Magical Girl Home Base Quest

Yeah, why are there no write-ins?
The response I got when talking with the QM some time ago is that this Quest is supposed to have as close to a nonexistant hurdle to participation as possible. Which is why there is only one action per week, out of a list of seven-ish actions to take. Sometimes two different voting options.

With write-ins, it would likely soon devolve into some people creating humongous, micromanaging plans which scare some people away from making their own picks, or encourage bandwagoning.

Admittedly, now that I think about it, making it easy to vote but expecting a ton of work be put into analysing the story and reading between the lines to pick the 'correct' vote is kind of paradoxical.
It's not just future productivity we need to consider but also not having a disease outbreak. Plumbing and general hygiene are important especially as unlike the magical girls a lot of our staff aren't running super immune systems.
Hygiene is difficult to do with our limited set of action choices. We can only keep picking "I want to upgrade my building" and hope that plumbing or something like that comes with the upgrade.
The big thing we need to do once the current crisis is over is housing. We have a lot of magical girls here, and not enough space to house them. For this, we should first build a staircase/elevator/whatever to the second floor, and then tell magical girls that they can get a room rent free for X weeks by clearing out that room. The second it's cleared out, it's theirs. This houses more girls without making us take actions and will eventually start giving us more resources as the free rent expires. Another option is that we could let a smaller number of girls stay rent free indefinitely, as long as they continue clearing out rooms. Basically, let them pay rent through labor. This would probably house people more slowly though, so I think the first option is better.
Remember, we already have magical girls paying with work, clearing rooms. Or we had, before this crisis hit and that was put on hold.
Hygiene is difficult to do with our limited set of action choices. We can only keep picking "I want to upgrade my building" and hope that plumbing or something like that comes with the upgrade.
Yeah, that's our only option, aside from unlocking special rooms, like what we're currently voting on.
Remember, we already have magical girls paying with work, clearing rooms. Or we had, before this crisis hit and that was put on hold.
I don't think so? If the QM's right, that's only done with higher-level stuff like the T4(5?) trinket. Otherwise, they just pay M-Boy and/or Homer with all the Stuff they collect.
That's honestly a thing I'm more liable to do for earmarked items. Most of the girls who live at the hostel have decent bankrolls now (40-70 Stuff) though and vagrant girls are normally flush with cash anyway since they can't liquidate easily.
Calypso was definitely doing it and as far as I know still is.

Just realized, you know what might have helped with burnout? That one MG who we could have hired to help with the workload for a few weeks in exchange for an item..

Otoh, it seems like burnout is a result of the demands of the crisis as much as anything else.
I don't think so? If the QM's right, that's only done with higher-level stuff like the T4(5?) trinket. Otherwise, they just pay M-Boy and/or Homer with all the Stuff they collect.
No, we had Calypso do that to pay for a T3 Trinket.
Smiling, you pulled out the watch, and held it in front of her.

"This is a four story building." You said, dead serious. "If I give this to you, you're committed to scraping out the second and third floors of shit, and remediating it to where it's useable. It'll probably take you at least a month, nine to five, every day, per floor."

Calypso was literally drooling into her soup.

"Also, anything you have not nailed down at your lair." you added. "You can crash rent-free in one of the rooms once you get it cleared out, but you're still paying normal rates for the facilities."

"Done, done, done." Calypso said. "I'll bring the bag of witchy shit over tonight, and I'll start work on Sunday."
And she hasn't finished yet.
First off, we need to start taking risky options, as per word of QM.
Wellll. OK, but we need to avoid the reasoning of "we need to take risks, this is risky, therefore we must do it."

What we need isn't risk as such; we need to break out of the current unsustainable paradigm into one that operates at a higher, more tenable level. It just so happens that most of the good ways to do so involve taking risks.

The big thing we need to do once the current crisis is over is housing. We have a lot of magical girls here, and not enough space to house them.
Physical space is very far from our only problem. We also have issues with food and, explicitly, sanitation. Our shower is a jury-rigged thing that almost certainly is not up to the task of keeping all the girls clean all the time. I forget exactly what our toilet-type arrangements are but I am pretty sure they haven't been upgraded in all the time since we got started, even as the building's occupancy has increased roughly fivefold.

At some point, just clearing more rooms isn't gonna cut it.

[If I were not having a shitty day I'd do an archive trawl and figure out all the references to our plumbing and sanitary arrangements]

For this, we should first build a staircase/elevator/whatever to the second floor, and then tell magical girls that they can get a room rent free for X weeks by clearing out that room. The second it's cleared out, it's theirs.
Note: We do have an ongoing Mundanes requirement for building improvements and food upkeep. We can't house an unlimited number of people rent-free for an extended period of time, unless of course Medicine Boy is crafting items and selling them for Mundanes that he effectively uses to subsidize rent.

Another problem we need to fix is that MB will occasionally fall unconscious from exhaustion and overwork. We don't really know whether there even is an option to avoid this, unfortunately.
Note that in this case, we DID get warning and foreshadowing of this:

"Fine, yes." You muttered, standing up and reaching for your rod. It wasn't where you left it, though, and as your back pinged with pain, you had exactly enough time to watch your life flash before your eyes and you fell to the side, cursing.

"Correction, not fine." You gasped, hands scrabbling for something to crutch yourself up with. "What the hell?"

Looking back, you reached for Jocelyn, but she was missing. It was a very painful minute before Rose found you, and picked you up by the arm. Naturally, this prompted more screaming, but your tennant's lead ears didn't care until she chucked you- quite literally- in your room. Moments later, a refilled bottle of sports drink followed you, and a sigh.

"Drink that." Rose said brusquely. "You burned out with whatever you did, and it'll take a few days to get back to normal."

You nodded, eyes wet. As she shut the door and left, your eyes started tricking you again with visions of that almost-familiar girl, before a skittering drew your attention. If it was Jocelyn, you'd talk to her later; if it was a rat, then the alley cat would take care of it. For now, though, you hurt. So much.


And at that, you left the table, stumbling down to your workshop. A one-use protective item? You could do that in your fucking sleep most weeks. Grabbing a reel of wire, you started braiding it, before a bout of nausea struck. Grabbing at your work table, you felt your bile rise, before slamming a hand down and biting it back. There was work to do. Affixing slivers of oak, ash, and hawthorn to what was steadily turning into a circlet, you chucked it into the furnace and lit the beast with a sulphurus spew of words as your back was wracked with pain again. Hauling yourself up, you went over to the wet supply locker, pulling down milk jugs filled with vinegar and spirit of wine. That, with salt and flour as binder, plus two pinch of shaved silver should make an acceptable barrier against some of the other backlash effects. If this was supposed to be a permanent item, a gemstone for rigidity would be the best; as it was, you pulled the circlet and started rolling it in the goo to get it properly coated. A well-used towel was the last step, with the remaining paste smeared into cheque pattern over it and a closed circle at the center.

Once more you threw it in to cook, this time pausing to lean out the window and puke into the flowerbed below. Rose's plants could take it. Washing your mouth out with a liter of water, you finally finished the damn protective thing, throwing it in a paper bag. Pulling yourself out of the workshop, you went back to the mess hall, where Calypso was sitting with a ton of the girls dumping loose silver coins and wads of messy bills into a pair of burlap sacks.

"Take it." You muttered, nearly throwing the bag to her. "Drop the payment off in my workshop. I need… to sleep…"

"You damnfool idiot, you're gonna burn out if you keep it up like this." Calypso muttered. "Go crash for the day- I sure as hell ain't gonna tell the spider-bitch what you did to yourself."

You weren't quite sure about the last part, only that one of the littler girls helped you back to your room where you flopped onto your mattress. To die, to sleep, to dream…
That was turn before last.

Then we voted to make a wand, further exercising Medicine Boy's magical talent. No wonder the poor kid crapped out on us like that!

I should have seen it coming. We might have been OK if we'd taken a week off the acts of magic, done some building upgrades or something.
Wait what? I mean I can sorta see it with Medicine Boy and Joselyn, but when did Homer and Calypso get close? Or is this just something that Homer thinks?

Since I don't think anyone answered you on that:

"Then bring Erika in and have her fucking cook then!" Sofia groaned. "Seriously, she can cook pretty well, and it's not like eating halal will kill you. Plus you can have her play seeing eye dog for Homer when he goes on grocery runs instead of having Calypso do it."

"Calypso goes with him on shopping runs?" you asked, confused.

"Has for the last three weeks."

They apparently can stand each other's presence for long enough to do the grocery runs, I'm pretty sure Homer's hitting the beginning of puberty if I remember his rough age correctly, and who knows where the lines between acquaintances, friends, and boy/girlfriend are (nobody in the building probably does, except Chris/Rose maybe).
And not everyone has a good memory to remember all the details from previous updates, or time to constantly re-read the quest. This isn't BAHHSCQ.
But apparently according the QM,this quest is demanding the same sort of thing.

Admittedly, now that I think about it, making it easy to vote but expecting a ton of work be put into analysing the story and reading between the lines to pick the 'correct' vote is kind of paradoxical.
That's a good point.
I do think there's something of an imcompatibility between the mindset

"The quest should be approachable enough that you only have seven options and none of them are 'take a fucking break for a week because wow you are exhausted' ." and

"If you want to know how your characters are doing, make sure to chew through the past 10-20 thousand words of updates carefully looking for places where I casually drop important details and then move on to something else."

They apparently can stand each other's presence for long enough to do the grocery runs, I'm pretty sure Homer's hitting the beginning of puberty if I remember his rough age correctly, and who knows where the lines between acquaintances, friends, and boy/girlfriend are (nobody in the building probably does, except Chris/Rose maybe).
Yeah, Homer's an early-teenage boy (is he even 13?) who's Been Through Some Shit. Him latching onto Calypso as his kinda-girlfriend just because they get along well wouldn't be out of the question, and, hell, the liking might be mutual!

People keep saying this, but the QM said the main solution was to solve the crisis faster. Note that the magic we did last week that burnt us out was the funerary rite, not the laboratory.
Eh. I don't regret exhausting MB in pursuit of a strategy that tries to limit casualties, as long as he pulls through medically. On the other hand, I see the logic of trying to push for a quick, dirty, aggressive strike.

It's just "the aggressive strike fails with 30% casualties" is a really bad but as far as I know totally plausible outcome of that kind of action, and if I have to choose between that and "weeks of intense mobilization cause MB to collapse in a fever delirium for a week after he pushes his magic to the limit and then keeps going," then it's not what you'd call an obvious decision to optimize for self-care by throwing troops at the enemy.

This ain't Zapp Brannigan Quest.
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Because fuck writing some demented paperclip maximization scheme.
...Write-ins aren't going to lead to paperclip maximizers unless you reward that kind of play. I somehow doubt you will reward paperclip maximizer play, and for that matter you can just slap down a write-in if you feel like it, you are the QM after all. As it is, we can't even do "Take a fucking break before you burn out", and I think that some of us are quite frustrated with having almost no input to the details of anything. I know if I was a voting member of this quest, I certainly would be.
Physical space is very far from our only problem. We also have issues with food and, explicitly, sanitation. Our shower is a jury-rigged thing that almost certainly is not up to the task of keeping all the girls clean all the time. I forget exactly what our toilet-type arrangements are but I am pretty sure they haven't been upgraded in all the time since we got started, even as the building's occupancy has increased roughly fivefold.

At some point, just clearing more rooms isn't gonna cut it.

[If I were not having a shitty day I'd do an archive trawl and figure out all the references to our plumbing and sanitary arrangements]
Good point. If we had write-in options we could make sanitation improvements another thing that people could do in exchange for rent. As it is, we'll probably just have to keep taking building upgrades and hope we luck out. I personally don't believe that building upgrades are more restful than magic stuff, but if it turns out they are then we can always try for sanitation upgrades whenever we start getting burned out.

Remember, we already have magical girls paying with work, clearing rooms. Or we had, before this crisis hit and that was put on hold.
True. What I'm arguing for is an expansion of that. Having people clear out rooms in exchange for temporarily free rent, rather than in exchange for an item. Ideally separate from any action we take, or perhaps something where we take an action to organize a large number of girls to do this.

We have a whole bunch of girls who can greatly help our action economy and who are heavily incentivized to do just that. Normally that wouldn't work out for a quest since increasing our action economy too much would burn out the QM from massive updates. But here it might work, since the girls would be helping with an action that doesn't really increase update wordcount or the amount of thinking that has to go on behind the scenes. They'll just be increasing the numbers of rooms that get cleared out each turn, which shouldn't add much QM work since the QM already adds extra cleared rooms every X turns from Calypso working. This just increases the number of rooms that need to be marked as cleared whenever that happens.

Unfortunately, this maybe doesn't work so well for getting the girls to help with sanitation projects, since those actually do require thinking about and may be written into updates.

Ninja'd by the QM.
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Something to consider is that we already invested very heavily in building upgrades in the first part of the quest. I'm not sure "build more sanitation upgrades" actually fixes the problems we need to fix.

Part of the problem we have is we don't even really know what things we did were the suboptimal ones right now.
Certainly, it's a little bit frustrating to know that we need some kind of elevator or non-stair method to access the second floor if we want to make it reasonably liveable, or be told that sanitation is a fucking issue, but we can't decide "alright, let's spend a week setting up a cheap-and-dirty non-magic dumbwaiter in the elevator shaft to at least get started on that" or "buy a bunch of PVC pipes and some hand pumps from the nearest hardware store and spend a few days setting up something closer to interior plumbing than what we have right now", having instead to roll the dice on building improvements and hope we get something that deals with one of those issues rather than, say....actual furniture or something.
Part of the problem we have is we don't even really know what things we did were the suboptimal ones right now.
Very much this. We've been arguing for quite a while about what we've been doing wrong and why,but all we really know is that we apparently have done something wrong.

Maybe there's a disconnect between what the players think the purpose of the quest is, and what the QM made the quest for? My current understanding of the purpose of the quest is
1. To have fun
2. As a morality story to show why the whole 'pull yourself up by your boostraps' thing doesn't actually work in real life.

If the primary purpose is 1, then optimize paperclip is a viable strategy as long as it's done in a way the QM enjoys. If 2 is more important though, it stands to reason that paperclipping isn't reasonable since you can't paperclip in real life. Or perhaps there's a completely different purpose for this quest. @7734 would you care to inform us of this? I think it would at least make it easier for us to understand why 'optimize paperclip' is bad here.
One idea I had was that if we end up with a lot of mundanes we might be able to find a plumber/contractor or someone with that range of skills, and just outright hire them to get a proper shower/bathroom set up for us. It would require that we find someone in the know about the whole magical girl business, but given that mercenaries and the like exist, that skillset probably exists. That would let us get a building upgrade at the cost of resources, rather than actions. Now, it would require that we have a lot of money on hand, but if we come across some chances to score a lot of money this might be viable.

Also, it is kinda annoying that building upgrades are a metaphorical roll of the dice on what we get. Even if write-ins aren't allowed, a dropdown would be nice to have, so that we can aim things a little. Like below:

[] [WORK] No, you want to work on your building instead
-[] Medical Ward
-[] Proper bathroom & shower
-[] Build a bunkroom
-[] Elevator to 2nd floor

Which would let us figure out which issues we can actually help with if we upgrade the building, rather than having it basically be a mystery box. With everything else we either have a rough idea what it means - item & workshop upgrade - or it's research which is intentionally somewhat unknown. Having the results be completely unknown means we don't know whether we're actually going to solve anything with it, or if we're just wasting actions on something that won't actually help our present problems.
Screw it. I'm gonna argue/ramble for the stupid frigging elevator.

The thing we've needed most the past few updates is something to end the crisis earlier. We... don't know what that was. Maybe it was behind one of our research actions, like researching the Kolobok. But there's something really freaking obvious that should be our second-most priority, and now that the crisis is almost over it's going to be our number-one need for quite some time: Housing.

Our housing sucks, big time. We have MGs camping outside. We have them double and tripple stacked in our rooms. Our kitchen can't feed everyone, our plumbing can't handle everyone, and amenities like our shower are being stretched as far as they can. And if you go into the spreadsheet, while it says we have multiple cleared 2nd floor rooms, in the "temporary rooming arangements"we can see that none of those 2nd floor rooms are actually being used right now. And that's just not good enough; we have multiple non-residential rooms crowding the 1st floor as is. We don't just need a ton more building upgrades; we need space to put those upgrades in, and right now even just the 2nd floor isn't really accessible enough to use.

But if we build the elevator, we'd have four times as much space. We'd be able to turn those cleared 2nd floor rooms into occupied (and rent-paying) rooms, and have tons of room for other room upgrades. We'd be able to expand the kitchen to take up multiple rooms. We could move our shower inside, maybe even get actual indoor plumbing working. Etc. Etc. We have 35+ MGs on base right now, and after this crisis, maybe most of them will leave and be someone else's problem and everything will go back to normal. But maybe they won't. Maybe the next crisis will bring even more MGs. It'd be really nice to be able to house dozens of MGs instead of just ten-ish.

Why not the Magical Condenser? Because arming all our MGs is great in abstract, but in practice is a constant uphill climb even if we had more crafters. Selling items is nice but it doesn't help us be a better Home Base nearly as much as just making a better home base. Why not the Aura of Purification? Because it takes longer for less benefit; we'd still be stuck with only 1 floor effectively.


[X] Build a Room
- [X] Magical Paternoster: Allows full utility for upper floors.
Also stops people from voting to kill themselves, and other objectively sub-optimal actions.
I think the problem is less that and more we are stumbling around trying to figure out what we need to do in the first place.... The core problem would not have been solved just by not crafting that one turn.....
Funerary rights might have been enough to cause it anyway, or we might just delay it to next turn. 🤷‍♂️

Edit: The big problem is we are trying to bootstrap a decent setup with very little knowledge, little support, and threats all around us.
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