The Smallest of Dragons, The Loudest of Roars (An ASOIAF Valyrian Adventure Quest)

[X]A Letter from the Golden Flyers Dragon Racing Company: Your father… was a friend of one of the riders there… something about… needing to race your dragon for the good of the company. You knew your father was a racer before the Legion… but he was only ten…
[X]A Letter from the Golden Flyers Dragon Racing Company: Your father… was a friend of one of the riders there… something about… needing to race your dragon for the good of the company. You knew your father was a racer before the Legion… but he was only ten…
[X]A Letter from an Ally: "Meet me in Summer Spring, on the southern coast… come alone, with your dragon… it's time you learned the truth about why your father died."
Rhaegon III: The Golden Flyers
Rhaegon III: The Golden Flyers

[X]A Letter from the Golden Flyers Dragon Racing Company: Your father… was a friend of one of the riders there… something about… needing to race your dragon for the good of the company. You knew your father was a racer before the Legion… but he was only ten…

You did not expect a letter from a racing team to carry too much in the way of significance for your future and that of your families… past love of Dragon races.

That was what this family was known for… the idea around the beginning of the first Dragon Races… That was your family's claim to fame, how you rose to senatorial status. Not through great conquests… through expanding the Freehold, or being great and powerful sorcerers and architects who built the entire grand cities that are among the greatest in the world…

No, it was because the bond to dragons was important to them, and was important to the Freehold… and it led to wanting to grow stronger, to grow better and more powerful.

Races were seen as training…

Before the use of magic wiped it all away, and through more intricate blood magics, the use of bonding and training your dragons fell out of favor, for just sheer dominance with power and guile.

But soon they developed into something far more grand… far more than their intended purpose.

And it allowed the best to rise to power, fame and glory that even the greatest of magics could not give to a Dragonrider.

Through the conquest of the skies.

But it was delivered, as was tradition… by a Dragon rider, a racer perhaps, or maybe just one of their fans. You didn't know really, but their silver hair was dyed, gold and blue… The Colors of the Golden Flyers.

You and Rhaerya were lazing around in your villa's large courtyard… you were playing with her hair, wishing that the moment would last forever… a moment of peace and bliss.

Of course the Dragon landing ended that moment.

Fucking inconsideret cunts.

You looked at the two, the Dragon and the woman who jumped off the back of her Dragon. "Are you Rhaegon Eleanor?" She asked.

"Yes." You replied with a growl. "What do the Golden Flyers want?"

The Racer just handed over a sealed letter with a Dragon breathing golden smoke as it's seal. "Don't know, my Race master just wants you to have this." She stated.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Rhaerya offered, making you very uncomfortable.

"Sorry My lady, but I've got a race tomorrow at Summerwind. Wish me luck." She replied as she ran back to her Dragon.

The Black beast then flew away, kicking up dust as it's great wings flapped. It was certainly older than Vhereon… but that was all it did.

A Very well trained Dragon… you knew from experience that sometimes Dragons… made a mess of things. Soot on the ground, scratching the walls… eating without being told or did not hunt themselves.

You looked to the letter, and found yourself very annoyed. "What could they want?" You muttered to yourself.

"Well, read it." Rhaerya stated. "It can't be any worse than what you've read before."

You nodded. It wasn't… nothing could be worse than the executioners orders you were forced to read out.

But you prepared for something like that… as you opened the letter.

"To His Eminence of the Senate, Rhaegon Elaenor,

We at the Golden Flyer Racing Team, are saddened by the death of our once comrade in the sky, and your father. He had worked with the team when he was a boy, same with your grandfather, before your father joined the legions.

He was among the greatest Racers that have ever been part of the team. Greater than even myself… the Greatest Racer alive.

But these idle words stir more sadness than pride in yourself and your name. We at the Team, wish to offer you a place among us. Your father owned a minority stake in the team when he retired from Racing, and if you wish to come claim your rightful place as that owner, we would gladly accept you as one of our own.

But it is not just an ownership position we are offering. We know about your… great skill with your dragon.

We want you to become a racer, and become a Brother of the Sky with us.

We will wait for your answer… and a place will be waiting for you, in Summerwind.

For all Dragons are Bonded through the Old ways… For we are all bound together.

Your most Humble of Servants

Rhaegar Swiftwind."​

You smiled. Maybe…

What do you do?:

[]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.

[]Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.

[]Ignore the Offer: You don't want to be part of the team… that is something you do not see yourself as.

If you ignore the Offer Only:

What do you do:

(Choose 5 Actions)

[]Eavnings of Dark and Light: Rhaerya wants to show you her magic… and maybe… something more.

[]Some Help: Rhaerya came to you with exactly one thing on her mind… Helping you see life as worth living.

[]Old Swords: Your Father's… old friends from the Legion have come… they have started to take positions to defend you? Why?

[]A Senatorial Affair: Your Regent wishes to Speak to you… and give you a warning?

[]An Adventure: You wish to go on an adventure… MAybe it was because the world was seen as something greater… Maybe because you think there are assassins out to get you… Which given your circumstances… might be more true than you think.

[]A Dish Served: You are going to… visit the Agaelor family. And make it clear… that if you were not… well, begged for mercy by their daughter… you would kill them all. But you were not Aegon… You were better.

[]A Scaly Conundrum: You have a Dragon Scale on your hand… a mark from your dragons bond with you… You know it is not rare. But you need to know what it does.

[]Swords and Sorcery: You see the new Valyrian blade… and realize something… it can be even better.

[]The Legion and the Senate: Why does the Legion want revenge on the Senate? And why did your father try to give it to them?

[]Join the Legion: You want to leave this place. To… go somewhere else. Home is not a place you want to be right now. And a Dragon Rider in the Legion is always welcome with open arms.

[]Choose a Hobby: You wish to have a hobby, something to take the edge off of all the stress. (Write in below of what that hobby is)

AN: enjoy.
What, no hours of discussion and plan making? Color me surprised.

[X]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.

Edit: Removed the plan.
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I'm assuming that dragon racing is as popular as chariot racing in the Byzantine empire. And therefore the teams and star racers are influential and have vast amount of supporters both common and noble. Am I right or is it different here?
Why managing, because we will become a legend as the owner who brought the team to the absolute peak of dragon racing!
Actually, there is no actions that can be chosen. If you take a position as an owner, there is another update, where you sign the papers, and then you get the actions.
I'm assuming that dragon racing is as popular as chariot racing in the Byzantine empire. And therefore the teams and star racers are influential and have vast amount of supporters both common and noble. Am I right or is it different here?
Even more popular. It's as popular as Football... both American and the most Beautiful Game.

Racers are untold millionares... just from winning races.
[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.

Well time to become the best racer in history. If we win enough we'll have monuments built to us. Not to mention that it looks like racing is very profitable.
[X] Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.

Well time to become the best racer in history. If we win enough we'll have monuments built to us. Not to mention that it looks like racing is very profitable.
Not just monuments my friend... not just monuments.

Try neverending fame and glory.
[X]Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
we need to be a better dragon rider before the war starts.
Its wild how popular we can become and importantly how powerful. I was reading about chariot racers and Porphyrius the Charioteer a star racer could get away with murdering people in cold blood because he was popular. He also helped stop a revolt just by announcing his support of the emperor. I was initially interested in racing as a hobby or something but this could be a real avenue to power.
[X]Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason

I think, being a racer for awhile is good, then we can transition to being the owner, after familiarizing ourselves with how the racing really works.
So, if we want to go racing, we can't choose any of the other options?
blast it, that is fine by me. I think it will be good for our mood to be cheered by the crowds, instead of that shit the senate did to us. And then if the consul try to come at us again? why, we will not be the first populist politician of Rome-With-Dragons! Ceaser managed that quit succefully after all, and he was not the only one.
Now this will be podracing dragonracing!

[X]Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
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Because there are new options that will be available while you Live in Summerwind.

Options that are for your racing or ownership duties.
totally fine be me! I have been following so many quest playing as a ruler / lord / leader, playing one as a dragon-racer seemt mighty interesting and very original! and most of all, very fun!
Edited due to been infeasible.

[] Plan More Legion Politics, More Magic
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[X]Take a Position as a Racer: You will go to Summerwind, and become a Racer. Something tells you that Rhaegar wants you to be a racer for a reason.
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[X] Plan More Legion Politics, More Magic
-[X]Take a Position as an Owner: You will go to Summerwind, and become an Owner of the Team. You wish to make yourself known as a manager, and a leader… not a daredevil racer.
-[X]Eavnings of Dark and Light: Rhaerya wants to show you her magic… and maybe… something more.
-[X]Old Swords: Your Father's… old friends from the Legion have come… they have started to take positions to defend you? Why?
-[X]A Senatorial Affair: Your Regent wishes to Speak to you… and give you a warning?
-[X]A Scaly Conundrum: You have a Dragon Scale on your hand… a mark from your dragons bond with you… You know it is not rare. But you need to know what it does.
-[X]The Legion and the Senate: Why does the Legion want revenge on the Senate? And why did your father try to give it to them?
This is a bad vote. You cannot have a plan like that as an owner, or a racer.

You can only plan like that if you ignore them.