Apologies for not chiming in again, was getting my second shot.
I'm just curious what the reasoning is for trying to keep Balthazar alive for longer at this point? We won't lose influence or authority when he dies and we have a admin hero as our heir.
I'm just curious what the reasoning is for trying to keep Balthazar alive for longer at this point? We won't lose influence or authority when he dies and we have a admin hero as our heir.
Beyond not wanting to kill him off, I want to get the Math Reform started before he dies so should he die then, it will give Brynn a third authority upon completion.
Apologies for not chiming in again, was getting my second shot.
I'm just curious what the reasoning is for trying to keep Balthazar alive for longer at this point? We won't lose influence or authority when he dies and we have a admin hero as our heir.
Congratulation on getting your nanomachines!

It's not a good idea to be callous, plus we don't want Kings that never work hard when we need to.
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The Old Ymaryn Empire was never the actual name of the polity. It has always* been "The Kingdom of the People".

*As far as written history goes at least.

I have in my head that the Ymaryn never called their the Ymaryn Empire or the Eternal Empire. The People always have a sense of the beginning of their Kingdom when it was small and was never that expansive.


The Ymaryn would divide their history into Old Kingdom and New Kingdom period like what we did with egypt.

And they would divide periods of kingships into dynasties.

So we would have a dynasty focused on Bedwyr, Balthazar, and Brynn, even those three individuals are distantly related at best and all did different things. They can be grouped together because of their somewhat similar policies and the fact that they evolve their predecessor policies instead of completely discarding them.

Historians do the dynasties thing for periodication purpose.
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I get that it would set a bad precedent to have all our rulers dying from overwork, but I feel like there's a big difference between working overtime and paying personal attention to a project. Personal attention sounds more like the king working normally, but focusing on a particular thing. I also feel like it could be a good precedent to set for our kings to personally visit people's that were wronged, similar to how our first king went out to listen to complaints when we were trying to regain control of the hills.
I get that it would set a bad precedent to have all our rulers dying from overwork, but I feel like there's a big difference between working overtime and paying personal attention to a project. Personal attention sounds more like the king working normally, but focusing on a particular thing. I also feel like it could be a good precedent to set for our kings to personally visit people's that were wronged, similar to how our first king went out to listen to complaints when we were trying to regain control of the hills.

Normal year adds stress because being a King is incredibly stressful. But it may be worth the risk. Might even reduce stress.
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[X] Plan Diplomacy and Rebuilding with Relaxation
I personally am sympathetic to our rules not experiencing stress that is more commonly found in the western front so that's that.