Magical Girl Home Base Quest

....there are more people voting for Workshop (which has zero chance of winning) than would be needed for the potentially very useful healing item of the Koloblok to win over making one Trinket when we know one-off production before a major attack is very inefficient.

Like, seriously, 4 votes would swing it.
....there are more people voting for Workshop (which has zero chance of winning) than would be needed for the potentially very useful healing item of the Koloblok to win over making one Trinket when we know one-off production before a major attack is very inefficient.

Like, seriously, 4 votes would swing it.
That is ignoring the fact that a lot of those Workshop voters switched from Trinket because they were confident it would win and wanted to try and get a last minute resurgence for Workshop. So even if people start shifting away from Workshop it won't be to Koloblok but back to Trinket.

You are also ignoring, or may have missed, that Koloblok comes with a noteworthy chance of putting Medicine Boy out of commission for weeks due to radiation poisoning. That is why Trinket surged over the earlier winning Koloblok once the risk was revealed.
....there are more people voting for Workshop (which has zero chance of winning) than would be needed for the potentially very useful healing item of the Koloblok to win over making one Trinket when we know one-off production before a major attack is very inefficient.

Like, seriously, 4 votes would swing it.
I wouldn't say Workshop has no chance of winning. We're pulling in people from both sides of the aisle, we're the fastest-growing political force this turn! :D

(Also it would be a jerk move to tempt people away from Trinket by stepping away from the uncertain outcome of Kolobok research, only to jump right back into it the moment it seems possible.)

If you want to research Kolobok during this crisis, and I do too, it seems the only way to convince people to vote for it is to make it safer to try. Meaning upgrading the Workshop first.
Just pointing it out to everyone that there is no guarantee that the workshop upgrade would make any research actions more safe, or that there is even a chance of there being a workshop upgrade that would make it fully safe to do research actions.
Just pointing it out to everyone that there is no guarantee that the workshop upgrade would make any research actions more safe, or that there is even a chance of there being a workshop upgrade that would make it fully safe to do research actions.
Yes, but we have no guarantee of anything. It doesn't matter at this point though, there's no more voting. Hope the GM closes the vote soon just so we can get on with the show.
Yes, but we have no guarantee of anything. It doesn't matter at this point though, there's no more voting. Hope the GM closes the vote soon just so we can get on with the show.
I have to admit that I'm getting sick of the vote being dragged out like this.

Votes close about ten minutes before I start writing; and updates happen the first free day I have off in a week. In this instance, votes will close on Tuesday. Unless my boss (hi Jim!) wants to change my work schedule to get an update faster, them's the breaks.
Observe, Tuesday!

(votes called)

Looking at dice rolls: oof.
Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on May 22, 2020 at 2:14 PM, finished with 408 posts and 52 votes.
7734 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Magical Girls in Area Total: 11
6 6 3 3 2 2
7734 threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Reoccurring Magical Girls Total: 2
2 2
7734 threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Mission Successes (Regulars) Total: 17
4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 2
7734 threw 10 6-faced dice. Reason: Mission Successes (Newbies) Total: 34
3 3 1 1 2 2 5 5 6 6 2 2 5 5 2 2 4 4 4 4
7734 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Death saves Total: 14
5 5 3 3 1 1 5 5
7734 threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Intel Total: 61
8 8 2 2 7 7 5 5 8 8 9 9 7 7 4 4 9 9 2 2
7734 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Crafting Total: 3
3 3
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Looks like we have our first death, and that newbies save for death on 1's and 2's. Hopefully just the 1 on the save that actually dies.

Wonder how other options would have changed things.
I assume those twos and ones are failed missions and that 1 in death's is going to be one lost soul.

Considering the influx of newbies with starlit eyes ,that's a downright miraculous low death rate.
Tbh, given that the last roll is a death "save", we might lose girls on a higher than a 1. I'd think a 5 should do it, but a 3 is looking shaky.

We'll see what the update brings.
Does look like the other three are going to need medical attention though, if the one with a three roll lives. That's going to eat a lot of time. Well, at least one kid did great on a job, wonder what she found?

And good christ, there's nine new kids this turn. Hope they can still live at home for a while, because we do not have room.
So at a guess, if we'd chosen "bunker down", the girls wouldn't have been at risk (or less risk), but we would have made less progress on the crisis since we'd have had fewer boots on the field. Not sure how "fish for information" would have addressed things - it kind of sounds like the "short and bloody" path since it didn't explicitly involve either of the other options.
9 new MGs. Friggin yikes. That would be 18 newbie MGs next week, right? With the 2 recurring and our residents and employees, we can't even feed everyone, let alone house all of them.

This is our first time seeing death save dice, but we can only guess how they work until the update. With 18 newbie MGs rolling those dice together, though, all of my guesses turn up really grim odds. :(
That's pretty much what I was worried about when we picked the pairing option. While it's good for morale, so long as casualties don't stack up, that's more giving us a high percentage of girls that'll live through this. Total number wise, more information gets the crisis over faster, and thus less girls recruited to fight the good fight.

Also, no roll for the crafting action. Either @7734 forgot to roll or those death saves cost us an action.
It seems that rolling below 3 lead to a death save for the newbies. At least the intel rolls were good.
So we rolled 10d6 newbie missions and got 4d6 death saves. Given our spread of rolls, in ascending order, was:
1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6​
We can assume that under current circumstances newbies trigger death rolls on a roll of 1 or 2. Since we are rolling d6s that means 33.3% of newbies will roll death saves per week. Depending upon how many girls die in the update we'll be able to get a fairly decent idea on the threshold for deaths. Just one means the DC is under 3, two means the DC is under 5, and four means the DC is 6.

Given we are likely generating 2d6 newbies per week* even with a high DC of 4 (meaning 50% deaths on saves) we are looking at some serious population growth. 2d6 gives an average growth of +7 girls while a 16.7% death rate means if things go on long enough we'll hit a steady-state population of ~42 newbies by the time deaths and gains level out. If the death save DC is lower (IE: more survivable) we're looking at an even higher steady state.

*I am assuming the first 1d6 (IE: the normal roll) still represents MGs wandering in/out of our area rather then another spawn roll.

Still even if we only lose girls on a death save roll of 1 or 2, which is probably being optimistic, with the number of newbies we already have (~14) we should expect at least one death per week and either next week or the week after (depending upon growth rates) that should go up to two deaths per week.
Still even if we only lose girls on a death save roll of 1 or 2, which is probably being optimistic, with the number of newbies we already have (~14) we should expect at least one death per week and either next week or the week after (depending upon growth rates) that should go up to two deaths per week.
I expect 2 deaths.
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Week 14: Two lost to the Pale Rider

Sitting down in your workshop, it was a nervous jitter that fueled your movements as you got to work. The girls had been running together for a week, and while good habits were rubbing off on them, the seniors had been getting twitchy. Even Mistletoe, mild as she was about things now that Chris had been introduced to the hostel, was starting to get frustrated. The problem, quite simply, was fear. The girls were eleven to thirteen for the most part, and a hulking pile of roid rage with a sword and several friends was not something they could stand their ground against. You yourself doubted your own ability to hold the line, but that was beyond the point. There was no line in the sand for you to hold on, just an ink track you kept steadily in the black. Grabbing a fistful of iron, you blew your forge to life, and made the dinnerplate sized base.

Fighting fear was hard. Love could overpower it, chemicals could suppress it. Motive would let someone push through, while a clouded mind kept it from forming. That sort of emotional cocktail wasn't something you could make or suppress. As great as you were, subtlety and grace was not something your artifacts could induce. Courage was a maelstrom of emotions. Still, there was one way you could suppress fear, and that was with void.

Void wasn't inherently hard to work with, you just had to stop it from not being void anymore. To that end, you scrounged up a vacuum thermos and grinned. Elementally speaking, the closest thing to void was vacuum, but since you couldn't make that then the closest thing you could do was make a very good simulacrum of a vacuum. To that end, you headed over to the kitchen.

Stopping outside the door, you heard Chris laugh as Jocelyn told an involved joke that carried on about a pirate being driven nuts. Sensing a break in the conversation, you grinned. "Hey, can I borrow the kitchen for a moment?"

Chris arched an eyebrow at you, before moving away from the very full stove she had been tending. "Depends. Can I get a vertical rotisserie? This kitchen is barbaric enough, but if I need to keep making sandwiches for stragglers it would help to be able to keep the meat ready."

You shrugged. "We normally do meat with lunch though?"

"I expanded the menu." Chris scoffed. "More importantly, I also know a butcher who does bulk discounts. It's cheaper to buy the whole cow at once."

"Great, thanks." You said, phoning it in as you went for the 'fridge' that had been set up. Really, it was as much Styrofoam as you could scratch up glued into a refrigerator box, which then was put in a wooden cabinet you'd set up, which then in turn had a rack for dry ice on the sides and bottom. Pulling on a pair of gloves and bending the spare fingers back to the flat of your hands, you went in and nestled the open thermos there. "I'll be back in twenty, ok?"

"Sure, sure." Chris said, sighing. Digging over in a ready drawer, she fished out a Ziploc and grabbed a pickle the size of both your hands put together out. "Take this, you look starved."

Staring at the pickle, you nodded as the heady whiff of garlic and cumin berated your nose. You could absolutely eat it, but it was bound to be one of those things where you weren't sure what, exactly, you were getting into. As Jocelyn climbed onto your shoulder, you sighed and took the pickle. There was no escaping the cook throwing food at you.

"Now out! You were obviously doing something, get back to it!" Chris said, making 'shoo, shoo' motions. "Hang around too long and I'll be late with the soup, and then I won't make tabouli later!"

"Wait you're making tabouli later?" Jocelyn asked. "Where the hell did you get that much parsley?"

"Trade secret! Now out! Out!"

Retreating back to your workshop, you got to work with the angle iron again. Drilling holes to serve as the base for a cold fastening, you wrung your hands out frustratedly. Your left hand was cramping, and your right wasn't doing much better. Putting the piece down, you stretched your hands and instead went over to your rack for potions. A pinch of this and a smidge of that, and three more were cooking. Even if they couldn't pay for them, the girls would appreciate a bit of a boost, or maybe a second chance to get things right.

Once your hand was back to normal, you got to work setting the rivets for the frame to hold the thermos of nothingness. Old nickel wire would be your standby, the issues of dissimilar metals naught before a magical forge. Tapping and sawing, each one found a home as the work came together tight and firm under the peening hammer. Once that was done, you decorated it with grape vines from the side of the building and a touch of ivy, before braving the kitchen to retrieve your thermos of nothing.

Once it was back in your lab- and you wiped the soup Chris had flicked at you off with a shop rag- you emplaced it into the arrangement of angle iron, before diving into your bins of more exotic resources. Since you couldn't directly enhance the Nothingness of the amulet, some secondary functions might well be appreciated as you took a container of noxious, fuming herbicide and dumped a draught's worth into a pan. Dumping the assembled parts in, you scrounged up some of your supply of alchemical blood and phelgum, carefully mixing the supply until you were sure you had enough to rinse the work off with, and then removing it- with tongs!- to wash.

"And what are you going to do with what's left?" Jocelyn asked you, glaring at the pan. "Pretty sure that shit's potent enough to hurt even me."

"Bottle it and use it as a potion base sometime. Tie a few M80s to the outside, and I figure it'll give some demons a hell of a day." You replied, before draining it into a couple of your potion capsules.

"You do know those are illegal."

"You do know I can basically shit flash powder, right? A little road salt and some potassium powder, and that'll get me more than enough boom for the job."

Jocelyn harrumphed, and you got back to work. With the agent orange rinsed off, you could get to work mounting the thermos in the frame, and once that was done you could then add more grapevine to really seal the deal. Once that was all done, in the furnace it went!

Of course, you couldn't really leave the lab while something was cooking away in the furnace, so the next part came where you were sitting around with your arachnid friend while flipping cards into a hat. Starting to sing, Jocelyn led off with a jaunty Russian tune, while you just kept my focus on the furnace. God, your hands hurt, too much to sing today. Must have been the cold.

"Пыль глотаю, теряю сознанье, воды не осталось совсем,
И вертушка лежит где-то рядом, и тяжёлым мой стал АКМ…
Да один, я остался один, а все друзья мои полегли,
Вся надежда – один магазин, просто так не возьмёте, скоты!"

Presumably, that was something cheery. As the refrain came up, you threw more fuel on, wincing as your head got too close to the door, before leaning back on your workbench and sighing. A short nap wouldn't hurt, right?

Афган, Афган, Афган, Афган, Афганистан!
Кружит «чёрный тюльпан» над берегом реки…
Афган, Афган, Афган, Афган, Афганистан!
Кружит «чёрный тюльпан» над берегом реки…

Dozing off, you kept a firm control on the magic, waking only momentarily on a handful of occasions when you felt something else twinge the flow. Night had fallen when you got up for the last time, pulling the completed amulet out of the furnace. Sure enough, a main type of Void, with the ability to calm the wielder. A deeper investigation reveled it was not just a mental amulet, but also one that specialized in creating void in more material ways as well; magics routed through it would lean to a more sterile nature, and imprinted in the roots of the construction was a spell of perfect emptiness, almost like a wand. Someone would need to field test it, but you were reasonably certain it wasn't just 'perfect emptiness' on a metaphysical level, but a true area without any of the World within it.

That scared you. People lived in the world, and while nature abhorred a vacuum, nature was part of the World. Whether it would even be physically possible to access the area of perfect Void was an open question, since most of your calculations for Void- all three of them now, and two from Homer- were based on the assumption that you were working with partial Void, such as the void of space. The fact there was nothing there was important, but also wasn't important since it was still subject to the laws of the World. This area? There was no such guarantee.

Locking it in your 'to sell' box, you pulled the softly dozing Jocelyn out after you as you left your workshop.


The next morning was by far the worst you had to deal with. Most of the girls hunted at night, and brought friends back with them they'd found, but not all your girls came back hale and hearty. Oh, the older girls were fine, but with two of the young ones traumatized and in shock from when Rose dragged them in with broken bones, and one of Trompdoy's straight-up being gone, you couldn't worry too much about them. They'd survived.

Natalya hadn't. It had been a shitshow when Calypso's group came barreling in via a stolen van, the girls frantically dragging her to the now-permanent OR in your lobby as blood poured over the floor. They'd been ambushed, digging through the blight around East Canfield when they'd been jumped. Another demon had been recognized, at least, a principes. Armed well with shield and blasting wands, it alone was enough to force Calypso to respect it and battle it solo- and that's when the hastatii came screaming in.

You were good, but it was obvious as the body hit your table- she was gone. Several stab wounds and a stomach that was starting to issue the smell of rot were enough to strain you if it had been outside your door, but by now there was a liter of blood in your entranceway and another two in the van. She would have been gone from that alone.

"I'm sorry." You said mechanically, closing Natalya's glassy eyes. "She's gone."

Next to you, Calypso was shaking like a leaf, trinket smoking as it hit the top of her blouse. You could feel the heat coming off it, the strain it had been pushed through to get here this fast, this hard.
"So that's it?" she asked, the first tear coming down her cheeks.

You shook your head, picking up a towel from where it sat on the back of a folding lawn chair before wiping off your hands. Without soap and water, the blood wouldn't be gone entirely, but it would keep you from dripping. Brusquely, you took your boarder's arms, and started repeating the process. She was soaked, covered in blood, and the small, mercenary part of your brain that clicked like a pendulum would have hated to see her stain the floors. Sighing, you checked the wall calender. It was a Friday, but you could make an exception.

Going out back to light the fire and start the pipes pumping, you looked at the team of traumatized girls in your lobby. "Go out back, get a shower." You said as kindly as you could. "I'll… I'll take care of Natalya."

The shuffle out back was as silent as a grave. Taking a minute to sigh, you went back to the storeroom and get a boat sheet to wrap the body in, as well as a tarp for your handtruck. That prepared, you sighed, crossed yourself, and gulped.

"God, please do not judge me for what I am going to do." You murmered. "Because I know I will fuck this up."

That said, you spread the tarp over your truck, and the sheet over that. Then, sucking in a breath, you rolled Natalya's body off the table with a dark thud. Wincing, your next act was to roll her remains face-up, and wrap the sheet around them. With morbid facisination, you watched her blood stained the white sheet red, quickly turning to brown. Pushing the truck out one of the side exits to the hotel, you sighed, before moving over to one of the former flowerbeds. You- and equally importantly, some of the girls- had originally dug the hole for an abortive plan to make a storage locker for stuff you weren't sure would be stable in the hostel. Now, it was two feet deep, with a cover made of old planks. Wrapping the funerary shroud in the tarp, you then taped the tarp shut, before pulling your backup rope from the small tool set you'd pegged to the truck's handle.

"I promise this isn't permanent." You said, tying off on the body, before lowering it down. "I promise."

Once the girls were out of the shower, you yourself could wash the smell of blood and death off. Whether it would leave your mind was another matter entirely.


It was several hours and a shower later that you found Acasta, the best-performing of the new girls. That wasn't saying much, though, as the herd around your hotel had doubled and you saw tarps and bush shelters going up in the scrubline and pine trees that had been used once upon a time to give the illusion of privacy. Inside her room, a neat pile of personal effects were gathered in one corner, while the girls halfheartedly dealt a hand of hearts. The atmosphere was charged, but the girls themselves were too tired to act.

"Acasta." You said, sighing.

Her owlish look at you belayed her hands shuffling the deck. "Yes?"

"I have some equipment for you." You said, pulling out the amulet of void.

"What do you need as payment, then?" the young Magical Girl asked, sighing. "Most of what I got were books, but there was some silver and their shield totems too."

"I'll take all of it. At this point, whatever you can bring me to keep the goods flowing will work."

A few minutes later, you were in possession of some ratty documents and journals, which were shortly dropped off with Homer, and a sack full of unmarked silver coins. You could use this. It would be tricky, but you could use this. Once you'd put it together with your other precious materials for trade later, you sighed and took a minute to stop by the mess hall. A cup of soup would do you good-

"Medicine Boy!" you heard Homer scream.

"What?!" you yelled. "I'm fucking eating here!"

"Yeah that can wait get to the control center." Homer gasped, glaring in your general postal code. "We figured out this whole disaster, and I think we can take out one of the summoning pillars."

You raised a middle finger at him, since that was important enough to stop your soup, and satisfied yourself with a bun while going back to control center. Sure enough, Jocelyn was perched on a filing cabinet, laughing her spinarettes off at the mess of pins on the map in front of her.

"Oh, those poor demons!" she cackled. "I have a location for the first part of the summoning we need to destroy, and here we are with all these freshfaced girls ready to rip and tear it to pieces!"

"You have a location?"

Shaking her leg, Jocelyn sighed. "I have a street corner and like five possible addresses. Send everyone at it, though, in a coordinated attack, and we can just follow the screams back to the actual ritual circle and destroy it."

You nodded. It tracked, since actual ritual circles were fragile as hell. One girl with a sledgehammer could probably do it.

"It'll be tricky to coordinate a stealth movement, though." Jocelyn muttered. "If we have too many of them in one place, it'll be a giant warning beacon, and the veil will stretch too much."

"The veil?" I asked.

"Magic abhors a vacuum." Jocelyn said, sighing. "I'd complain about you not knowing this, but it really doesn't come up in your or my lines of work too much. Anyway, put magic somewhere, it'll leak out. More magic, more leakage, at faster rates. How this hotel is still standing is a mystery to me, considering how full you've got it packed, but not important. Either way, when shit starts flying, the magic eventually hits the point where it can't really spread out any more, and just… explodes. Big mess, anything arcane gets scrambled for a few hours, it sucks. The veil is the name for what it looks like when you try and graph that two-dimensionally, because if the veil stretches it means something's causing abnormal deposition of magic into the environment. If it snaps, then there was a burst, and shit's gonna get weird."

You sighed, rubbing your nose. "Define weird."

"You ever seen The Love Bug? That was originally filmed as a documentary, but Disney realized he'd need to change some things up if he wanted to break even on it."

You nodded, understanding none of that.

"I'll draw up an attack plan, and have Eowyn look it over." Jocelyn said, sighing. "You're dead inside right now, I can tell. If you can handle the funerary arangements by Monday, we can roll hot on Wensday. Do you want to come?"

"No." you griped. "I can't drive, I can't fight, and honestly if they need to pull back I'll need to be at home to save whoever gets there."

"Good plan." Jocelyn nodded. "Now get some food and go to sleep. You need it."



Assault Location?
[] [ASSAULT] Yes.
[] [ASSAULT] Not yet.

Funerary Practice
[] [DEATH] You have metal, and you know how to make a canvass boat. Load the dead and her effects in, and send it down the river with a charge to scuttle it once it reaches the lake. They will be buried in the inland sea, where no corpse will lie atop them, nor robber can steal their souls away.
[] [DEATH] You have brush and real wood, and if you take your bellows, then you can create a fire to destroy their remains and send their spirits on to the stars. Their ashes will remain, collected into a memorial container, and enshrined in the building so that their life will forever be remembered by those that follow.
[] [DEATH] You have cement and planks, and you can cast concrete with difficulty. Thus you can build a tomb to lay the girls of your home to rest, so that in the time of their eternal slumber you may protect them for your failures in life. No force will take them from your side again.

Build a Tool
[] [WORK] Trinket
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 3.
[] [WORK] Wand
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 2.
[] [WORK] Bomb
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] Costume
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] No, you want to work on your building instead
[] [WORK] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
[] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[] Write in Item in inventory to Research.

(AN: remember that tally is by line. Also, this vote sets funerary procedure for the rest of the Quest, so choose carefully.)
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[x] [DEATH] You have brush and real wood, and if you take your bellows, then you can create a fire to destroy their remains and send their spirits on to the stars. Their ashes will remain, collected into a memorial container, and enshrined in the building so that their life will forever be remembered by those that follow.
[x] [WORK] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.

No comments on "Assault"; I'll probably end up editing my vote into this later.
I'm also partial towards cremation.

As for assault... I'll note the QM has broadcast that the shorter path may be the bloodier one. But I had hopes of a workshop upgrade this week, and if so, another week won't give us any more equipment. It might season our girls a bit more... But then again, it might just mean more deaths.
The next morning was by far the worst you had to deal with. Most of the girls hunted at night, and brought friends back with them they'd found, but not all your girls came back hale and hearty. Oh, the older girls were fine, but with two of the young ones traumatized and in shock from when Rose dragged them in with broken bones, and one of Trompdoy's straight-up being gone, you couldn't worry too much about them. They'd survived.
OK, have to know... which bone!? Or does that mean one of the rookies gone?

"Yeah that can wait get to the control center." Homer gasped, glaring in your general postal code. "We figured out this whole disaster, and I think we can take out one of the summoning pillars."

You raised a middle finger at him, since that was important enough to stop your soup, and satisfied yourself with a bun while going back to control center. Sure enough, Jocelyn was perched on a filing cabinet, laughing her spinarettes off at the mess of pins on the map in front of her.

"Oh, those poor demons!" she cackled. "I have a location for the first part of the summoning we need to destroy, and here we are with all these freshfaced girls ready to rip and tear it to pieces!"

"You have a location?"

Shaking her leg, Jocelyn sighed. "I have a street corner and like five possible addresses. Send everyone at it, though, in a coordinated attack, and we can just follow the screams back to the actual ritual circle and destroy it."
Oh good.

Assault Location?
[] [ASSAULT] Yes.
[] [ASSAULT] Not yet.

Funerary Practice
[] [DEATH] You have metal, and you know how to make a canvass boat. Load the dead and her effects in, and send it down the river with a charge to scuttle it once it reaches the lake. They will be buried in the inland sea, where no corpse will lie atop them, nor robber can steal their souls away.
[] [DEATH] You have brush and real wood, and if you take your bellows, then you can create a fire to destroy their remains and send their spirits on to the stars. Their ashes will remain, collected into a memorial container, and enshrined in the building so that their life will forever be remembered by those that follow.
[] [DEATH] You have cement and planks, and you can cast concrete with difficulty. Thus you can build a tomb to lay the girls of your home to rest, so that in the time of their eternal slumber you may protect them for your failures in life. No force will take them from your side again.

Build a Tool
[] [WORK] Trinket
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 3.
[] [WORK] Wand
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 2.
[] [WORK] Bomb
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] Costume
-[] Write in Level, between 1 and 1.
[] [WORK] No, you want to work on your building instead
[] [WORK] No, you want to improve your workshop instead.
[] [WORK] No, you want to research an item instead.
-[] Write in Item in inventory to Research.

(AN: remember that tally is by line. Also, this vote sets funerary procedure for the rest of the Quest, so choose carefully.)
Hm. I believe I promised people to work on the workshop, if we could?

Also, uh, what did we sell this artifact for, or did we sell anything for anything?