Assault Location?
[] [ASSAULT] Yes.
[] [ASSAULT] Not yet.
Funerary Practice
[] [DEATH] You have metal, and you know how to make a canvass boat. Load the dead and her effects in, and send it down the river with a charge to scuttle it once it reaches the lake. They will be buried in the inland sea, where no corpse will lie atop them, nor robber can steal their souls away.
[] [DEATH] You have brush and real wood, and if you take your bellows, then you can create a fire to destroy their remains and send their spirits on to the stars. Their ashes will remain, collected into a memorial container, and enshrined in the building so that their life will forever be remembered by those that follow.
[] [DEATH] You have cement and planks, and you can cast concrete with difficulty. Thus you can build a tomb to lay the girls of your home to rest, so that in the time of their eternal slumber you may protect them for your failures in life. No force will take them from your side again.
Build a Tool
[] [WORK] Trinket
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 3.
[] [WORK] Wand
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 2.
[] [WORK] Bomb
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] Costume
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] No, you want to work on your building instead
[] [WORK] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
[] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[] Write in Item in inventory to Research.
(AN: remember that tally is by line. Also, this vote sets funerary procedure for the rest of the Quest, so choose carefully.)