Especially because we've been directly told that the population
will expect ongoing continuous Consumer Goods improvement. They're no longer demanding gigantic leaps and bounds now that we've churned out +75 Consoom in approximately two short years, but if there is no further progress on that frontier for another eighteen months, they will be starting to get antsy and writing their representatives.