Yeah, I'd prefer to have Usili just say who the bishop is. But at this stage, the king is largely a multivoter; there are only 4 pieces left that can even be copped, and of them 2 are almost confirmed town and and 1 can mess with the results.

Hmm...I think I'm favor of this plan now too. I'm struggling to see a game where scum didn't take a rook or a queen to start but...frankly situation lined up right now points to that being the case. We'll certainly have more info next night on that but yeah, lets see where this takes us.
I am in no way part of scumteam.

Echoing that thonk.

Okay soo I'm going to ask the thread-I'm mid-reading through D2 to try and make sense of it, but it was mentioned that we shouldn't discuss the no nightkill D1 back then right? Has enough time passed that we should revisit that topic instead of simply witch-hunting?

I don't think that ever actually stuck.

I'm starting to believe that Scia redirected the kill onto Rosen, didn't attack last night and that meso's attempt at hiding info reveal for attacks would have been damning for them because it would have revealed that meso did the factional attack as queen. Meanwhile they got a lucky break in that knight 2 attacked Usili and went for the queen independant kill on a rook while the factional killed the knight that escaped death before.

You know, I was leaning town on you, but you're pushing this too hard for such an unlikely scenario.

standard corkscrew attack

Can you define that for the newbies in the room?

Actually, you should never be paranoid of Nictis, because any amount of suspicion on nictis is always reasonable, unless he's my scummate in which case this is an unfair meta read.

Still not loving this at all.

I feel like I want to go back and read over things to analyze more than react to immediate stuff, but I'm kind of slacking on that. >>

I'll be getting on it! But everyone's reads are a mess and it's not like I can look at wagons from last EoD, right?

I'm not wholly sure I agree with you on the latter point, that kind of chaos is a ripe environment for slips, but I can get behind wanting to go back and analyse given I have a couple of things on the docket upthread.

Towncore: QTesseract, Usili 2.0, mesonoxian.
I'm pretty sure Usili and Meso would have to both be scum for either to be scum, since the alternative involves townies lying to town, but even that would also require some

Which means that 50% of this list is town, and 50% is scum. I think the scum distribution is probably Knight, Bishop, Pawn (potentially promoted by now), so I'd like to lynch a nonpawn from this list. The one I'm most sus of now is Nictis, so he'd be my first pick, but I think scum!nictis is probably also a pawn here so I suspect 1 way or another he's not my lynch today.

*coughs pointedly*

Your list basically adds up to mine, except that I'd put Nemo as bottom priority and you'd be fairly high on the list, with ajl at the top because my mind is kinda blanking on him but he inherited Ori's slot.

So you want to vote me... because I replaced in? I'd really like to see some expansion on your actual reasoning there.

Also probably still one of the most annoying things is Original_Name leaving after they stated they graduated their meme vote of hugh into a real one, and then being unable to explain it because they subbed out afterwards. Absolutely frustrating as there wasn't an answer there in terms of the reasoning why they did that.

If it's anything to do with this I hardly think it's fair to sus me based on Ori, for all any of us know, falling prey to hugh's general gutread-fooling susness as so many other town did.

I'm the most confirmed town here.

I hate this.

*Crosses arms*
Alright gents, IDK where the rest of you are planning, but I'm going to make a wild stab at things.
Claim something. The truth would be perferred, but lie if you feel the need.

But I hate this more.

Okay. I'm going to be blunt. @NemoMarx, @Shalmoa, @theajl, @Cyricubed, and @Zaealix to actually push up activity, give me who you think are the two most likeliest scum and why you think so.

Uh, no, you don't get to lump me in with actual quiet posters to try and make me look like I'm not contributing. I have been clear that I was on no sleep yesterday, I literally just got up because I finally managed to conk out last night and then slept for fourteen hours, and with yesterday's lack of effortposting aside you are clearly ignoring the average size of my posts. Just because I'm not in here all the time responding to things one by one doesn't mean I'm not putting the effort in.

That said, right now my big susses are Zaea who I'm only not dead convinced is scum because my gut has super failed me up until now, a reasonably solid side-eye at QT, and a general nebulous haze of sus over the quiet posters because I've not yet had time to go back and reanalyse. I'm an astrophysics undergrad, so shitty sleep cycle aside I don't have a great preponderance of free time.

Also I obviously don't like Nictis naming me their number one sus for the total smoke and mirror reason of "he replaced into Ori's slot", but I'm waiting for the expanded reasoning there.

Subject to later change,

[X] Vote Zaealix
Actually that reminds me

Which means that 50% of this list is town, and 50% is scum. I think the scum distribution is probably Knight, Bishop, Pawn (potentially promoted by now), so I'd like to lynch a nonpawn from this list. The one I'm most sus of now is Nictis, so he'd be my first pick, but I think scum!nictis is probably also a pawn here so I suspect 1 way or another he's not my lynch today.

Why the sus on Nictis? She's playing basically the same as always, which I know is a meta read, but I don't see anything particuarly standout there?

If you've got a case going on there, why not share some of it?
Alright, that's my bad for trying to get sneaky again...
[X]vote Cyricubed.
I really don't have any real solid cases though, which is why I'd like you to make a claim, one way or another.
Can you define that for the newbies in the room?
It's not real terminology, it was the only thing I could think of to describe the rook attack at the time of.
So you want to vote me... because I replaced in? I'd really like to see some expansion on your actual reasoning there.
Ori was suspicious on Day 1 and then he replaced out before any actual questioning could take place to deal with it. Your slot is suspicious and currently I don't actually have a read of you, but I was hesitant to really press a new SV player.

But right now we have three scum out of ten players.

I'll toss some pressure in now. Might stick to the vote, might not. Going to try to review the thread after work later.

[x] Vote QTesseract
Which means that 50% of this list is town, and 50% is scum. I think the scum distribution is probably Knight, Bishop, Pawn (potentially promoted by now), so I'd like to lynch a nonpawn from this list. The one I'm most sus of now is Nictis, so he'd be my first pick, but I think scum!nictis is probably also a pawn here so I suspect 1 way or another he's not my lynch today.
Out of curiosity, why prioritize the non-pawns at this point? If you expect that I'd be a Pawn if scum, why keep me around longer?
Alright, that's my bad for trying to get sneaky again...
[X]vote Cyricubed.
I really don't have any real solid cases though, which is why I'd like you to make a claim, one way or another.


[X] Vote Zaealix

Until further info comes to light I greatly don't like this angle your going...having someone claim because I don't have an angle isn't something you should be doing...
Ori was suspicious on Day 1 and then he replaced out before any actual questioning could take place to deal with it. Your slot is suspicious and currently I don't actually have a read of you, but I was hesitant to really press a new SV player.

But right now we have three scum out of ten players.

Okay, that's fair. I'm not entirely sure what I can do about that except guess off the top of my head (bearing in mind I didn't take a detailed look his posts in particular since I had 650 posts to catch up on and a bunch of active players to do analysis on, so I don't actually remember anything specific about his posting from my one full readthrough of the thread) that he was probably suckered by hugh's gutread-fooling sus aura, but I'll look over Ori's posting while I'm back there checking out the hugh wagon and try to unpick it. I'll come back with findings probably tomorrow.
Out of curiosity, why prioritize the non-pawns at this point? If you expect that I'd be a Pawn if scum, why keep me around longer?
Because I think you're my most likely tone scum on reads; maybe 50%, ish. But I'm extremely confident the other knight is scum, and given a choice I'd prefer to lynch the higher scum read; it's simply a read linked to a role, not a player.
For me, Just haven't had much to talk about in my Opinion, however now that most of the Pros have been taken out and its come down to us to talk and get the job done and I have an little more ammo in my clip to shoot against the wall and see what sticks, Im more open to such things.
I'd at least say in that when
At this point, my actionable path towards lynching scum is all on you. You've identified someone I'm 85% confident is scum (as opposed for the 95% confidence for the knight). I suppose at this point I could also hunt the other direction by getting pawn and partner claims but I think you'd prefer that less.
I'd at least feel not preferred for the latter b/c of concerns on hitting the king.
I'm between Zaea and meso on one slot here, but I don't think they can be scum together based on their interactions at the beginning of D2. Zaea because I'm still not sure how I feel about -Rosen's wine D1, and meso because I'm still really concerned about the Queen kill on hailcapital. I think I'd lean a bit more towards meso out of this pair, honestly, but Zaea's recent pushing doesn't give me good vibes.

For a second slot, starting to feel Projject_Delta, but that's probably just because he seems to have decided to tunnel me over something that happened under intense time pressure and something that I still don't think he's explained with Zaealix. It feels kinda forced to me.
Thank you for the answers.
Yeah, I'd prefer to have Usili just say who the bishop is. But at this stage, the king is largely a multivoter; there are only 4 pieces left that can even be copped, and of them 2 are almost confirmed town and and 1 can mess with the results.
Hmm...I think I'm favor of this plan now too. I'm struggling to see a game where scum didn't take a rook or a queen to start but...frankly situation lined up right now points to that being the case. We'll certainly have more info next night on that but yeah, lets see where this takes us.
Okay, fine then. The bishop that I saw on N1 roleblock 99L was @Shalmoa.
If it's anything to do with this I hardly think it's fair to sus me based on Ori, for all any of us know, falling prey to hugh's general gutread-fooling susness as so many other town did.
It's not explicitly on you, but more-so just a bit of frustration that they left before they could answer on why, leaving me with questions that can't be answered for the person that you replaced.

Uh, no, you don't get to lump me in with actual quiet posters to try and make me look like I'm not contributing. I have been clear that I was on no sleep yesterday, I literally just got up because I finally managed to conk out last night and then slept for fourteen hours, and with yesterday's lack of effortposting aside you are clearly ignoring the average size of my posts. Just because I'm not in here all the time responding to things one by one doesn't mean I'm not putting the effort in.

That said, right now my big susses are Zaea who I'm only not dead convinced is scum because my gut has super failed me up until now, a reasonably solid side-eye at QT, and a general nebulous haze of sus over the quiet posters because I've not yet had time to go back and reanalyse. I'm an astrophysics undergrad, so shitty sleep cycle aside I don't have a great preponderance of free time.

Also I obviously don't like Nictis naming me their number one sus for the total smoke and mirror reason of "he replaced into Ori's slot", but I'm waiting for the expanded reasoning there.

Subject to later change,

[X] Vote Zaealix
I'm sorry about that. I was just going purely by post-counts since I was just getting a bit frustrated at the time for just like, the lack of just comments being stated in general and just like tried pinging everyone with posts below like Terrabrand to talk more.

It's appreciated though for the answers.
Last response for the day.

It's not explicitly on you, but more-so just a bit of frustration that they left before they could answer on why, leaving me with questions that can't be answered for the person that you replaced.

That was actually a bit of poor formatting on my part, I was still talking to Nictis; I should have said "if it's anything to do with this: [your quote]..."

I'm sorry about that. I was just going purely by post-counts since I was just getting a bit frustrated at the time for just like, the lack of just comments being stated in general and just like tried pinging everyone with posts below like Terrabrand to talk more.

It's appreciated though for the answers.

The other problem there is that I have of course replaced in recently and therefore my postcount is naturally going to be lower.

No worries, though. Think I might have overreacted a bit there, tonewise, so my apologies too.

I'd at least say in that when

You got cut off here.

Bishops alternate heal/rb and track on even/odd or odd/even nights.
Bishops can track on their off nights now Cyri, and I'm townreading the person I tracked, and they apparently didn't visit anyone.

Bishops alternate heal/rb and track on even/odd or odd/even nights.

Sorry Work isn't helping me I posted that because at the point of reveal you might as well say who you tracked and the way you put that had me scratching my head. Frankly I'm under the impression that if you tracked a knight you'd know. Who did you track and why?
Sorry Work isn't helping me I posted that because at the point of reveal you might as well say who you tracked and the way you put that had me scratching my head. Frankly I'm under the impression that if you tracked a knight you'd know. Who did you track and why?
Why would I know if I tracked a Knight? Knights are ninja, I don't see why I'd have any better insight into whether they're a Pawn or a Knight from tracking them or not.

But alright, I tracked you, because I find you frustratingly difficult to read at the best of times until the stars align and I'd rather have some kind of concrete data point to go off of here.
Sorry Work isn't helping me I posted that because at the point of reveal you might as well say who you tracked and the way you put that had me scratching my head. Frankly I'm under the impression that if you tracked a knight you'd know. Who did you track and why?
Knights are Ninja, so you would get no result. We've already outed the remaining Rook and Queen. Prior to night 2, only pawns had died. As such, the only info they could possibly have is the king.
Knights are Ninja, so you would get no result. We've already outed the remaining Rook and Queen. Prior to night 2, only pawns had died. As such, the only info they could possibly have is the king.
Well, that or the scum kill, but if they were town they would have shared that and if they were scum they wouldn't know it from tracking.
I was gonna do an effortpost and try and guess at how many pawns we have left (basically odds of the promotions mattering, and whether we could tell) but this is kind of a distracting reveal.

Someone ping me if that would still be helpful for solving though?
Anyways, not going to be happy about getting misyeeted here over QT deciding that the mechanics breaks down to one super-specific way when we have a sorta implausible Rook watch, a very implausible but somehow justified Queen kill, Zaea continuing to be Zaea in the other corner, and a Knight somewhere that I agree is almost certainly scum but probably isn't Cyricubed.
I was gonna do an effortpost and try and guess at how many pawns we have left (basically odds of the promotions mattering, and whether we could tell) but this is kind of a distracting reveal.

Someone ping me if that would still be helpful for solving though?
Wait, why would that mechanics post even be helpful at this stage of the game in the first place even assuming I didn't get outed as a Bishop?
Wait, why would that mechanics post even be helpful at this stage of the game in the first place even assuming I didn't get outed as a Bishop?

Someone was talking about mass claims, and I started looking at the math then. I'm not sure if there's a clear and good result - there's no good way to tell if pawns promoted into yet? But it was relevant to the idea of claiming power roles or claiming neighborhoods, because if there's a lot of possible pawns that changes how easy it is to catch bad claims.
Someone was talking about mass claims, and I started looking at the math then. I'm not sure if there's a clear and good result - there's no good way to tell if pawns promoted into yet? But it was relevant to the idea of claiming power roles or claiming neighborhoods, because if there's a lot of possible pawns that changes how easy it is to catch bad claims.
If you want to force pawns to claim neighborhoods, I think the only way you'll ever end up catching someone is if you don't point out the possible solutions first, and late claims are inherently more suspicious than early claims on that one since it's a counting puzzle.

The pawn inheritance arrangement is more complicated and I don't think it has a clean enough solution to be of particular importance at this particular point in the game coming from someone that isn't town confirmed. Too easy to misrepresent one of the results if it's convenient, just because it gets complicated enough that such a mistake could be passed off as an honest mistake regardless, I think.
That was actually a bit of poor formatting on my part, I was still talking to Nictis; I should have said "if it's anything to do with this: [your quote]..."

The other problem there is that I have of course replaced in recently and therefore my postcount is naturally going to be lower.

No worries, though. Think I might have overreacted a bit there, tonewise, so my apologies too.
Ah, and no worries!

You got cut off here.


For what I meant to say in full to Delta: