"There is no room, for I, Zhen to be," his other half said. "Outside, there are such places."
The Name for Zhen is [Renewal], the destruction that clears away the old to make way for the new. For Zhen, the Sect grounds are insufficiently wild to be comfortable. To make a stab at the problem, the Sect to too controlled and bounded: Zhen's Fire nature can't be let loose without brushing up against places ordered and claimed by the Sect, leaving him feeling restricted and constrained, incapable of expressing himself fully.
In other words, Zhen perhaps needs more places to burn than he has? And thus, the future land needs of Zhengui has to take into account a degree of expendable area.
in the back of her mind, she had still been expecting to be more necessary. There was something to ponder in that.
A moment in the Ling Qi/Zhengui relationship arc! Ling Qi has discovered an area in which Zhengui surpasses her, marking out a possible direction for Zhengui's independent development!
As for the vote options. They are an answer to Zhengui's question of
insecurity, stemming from a lack of self-worth and unstable identity.
[] He was her little brother, and she wanted to work on something as equals. (Combination technique route)
Directs Ling Qi's feelings toward building Zhengui's self-worth as an equal partner to herself. A stronger together theme.
Zhengui is directed to become a independent
and connected actor alongside Ling Qi, a person whose decisions and ideas are of equal value to Ling Qi's own. Points Zhengui's pride toward distinct areas where he can say "
I — as distinct from Ling Qi — did that."
[] Because she wanted him to be happy, and she wanted to be part of that. (Tech alteration route)
Directs Ling Qi's feelings towards building Zhengui's self-worth via his happiness and interests. A happier together theme.
Zhengui is directed toward exploring what makes him happy, the ways he's different and his interests are different from Ling Qi (even if doing them together is better). Points Zhengui's identity toward areas where he says "
These things are what I like."