The Black Sheep know what our ultimatum is, know what our reply to their last offer was (of course our rejection letter had notes, we're the Ymaryn), know where we are, know we hear out envoys, know the Khem won't open another front, and they're the ones losing. It's on them to peace out, especially when we have so few actions.
The Black Sheep know what our ultimatum is, know what our reply to their last offer was (of course our rejection letter had notes, we're the Ymaryn), know where we are, know we hear out envoys, know the Khem won't open another front, and they're the ones losing. It's on them to peace out, especially when we have so few actions.
This plus influence gain we get from fighting them will be useful.
Total Dice: 4 Influence, 1 Authority
Committed: 2 Influence, 0 Authority
Available Dice: 2 Influence, 1 Authority
By the way, I don't think this is correct. We started with 2 Authority and 8 Influence and lost 1 Authority and 4 Influence to the Khem. Now we have 1 Authority and 4 Influence left and of that, 1 Influence is committed to the Amber Road Sacred Warding, 1 Influence is committed to Training Thunder Plateau nobles and 1 Influence is committed to the Black Sheep Sleeper Cells. This should leave us with 1 Authority and 1 Influence available.
This plus influence gain we get from fighting them will be useful.
We get influence from finishing war goals. We don't ger influence from fighting, we get it from winning. Getting a peace deal means we get all the influece left to get in TP, and frees our army to go immidiately to the WW to get the influence there.

I worry the Highlanders will kill our envoy causing influence loss, so I hesitate to contact them when we cannot afford it.
I think influence for BS surender and auth for internal factions. We can afford both at the moment and both are needed to shift towards the end of the war.

Basically, why?
Had the Khem not made their move, I would understand the move, but as it is, this is off the table and we still do not know the situation after allying with the rebels.
I really would like to want an year more.

1 Influence is committed to the Black Sheep Sleeper Cells.

I am pretty sure this commitment ended with the introduction of the Rebels, who were the product of these sleeper cells.
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Basically, why?
Had the Khem not made their move, I would understand the move, but as it is, this is off the table and we still do not know the situation after allying with the rebels.
I really would like to want an year more.
We know what it did. We got 1/3rd of TP suddenly added to our side.

It get us the most influence as quickly as posible. The sooner we finish, the sooner the levi turns off, the sooner we start megaprojects.

There is zero need to drag this out. Strike now when the BS realize victory is imposible and it looks like our forces are advancing at a gallop.
We know what it did. We got 1/3rd of TP suddenly added to our side.

It get us the most influence as quickly as posible. The sooner we finish, the sooner the levi turns off, the sooner we start megaprojects.

There is zero need to drag this out. Strike now when the BS realize victory is imposible and it looks like our forces are advancing at a gallop.
they have already shown themselves to be extremely belligerent why would they peace out when they lose everything? In what situation would we leave the blacksheep leadership with anything except their lives? Its just a waste of influence on something that we could use on something more useful.
That is a good point. The Khem have made their move so it isn't an urgent priority right now.

New plan.
[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] Ymaryn
-[] Influence: Survey Txolla Province: Txolla has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use on the floodplains. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

Instead of trying for peace with the Black Sheep, we get an idea of what our internal situation is like and we got plenty of survey actions so we might as try to get something from one of them.
Don't we have two influence dice?
Is there a reason we are only using one with this plan?
they have already shown themselves to be extremely belligerent why would they peace out when they lose everything? In what situation would we leave the blacksheep leadership with anything except their lives? Its just a waste of influence on something that we could use on something more useful.
In theory they could just go back to their nomad roots, run away with their herds and some valuables and we'd probably accept that.
By the way, I don't think this is correct. We started with 2 Authority and 8 Influence and lost 1 Authority and 4 Influence to the Khem. Now we have 1 Authority and 4 Influence left and of that, 1 Influence is committed to the Amber Road Sacred Warding, 1 Influence is committed to Training Thunder Plateau nobles and 1 Influence is committed to the Black Sheep Sleeper Cells. This should leave us with 1 Authority and 1 Influence available.

Ah, there was a question to Aranfan buried in the thread about that. I don't think it was specifically answered, but it was basically as follows:

This turn we would have gained two influence and gone over the cap. (Lost one influence) However, the Khem interrupt prevented us from hitting the cap. Does that mean we still lose one to the cap?
they have already shown themselves to be extremely belligerent why would they peace out when they lose everything? In what situation would we leave the blacksheep leadership with anything except their lives? Its just a waste of influence on something that we could use on something more useful.
What? No, they started this was with a peace offer because they knew we would ream them, and all their hopes of pulling victory out of a hat have systematically closed. That's the oposite of belligerent.

So lets push for peace. Lets see how much they are willing to bend. The choice is exile, half-citizenship, or getting drug from their fortresses and killed. They get to pick one. Winning isn't an option.
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We know what it did. We got 1/3rd of TP suddenly added to our side.

It get us the most influence as quickly as posible. The sooner we finish, the sooner the levi turns off, the sooner we start megaprojects.

There is zero need to drag this out. Strike now when the BS realize victory is imposible and it looks like our forces are advancing at a gallop.

No we have received more.
1/3 is what we still have to conquer.
Still, these are just numbers. I want to see the narrative as well before we decide on anything.
I am pretty sure this commitment ended with the introduction of the Rebels, who were the product of these sleeper cells.
It did not. We retained it the year after the Black Sheep anti-rebels made their move and both this turn and last turn we have retained the option to end the commitment in our free actions.
Didn't we already do this a few turns ago?
We did, but I pointed out that we still had the action after doing it to the QM, this was the response I got regarding it still being an action we can take.
Aranfan — 22/04/2021
Poland is deliberate
Don't we have two influence dice?
Is there a reason we are only using one with this plan?
According to the math, I believe that having 2 Influence available is a math mistake by the QM that requires correcting. If we do end up having 2 Influence available, I will update my plan, but for now, I am assuming that the math is correct and the extra Influence is just a mistake.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Ymaryn
-[X] Influence: Survey Txolla Province: Txolla has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use on the floodplains. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)

We don't need to end the war right now so I would rather save the Black Sheep peace talks for when our king can personally attend to them. Putting our Authority on figuring out the current state of our internal politics now that the Khem have humilated us while our Influence goes to doing a survey since it might be useful and we should get around to doing them at some point.
[X] Plan Fouredged
-[X] Authority: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[X] Ymaryn
-[X] Influence: Seek Black Sheep's Surrender: You have been winning the war, see if the Black Sheep are willing to give more acceptable terms for their surrender. (Narrative%, 1 year)

Finishing TP sooner means we end the war one year sooner. Finishing the war sooner means we stand down the levi sooner. The sooner we stand down the levi, the sooner we move on to other things.
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Hmm, does trying for peace with an Influence and failing create a penalty for subsequent attempts? If not, I don't think there's much of a cost in going for an Influence Black Sheep Surrender. IIRC, we wanted to do Surveys with two Influence if possible.

And if we're lucky, the Black Sheep will surrender and we can focus on the other fronts that much earlier.

[X] Plan Fouredged
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