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One last question, then I'm off to bed. Will there be opportunities to recruit more hero units, or are those incidental to our rolls? I wouldn't be surprised if we have some just fall into our lap, like Baron Soontir Fel or Thrawn's armada commanders from the books.
One last question, then I'm off to bed. Will there be opportunities to recruit more hero units, or are those incidental to our rolls? I wouldn't be surprised if we have some just fall into our lap, like Baron Soontir Fel or Thrawn's armada commanders from the books.
Direct actions to recruit Heroes will probably be later and a very low chance of success each time at least from what I've talked about with him.
-[X] Hire Lobbyists in other Empires - Athaen's suggestion, and one you happen to agree with, by hiring lobbyists in other empires, you can help influence their thoughts on your empire. While more effective in the New Republic than your immediate neighbors, there is a second part to lobbying, that being finding the right men to pay. Among you, Voss, and Pallaeon, you have no shortage of knowledge to wield. Cost: 100. Upkeep: 100. Time: 1 turn. Reward: Moderate relationship improvement for all major empires.
Might I possibly convince you to change this to the interest rate reduction action?
Might I possibly convince you to change this to the interest rate reduction action?
No, I think bolstering our rep with the other Imperial factions to offset what we'll lose by using our command codes next turn is more critical. With that said, I planned on taking the second interest rate reduction action next turn anyway, so at worst it's just being offset by one turn. The sentiment is a good one, though.
[X] Plan: Military Marchers
This is good, we need to start on those reforms asap (and can do the other reform-adjacent actions over time) while making sure Intrigue and Diplomacy is spent not drawing attention and that people don't know we're doing a massive military overhaul and making a clone army.
The main reason I don't want to do military marchers is that it doesn't do things that narratively make sense to do right away.

Dealing with a broken supply chain, Palpatines death, and using the command codes now when they would be most effective when everything is in absolute chaos with all the other warlords doing the same thing so we wouldn't stand out as much.

Probably just a difference of perspective but I don't see Thrawn just not dealing with these three things for six months.
[X] Plan: Prepare For Trouble
I just hope we do Farryn's military overhaul soon. That seems to be the most costly decision out of all of them, and it seems like a good idea to get that done right away.
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Dealing with a broken supply chain, Palpatines death, and using the command codes now when they would be most effective when everything is in absolute chaos with all the other warlords doing the same thing so we wouldn't stand out as much.
Good points all; for my part, I tried triaging between the actions that were urgent, important, and both. The military reforms are all important, but the fact that doing so is key to keeping our Grand Admiral happy makes them urgent as well in my opinion. I attempted to compromise by doing one reform action and one urgent action; of the military ones facing us at the moment, the anti-piracy one seemed like the most pressing.

For the Stewardship ones, I went for the actions that gave us the most bang for our buck; the reaction to Palpatine's death is important, but I felt that taking care of our interest rate and cleaning out the corruption endemic in our empire were more pressing. I'll include the Palpatine reaction in my plan for next turn, as it is something that needs dealt with sooner than later.

Finally, for the codes, I wanted to hedge my bets since if we use them, it's said in the action that the other factions will know we did it and could possibly be quite peeved at us. I wanted to build a reputation buffer before stepping on any toes, as well as freeing up Intrigue actions to do counter-intelligence for Turn 3 and the inevitable reprisal from Isard and Zsinj once we yank resources out from under their feet with our command codes.
It's just a difference of opinion I guess.

This is going to be a more narrative than mechanical game from what I've gathered and we are already fighting two minor people unless I've completely misunderstood the situation. And using the codes only upsets empire factions right at the point when the empire is falling apart.

I don't want to give them time to settle and then steal their resources, I want to just be another footnote in the chaos just like all the others. Plus the sooner we use the codes the more effective they will be.

Regardless, it's pretty clear what plan is winning. I can only hope it goes well even if I strongly disagree with a few parts of it.
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