Given that she is in fact Prism and this:Wow, Linqin really doesn't like CRX. I think basically every single on screen appearance has her spending her time throwing passive aggressive remarks at us and trying to discredit our efforts. That level of vindictive pettiness aimed at a teenager by someone so old is honestly kind of pathetic.
I'm kinda suspecting she might be incapable of not disliking CRX.A voice, Diao Linqin's cut through the pressure, pale pink rose petals closed around the burning radiance that threatened to crush her, loving and covetous.
Her relationship with Shenhua is probably part of her Way to some degree and makes her reflexively and permanently peeved with the person who is theoretically Shenhua's closest living relative.
I mentioned this on the discord, but I'm not sure the guys beneath Shenhua were even part of it all.The thing with the Shishigui seems pretty logical in retrospect. They only launched this war out of desperation, with the only alternative being slow but steady extermination by the empire. If the imperials weren't utterly blinded by supremacist ideology to a downright comical degree, they'd have offered them this deal years ago.
Since Shenhua knew about them in advance, I suspect they were vaguely aware of her as well and their policy up to now was probably "just keep your fucking head down", but then the guys that don't have to freaking live directly under Shenhua started up some shit and when Shenhua came knocking on their door their policy changed to "Throw money at her until she goes away".
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