There is no emotion... (A Jedi Order Quest)

Flexibility is useful, but in the context of this kind of points allocation, saving a handful of points in case we change direction suddenly doesn't seem like it'll matter IMO since this is overarching strategic policy we only enact once a year. Quick changes isn't really how it's gonna work.

[X] Plan: Use the Whole Budget
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Voikirium on Apr 20, 2021 at 10:10 PM, finished with 19 posts and 11 votes.
Research Results Q2 3943
Research Results Q2 3943

[X] Plan Finish Existing Projects
-[X] A Hundred Bonfires (5 Infrastructure, 1 Research) = 10/10
-[X] Master's Trial (6 Research) = 20/20
-[X] Luke Drew First (15 Research) = 20/20
-[X] Holocron of Nomi Sunrider

A Hundred Bonfires (Complete)- You will focus on heavily entrenching, improving, and rebuilding a few temples. (Expand more heavily to fewer worlds)

- A few strong worlds, tightly entwined with the Council on Coruscant, will prove more valuable than a thousand minor outposts. To that end you make sure you have prepared a small, standardized template for establishing new Enclaves. Expanding them will prove less costly over the long term, though the initial investment makes spamming them nearly impossible.
(New Colonies start at 50/100, Development cost Halved, may only establish one new Colony per 3 Years)
Master's Trial

The High Council was always meant to have twelve beings on it. Twelve to guide the order. But you cannot have members on the Council who are not Masters: it would be outrageous, and unfair. They would, no matter how maturely the rest of the Council tried to act about the matter, be treated as at best an aberration under political demand; at worst, a Junior, a student, when all there are meant to be equals. As much as Trials are necessary, they are not everything. None of you passed any such formal Trial; it was all Meetra, judging and deciding what she thought was right.

To that end, exemplary fieldwork will, at least, be accepted as equal to one of the Trials. No matter how uncomfortable Bastila is with it.
(Reduction in difficulty for Master's Trials)
Luke Drew First

-Speed over strength. Meetra was fast, flexible, skilled on her feet, not a juggernaut, and yet she walked away from Peragus and Scion did not. Handmaiden defeated all of her sisters in hand to hand without killing a soul through superior agility. Juhani ripped through so many Sith soldiers in a blink of the eye at the Star Forge. Not getting hit is preferable to absorbing the hit with your face, and that is a mere statement of fact.

(Unless you're wearing enough shields to walk on a star, but that's a rare situation...)
(+1 Combat for Guardians)
Holocron of Nomi Sunrider

"Now, a great many people like to try and insult the noble lightsaber by pointing out that a blaster can be used much further away. This is true." The flickering blue Holocron activates a lightsaber as a bolt flies from nowhere and send the image back, where it slams into a droid. "You will note, however, that a lightsaber can return a bolt; but the opposite is not true."

(+10 Weapon of the Enemy, +6 Knowledge Per Turn, +1/???)
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Nice. Also the 1/?? is interesting
I wonder if it's progress towards understanding one of the rare force powers; Nomi had a few. She was also a Grandmaster of the Order, so maybe it's something related to that. There might be things so sensitive only the Grandmasters would have been aware of them.

Speaking of rare powers, I wonder if we could have Bastila test our existing Knights for any potential talent for learning Battle Meditation. It would be good for her to pass that on when suitable students become available.
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So Bastilla is unhappy about the new, lower requirements to become master? Why?
She was trained in the old Order in a rather traditional way. Aside from her acceptance of attachments she's probably the most traditionalist of the Jedi on our current Council. (Although by old Order standards they're all radicals, really.) Juhani was also trained in the old Order, but her upbringing was rather nontraditional with how she was saved from slavery.

Edit: Original post was incorrect, Juhani was also trained in the old Order, not just Bastila.
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She was trained in the old Order in a rather traditional way. Aside from her acceptance of attachments, she's probably the most traditionalist of the Jedi on our current Council.
Juhani: Am I joke to you?

EDIT: Disciple-of-Twilight'd.

Are we...totally sure we want Bastila teaching people Battle Meditation, considering how much pressure she got put on her about it from learning it and how much it solidified the stick that seems to still be...uh, let's go with "supporting her spine"
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>When you foresee Anakin happening like 3000+ years before he happens but the others want to destroy some of the safeguards that will slow him down and ensure his maturity grows to meet his skill: :(
Listen, all we need to do is remember to keep up our Stranger Danger lessons and make sure the secretly-a-Sith Chancellor doesn't get unbridled access to a child without supervision so he doesn't have the thirteen years of gaslighting him into Falling.
Juhani: Am I joke to you?

EDIT: Disciple-of-Twilight'd.

Are we...totally sure we want Bastila teaching people Battle Meditation, considering how much pressure she got put on her about it from learning it and how much it solidified the stick that seems to still be...uh, let's go with "supporting her spine"
If she was pressured over it, hopefully she'll know not to do that to any of her own students.

But more to the point, we can't afford not to have her pass it on, I think.

...also, while I'm thinking of it, it would probably be a good idea to have our council members make holocrons and update them occasionally just in case we lose them on a mission.

It should probably be standard practice for anyone who reaches the rank of Master, really. Our institutional knowledge is so limited we can't afford to lose any of what we have.
(New Colonies start at 50/100, Development cost Halved, may only establish one new Colony per 3 Years)
Nice, nice.
"You will note, however, that a lightsaber can return a bolt; but the opposite is not true."
And if it is a slugthrower bullet, disintegrate it.
(+10 Weapon of the Enemy, +6 Knowledge Per Turn, +1/???)
Useful and ??? is very interesting.
In fairness it's not like not making Ani a master did much good. It did show off his manbabiness tho. :V
And the fact that there had been knights in the Council before. It was rare, but it did happen.
Hey so, notice to all my threads:

Very bad and stressful things are happening at home. If I get snappy, or my updates slow, that is part of it.
In fairness it's not like not making Ani a master did much good. It did show off his manbabiness tho. :V

That reminds me of this.

Hey so, notice to all my threads:

Very bad and stressful things are happening at home. If I get snappy, or my updates slow, that is part of it.
It's okay. Your well being is the most important thing. Do what you need to do, and don't feel bad.

Seconded. Take care.
Mission Report 3943 BBY Q3
Mission Report 3943 BBY Q3

Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 1 Jedi Consular, 1 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 4 Padawans)

Sentinel Arre Druz'dun

We've tracked down some missing records from the Coruscant Temple to a "collector" on the Upper Levels.

I say collector, but it would be more accurate to call him a trophy hunter: he fought with the Jedi again and again and again, during the Great Sith War. A distant Sith-Species offshoot that didn't want anything to do with the fighting, for the most part. Now he keeps our robes and our journals locked in his vault. Who knows what else he has in there?

I intend to find out.

Mission 2 (The Mid-Rim, Councilor Bastila Shan, Consular Atris, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
Consular Atris

A dozen Force Sensitives disappeared, each, on Chuga, Desra, and Gara. Now they are all blaming each other, pointing fingers, claiming the other two are plotting against them. Warships have been called up, big ones, old Alsakan style but more than enough for this. Meanwhile the actual culprits, whether interested in just the Force Sensitives or, even more horribly, desirous of war, are allowed to flee, scot free, with the trail growing colder. It is only because the Jedi are respected as neutral arbiters that we have not been tossed out yet; and that will not last forever.

We must do something, and soon.

Mission 3 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Padawans)
Councilor Atton Rand

Well, it's finally happened.

You people have driven me gray early.

And yes, it must be early. Otherwise I'd be old.

Why, you may ask? Oh nothing much, just an Uncontacted Sith World. They haven't shot at us yet, but then they didn't start blasting at the Daragons to start with either, now did they?

Mission 4 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Padawans)
Councilor Visas Marr

Ushragan has proven surprisingly unwilling to cooperate. But it does not matter. It is written on his face, if we have the wisdom to find it.

Admittedly, that and an Investigator Droid. A.M.E. might be crude, but even as we speak she is sifting through what can be determined.

Mission 5 (The Expansion Region, Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 4 Jedi Guardians, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Padawans )
Grandmaster Bao-Dur

Well. Good news bad news.

Good news: We've found signs of a former camp that Revan set up on his long journey to the Outer Rim. Bad news: it's filled with killer droids, most of them old Mandalorian style.

How do we deal with that?

Mission 6 (Councilor Juhani, Councilor Mical, 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 1 Consular)
Councilor Mical

The syncretic cults have sprung sort of a trap on us. They want us to translate old Ahch-To texts for them. Only problem: Ahch-To has no relation to the other foundational dialects of the Order, including the Ossusi that we used as the Lingua Scholia on Dantooine.

So now we have to rely on the Force, I suppose.

Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 1 Jedi Consular, 1 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 4 Padawans)
Sentinel Arre Druz'dun

Long story short, building on fire (not my fault), bad guy, lots of mooks. So very many mooks.

He did not like us "poking around" and decided to overreact. How unfortunate for him that Mira's got that rocket launcher of hers and enough Mind Tricks to visit Revan's throne room unnoticed.

Mission 2 (The Mid-Rim, Councilor Bastila Shan, Consular Atris, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
Consular Atris

We have a lead. Unconfirmed-but-credible reports have put connections between the Xoona Corp., one of the many Trade Companies, in contact with the old Sith Slavers. And even an untrained Force Sensitive, as shallow as it would be, is a heavy asset, particularly if you can be satisfied by mere credits.

Mission 3 (The Outer Rim, Councilor Atton Rand, 3 Jedi Consulars, 3 Jedi Sentinels, 5 Padawans)
-Councilor Atton Rand-

You will be shocked to discover the Sith attacked us when we landed. I made the natural, if cowardly, decision to leave. I leave making friendlier contact in wiser hands.

Mission 4 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Padawans)
Councilor Visas Marr

We know what we need to know. The nerve center of suffering he has made his fortune at stands on Kaesarias. A blighted thing of villas and torture, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer; or enslaved. A glitzy shimmer of gambling and wealth hoarding over an underbelly of the gravest suffering, in ways not so different from my former Master.

We need evidence before we can attack. We will have it.

Mission 5 (The Expansion Region, Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 4 Jedi Guardians, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Padawans )
Grandmaster Bao-Dur

When-- if-- you refuse to be scared, you may find you share more common ground with even the most unlikely of entities than you thought. There is a reason the Mandalorians placed these droids here: while armed to the teeth and not, per-se, pacifists, these droids have no great desire to kill; they want, instead, to be free, having named each other brother, and loved each other, and kept all their resources in common. Revan asked them to guard a holocron, and they have proven up to the task. They are willing to see it handed to the Jedi, if we can prove we are fit to Revan's standards.

Mission 6 (Councilor Juhani, Councilor Mical, 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 1 Consular)
Councilor Mical

With the Force on our side (and a few half remembered lessons from Master Surik the first time about) I have found we can, in fact, translate, if slowly. It is starting to take shape; and not necessarily in a terrible, nor wonderful, way.

Mission 1 (The Core, Councilor Mira, 1 Jedi Consular, 1 Jedi Sentinel, 1 Jedi Guardian, 4 Padawans)
Sentinel Arre Druz'dun

The Bantha herder's in jail and we have our records back. Mostly? They were schematics of the Temple on Coruscant, from the reconstruction following the Hyperspace War.
(+20 Coruscant, +5 Knowledge)

Mission 2 (The Mid-Rim, Councilor Bastila Shan, Consular Atris, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 3 Jedi Guardians, 6 Padawans)
Consular Atris

We found them. Chained, emaciated, dirty and imprisoned, to serve the whims of their corporate masters, looking to make a quick credit and ignorant and uncaring of the potential war they almost caused. Xoona Corp. is likely to be restructured into a Co-Op under the workers, doing what was legitimate behavior, while the Board of Directors spends the next few decades in "temporary" Gara company while the argument shifts to who has the most right to take their pound of flesh.

The Force Sensitives should trickle to the order over the next few decades.
(+25 PP)

Mission 4 (The Colonies, Councilor Visas Marr, 4 Jedi Sentinels, 4 Padawans)
Councilor Visas Marr

It has been some time since I hunted; but I have. I have delivered evidence to the powers that be; and the powers that be have built their power around the idea that things can be better for us all. So they have sent me to find them all, with the other Jedi and the rest of the Council's blessing, as well as permission to build a new temple on Kaesarias.

Well, the people gave me that, but the Senate okayed it.
(+30 PP, may build Temple on Kaesarias)

Mission 5 (The Expansion Region, Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 4 Jedi Guardians, 2 Jedi Consulars, 2 Jedi Sentinels, 6 Padawans )
Grandmaster Bao-Dur

I did it, using the Force to repair their damaged bodies after a few dozen decades with questionable repairs borne of few resources. The Commune has given me their treasure, the Holocron of Noab Hulis.
(+10 Knowledge, Holocron of Noab Hulis)

Mission 6 (Councilor Juhani, Councilor Mical, 3 Sentinels, 1 Guardian, and 1 Consular)
Councilor Mical

We have succeeded, and it is better and worse than you might expect: texts from the First Council to the War Council of Revan, all gathered together, talking and pontificating on what is right in war, and when. By every standard that is set out, the Evocii and other victims of Hutt Space would have every right to gather up and throw off their oppressors. But it does not simply say to murder everyone, so we need not fear that route to darkness.

On a different note, we have also received an invitation...
(+15 PP)
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