Tiberium Storm (A Mass Effect and Command and Conquer AU Xover)

Do you guys want Turn 1 to take place at 2112 or 2152 like in canon?

  • 2112

    Votes: 44 93.6%
  • 2152

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Warmach1ne32 on Apr 28, 2021 at 10:25 AM, finished with 10 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Housing, Labs and Factory
    -[X] Pre-fab Housing: You colonist need a place to live and prefab housing is the most efficient way to house them until the colony is properly set up and (+1 Housing Complex, +20 Pop Cap, -1 Power, -4 Space) 100/200
    -[X] Pre-fab Lab: A Pre-fabricated building that can be converted into a Lab, once it is filled with the right research equipment. (+1 Archaeology Lab, -2 Power, -1 Space) 50/50
    -[X] Tech Lab: While Battles are won in the field, Wars are won in the Lab. Without R&D, GDI would not have the Sonic technology needed to beat the Scrin, or the Ion Cannon, the Mammoth Tank, Walkers, and etc. Having your own would allow you to analyse and study the technology that GDI has available as well as make prototypes to see if they are viable to be produced. (+1 Tech Lab) 200/100
    -[X] Factory: To turn those ingots into useable parts you'll need a factory to process the raw materials into useable products like vehicles, guns, and missiles to trucks, tools, and batteries. The Factory can be reconfigured to produce a wide variety of products and is required to produce the more high-tech pieces of equipment. (1+ Factory, -2 Power, -2 Space) 150/150
    -[X] Population: You'll need a civilian population to develop a strong economy thus you can spend points to have more population to work with. (100 Point = +1 Pop = 10 Food/Turn) (5) 500 pts
Only one plan was voted for kek.
Well than, let's see the progress next turn.
Anyways, while lurking(somewhat) on a different discord:
Ithillid over on discord said said:
Start with firestorm barriers, artificial landslides, more landmines than you can shake a stick at, and prepared fighting positions.
in regards to how GDI bled out NOD trying(failed though) to defend the Tacticus(related quest link here).
Would some of these be doable? Firestorm style barriers may be an issue here but the other stuff should be doable.
How is the updating coming along?
About 40% done, the various options at the bottom doesn't count. Mostly describing what Port Belhae's city is like for world building.
Would some of these be doable?
Firestorm Barriers are doable, just need a huge amount of power to run it if you want it to cover an entire settlement. Artificial landslides are doable but you'll need to check the map so you don't accidentally crush parts of your city.

Old School landmines like in TibWar3 is not a good idea when you are right next to civilians. Smart Mines with Sensors and a safety like Starcraft's Widow Mines or the IRL US's Intelligent Munition System are more viable but more expensive. If you want to design your own mine system, go ahead. If I like it I'll add it to GDI's arsenal.
Shanxi Robotics: Beetle Drone
Shanxi Robotics
"Machines for the frontier"

Production proposals

Beatle class Multipurpose Smart Drone
Small scale drone that (Look up starcraft widow mine) meant to be in a swarm and controlled by an AI system and can be paired with ZONE troopers and EXO engineers Armor AI. Expensive for mines (5 iron 3 tungsten 1 copper for 2 divisions worth, with drone factory 4 divisions in 1 action) can take out most light to medium vehicles with ease and sensors systems. Alongside the mine variation, there multiple variants like sensor drones with advanced sensor array with the ability to conceal itself by tunneling (similar to a widow mine). As well another variation designed for prospecting, that can get through most forms of rock, and sensor system for finding Ores deposited (+10 on prospecting roles with engineers, bonus +5 for EXO engineers, due to being able to pair and training). Many other variations are in production, but these are one that is ready for factory assembly, in (1 turn) and produces (Enough for 4 platoons) but built can be improved.

(TLDR widow mines that can act as a run of mil smart mine, but can be paired with certain units to give a bonus to rolls at your disgression)

Side note (Drone Factories are more efficient at the creation of automated machines like repair drones, around, etc, decreasing construction cost or increasing production amount and 2 production ques, but high cost, 2 turns to build and at least 1 tier 2 factory to be constructed)
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Shanxi Robotics: Marvin Droid
Shanxi Robotics
"Machines for the frontier"

Production proposals

Marvin Mutipourpose service Drone

Description: Civilian variation is 6'4 in height, at the higher range of human height, with light protection, design for normal old job site accidents. Miltary variations are taller at 7'6 and bulkier than the civilian version due to armor, and military-grade parts making them more durable and stronger than standard infantry (half as strong and durable as Zone troopers). They have armor equivalent to normal infantry forces and can be required to fit with heavier weaponry, but lack tactical knowledge as militia, so best paired with other battalions as heavy troopers or shock troops. As well can be required with an AI, but have a rather good VI out of the box, and are modular, with addon packs and upgrades for the MARVIN system. They can work as engineers (Buildable engineers) and heavy troopers (gives combat bonus to battalion paired with) or on their own (Durable as all hell but normal version cannot use tactics unleash they get AI upgrade, so arguably worse than militia) but are relatively costly, at (4 tungsten 4 iron 4 copper for 1 division, dedicated drone factory make it 2 division for the price of one)

Side note (Drone Factories are more efficient at the creation of automated machines like repair drones, around, etc, decreasing construction cost or increasing production amount and 2 production ques, but high cost, 2 turns to build and at least 1 tier 2 factory to be constructed)
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Shanxi Robotics
Shanxi Robotics

Motto: "Machines for the frontier"

Description: Shanxi Robotics is a company started by Iva walker, Erwin Fritz, and Phoenix Williams, all of who were highly experienced robotic engineers from the company Hammond Robotics. They were some first arrivals to Shanxi, and had assisted with robotics research early on, and went on later to start their own company. Shanxi Robotics focuses on machines that work well on the frontier, and focus on being durable, easy to manufacture, and multipurpose, including military use. Their recent products, that being Beetle Multipurpose smart drone and Marvin Multipurpose Service Bot, exemplifies these facts, like beetles ability to with minimal retrofit can work as a smart mine, sensor drone, and prospecting drone, and more. Whereas Marvins focus upon highly capable engineer for civilian and military use, and has multiple addons, like an AI, as well during wartime be retrofitted to be a heavy assault droid, but with current cost lack tactical ability, which is where AI addon comes in but still works best as heavy troopers or Shock troops. This has led them to get quite a high-profit margin in civilian industries, and we can easily get contracts with them to begin building these at large-scale production.
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being rewritten

Hammond robotics construction facility (Drone factory)

Hammond Robotics has recently designed a highly specialized robotics facility, that can design robots, build robots, and upgrade robots. It has a dedicated design facility, in which more advanced robots can be developed (Allows for larger-scale autonomous designs, without occupying labs for development). With it, large-scale factory facilities can more efficiently produce robots (2 construction actions, production bonus [Light bots- Bonus divisions (1-2) Medium robot- heavily reduced cost (25% off) Heavy Robots- reduced cost (15%)]). Lastly is a heavy defense array, involving 4 Warden defense arrays, 6 banisher AA turrets, and multiple normal fortifications like bunkers, and hidden kill zones. While this may be considered extreme, this could be a point of interest and serve as a small fortress during wartime situations, be it against Scrin or other invaders. The current plan for its development is in 3 steps, first laying down construction facilities and basic fortifications, then design facility, and lastly the heavy defense. It would take 1 year and a half to 2 years to be fully but, but with multiple engineers dedicated to it could bump it to 1 year to a half year. Resource cost will be extremely high (stage 1 {CM 2000 Energy upkeep 10} stage 2 {CM 2500 Energy upkeep 20} stage 3 {CM 3000 energy upkeep 30}) this costly project but one that could be very useful, as construction yard, design lab, and fortress, and can produce civilian variants in large quantities (Can use construction action to build civilian stuff to get more CM or sell it to GDI like refined ore/ingot shipment for more requestion points/points for requestion)

Note: This Idea I came up with, can be a long-term project, while probably won't be getting this built, but still fun to think of. don't know how balanced this would be but in my opinion is, especially when you only get bonuses and an extra build slot for only Autonomous machines as well as its cost. Also if you ask about defenses, it makes sense as it is a whole military production facility, that holds a lot of techs including AI designs, and would be a prime target. As well wherever it is located would be heavily defended by most attacks, especially when Antiorbital is up and running, then it can't be shelled from orbital. They would need artillery support, and tank support to crack, and if they want to capture it, they will need to go through multiple kill zones, bunkers, etc within the greater facility.
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Shanxi Robotics
MK 1 Atlas Class multipurpose mech

Description: The Atlas class titan (Look up Titanfall 1 atlas titan) was originally designed for the civilian market, for mining, farming, etc in which heavy labor is required. But, due to its modular nature as well as its ability to interface with pilots or function on its own, they made it into a full military mech.
They continued to release variation but set it as a different line, renaming it to the workmen class heavy industrial mech, and later released the Atlas.

Standing at a height of 15 feet (Small-medium - sized), it is able to be outfitted with many weapon systems, be it a heavy coilgun rifle similar to the werewolf, or heavy railgun rifle, a scattergun, alongside many built-in systems, like better sensors, missile launchers, etc. It has titanium alloy armor (medium armor), which can withstand most weapons used by militia and infantry. Heavy weapons and more exotic weaponry have shown to be able to penetrate through the armor or cause major damage, most effective are heavy railguns, rockets, and high yield explosives, for example, C6. On average it takes 5 rockets in lesser armored areas to eliminate and 14 at the main chaise to eliminate, it can take 6-12 shells of a hunter MK 2 to take down, and most damage to armor can be repaired on the field by EXO engineers, but internal damage needs to be repaired at a base.

For the construction of a full company it would cost (5 titanium 10 iron 10 copper for 6 squads of 4 mechs that need 1 turn to build) that due to multiple weapon systems they equip, can work in most roles, and can handle most brought terrain, and moving faster than medium vehicles (good all-rounders, and highly reliable, alongside modular design).
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@Archivist Grim I thought the Droid factory would just be like a Terran Reactored Factory. This doesn't seem like the resources a start up company that was only established a couple of years ago would have access to. Unless they have a major backer or formerly part on a larger robotics company.

For the Atlas, it will be competing against my iteration of the Titans, which has an energy shield. Also it is 15 meters translates to 50 feet which is double the estimated height of canon Atlas in Titanfall, which was 20-25 feet. TibSun Titans were also 25 feet tall and the Mammoth Mk2 is 45 feet tall for size comparison. KW's Titans is said to be 25 meters which is 80 feet but I think that is a typo.

No way a young robotics company have the resources and the expertise to design something like that.
@Archivist Grim I thought the Droid factory would just be like a Terran Reactored Factory. This doesn't seem like the resources a start up company that was only established a couple of years ago would have access to. Unless they have a major backer or formerly part on a larger robotics company.

For the Atlas, it will be competing against my iteration of the Titans, which has an energy shield. Also, it is 15 meters translates to 50 feet which is double the estimated height of canon Atlas in Titanfall, which was 20-25 feet. TibSun Titans were also 25 feet tall and the Mammoth Mk2 is 45 feet tall for size comparison. KW's Titans is said to be 25 meters which is 80 feet but I think that is a typo.

No way a young robotics company has the resources and the expertise to design something like that.
Ya, that was a typo, meant feet, will change the robotics facility to better fit, welp time to make Hammond robotics. The main idea behind the Atlas to serve as a mech, to work alongside infinitary to cover weaknesses, with it being an all-rounder, due to its focus on modularity, as well as having high survivability and reliability. And thank you for mentioning the restored factory, forgot about that, that would work far better for the company. Still planning on having it being an upgraded factory to be more specialized, with an extra construction queue, but only for droids, and get bonus production value, like an extra unit, or reduced cost by 25% - 15%. Thank you for that, also the droid factory was more of a thought that came from playing Titanfall 2, which is where got inspiration from the testing facility level, if you have not played recommend getting it when it's on sale, they are pretty good.
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The main idea behind the Atlas to serve as a mech, to support infantry, with it being an all-rounder, due to its focus on modularity, as well as having high survivability and reliability.
Unfortunately, TibStorm's Wolverine already filled that role with a Mind Machine Interface, modular arm weapons, and jump jets all in a smaller frame. I would like to play Titanfall2 but I am currently real busy with making my start up home bakery and I only have a couple of hours free to browse forums and do my daily C&C Rivals games. I don't have the time to commit to a PC game at the moment.
Hammond Robotics
Hammond Industries and Hammond Robotics

Hammond Industries is an older manufacturing company that arose 15 years before Tiberium landed on Earth. it started off in the US, and expanded out focusing on the production of civilian equipment, be it, excavators, to cargo lifters, alongside construction and had become rather major within North America. But when the first Tib war began, they began expanding out, as well gained interest in the robotics industry. So in late 2025, they established Hammond robotics, a child company with a focus on civilian and military robotics.

Hammond Robotics, the child company of Hammond Industries as their name implies had focused upon robotics. They had first started constructing autonomous security droids for general security, and Heavy Autonomous machines for work within more hazardous areas or industries. But during Tib war 2 began working closely with GDI for the design and construction of wolverine, Titan MK 1, mammoth, and other heavy walkers, and combat robots. Due to GDI archiving the majority of their walkers after the firestorm crisis, Hammond Robotics and Hammond Industries faced a major decline. With there main source of income both Hammond began focus in civilian market. By end of 3rd Tib war they had bounced back with multiple new products in civilan Industries. Eventually, they began to reach the levels they once had with a contract to the steel talons, for the development and upgrading of multiple GDI walkers from the 2nd Tib war and the Firestorm Crisis. During the 4th Tib war, they once again become a household name, with larger amounts of walker force being used by GDI, and had developed the of crawler vanguard, with 3 variants. They had originally meant them to be a mobile industrial base, to push frontlines, able to produce units on go, and act as mobile hardpoints. While cralwers severed as vanguards, producing units, pushing and holding the line, GDI forces would push up and establish bases and assist the crawler vangaurds

After Tiberium was under control, and humanity reached the stars, they stated rather prominent in this era, and a major interstellar company. Currently, we can get a contract with both, which gives us access to some of their designs, both building, like their Drone construction facility, Aries heavy walker, and stalker assault bots, which share many similarities to Marvin, but overall better for combat due to out of box AI, better weaponry, armor, and ability to detonate, and other machines.
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Unfortunately, TibStorm's Wolverine already filled that role with a Mind Machine Interface, modular arm weapons, and jump jets all in a smaller frame. I would like to play Titanfall2 but I am currently real busy with making my start up home bakery and I only have a couple of hours free to browse forums and do my daily C&C Rivals games. I don't have the time to commit to a PC game at the moment.
Oh shit, well the main idea behind it was to be a true all-rounder, being like titans from Titanfall 1 in many aspects, with multiple weapons that can be equipped like heavy coilgun rifles, and addons, like stealth field and can be changed on-field by normal engineers or more advance changes like a rocket pod by EXO engineers on-field. Wolverine is war better at anti-infantry, with Atlas being less powerful in that roil, but good to decent in most things. Also, when did they have a mind-machine interface, and also modular arms, I have only played C&C 3 but I don't recall both of those. Probably should change the wording on that one right there though.
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mind-machine interface, and also modular arms,
The Mind-Machine Interface was from the Firehawks wiki.
"The Firehawk fast attack jet is a dynamically unstable airframe that requires computer control to stay in flight - but the resulting air combat performance is unparalleled. The onboard AI also helps pilots with targeting, threat assessment, and navigation. Connected through a neural link, the AI and the pilot work together seamlessly, combining the best of computer and human being."

The Modular arms are based on TibSun's Component Towers yet attached to a Wolverine instead. That shouldn't be too hard to make.
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But when the first Tib war began, they started looking into the weapons industry and helped design many of the older GDI buildings from Tib war 1 - 3, including work on MCV from Tib war 1-2 and harvesters from Tib war 1-4. They become a major military contracted company and in between tib war 2 to 3, had established Hammond Robotics.
Nope, sorry Otani Lincoln Laboratories signed a 100-year contract in 2006 to design GDI buildings and they are most likely to be the source of C&C's MCV and all-terrain buildings.
They had first started constructing autonomous security droids for Green zones, and Heavy Autonomous machines for work within yellow zones
The Zones are implemented after Firestorm once Sonic tech can be used to eradicate Tiberium and make it safe for human habitation. These safe areas are designated as Blue Zones.

I'll allow Hammond to develop GDI's Walkers as there is no mention of who designed them in the wiki. Fix these errors and I'll add it to the list of companies you can contact. Maybe add a mention that after Firestorm where GDI decommissioned it's walker force, Hammond lost a lot of money in military contracts but have made a partnership with Steel Talons to develop the Titan Mk2 and Wolverine Mk2. When C&C4 happened and orders for GDI mechs increased, they become a household name again.

I recommend just doing a lore dive into the C&C wiki, there are a lot of interesting stuff to just read about.
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